moxie-girl - moxie 🍉
moxie 🍉

she/her artist, writer, and cosplayerbsd, op, star wars + A LOT of other stuffao3 is moxie_girl

916 posts

Moxie-girl - Moxie - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

minor drdt spoilers

aw man :((

sigh. i rly wanted it not to be him :(

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5 months ago

see y’all on the other side

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5 months ago

you’re my friend now :3


yayy! :33

5 months ago

hi :3


5 months ago

EAH x DRDT crossover! this started as a silly idea and then escalated into hours trying to figure out the EAH character design style, but here's the first few I finished!

EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out
EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out
EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out
EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out
EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out
EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out

Character bios/more details under the cut!

EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out
EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out
EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out
EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out
EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out

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5 months ago
5 months ago

EAH x DRDT crossover! this started as a silly idea and then escalated into hours trying to figure out the EAH character design style, but here's the first few I finished!

EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out
EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out
EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out
EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out
EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out
EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out

Character bios/more details under the cut!

EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out
EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out
EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out
EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out
EAH X DRDT Crossover! This Started As A Silly Idea And Then Escalated Into Hours Trying To Figure Out

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6 months ago
6 months ago

(In response to ur previous post about unanswered questions in Drdt chapter 2) I think that the person who Eden was paranoid about following her was Arturo. Which would fit with the note that Eden claims she didn't write. I'm just sus cuz idk who else would know about Eden being paranoid and what Arturo's secret is. Idk though, I don't want any of them to die. Thoughts?

yeah! I do think the reason she was jumping at shadows was the Arturo scene, but does this have any significance? idk… it could mean so many things:

- proof that Eden really was nervous Arturo was gonna attack her again (hence the note?)

- a way for someone else (likely Arturo) to have witnessed the Ace almost-murder if they were following Eden around

- a way for someone else other than Arturo (Ace?) to also have listened in on the Eden/Arei/Arturo scene if Eden thinks she’s been being followed for a while

- nothing more than a sneaky hint to the Eden/Arei/Arturo scene for viewers to pick up on a rewatch

There’s so much evidence that could point so many different ways I’m so nervous….

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6 months ago

@soraspirit here's a no-text version & the individual chibis!!

@soraspirit Here's A No-text Version & The Individual Chibis!!
@soraspirit Here's A No-text Version & The Individual Chibis!!
@soraspirit Here's A No-text Version & The Individual Chibis!!
2 Guys Who Are So Normal About Each Other

2 guys who are so normal about each other

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6 months ago


all the theories/evidence/etc I still want answered before we wrap up this trial:

- what was the ball of clothes for? why/how were they starchy?? (and how did the culprit know about the old clothes)

- how and when did the culprit get the fish w/out Nico noticing

- what did Nico tell Hu to get the wire from her

- did the culprit use turpentine? if so, how did they get it, and if not, how did they knock Arei out?

- is the origin of anything else in the crime scene in any way important (where and when did the culprit get the rope, empty jugs, something to cut the rope with, etc.)

- how on earth did Nico come up with that crazy murder method???

- why the hell was MonoTV so urgent and insistent on cleaning up Nico’s crime scene so fast (I don’t think we’re actually gonna get an answer to that but why?????)

- what’s up with the scuffs on the ground + the broken light

- what’s up with Arei’s missing glove!!

- was someone actually following Eden in that scene where she thought she was being followed?

- how did the culprit figure out how Nico’s hanging attempt worked without seeing it in action (5 secs while actively being murdered shouldn’t count!)

- why did the person who took the tape think to do so (and do so without anyone else noticing) considering the circumstances

- why hasn’t anyone brought up that someone could’ve easily stolen the tape from whoever took it? (or even just asked to borrow it??) we just recently addressed how dangerous it is to narrow down the suspect pool without solid proof but I don’t think Teruko will make another ‘mistake’ this trial??

- why and how did the culprit listen in on the Eden/Arturo/Arei scene

- why did the culprit target Arei specifically?

- the fact that the culprit misspelled a bunch of stuff in their letter has to be relevant right

- why and how did the culprit move Arei’s body to the swingset?

- why hasn’t anyone brought up that Arei theoretically could’ve been murdered at night and then moved in the morning!!

- why haven’t we addressed that the murderer could’ve had an accomplice, rendering many alibis useless??

like I dunno, it just feels like David just brought up that we need to consider every possibility when looking at suspects and yet we narrowed down the suspects to two people when theoretically it could still be someone else even with the evidence? i don’t think I’m wording this well but… (like it doesn’t have to be likely or even plausible, it just has to be possible for it to be something Teruko should consider? or maybe I’m reading to deeply into David’s latest monologue idk)

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6 months ago



EDEN??? ACE????

ok but on the one hand I don’t want to suspect Eden after all that but WHAT was all that repeated stuff about ‘friends helping each other’ why were you repeating that so much???

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6 months ago

see the thing with genshin is that yeah it’s a money grab gacha game and the character designs kinda suck and all the other stuff people are complaining about and the stories are sometimes hit or miss. but by god when the stories hit they HIT. i was crying my eyes out after the Caribert quests. i literally had to sit in silence for like 20 mins to process Furina’s story. some of the writing team put their whole souls into this game and it SHOWS

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6 months ago
Filled W A Simultaneous Sense Of Excitement And Dread As Friday Approaches

filled w a simultaneous sense of excitement and dread as Friday approaches

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6 months ago

almost decided to make a drdt sideblog cause im probably gonna be posting abt it a lot but yknow what yall are just gonna have to put up with me

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6 months ago


I said I'd do this once I collected my thoughts! haha Warning! This is super long…

To start, I'm going to pick apart all the stuff I predicted for ep. 13 (I'll try not to make it too long…)

Levi's Secret

Well. Levi sure did admit to. All that! I think this eliminates any last doubts I personally had about him being the killer… (your honor just because I'm a serial killer doesn't mean I killed that specific person /ref) I really like that he isn't shown as a bad person just because he lacks empathy, and he's actually actively trying to be a good person… the fact that he just admitted his secret because he thought it was the right thing to do is so funny though, there go all my theories lol! (I'm still a little worried about rule 14 though…)

Ace's (Almost) Murder

Yeah!! This is probably what we're gonna spend episode 14 talking about, with murder method and alibis, etc. I still don't think it was Nico though! (I want to say I called that it'd be relevant, but it felt a little obvious…)

The Murder Method

I think we can say this has been all figured out, with the method being exactly what several people much smarter than me all figured out.

The Possible Culprits

Rose was still acting a little odd, but I think Whit on the other hand, despite whatever all that was, is off the hook for now, so my number 1 suspect is still Hu! I'm like 90% sure she was the one who tried to kill Ace, at least, and that's become very important now!


Well, we got all the secrets figured out! (Hu :( ) The fandom interpretation was pretty much correct, except for Teruko's (we'll get to that later…) I do hope that after this trial, some of the secrets that are not relevant/haven't really been discussed do get adressed, because I could even see them becoming motives for murder again. But also, I just want the characters to talk about them! (gimme that juicy juicy angst…)


He didn't re-open his injury or really freak out like I expected, but we got some vulnerability (and a new sprite!) from Ace, and considering next episode is probably gonna focus a ton on him, I'm still expecting at least one of the two to happen…


Luckily for Teruko, we didn't have anything unlucky happen to her this episode! But she sure did get her time in the protag spotlight anyway, I'm glad she didn't let the mistake from last episode get her down!

☆ ☆ ☆

Also, my bingo card! I got a bingo!! (ft. my messy tiny notes if you want to read them)


A few of my other bingo predictions I'm still going to hold on to for the next (few) episodes, but now, onto some new stuff!

Final Arei Flashback

Whoooah boy was that scene a doozy. I'm starting to think David's murderous rage towards the blackened at the start of the trial was genuine, because me too, man. I'm really glad Arei got at least a little bit of closure before she died, though! She also had an interesting take on the "good person" role, something that has been very important to this trial thus far and will likely continue to be. (I'm thinking that the killer may have had a "good person"-related motivation for killing, which is why it's the chapter's overarching theme?)

Also, to adress the elephant in the room… EDEN??? Well, no wonder Xander "didn't expect her to attack [him] like that" - and from her expression I wonder if she expected it either - I'm really looking forward to learning more about what, exactly, happened before the killing game that involved them! I didn't really believe in Mastermind!Eden before this, but it's starting to look pretty plausible... (Also Xander is the king of haunting the narrative oh my god lol)

Teruko's Secret

Many of us, myself included, were hoping/guessing/assuming that when all the secrets were figured out, David would reveal that he actually had Teruko's, not Xander's. While that didn't happen, the way he reacted after she claimed "her" secret essentially confirms it, as does a lot of other evidence:

That secret being hers would complete a secret circle of Teruko -> Rose -> Whit -> David -> Teruko and a secret pair of Xander <--> Min, which makes sense considering all other secret swaps are either circles of four or in pairs.

Xander and Min would have each other's secrets logically since neither of them can receive secrets, so theirs would probably be separated from the rest.

MonoTV's line about not knowing whether they're all correct feels like a reminder/a hint that some of the secrets are incorrect, and those two feel like the most likely options.

Teruko apparently has no idea which secret is actually hers, so may have just guessed the one that sounded more like her, except we know she never knew her parents and only had one sibling (as does Charles… I wonder if he'll notice)

EDIT: I cant believe I almost forgot, but I feel like David’s attitude towards Xander (and Teruko) makes more sense with these secrets, because why would he idolize Xander if the killing game was his fault, but he would idolize him if he thought Xander was trying to end the killing game by killing Teruko, the person David now thinks/knows is at fault.

However, since David didn't claim out loud that Teruko was lying, it's likely that this piece of information will become relevant much later in the series, and he'll be keeping it to himself for now.

Veronika and Hu

When did Veronika and Hu make their pact? And how did Hu, presumably the one who wanted to make the pact, know that Veronika had her secret? Also, what on earth do you mean, Veronika, that your secret isn't the worst thing you've done???? This little section with the two of them could just be entirely innocent and a way for the dev to get the rest of the secrets on the board, and let Veronika be a little unhinged as she tends to be, but I get the feeling at least some of this is relevant. (I'm betting on either Accomplice!Veronika or Veronika's actual "worst thing" being important to a later trial…)


Ohhhhh, David. I feel like Veronika with how much I want to psychoalanize this guy. He is on the verge of a breakdown, and I can feel it! The question being, of course, whether Arei's death was enough to make it happen this chapter, or whether this is something that's gonna last another chapter or two before coming to a head. My money's on the second option, because I think this trial is about to be about Ace and his impending breakdown :)

I do hope after this trial we do get to see a little more of what David's actually like beyond his facades/the roles he's been playing! Also, as much as I'd like to see David survive and have to deal with the consequences of revealing his "true" personality on live television, I think it's more likely he'll go the way of DR antags trying to end the killing game via self-sacrifice.

(We also better keep a close eye on anyone who tries to befriend or help David in Ch3, because they're gonna die next! /j)

J's Morality

This is a short one, but I just wanted to comment on another analysis I saw point out that J has been one of the most vocal people anytime murder has been brought up. I think that behind her rougher personality, J is a more empathetic person, and/or has very strong morals, making her a narrative foil to Levi now, so I do hope the two of them interact in Ch3!


Whit. Whit why do you know so much about hanging??? Being serious though, I saw someone else bring up that his mother might have died by hanging and he researched it afterwards as a coping mechanism or something? That's the saddest possible explanation, but it does make the most sense by far… I honestly don't think that Whit is the killer, because then why would he be being so helpful in figuring out the murder method, but he's still so weird and suspicious sometimes.


Even though I still don't think it was Nico (crime scene makes more sense if seen as Nico trying to help Ace, they may have just admitted to it because it was the less confrontational option, next ep is def not the last one and I think it'll be about proving who it was other than Nico, and if you look at Nico's secret quote…) I still do hope they get the chance to get mad! Get mad at Ace! Get mad at David! Get mad at whoever the (attempted) killer was for putting the blame on them! Idk I just want them to have their moment.

☆ ☆ ☆

And finally, here are my new bingo cards for the next episode:


(I can't believe ep14 is gonna be 40 mins + there's a "non-spoiler" thumbnail rn oooooh I'm so nervous)

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6 months ago


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