Be manly, be bro, follow the code, breed the hoes / he/him, gay, dominant / https://ko-fi.com/mrrharper / DMs open, discord: mrrharper /
87 posts
Army Surplus
Army Surplus
Why Jake walked into the Army Surplus store, he didn’t know why exactly he did that. It was probably boredom. He’d been roaming the streets of downtown for a while, not having anything to do before his date that evening, so on a whim he decided to go inside. The store was located in a basement of one of these old, 19th century row houses and the entire space was filled with clothes, used gear and tons of little things left behind by the military.
As Jake walked around stacks of boxes he noticed the guy sitting behind the counter. He was an older man wearing a camo jacket and aviator sunglasses, and his haircut screamed Army. Maybe he was a veteran and ran the place as a way to connect with his past.
He didn’t find anything really worth buying, after all Jake was not into anything military related, but he would feel guilty walking out empty handed, so he ended up with a cheap pair of sunglasses and a chain with a pair of random dog tags attached. He walked up to the counter and handed the items to the older man, who looked at him and a slight grin appeared on his previously very stoic face.
“Haven’t seen you around here.” He extended his hand towards Jake. “I’m Lieutenant George Foster.”
“Oh, uhm” Jake clumsily shared the man’s hand, not expecting an interaction to occur between the two of them. “And uhh… I’m Jake… sir. I was just walking along the street when I uhhh… when I noticed this… place.”
“I see, I see” The veteran nodded as he added up the price of the items Jake picked up. “I hope I’ll see you around more often, son.”
“Well, uhhhhh, maybe, I’m… I’m not really into…” Jake didn’t know hat to say so he vaguely moved his hands around. The older man chuckled.
“Of course, son” He handed Jake the dog tags and the sunglasses back. “That’ll be 12.55.” Jake quickly paid for the items with his phone and put them in his pocket.
“Thanks” He nodded to the other man and left the store, even as he heard the veteran say something in his direction. That entire space didn’t feel quite right and the way the older man behaved didn’t help that feeling.
But as he walked out of the store and into the street a thought appeared in Jake’s mind. He had to put the dog tags on. Just to see how they looked on him. He was a never the type of guy to wear necklaces, jewelry or stuff like that, but he felt an urge to see the two pieces of metal dangling over his chest. He took them out of his pocket and put them on, then quickly shot a selfie of himself to see how they looked. And they looked fine. Just a thin steel ball chain around his neck and the dog tags resting on his rather flat pecs. Jake shrugged and started walking again, still having a lot of time to spare before his date.
He didn’t realize that the moment he put the chain around his neck, his body started changing. Slowly at first, a bit more hair appearing under his armpits and on his chest and legs, his neck getting thicker and his cock gaining girth and length. But after that, the big changes began. His pecs shot outwards, turning into meaty pillows. His shoulders widened, his arms exploded with muscles, his biceps now the size of footballs. His stomach expanded, now thicker and with abs clearly visible. His legs grew longer as well, and the muscles on them ballooned and hardened.
When the physical changes were complete Jake, still oblivious to any of them, stopped walking. Another thought appeared in his mind. A similar urge as last time, but now it was about the sunglasses. He needed to put them on. He reached into his pocket and took out a pair of basic military-style sunglasses and put them on his head. Right after that, he felt a sharp pain at the back of his skull, as if a needle had been forced into his brain. He leaned against a nearby tree and waited for the pain to go away.
When the pain did go away Sergeant… wait, what was his name? He looked around and realized he did not know where he was. That was concerning. But he knew he couldn’t panic. He was a soldier, he would deal with this. First thing. For some reason he couldn’t remember his name. That was concerning, but he decided to deal with this later. Now onto the second, more important thing - where was he. He looked around for a few minutes, but nothing came up in his mind. He was lost. Then he realized what he had to do. He had to find his commanding officer, who would know how to deal with Sergeant’s issues. Yes, that was the solution.
As if on autopilot, the soldier turned around and quickly walked along the street, led by something akin to muscle memory. After a shot walk he went into a store located in a basement of one of the row houses and walked up to the counter.
“Sir, Sergeant reports on duty.” He barked as he saluted the older man standing on the other side of the counter.
“At ease, soldier.” Lieutenant had a grin on his face, he was clearly glad that Sergeant found him. “I applaud You for coming here so fast, Sergeant Fox” Oh right, Fox, that was his name. “I need men like you in my team.”
“Sir, yes Sir!” Fox responded instantly.
“I’m glad you’ve decided to become a member of my squad, serving obediently under my command.” The older man walked around the counter and came up to one of the boxes standing on the floor. From there he picked up a combat shirt with the US flag on one shoulder and a patch with the words “Army Property” on the other. He tossed it to Fox. “Put this on, son. From this point you officially become an American Soldier under my command. And the property of the US Army.”
Fox felt an instant urge to obey the order coming from the Lieutenant, so he quickly ripped the thigh t-shirt he was wearing previously and put on the uniform form his commanding officer. After a few minutes he was also wearing dark green tactical pants and heavy military boots. He was in full uniform.
“Now tell me Sergeant, are you ready to serve this country? Serve me?”
“Sir, yes Sir” Fox saluted once again, feeling the weight of the Lieutenant’s questions. “I will fulfill my purpose as a soldier! I will obey your every word, Sir!” That earned him a smile form the older man, who walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder.
“I’m glad to hear that son.” He then turned around and was about to go back behind the counter when he thought of something. “And one more thing, soldier. Are you gay by any chance?” Fox didn’t flinch at the question, just looked straight ahead and nodded.
“Yes Sir, I experience homosexual tendencies.”
“Do you act on them?”
“Yes, Sir.” Fox barked in response, his face completely neutral. The older man was clearly displeased by the answer and he walked to the other side of the store, looking for something, with a scowl on his face.
He came back a minute later with a camo baseball cap with the words “Property of US Army” on it.
“Put it on.” He ordered, and Fox obeyed instantly. He put the cap on his head and instantly felt a little dizzy. His brain was bombarded with images of hunky military men dominating women, relentlessly fucking their tight pussies. His balls expanded slightly and his cock got hard in a flash. His ass changed slightly, becoming smaller but more muscular, and his hole closed in tight - from now on it would not allow anything to enter.
“Soldier, are you gay?” Lieutenant asked after a few moments. Fox growled in response, looking at his superior officer with anger and disgust on his face.
“No sir, I’m not one of these degenerates.” He responded quickly.
“Good, I need real men in my army.” The other man said, pleased with the response he got. “How let’s get to work, soldier. We have a country to make right.”

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More Posts from Mrrharper
Back from hiatus & Discord server
What’s up brahs!
I’m back from hiatus, everyone! Went hiking, relaxed a bit and got caught in a norovirus outbreak, but now I’m back to writing. New stories will be coming in the next couple of days and I hope y’all enjoy more of my horny fantasies. Stay tuned!
In other news, I’m launching a Discord server for like-minded bros. It’s gonna be a space to share our horny thoughts with each other and just chill out. Hope y’all gonna enjoy a place like that. Just behave yerself bros!
See ya in a few days
Fly, Eagles Fly!

He made his advance a bit too early, so, despite looking like one heck of an absolute unit, his original demeanor came forward and made him look fidgety and nervous. Cassie, the girl he approached, found it amusing that a tattooed, 6'5" gym hunk can really give off such dorky, nervous aura. It's like a mixed signal for her, but she said yes to the advance, thinking that she'll finally get to experience a good time with stereotypically jacked man that tend to behave like an asshole
So, after a short workout together where he drenched his tank until he stripped himself to a stringer, they hit the locker room in pair as Cassie walked in front and Brad followed her like a puppy. But that's when the mental conditioning eventually crashed into his enhanced physique, activating all the repressed masculinity in the body and his mind, and that's when his eyes imbued with darkness, a curvy blonde chick looking extra thick and fuckable in front of him. He remembered all the past 30 minutes of the way he acted, well, maybe it's good to pretend a bit more until they are together in the shower and that's when he'll reveal his true self as his cock buried deep inside her hole, whichever it is

Former Friend
As you walk through the gym you visit from time to time you see a face that you kinda recognize.
It's a random douchebag gym bro that's filming himself next to one of the machines, but his face... wait, isn't that Brandon? Yeah, that's him. But also... not him?
Because Brandon was a 5'8 twink, who spend his days dancing to Lady Gaga and buying new make up products.
This was a 6'2 neanderthal, who was currently playing with his dick and flexing his arms. But the face was too similar for this to be a mistake.
You decide to walk up to him, to maybe ask him what happened.
But before you say a word, he looks at you and stands up.
You stop and watch as he walks up to you, then looks down.
"fuuuuuuuuuck dude" His voice is low, and screams 'dumb jock'. "needed a liftin' bro for a while." He lets out a low, dumb chuckle. "Guess I found one. So sick, brah"

The Bro Zone Resort
Mike entered the resort’s reception area and looked around. It was early in the day so there weren’t that many people around. He walked up to the desk.
“Good morning, sir. How can I help you?” A large and muscular man, wearing a tank top with the resort’s logo proudly displayed on his chest, was standing on the other side of the desk and looking at Mike with a slight grin.
“Uhm, hi.” He slowly responded, not used to such a brawny dude talking to him. “I… I have a reservation under the name Mike Crawford for uhhh… the “Bro Tropical” package, I think.” The man behind the desk smiled and nodded, then typed something into his computer while Mike’s eyes wandered towards his broad chest. Then he finally noticed the name written on the tank top, above the left pectoral. Brock. A name very fitting the man, Mike thought.
“Okay, I have everything he need.” Brock spoke, throwing Mike out of his line of thought.
“Uhm, sorry what?” He put on a sheepish grin and Brock chuckled.
“I have everything ready for you, Mike.” A brochure and a room card were put on the counter by Brock. “You’ll spend your week at the Bro Zone in Room 37F, and your resident for the length of your stay will be Cross, one of our best.” Mike thanked Brock, took all that was given to him and walked up to the elevator. He quickly got up to the third floor and started walking along the corridor, looking for his room. Fortunately, it wasn’t far from the elevator shaft and he unlocked the door with the card he got at the reception desk.
The first thing that hit him was the smell. The entire room reeked of sweat, cheep cologne and a few other things Mike could not name. As he got his bag into the room and closed the door behind him, he looked around and saw an absolute mess. Used jockstraps, shorts and tank tops were hanging from every piece of furniture. Dumbbells were scattered on the floor and every flat surface was covered by cans of coke and protein shake bottles. Mike closed his eyes and let the horrible smell fill his nostrils. God, he was in heaven, he thought.
Suddenly he heard some sounds coming from the bathroom and the door to it opened, revealing the main attraction of Mike’s stay at The Bro Zone. In front of him stood a 6’3 brute, every part of his body thick with muscles, with a few tattoos, a tank top clearly too small to cover all of this bulk, and sweaty gym shorts. Cross looked at Mike, scratched at his crotch and nodded.
“Sup, brah? You Mike?”
“Uhm, yeah.” He nodded awkwardly. Cross shrugged and walked around Mike, then settled on the couch and grabbed one of the half-empty protein shakers on the table next to him.
“Yer bedroom’s on the right” The gym bro moved his hand around, showing Mike what was where in their apartment. “There’s the bathroom, there’s the kitchen, there’s the entrance to the terrace with the pool.”
“Thanks” Mike smiled and walked towards his bedroom.
“Whatever, bro” He heard a grumbled response behind his back.
Mike went into his room and quickly unpacked. The sweaty stench was still very much there, but at least there was no random shit on the floor. As he sat down on the bed and took a deep breath, he smiled. He already knew he was gonna enjoy his stay at the resort.
Then he took out the brochure he got form Brock after coming in and flipped through the pages until he found the only actually important thing - the command that would allow him to control Cross. There were limitations to this of course, the gym bro wouldn’t do anything that would go against his core traits that Mike chose while booking his stay. But it was still a powerful weapon.
With the command memorized, Mike quickly changed into his swimming shorts, his hard on already visible, and left his room. He went back to the main area of the apartment and looked at Cross, who was watching something on TV, his sweaty armpits exposed for Mike to see.
“Bro code.” Mike said with an assertive tone. Cross turned towards him. He still had that arrogant expression on his face, but he was clearly listening. “Go get changed, we’re going swimming.”
“Sure bruh, whatever ya say dude.” The bro shrugged and stood up, then went outside. Mike had a giant grin on his face, he was so excited.
When he went outside onto the terrace a minute later he saw Cross on the edge of the pool, wearing only a pair of briefs and sunglasses, his hunky body - and his hefty package - almost completely exposed. Mike slowly licked his lips and took a step forward.

what's up brahs
for the next month or so am gonna go on a short hiatus to take full advantage of summer, so no new stories for now
but, to keep y'all interested, I'ma do an AMA, so send any questions you have. also if ya have any ideas for NPC tf stories I should do right after coming back in September, be sure to share them
I'll still be working on commissioned stories so don't worry about that. my DMs will stay open as well
see ya soon bros