I'm just a girl with a dream. A simple dream, mostly involving cats, video games, anime and food, but a dream nonetheless. This is a blog for geeks and nerds alike. Please, enjoy my blog and do follow. :)
506 posts
I Want To Be A Woman Comfortable In Her Own Skin.

I want to be a woman comfortable in her own skin.
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Its a reoccurring theme with me.
Please, please, please, even if you’re not Canadian, I’m begging you to pay attention to what is happening in Canada.
Our current Prime Minister has committed election fraud at least three times. He considers missing and murdered indigenous women a non-issue, he’s cutting funding to schools, to social security, he’s shut down parliament because things weren’t going his way, he keeps a stranglehold on scientists so that he can keep denying global warming, he’s taken Canada out of the Kyoto Protocol, and he’s pushed dozens of new laws and amendments to limit freedom of speech and protest.
PLEASE pay attention to Canada. We can’t handle another four years of him, socially financially or internationally. If the international community is paying attention, we might stand a chance.