Someone Made Art Of My Cosplay Character And I Legitimately Teared Up
Someone made art of my cosplay character and I legitimately teared up
More Posts from Mtshrike
I had Spiderverse thoughts. What if Hobie's guitar is made of metal or something? He has super strength but if he dropped that thing it could crack the pavement. It would explain how he could use it as a weapon without it breaking. I don't know how it would work out with the sound, but it's electric, maybe it wouldn't matter quite as much? I don't know guitars.
Work today was decidedly not fun
Last Line Challenge!
Thank you @happybean17 for the tag!
Woe, wip be upon ye! The last line I drew on this piece was part of the eyes. I've been trying to hash out a more realistic style. It is a full body piece but I didn't feel like drawing clothes so the legs had to get mostly cropped out. Hopefully this is enough for tumblr not to give it the boot.

No pressure tags lovelies! @deadbranch @sofasoap