Mtshrike - Chcikeb Sandwuich
More Posts from Mtshrike
1 year ago
1 year ago
My instagram feed is full of biker videos and it makes me want to get one. Which is stupid because I'm scared of driving just a car. I have been a backpack once for a very short drive with my uncle and...I honestly don't remember that much. Loud, I think.
1 year ago
Why is destiny shitting itself
1 year ago
This game really does not want to let me play hunter
1 year ago
I had Spiderverse thoughts. What if Hobie's guitar is made of metal or something? He has super strength but if he dropped that thing it could crack the pavement. It would explain how he could use it as a weapon without it breaking. I don't know how it would work out with the sound, but it's electric, maybe it wouldn't matter quite as much? I don't know guitars.
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