24 she/her adhd/learning disability/ocxcanon/self-shippingPeeps that are minors, pedos, pornbots, transphobes, racist, zoophiles dni
174 posts
Alexis X Starscream Transformers Armada By Rat Bat On Rule 34

Alexis x Starscream transformers armada by rat bat on rule 34
More Posts from Multifandomlady24

no one:
me: okay what if I took two Cons and rugged bounty hunter and made them attractive. Like really attractive. Like really, really, super freakin h—
Fuck it I was gonna do a ficlet but finals are coming up and I cannot be bothered.

Maybe I'll do one once school is over.

Wanted to try out more humanformers so I did Lockdown and Swindle in which Swindle tries to sell some scam to Lockdown
(im having to use a different art program because for some reason my new tablet doesnt like the copy of sai 1 I have with all my custom brushes)

This may or may not be a Deathclaw.
I was just in the mood for some reptiles.

sibling requests