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almost heaven

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@EW:Captain Americas Biggest Weakness Puppies!

@EW: Captain America’s biggest weakness — puppies! 

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More Posts from Multifandommandy

5 years ago

Baby Self

Alternative to “Babies! Assemble”

Summary: What if it was you that got turned into a baby instead?

Warnings: More fluff, steve calling you a shit ton of cute nicknames

Baby Self

“Are you sure you don’t need anything?” Steve asked in distress.

“It’s fine, baby.” You assured softly, pressing a soft kiss to your husband’s cheek.

“All I’m doing is retrieving intel. I’ll be out of there and back here before you can even worry about me.” You smiled.

“I’ll never be okay with you doing anything alone, I guess.” He sighed, a cute small on his face.

“Well, Captain.” You sassed, pushing the button on your wrist and booting your suit up. “I made it all the way here without you, and managed to out rank you all on my own. I can manage.”

The blond chuckled before tucking your hair away and securing your helmet.

“I know, sweetheart.” He agreed. “Worrying about you is just a skill of mine.”

You stepped up on to the hangar and Bruce began to count down.

“Time travel commencing in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!”

It all happened so quick. One second you were at a 60’s military base, the next you were traveling through the quantum realm, and now you’re here on the floor back at the Avenger’s compound. You immediately took notice of the weakness of your limbs. Carefully, you attempting to stand only to fall desperately back on to the cold floor. You opened your mouth to call for help only to shock yourself even further. Your womanly tone displaced with a soft high pitched whimper.

“Oh...shit.” Scott gasped.

“Steve’s going to kill us, Lord have mercy.” Bruce panicked.

“Us?! I thought you were in charge of doing welfare checks on the suits?!” Scott exclaimed.

“I thought you were!” Bruce argued.

“Oh my god! I’m going to die, I’m going to die! Captain America is going to kill me! I let down America’s ass!” Scott panicked.

Out of frustration, you picked up your helmet with the intentions of throwing it at them. Instead, a pair of small chubby arms invaded your vision as they weakly lifted up the helmet. Those aren’t your arms! You let out a fearful shriek before tossing the helmet away. What they hell was going on? Scott and Bruce turned towards you looking as frantic as humanly possible. Scott was the first one to move, running towards you and kneeling before you.

“Hi, Mrs.America- uh, Mrs.Rogers, Mrs.Captain America-Rogers, anyways! You’re okay, alright? You’re okay!” Scott cooed.

You furrowed your brows and stared angrily at him. You’re a grown ass woman, why is he talking to you like you were a child?

“What’s going on?” Steve’s authoritative voice boomed as he strut into the room.

Steve! A sudden urge to cry took over you at the sound of his voice. In that moment, his voice was the most comforting and assuring thing in the world.

“Scott? What’s that?” He asked, his eyes curiously studying Scott’s hunched over form.

Scott began to nervously laugh.

“We can explain!” He offered before he moved out of the way so Steve could see you.

Giddiness and excitement you have never experienced before took over you. You began to giggle hysterically at the sight of your husband. If only your legs could work right so you could get up and hug him! You quickly crawled towards him until you were sat right at his feet. He looked down at you with an unreadable expression. Did you do something wrong? Did he not want you anymore now that you were injured and weak? The rejection stabbed your heart as your bottom lip quivered and your eyes watered. A cry left your mouth until you were full blown sobbing. What was the matter with you? What happened while you were gone?

“Oh sweetheart, don’t cry baby! C’mere,” Your husband cooed, scooping you right into his arms.

You sniffled and wrapped your abnormally tiny arms around him, laying your head on his chest which seemed to be bigger.

“You turned my wife...into a baby.” Steve spoke slowly.

A what? A baby! With a gasp, you pulled away from Steve and looked down at your hands. You were met with the sight of tiny chubby hands.

“How could you have possibly allowed this to happen?” Steve demanded, rubbing your small back as he began to soothingly bounce you.

You nuzzled your head into the crook of his neck, tangling your hands in his hair as you began to nod off. How you were sleepy at such a detrimental time was beyond you.

“What’s going on?” Tony asked as he entered the room, his chocolate orbs widening at the sight of you. “Oh my god Baby Y/N!”

“Scott was supposed to check her suit!” Bruce quickly answered, pointing an accusing finger at his partner.

“We both are responsible for things like this!” Scott combated.

Their sheer volume rang through your tiny ears. You winced and placed your hands over them as you looked up at Steve.

“Loud,” You whined.

His gaze softened at the sight of your cherub face, tiny pout, and big wide eyes.

“I know, babygirl, I’m sorry.” He sighed, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Do you want to go lay down in our room while I handle this?”

You shook your head quickly at the idea of leaving him, more tears springing up.

“No!” You cried out.

“Alright, doll. Don’t worry, you can stay with me,” Steve assured, holding you tightly to him.

“Whipped.” Tony muttered, earning a sharp glance from Steve.

The sleepiness presumed until you were knocked out cold in Steve’s arms. His eyes narrowed as he glared daggers into Scott and Bruce.

“Explain to me how this shit happened. If you raise your voice and wake my girl up, you’re going to regret joining this team.”

The two men looked at each other before gulping nervously. They really fucked up.

Baby Self

Natasha had bathed you before dressing you in Morgan’s old baby clothes. The redhead was secretly ecstatic that you were turned into a baby. She was able to live out her baby fever through you, coddling and cooing to you endlessly. She squealed in excitement at the sight of you in a soft pink fluffy beat onsie, the ears standing erect as she pulled the hood up.

“When you get turned back, please have a baby.” Natasha whined quietly as she carried you to the common room where everyone else sat.

“I’m baby,” You babbled, playing with the arrow pendant on her necklace.

Natasha beamed and squished your chubby cheeks.

“The cutest baby.” She praised, entering the common room with the biggest smile anyone has seen her with.

Bucky awaited your presence in the kitchen, a bottle in his hand ready for you. You gasped with excitement, making grabby heads out for the brunet.

“Buck!” You chimed enthusiastically. “Buck! Buck! Buck!”

“I’m comin’, little doll. Don’t you worry.” He chuckled, quickly taking you from Natasha’s arms and handing you the bottle.

He laid you on your back and cradled you in his arms as you devoured the contents of the bottle. Bucky eyed you adoringly, stroking your soft cheek with his flesh finger.

“Jeez, Y/N’s never been ugly in her life.” He joked.

You smiled around the nub of the bottle, a giggle escaping you.

You were pretty. He called you pretty.

“You’re pretty you know that, sugar?” He cooed, pressing a kiss to your little hand.

“Stop trying to charm my girl.” A familiar voice groaned.

You quickly jerked upright in Bucky’s arms, your attention diverting to your favorite person in the world.

“Steeb!” You shrieked.

This tired expression lit up at the smiling baby girl in front of him. The stress and worries all drifted away. You always have had that effect on him, you being a baby made no difference. A smile carved into his face as he gently took your small form from his best friend’s arms, setting your bottle aside so he could snuggle you.

“Hi, sweetie!” He whispered excitedly. “I missed you so much,”

Maniac laughs left you as he began to plant light kissses all over your face and hands.

“I love that sound.” He sighed in relief. “This team is full of morons, babygirl. That’s why you’re like this right now.”

“Hey!” Bruce yelped offendedly. “I thought I-

“Don’t, son.” Steve scolded.

“Guess what, baby? I get to spend time with you while the dum dums figure it out!” Steve cooed, bouncing you in his arms.

“Okay, I’m seriously offended.” Scott scoffed.

“Dum dum!” You cheered, earning hearty laughs fron everyone besides the two time travel experts.

“She’s still so mean even as a baby.” Bruce muttered.

“I want to spend time with her too,” Bucky whined, reaching for you.

“Nope.” Steve remarked, popping the ‘P’. “You all are going to stay here and fix this.”

The room erupted into a sea of whines, groans, and complains.

“We want to play with her!” Sam argued.

“Yea! Baby Y/N’s so cute!” Wanda agreed, earning an earnest giggle from you.

“Steve.” Natasha began calmly. “You need to relax. What’s done is done. The only thing we can do now is take care of her while we figure things out.”

The blond sighed as he rested his head on top of yours.

“She must be in so much distress right now. You should’ve seen how she looked at me when I first saw her, she looked terrified.” Steve whispered sadly.

“Oh yea. Definitely distressed.” Natasha sarcastically snorted, gesturing to you.

You chin was propped up against his chest and you stared up at him with googly eyes and an adorable grin.

He’s so freaking pretty. Is his hair actually made of gold gold?

“Pretty Steve,” You giggled, earning a hearty laugh from the apple of your eye.

“You’re the prettiest, babydoll.” He cooed, kissing your little nose. “Always.”

“Wanna cuddle,” You pouted as you clutched his powder blue shirt in your tiny firsts.

“Why don’t we go out for cake pops, then we can snuggle. What do ya say, darlin’?” Steve suggested, a playful smile on his face.

You wiggled excitedly in his arms at the meer mention of cupcakes.

“See. She’s okay.” Natasha assured, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

Steve sighed and hugged his girl a bit tighter.

“Okay.” He breathed before putting the little one down and situating a fluffy jacket and boots on her. “Go say bye bye to everyone, babydoll.”

You waddled over to everyone, exchanging a kiss on your forehead for a “bye bucky” “bye wanda” “bye tasha” and so forth before you were out the door, leaving behind a team of smiling Avengers.

Baby Self

The ride to the local Starbucks was a shock to Steve. It was odd not having you in the front seat with him, his hand resting on your thigh as he drove. He did adore baby you though. Your little voice babbling away in the backseat was music to his ears. It made him think of the possibility of your own little one in the back seat. That was a conversation for when you were back to normal.

Steve carried you into the coffee shop with a little pep in his step, excited to spend time with you. You were surprisingly well behaved for a baby, speaking quietly at a reasonable volume and not drawing any unwanted attention. For that, you earned yourself two cake pops.

“Which one do you want, baby? You want the pink one?” Steve cooed.

You nodded your head with a large smile on your face.

“Yes, please!”

Steve’s heart melted as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. The cashier wrung up his order promptly, handing him your cake pops first. He took one out of the bag and held it up to your mouth.

“Here ya go, little darlin’! Take a big ol’ bite!” He said exuberantly.

You giggled before taking a generous mouthful of the velvety white chocolate goodness.

“Mmm!” You proclaimed, causing Steve to laugh heartily.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, sweet girl.”

“She’s adorable!” A feminine voice from behind you squealed, her mouth upturned in a flirty grin. “Just like her daddy.”

Steve’s eyes went wide. Normally you were here to scare all the women away. They pissed their pants at the sight of your icy glare! What was he supposed to do now?

“She uh, gets that all from her mother,” Steve chuckled nervously, avoiding having to look at the woman at all costs.

She obnoxiously giggled before taking a step closer, not taking a hint at all.

“No, I don’t think so!” She squealed.

Before you knew it, an icy hand was reaching out towards you and pinching your cheeks. You glared at the woman before smacking her hands away as aggressively as you could. How dare she hit on your husband then try to squish your cheeks? Oh wait, your lives aren’t normal and this woman thinks your husband is your father all because Scott and Bruce failed to perform a welfare check on your suit. Now you can’t beat this bitch’s ass because you’re a baby. The woman’s face fell for a brief second before she tightened up her stiff smile.

“Oh! Someone’s grumpy!” She commented.

“Ma’am.” Steve said warningly. “Please do not touch my little girl.”

Her eyes misted over as desire swam through them.

“Yes, Captain.” She purred.

A loud gagging sound left your mouth. Who the fuck does this bitch think she is? Steve pressed his lips together as he suppressed his laughter, patting your back and pretending to burp you.

“Did you eat too fast, sweetheart?” He chuckled.

You nodded quickly and pressed a little kiss to his lips. This lady could fuck off.

Without another word, Steve turned away from the embarrassment that was the woman behind you and patiently waited for his drink to be made. The woman was visibly seething from the sting of rejection from Captain Rogers himself as she glared daggers into your tiny face snuggled into the crook of Steve’s neck.

“Damn kids,” She muttered to herself.

Steve’s ears perked up but before he could take any action, you decided to.

“What the hell did you just say about my-“

You picked up a packet of trail mix closest to you and threw it directly at the woman’s face.

“Rude.” You sassed. “Fuck off.”

The woman gasped loudly, clutching a hand to her chest as her eyes widened as big as saucers. Steve had a harder time suppressing his laughter this time, sputtering out a few giggles.

“You let your child speak like that?!” She guaffed.

“You heard the boss, ma’am. Off you go.” Steve ordered nonchalantly, grabbing his drink as exiting the building as the two of you burst into a fit of raging laughter.

“You can’t do that again, baby!” Steve laughed loudly, strapping you into the carseat.

“Old hag.” You muttered before taking another bite of your cake pop like your life depended on it.


You laughed incessantly as Steve shook his head in disbelief.

“You’re something else, sweet girl.”

Baby Self

Steve recounted the incident at Starbucks to everyone as soon as you got home. They all died of laughter. Tony even gave you a huge chocate chip cookie when Steve wasn’t looking. Needless to say, you were on a sugar rush. You had turned Steve’s shield upside down and were sitting in the middle of it, spinning it as fast as you could while the rest of the team figured out the glitch in your suit. The spinning stop as a strong pair of arms lifted you up and placed you in a pack and play.

“No, no, no little doll. You’re going to make yourself sick.” Steve spoke firmly.

You pouted and thrashed around, stomping your sock clad feet.

“No!” You argued.

“Y/N.” He scolded.

“Wanna spin!” You whined.

“Tony, what the hell did you give her?!” Steve groaned.

“A cookie!” Tony proclaimed, leaning down to nuzzles your nose affectionately.

“Luckily for you, we fixed her suit. Hangar’s ready. She’ll be back to normal!”

Steve frowned and stared down at you. Your pink pouty lips, your wide doe eyes, chubby cheeks, and tiny limbs. He missed you, but he would also miss this. A baby. A mini you. With a huff, Steve scooped you up and made his way to the hangar before placing you down.

“Be a good girl for me and stay right there, okay sweetheart?” He cooed.

You nodded and placed your tiny palms on his cheeks. He smiled sadly at you, staring into baby you’s eyes one last time before backing away.

“I’ll see you soon.”

He’ll finally have you back and maybe a much needed conversation could happen.

“Commencing time travel in 5...4...3...2...1!”

With a quick burst, your normal self stood at the hangar, an angry and irritable expression on your face. Bruce and Scott eyed you wearily, nervous expressions on their faces.

“Heyyyyyy, Y/N!” Scott spoke cautiously, he tone unsure and soft.

“Listen uh, no hard feelings right?” Bruce laughed weakily, scratching the back of his neck.

“This woman who looked like the back of Thanos’ boots hit on my husband and pinched my cheeks and I couldn’t beat her ass because you turn me into a goddamn baby!” You screeched.

“You got to throw trail mix at her!” Bruce reasoned.

“I should have been able to throw a knife! Do you know how stressful this whole thing was?!”

“Hey, hey, hey!” A familiar voice cooed, wrapping his arms around you. “You’re okay now. Lets run you a bath, alright doll?”

You sighed with relief as you sunk into the water.

“It was ao strange being so small.” You mumbled. “And not being able to beat anyone’s ass.”

Steve’s chest rumbled underneath you as he laughed.

“I should have known. Even as a baby, you still have that temper.” Steve teased.

“I’m sorry I was a handful.”

“No.” He shook his head. “I liked taking care of you.”

“And uh..”

You smiled up at him adoringly.


“Maybe we..we c-can take care of our o-own little one, ya know?” He sputtered out nervously, a hopeful gleam in his eyes.

You wrapped his arms around him tightly, pressing your forward against his as you smiled widely with watery eyes.

“Babies.” You breathed.

“Babies.” He affirmed. “A whole house full of little yous.”

“You couldn’t even handle one of me!” You giggled.

“It’s worth a shot.” He reasoned. “What do ya say, sweetheart?”

There was no way you could say no to that face.

Baby Self

You typed away, completely emersed in the mission report that was due in an hour. As an Avenger and a highly trained soldier, it is expected of you to be aware of every single thing surrounding you. However, you failed to take notice of the red, white, and blue vibranium shiel inching closer and closer to you until it was directly in front of you faced downwards. You squinted before a leaning down and lifting the shield up, revealing a blonde head of tumbling curls and a tiny body squished into the fetal position.

“Got cha!” You exclaimed, scooping your squealing baby girl up into your arms.

“Does daddy know you took his shield?” You cooed.

“I do.” Steve chimed in as he walked into your office.

Giselle’s big blue eyes went wide.

“Uh oh!” She gasped, earning hearty laughs from you and your husband.

“Uh oh is right, babydoll! You have to face the tickle monster now!” Steve playfully growled, snatching her out of your arms as he attacked her ticklish spots.

The sound of manic baby laughter filled the room as you admired the sight of your husband, you life long partner, and your daughter. Your other half.

She was your baby self.

And she was everything you have ever wanted.

PERMANENT TAGS: @tony-stank3 @dsakita @firstangeldragonranch @bookish-shristi @rumoured-whispers @marshall1199 @disaster-rose @bangtan-serendipity @georgiangrl1990

STEVE ROGERS TAGS: @proud-of-being-me @capsiclesdoll

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5 years ago

Smirkey Steve be killing me 😂

Only Happy Accidents (six)


Summary: YN and Steve deal with YN’s second trimester hormones, YN goes wedding dress shopping, YN buys something for Steve, and Steve thanks her

Warnings: NSFW themes, emotional Girl Squad, Bucky is Tan France

Songs: “Fifteen”— Taylor Swift / “Flight 22” Kali Uchis / “Love Story”— Taylor Swift



March 11 / 18th Week

There were few things that were both the middle of something and also favourites. The middle of a dance routine, the middle of a season of construction, the middle of winter, middle school, being the middle child (YN wouldn’t know, she was an only child growing up) and so on so forth. 

However, some middle things were great— the middle of a really good sandwich, the middle of a drunk snuggle pile, the middle of the bed. 

The second trimester rocked YN’s world. The exhaustion, sore boobs, nausea were all ugly memories that both YN and Steve were over the moon to get rid of considering how gross and strong they all were. YN was now enjoying her pregnancy, having gained a few inches around her middle and enjoying the way Steve’s eyes lingered on her swollen (not tender!) boobs whenever she walked past him wearing a blouse for work. Every edge and corner on YN’s body had rounded out and it seemed as if this fat was why Steve was very keen on having both hands on her at all times. His kisses were longer and deeper and YN’s whole body ached whenever she crawled into his lap and kissed him breathless. 

The part YN would need to learn to deal with? The lack of sex in her relationship while she was in fact, very horny. All the time. 

YN decided one afternoon while she was showering for the second time that day (the basement was flooding, thanks increased blood flow) to initiate a plan to get Steve Rogers in bed with her. They hadn’t slept together since Halloween, and even if she weren’t pregnant, YN would very much love to ride that man into the sunset a month and a half into a real not-pregnant-induced relationship. So, she put to work, touching him absently on the couch during movie marathons, nipping his neck while hugging him and humming when she would suck in a breath. She would wear clothes the showed off her stomach and boobs and butt around the house— often skipping the pyjama pants for short maternity shorts under one of his shirts from the dryer. She could hear his appreciative sounds whenever he would wake up to find her in his clothes and making breakfast. 

Steve loved how needy YN had become, as well— almost too much if he were being honest. He felt like a teenage boy again whenever he saw YN trapesing around the house in one of his sweaters— blood rushing from one head to another. He found that YN could get him harder than he had ever been in his life when she got bored of the movie and crawled into his lap, a sexy little smirk on her face as her hands cupped the sides of his neck and she kissed him for hours. His hands had to stop her more than once from wiggling on him because it almost hurt to have her so close but unable to get closer. 

Keep reading

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