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A Mighty Hunter. (via MycatIsfamous)

A mighty hunter. (via mycatIsfamous)
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More Posts from Multifandommandy
Can I request a fic where eggsy Roxy and Merlin all think that Harry’s life is really lonely and sad because he has no one to come home to so they spy on him and turns out he has a wife that he didn’t tell anyone about and he’s really happy and domestic! With her. Then his friends pretend not to know even though they are mad Harry didn’t tell them. Then a few days later he has to reveal the truth because she’s being held hostage in attempt to get to him? Thanks. This might be way too specific…
Ahhhh!!!I hope I got this right!!! Thank you for your request!
Harryx Reader \ Queue Spy Music
Pairings:Harry x Reader
A/N:Gifsbelong to the owners, in this case… h8rryh8rt.I do not own these gifs, they are used with the utmost respect.

Spyingwas always the best way to get information but when 3 people arecrammed in a ridiculously small car outside one of their fellowco-workers place at night; it was not good.
“Whyare we here again?” Eggsy asked as he knocked elbows with Roxy inthe back seat. Merlin shook his head while adjusting the rear viewmirror, “We’re here because all other attempts at getting Harrytogether with someone have failed. And we all wanted to find outwhy.”
Eggsymade a face while watching Merlin in the mirror and smiled, “Ah,see that makes sense.”
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Tony Ward spring 2018 rtw part 2
Summary: “Could you write one when reader is Harry’s wife but he doesn’t remember bc he has amnesia but he falls in love with her and always sees blue butterflies flying around her (blue is my fav color) and then when he remembers it’s really sweet and wholesome?” Requested by Anon. Pairing: Harry Hart x Reader Fandom: Kingsman Warnings: None. Word Count: 1314 A/N: I hope this is okay, anon! It turned out longer than I anticipated but I actually really loved writing it. I hope you enjoy!

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When Merlin realizes he loves you, and trying to tell you.
He knows he’s in deep after your first date.
He’s not young and naive anymore. He’s been on dates before – he’s seen other women, dated other women, kissed other women. But…
He’s never felt this way before.
He knows it’s love on a Saturday morning in October. He’s at his desk, typing away at work after pancakes and bacon and too many maple syrup kisses. Weekends like this had started to become routine. You’d been lounging in the king-sized bed reading for most of the morning, but after insisting you do his laundry – it’d been a long week and he had accrued quite the pile – you carried a laundry basket full to the basement. Your raise your voice, and Merlin’s heart swells from his spot at his desk.
“Ham’! Where’s your laundry detergent?!”
It’s so domestic and sweet and wonderful.
That’s when he knows he loves you and he wants this to be forever.
He waits to tell you though. He waits on his heels, a bit fearful of rejection. Was it too soon? Was it rushed? Would he scare you off?
And then, one night, while you two are curled up on the couch with beers in hands and socked feet up on the coffee table, and maybe you’re both a little drunk but everything is wonderful. You’re both just locked in the glow of one another, and he blurts it out.
“I love you.”
Your eyes light up and any worry he had before is gone when you plop you beer down on the coffee table and crawl into his lap. “I love you too, Hamish.”
“Ah, ah. I didn’t say you could touch me.”
Merlin clicked his tongue as you sank back onto the balls of your feet, kneeling before him. He sat on the edge of the bed, fully clothed, and you so badly wanted to reach up for him again, to press your hands against his thighs –
“That doesn’ mean y’can pout either, missy,” he snickered, pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. Merlin smiled down at you as you crossed your arms over your chest, making it a point to pout even more.
He leaned forward, resting his elbows on top of his thighs as he threaded his fingers together as he pursed his lips for a moment. (In reality, he was trying to keep from giving in so easily. but that required more effort on his end than he’d rather admit to.)
“Maybe I should jus’ leave you there and give you a show, hm?” Merlin raised an eyebrow as your pout turned to a scowl.
How could he continue to tease you like this?!