multifandoms27-blog - Here We Go Again
Here We Go Again

she/they, bisexual | 20 | Multifandom blog | I post a lot of things | Requests: OPEN

332 posts

Ok So Let's Get Constructive Then.

Ok so let's get constructive then.

Saber would not let you use the wish that way and even if you managed to do it : 1 she wouldn't be happy about it. 2. The grail doesn't work that way.

You can't make her a character that's like "uwaaaaa no not for me!! ~~" when she is clearly not. Due to her role she has dehumanized herself to the point she sees herself only as a tool. When Shirou sees her naked she doesn't react because she doesn't see herself as human let alone a woman. She wants to use the grail to get a better king destroying everything she's done because that's how self-sacrificial she is.

The fate route is not about her getting feeling but her accepting them. She only smiles at the happiness of others and only at the end of the game does she smile for herself. Her end is not her getting a new life but accepting her death and finally coming to terms that she did what she could and that that was enough.

The other stuff about her becoming a glorified housewife is something I don't find in character but can write off as personal opinion.

I have not watched the anime because I haven't heard good things about it and I see why. I don't want to insult you. I want there to be more Fate writing but it bothers me when the characterization of such an interesting and deep character gets butchered. I can understand not having time to read a VN but please at least read the wiki a bit. I don't expect you to delete the post but I hope you improve your writing in the future.

Alright, I read your whole thing and I wanted to clarify a few things.

1. The whole “wishing her to become someone new” that I wrote was meant to play off her wish in Fate/Zero to destroy everything shes ever done and let her become someone else.

2. It was not my intention to make her a “glorified housewife.” In Grand Carnival theres a joke where she really likes food. I incorporated that as she really likes to cook, and in the original legend she was a peasant before becoming King. She would know how to garden and make her own food and she wanted to share it with the reader/her master.

3. I always actively try to improve my writing. My Artoria piece was my first ever time writing for her so I can understand if I got a few things wrong. I will take what you said into consideration now that it is constructive criticism, but allow me to give some of my own constructive criticism. Maybe lead with your CC instead of just insulting someone, yeah?

4. I encourage you to actually watch the anime and gather your own opinions. I thought it was good. It is definitely NOT the best Fate show, however. I believed Zero was way better.

5. This is FAN fiction. Not all of the rules have to apply to me if I do not want them to. Sure I could make all of them apply to me, as I have done with other fandoms in the past, thats what makes it fun. But if I want to put my own spin on something (that SOOO many other authors do in so many other fandoms) I should be allowed to do so as well.

6. I understand if my writing is not for you. You can give me CC, but please refrain from coming straight for the throat next time, or simply just block me and move on if you do not like me that much.

Hope this helps <3

More Posts from Multifandoms27-blog

6 months ago

do you make Marvel/X-men matchups?

Until I re-watch the Avengers movies and watch all the x-men movies, nope! But maybe I’ll open them up in the future.

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11 months ago


Hi all, I want to start this off by saying I love writing fanfiction and I don't believe I'll ever stop. That being said, there will be lulls in activity, much like now. I have a lot going on at the moment.

I'm working on several different requests for different fandoms. So yes, I am still writing behind the scenes. I just have college to worry about and family things, including the not-far-off death of my aunt (meaning she is going to die soon), who was more like a sister to me than anything else.

She is the reason I got into so many of these fandoms that I write for today, with a big one being Yu-Gi-Oh. Please understand that it will be painful for me to write in that particular fandom going forward. I will still write for Yu-Gi-Oh, but I'm trying to say that my answers to requests may be few and far between.

Please bare with me as I go through a difficult time in my life while still trying to provide entertainment for all of you. Thank you so much for your continued support and patience. <3

1 year ago

Early morning

Content: Adrian “Alucard” Tepes x gn!Reader

Warnings: None

Notes: I’m on phone so apologies if the format is weird.

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Early Morning

Every morning, Adrian gets up and makes you a splendid breakfast, complete with a coffee brewed with love. He knows how you like your breakfast, how you like your coffee. He’s spent so much time with you, he gets it to a T.

Even when he’s worn out from helping nearby villages fend off from night creatures, he still manages to make you comfortable. Never takes time for himself, no matter how much you may beg and plead.

Finally, his body caves in. He’s fast asleep by the time you wake up one morning, and you decide to make him comfortable. Slipping out of bed, making sure not to wake him, you ran to the kitchen to start preparing his breakfast.

• ───────────────── •

Alucard woke up without you next to him. His nightgown twisted around his legs and his skin felt hot. He had been under the covers for too long. Getting out of bed, his nightgown reaching past his knees, he opted to change before meeting you wherever you were. He guessed the kitchen.

He gasped. The kitchen! Breakfast! Hurriedly, he put on black pants and a white blouse before rushing to the kitchen. He wanted to start on your breakfast right away - you must be starving!

To his surprise, you were already in the kitchen, his apron on you, spatula in hand, and pan sizzling. He stopped. You were cooking. For him.

“Hi honey, how’d you sleep?”

“…Fine. What’s all this?”

“Well I hope it was more than fine, you slept for a while!” You grinned. “More than you have in a long time.”

“I know, and I’m sorry I did, I-“

“Adrian, stop. Let me take care of you for once.” You placed a hand on his chest. “I made eggs, sausage, and I’m working on the pancakes.”

“Need any help?” Alucard offered.

“No, you just sit down. I made you some coffee for you to sip on.” You reached over and grabbed a cup off of the coffee machine, quickly added what he liked and handed it to him with a smile.

Adrian reflected your smile, and moved to sit at the table. While your back was turned to him, he took a sip of the coffee. It…had an interesting taste. One that made his face scrunch up in disgust. He put it down and tried his hardest not to chuck it out of one of the windows behind him.

When you presented breakfast to him, admittedly he was a little hesitant. If your coffee was anything like it, he was scared. But when he bit into the pancake, he was surprised to find it perfectly fluffy. The sausage had the perfect amount of char on them, with brown insides. The eggs were perfectly scrambled, though its hard to screw up scrambled eggs. But the seasoning was on point.

As he was chowing down on the food, you were watching with admiration. “So I take it you like it?”

“Yes, darling. It is exquisite.”

You giggled and reached over and took a sip of his coffee. Your own face distorted in disgust. “Eugh! I can’t believe I made you drink this, I’m so sorry hon.”

“I don’t mind.” He minded.

“Maybe I should leave the coffee making to you…” You sigh dejectedly.

“You okay?” Adrian asked.

“I just wanted the breakfast to be perfect.” You put your head in your hand.

“It is perfect. One small, bad thing isn’t going to ruin this moment, my love.” He put a hand on your shoulder. “This breakfast is perfect already, because it was made by the person I love most.”

You look up at him. “Really?”


You grin again, lean in and kiss him. “Eat up, Lulu, we have plenty more.”

“Are you going to eat?” Adrian asked.

“I will, after you’ve had your fill.”

• ───────────────── •

Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!

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5 months ago

Artoria Pendragon Pre-Relationship HC's

Content: (Saber) Artoria Pendragon x Fem!Reader

Warnings: None

Notes: I've been on a Fate kick recently and I absolutely love Artoria. If people like this maybe I'll make more...send in requests if you'd like!

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Artoria Pendragon Pre-Relationship HC's

You both likely meet because you summoned her for the holy grail war. Her beautiful green eyes land on you and she takes a knee. "I ask you...are you my master?"

Over the course of the war, you two had gotten close. Your strategy seemed...dull compared to hers. She was in fact the king of Britain and therefore the head of the military for years. So naturally she took the lead into the battles and strategy.

One by one she took out each servant, getting you both one step closer to winning the holy grail war. While she had revealed her identity to you, the others yet did not know her name.

Only at the end when she took out the final servant with her noble phantasm, Excalibur, did people know who she was.

Now as the last remaining servant you, her master, get to make a wish.

You turned from the grail to Artoria. With a smile, you spoke out your wish. "I wish for Artoria Pendragon to have a second chance at life, one where she can live freely as a person without the strain of being king."

Her eyes widened and she dropped Excalibur. She fell to her knees before you and grabbed at your ankles. " can't possibly mean..."

"Does this not please you, Artoria?" You asked worriedly.

", it does...but why must you do this for me?" She looks up at you, tears welling in her eyes.

"Because, my dear Artoria," You lightly gripped her jaw. "Over the course of this war my heart grew heavy for you and your past. I wanted you to have a chance to live life as you wanted, not how you needed."

"But master, what of your own life? Your own wish?" Artoria asked.

"This is my wish, Artoria." You smiled, leaning closer to her face. "And my own life was fated to cross with yours. I only ask that you live this life how you want to live it."

As tears streamed down her cheeks, she began to glow. The holy grail was doing its work. Excalibur slowly faded away beside her and her armor returned to her casual dress. Her wounds had been healed, and the grail disappeared along with them. Your command spells faded away from your hand.

"Master!" Artoria stood and jumped into your arms, holding you close. "Thank you...for giving me another chance at life..."

Now with the holy grail war over with, the two of you could start your life together

You instructed Artoria to call you by your given name instead of 'master' from now on, since she was no longer a servant

Artoria found it hard to do so, but eventually got used to it like you asked

She loved trying new cuisine with you, she loves bringing home new things from the supermarket to try, or finding new recipes to make for you and her

She also loves gardening, getting her hands dirty was something she did before becoming king, and she loved growing your own vegetables...though recently shes tried growing flowers. For no reason, of course!

If you ever go abroad, she wants to come with you

The first trip out of the country you two take, she wants to try all the new foods. She likes most of it.

She has a lot of fun with you all the time, and always makes sure to tell you shes having fun with you.

When you two get back, you're exhausted but she goes right to work. She makes your favorite meal, and cuts flowers out from the garden to place in a vase. She presents you with a candlelight dinner and flowers, and watches as you eat what she made

She smiles, reaches for your hand, and confesses her love for you in a long-winded paragraph she memorized while out of the country. She ends it with a big smile, hoping you'll return her affections.

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1 year ago

Alucard feeding off the reader??

Content: Alucard x fem!Reader

Warnings: Blood, vampire feeding

Notes: You didn't specify gender, so I just went with a woman reader. Also apologize if this is ooc, this is my first time writing Alucard. I also got some devastating news about a family member halfway through this which may have clouded my judgement on if this was good enough to publish on the internet

Alucard Feeding Off The Reader??

You always liked Alucards fangs. The way they gleamed in the moonlight, the way he'd use them to scare enemies off, the way they'd flash at you when he smiled. He smiled a lot with you. He adored you.

Even after his friends left him, and those twins betrayed him, he found room in his heart to give you a chance, and it evolved into a beautiful relationship where he practically worshipped the ground you walked on.

Two lost souls come to find solace in each others arms, passionately loving each other until the end of time. Alucard felt his love for you grow with each and every day - and so at some point he vowed to never hurt you. That included feeding if he ever needed to, and you appreciated that.

Until tonight.

Alucard hadn't fed off of blood in so long, he began to dim. His normally bright yellow eyes now stuck to the floor, dulled and dark. His bright blond, wavy hair, stopped being washed. He felt sluggish and depressed. He knew not feeding wouldn't kill him, but it made him feel better. But he would never feed off of you, he told himself.

After seeing what no blood does to him, you offered your neck up to his fangs. He vehemently denied your suggestion, but gave in the more you insisted.

Now you lay helpless in your nightgown, your lover crawling over you. The moonlight shining through the window reveals his eyes to you, those dim yellow orbs telling a tale of concern. His hand moves under your chin and slots your head to the side, giving him better access. He looks at you one last time.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." You give him a smile.

He wouldn't feed from you.

But he lowered his head and bit down anyway.

He wouldn't feed from you.

But he drained your blood from you.

He wouldn't feed from you.

But he pulled away, his brightness returned to him, and you winced as he pulled his fangs out of you.

Adrian fought himself the entire time he drained you of your blood, tried to reason with himself that there must be some other way. But Alucard reasoned that you wanted this, liked it even, and who was he to deny you of that?

He looked you over as he pulled away, his mouth and teeth smeared in your blood. "Are you okay?"

"Never been better." You joked, though you now felt weak.

"I'll go get us some things to clean this up with." Alucard carefully moved off of you. "I didn't take too much, did I?"

"No, no. Just grab a cloth or something before my blood gets on your bed." You shooed him off.

Alucard returned with a cloth, a bandage, and some water for you. He kissed you, wiped up the blood and kissed the wound, then carefully put a bandage over top to make sure it didn't bleed anymore. He handed you the water for you to drink, and then climbed into bed with you.

"I love you." He mumbled into your ear.

"I love you too." You set the water down on the table next to the bed, laid with him, and slept the night away.

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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!

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