she/they, bisexual | 20 | Multifandom blog | I post a lot of things | Requests: OPEN
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Multifandoms27-blog - Here We Go Again

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More Posts from Multifandoms27-blog
my tears ricochet - Taylor Swift

inspired by heystrawbs on tiktok !!!!

maybe in a better world…
hello!! i saw that u did ur very first matchup n it was so sweet, may i request one too for jujutsu kaisen?
pronouns, age, preference, physical description: they/she, 18, male preference, i have an athletic build (used to compete in martial arts tournaments) that's on the meatier side bc i'm a big eater, i have short hair and dress masculine for the most part.
personality: i’m assertive and love taking the lead in just about anything! i enjoy teaching people and used to be an assistant teacher for a summer pre-school and was an assistant teacher in a taekwondo class for around two years!! i’m not quiet but it takes time for me to share personal stuff, i love conversing tho, and i love making decisions on the spot. i’m dead serious about building a career (and tend to overwork) and too ambitious for my own good which gives off the impression that i'm cold but i'm actually pretty clingy and love receiving cuddles and kisses. i often show love through gift-giving and physical touch!! but i value good conversations a lot too!!
interests: business and law (am a business major in uni n wanna be a lawyer someday hshsh), literature (especially: sci-fi, classics, gothic horror, and magical realism.), animal documentaries (i love animals i have three cats!!), colognes.
hobbies: writing, reading, cooking, and organizing stuff hshsh.
ty so much for doing matchups, pls take ur time!!
Aww, thank you anon! And yes, ofc!! These are fun >:3
Also, real quick, we are so similar wtf? Hello, fellow martial artist and law/literature/animal enjoyer ❤️❤️ (me and my boyfriend have three weiner dogs)
Anyways, I match you with...! *drum roll*

❥Nanami Kento!
He's also an overworker, so he'll tend to realize if you get too overwhelmed or stressed with something
Will always help you before he helps himself tbh
Will interchangably use she and they to refer to you, he knows people with she/they or he/they don't have their 'they/them' option used a lot (I might be projecting here lol) so he'll make an effort to use it to make you feel seen and heard
He likes that you're so serious about a career, especially in the field of business
When you two first met, he was one of many who thought you were cold, which ironically drew him to you
He doesn't need another Gojo in his life
It'd be such a slow burn, too, you both slowly uncovering things about the other and falling in love
I feel like Nanami is pretty indifferent to physical touch at first, but over time he comes to feel like he needs it. He also will show his love through gift giving and also words of affirmation
He's really really good with words, so conversations would be satisfying with him
I think Nanami would be indifferent to animals, really. It's not that he doesn't care about them, he'd gladly help an animal in need. He just doesn't want animals that aren't pets in his house (i.e. raccoons, possums, wild mice, etc.)
If you want a cat or a dog or ferret or whatever, then that's fine. You wanna rescue and foster animals? Absolutely, go for it
I actually headcanon that Nanami's favorite pet is a ferret, just cause I said so (he also seems like the type of man to like ferrets idk)
Nanami is also an avid book reader, so he'll likely recommend you some books, and some evenings he'd be content with some of your cooking (or his, or just takeout would be fine), a glass of wine for each of you, and both of you quietly reading your respective books
If a movie came out about a book you both read, he doesn't care if it's shit, he'll buy tickets for the two of you as a date night
He also loves organization, like you! He likes color coding stuff, or organizing his outfits for the week every Saturday night
All of his papers are in neat piles, his kitchen cabinets are all neatly put away, his spices are even easy to reach/put back in their spots, and he has a system and specific day for cleaning (sunday)
Making choices on the spot is his specialty, and he greatly appreciates that you do the same. It saves a lot of time, unlike "indecisive Gojo" as he lovingly says
He wants to read anything you write. Unless it's personal stuff you haven't told him yet, or if you don't feel like it's good enough to show him, he'll simply respect your boundaries and give you a soft forehead kiss
Mans goes crazy giving you forehead kisses btw, he loves it
Since he also knows martial arts, he'd want to spar with you a bit, just as some sort of bonding experience/workout
Obviously he'd go easy on you, you're his love. But if Gojo found you two and interrupted, he's going to beat the shit out of that annoying albino (I promise I don't abuse Gojo, I say as every time I mention him in another character's thing, I'm always writing him being ignored or beaten)
All in all, you two are the adorable power couple that comes to deeply understand each other with time, that everybody wants to be <3
Can I request fluff Mello getting his fem s/o a small kitten because he’s about to leave for a long trip and doesn’t want her to feel lonely at home<3
Sure thing, anon!! <3
• ───────────────── •
Content: Mello x f!S/O
Warnings: None
Notes: Pure fluff. Absolutely adore it. Also, fun fact, I used to be a huge Warrior Cats fan! Ivypool's design was always really pretty to me
• ───────────────── •

Mello looked through the cages in the pet store, trying to decide the best kind of pet to get you. Matt huffed next to him. "How long are we gonna be here?"
"Not long you damn junkie. If you need a smoke, just go outside and come back in when you're done." Mello rolled his eyes.
"This shouldn't be hard though. What kind of animal would be easy for her? You've been with her long enough to know, right?"
"Yes, of course! Where the hell are the cats?"
"Do you even know if this place has cats?" Matt asked.
"Yes, it does! I just...have to find them." Mello groaned.
After walking around a while, the two boys finally came across the cages that held cats. Some were asleep in the corners, others were messing with toys. In the bottom though, there was one singular kitten. Crouching down, Mello held his finger up to the bars of the cage.
The kitten was snow white and fluffy. The ears, tail and muzzle were decorated with grayish-brown fur, and the eyes were a striking blue. The kitten let out a meow, sniffing Mello's finger before licking it a little. Mello turned to the sign outside the cage. "A ragdoll kitten, huh?"
"Find everything okay?" An employee came up behind the men with a bright smile.
"Hm? Yeah. Is there a chance I could get this kitten?" Mello asked, turning to the employee before looking back down at the kitten.
"Sure thing! We just need you to fill out some paperwork and he'll be at the front when you're done getting cat stuff okay?" The employee smiled again, crouching to mess with the cage.
• ───────────────── •
The little kitten mewed as they drove back to the apartment, Matt sighing in annoyance. Mello had told Matt not to smoke around the kitten. He kept sticking his finger in the cage's bars to try to soothe the poor kitten.
Finally getting to the apartment, Matt waited outside, finally taking a cigarette out of his pack while Mello hauled the kitten and most of it's stuff upstairs. Mello figured this would be a good surprise for you, if nothing else.
Walking into the apartment and gently setting the cage and other bags down, he looked around for you. "(Y/n)? Could you come here please? I have a surprise for you."
Almost instantly, you came around the corner, seeing all the cat stuff around Mello. He was messing with the cage, and once he finally got it open, he gently grabbed the kitten and brought it out. You gasped and moved quickly to Mello and the kitten.
He held the small creature in his arms, one hand gently petting the kitten's head.
"Aw, Mello! They're so adorable! Is it a girl or a boy?"
"Uh...boy." Mello had to remember for a minute. "I haven't named him yet. I was waiting for you."
You began to pet the kitten's back, and he began to purr, his fur finally beginning to lie flat. You let out a small chuckle. "Does Gojo work?"
"Gojo? What, like that guy from that show?"
"Yeah, have you seen this cat's eyes? It's practically him!" You grinned.
"Alright, alright. His name will be Gojo, then. But don't come cryin' to me if Matt makes fun of you." Mello gently transfered the kitten to your arms. "Now uh...the reason I got you this kitten is actually something I've been meaning to tell you for a few days."
You looked up. "What's up?"
"Matt and I are going away for a couple of weeks on a mission. It's looking like I'll be gone for a month, tops. I got you Gojo here so you wouldn't be so lonely." Mello scratched Gojo's ears as he mentioned the kitten.
"Aw, Mello...that's so sweet of you." You smiled, kissing his cheek. "I'm still gonna miss you, but with Gojo here I should be fine."
"Good, that was my intention." Mello slung and arm around your shoulders, kissing your temple.
Little Gojo seemed content in your arms, while you leaned your head against Mello's. Silence overcame you two for a moment, before you spoke up again.
"...Matt is not smoking inside anymore."
"Yeah no, I already told him that." Mello nodded.
• ───────────────── •
Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
JJK INCORRECT QUOTE (Ft. The 2006 quintet):
Gojo : Haibara's first detention, I'm so proud.
Geto : Whoa, back up. Why did they get detention?
Nanami : Because they're an idiot.
Shoko , terrified: They can do that??
I headcanon this happening, I can see Haibara agreeing to do something stupid with Gojo cuz he's a smol bean that's friends with everyone