
33 posts

Muraaaaaa - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago
One Of The Top 10 Arts From The Fanart Contest By Kadeart

One of the Top 10 arts from the Fanart contest by Kadeart

The full submission also contains these pieces:

One Of The Top 10 Arts From The Fanart Contest By Kadeart
One Of The Top 10 Arts From The Fanart Contest By Kadeart
One Of The Top 10 Arts From The Fanart Contest By Kadeart
6 months ago
6 months ago

TAKE MEEEE PLEASE!!!! đŸ˜­đŸ˜­đŸ˜­đŸ©·đŸ©·đŸ«¶đŸ»

could i request a Drabble or a one shot of hawks with a very touch starved/touched deprived s/o? ;; maybe y/n doesn’t like being hugged or is kinda new to that kinda stuff? maybe they have different ways of showing affection and have a hard time opening up? ; ~ ; I think it would be very sweet for them both to try and learn to trust each other little by little,,, I love your blog!!


I’m sorry I haven't gotten to your request ;-; BUT IM GLAD I SAVED IT :D

. . .

Hawks would be concerned at first, if you don’t flat out tell him. 

If he goes in to give you a hug, to touch you, or to give you a kiss and you flinch, he’s immediately concerned.

He’s very good at reading people, so he’d probably figured it out before you tell him.

No matter what, he’ll always give you the space you need, he loves you and wants you to feel comfortable around him.

If you do ever decide to tell him, he’ll be understanding, he wants you to be comfortable around him after all.

That being said, Keigo is a very lovey person, he wants to hold his angel, he wants to kiss you and hug you so tight that he feels suffocated by your love.

Most of all, he just wants to feel you. 

Keigo also has a lot of trauma, so if you don’t want to do things like touch/hold him, you’re gonna have to do something else in order to make him feel better.

Say how much he means to you, how much you adore and love him, how much he means to you and how good of a boyfriend he is.

He’ll never admit it, but some days he feels unworthy of you, so reassurance is key for him.

Both of you will need to come to a nice, well balanced rhythm, being able to show eachother love, while making sure you both feel comfortable and safe.

All he wants is for you to feel safe around him, that's all he cares about.

But once you finally let your walls down and let him love you, this man will be all over you.

Hugs and kisses, love bites, wings draped around you both, anything, he just needs you and that’s it.

He’ll spend mornings wrapped tightly in your arms, nuzzling his face against you, kissing anywhere he can, just loving you so deeply.

He’s glad he can be there for you, no matter what.

Tags :
6 months ago

I relied on romantic maladaptive daydreaming for survival as a child, and have been love sick ever since

6 months ago


Goldeneye Down

Goldeneye Down

((banner by me! I don't own Horikoshi's characters/stories))

Pairing: Hawks x reader (quirkless!(gn)reader)

Words: 4.6K

Rating: T+ (canon-typical post-mission shenanigans, so it gets raw, kids.)

Warnings: canon-typical violence, description of injuries/blood, mentions of medical trauma, anxiety, so many tears, mutual pining, HURT/COMFORT, angst with a happy ending


If a kiss would fix him, he'd sooner never breathe again. If you knew it would work, you'd surrender your lungs and anything else for his comfort. He hardly gets tender treatment after a fight- and that shows by how tightly he's hugging your waist for dear life. Alternatively: three times you've witnessed your dashing Hawks masking his hurt, until he can't anymore. Each time is worse than the last- until you finally learn that you're the only one who truly asks how he feels after nights like this. Not 'how are your wings' or 'is he stable'... but it's you who takes the time to wipe his face gently with a washcloth: not to rid Hawks of the sweat and grit to make him presentable, but gifting Keigo the chance to feel clean for once.

A/N: Yall, this man is one of my favorite characters on this show, and I have so many writing plans for him-- so apologies for starting right out the gate with angst??? I love him I swear

For my My Hero Academia Masterlist, check it out here!

Read on AO3

The first time you ever saw Hawks shirtless was hardly the stuff fantasies or a perfume advert concocted. He was bandaged across one entire pec, around his middle, and up to his shoulder, after all.

Work as a writer took you to many glamorous locations, but also to the grittiest– recently, hero hospitals when there’s been a close call and you are in for an interview with either a dying hero for their final public wish, or a heartfelt op-ed about a rising sidekick’s latest stand against threat and evil. In either case, you’d wound up at the bedside of a darling rescue agent who’d had an incredible story to share despite their career-ending injuries. 

With a genuine word of thanks and a shared pudding packet, you were leaving the hospital wing in fairly good spirits until your stomach turned in shock at what awaited you in the hallway– a gravely bandaged Hawks standing at the nurse’s station in a half state of dress, locking eyes with you in the first instance where you’d ever caught him off his guard. 

Those gorgeous eyes flashed in nervous panic which melted into boyish charm awfully quickly- standard practice for the secret object of your affections-

“Well gosh, nurse, I thought you’d give a guy a warning if a guardian angel was going to be visiting today
 I’d have been decent enough to put a shirt on~!”

It was a detour of hoarse-voiced flirting on his part and masked heartbreak on yours. Seeing the blonde numbed out and paler than you’d ever witnessed him out on the job, your veil of professionalism slipped enough to really see Hawks in this moment
 and catch wind of an unaware attendant who slipped the hero’s last name in front of you. 

Said PA immediately recoiled upon seeing you -an extended member of the press- overhear the #2 Pro Hero’s legal name. Though at your insistence that you were here on business that didn’t concern him, Hawks visibly relaxed enough to give you his first name himself the moment the nurse left. 

‘Mr. Takami is far too formal to come outta you; don’t even think about calling me that, dove.’

Keigo Takami truly was a man containing multitudes, but for all the tough talk about how ‘you should have seen the other guy’, you worried about that man you’ve seen now without his gold visor that night when you went home, and wondered if he was sleeping ok with his chest bound like that. 

The next injury sighting took several months of continued text exchanges, private balcony sidebars, and continued endurance of Hawks’ public displays of blatant sweet talking for you to see him less than chipper again.

Your meeting with the HPSC Press Chair was running painfully long, but necessary given the content you were working on publishing for them as side work. It wasn’t doable for you to take on a full-time job with the Hero Commission, but in your philanthropic effort to unite the civilian world with those of high profile heroes, you took on these winded assignments with the promise of a pay bump
 as well as a chance to see your darling flyboy. Not that they’d note or care about your budding affections for him. Thankfully, your tight lipped smiles at him were ironclad and his reputation as a charming star preceded him, even to his higher ups so the true feelings never fully sunk in so long as you were mindful.

Pulling a doubletake at your presence in the conference room from the glass windows led Hawks to hang a left inside to quip at you, fully interrupting your meeting despite the scowls he received from the suits lining the table.

“Well isn’t this a pleasant surprise~ hey there, lovedove. Aren’t you pretty as a peach today?”

“Hey there, yourself,” you turned to acknowledge him politely, but pointedly fixed on his eye that laid nearly completely blackened and the cheek scraped to a raw red.  “--aren’t you looking- purple.”

Hawks being sufficiently threatened to report elsewhere didn’t stop him from throwing you a dismissive wink and a smirk at your subtle worry,

 “Oh this? Nah, it’ll fade. I could use the blush anyway~ it’ll save me a trip for photos tomorrow!”

That charming show of optimism wasn’t a surprise as you turned back to your grumpily apologetic managers, though you never did quite forget how Keigo stayed in the entryway soaking in even your curt ending of the conversation. He had to be practically ushered out by some fellow training officers for him to go on his merry way. Your inspection of him had been lightning quick, and you were nearly certain he was black and blue in more places than his face judging by how he sidestepped out the door.

Would he ever take his pain seriously? Under all that swagger, you certainly hoped so. Or else you hoped someone would make a fuss over him. 

Hawks shows on your patio at 12:30 in the morning one day, knocking silly on your side door. It’s been weeks since you wrote another touching piece for the HPCS’s statement on civic protection, and too long since he’s taken a rooftop stroll with you. Hell, far too long that he's had you close. Keeping you at his side, tucked under his towering wing, shielding you from the night winds, peppering each other with soft-spoken words and some stolen kisses he swears mean more to him than a move ‘just for luck’. 

Hawks knocks three times... huffing. He glanced towards the ground, tucking what's left of his wings further in with a wince. He knocks four more times, each more insistent than the last, but mindful of the noise. He even shushes himself in the delirium, canvassing your living room for signs of life.

Your oven light was still on, suggesting you hadn't gone through your full nighttime shutdown yet. That single light bulb in your kitchen appeared to double the more he stared, and tried to blink the unease away. Shit. He's really in no condition to fly. The sidewalk below your floor takes his attention again at the cry he hears. The sound is only cat this time, but still makes him oh-so nervous.

Hawks moans his impatience coupled by the searing pain, begging you to come notice him at the sliding glass. He drops his head damp with sweat to the window (intent to apologize for it later) and just bangs on the window like the desperate man he is.

"Please be up, please be up, please..."

When he opens his eyes briefly, he sees a shadow before him approaching. You'd flicked on more light in your living room and were jogging up to the window with shock brightening your features to total wakefulness. He's never been happier to see you so panicked.

Your confusion is palpable behind the door as you push the blind’s interior locking rod aside and flip up the lock, sliding it-- and Hawks-- along with you.

"Who-ooah!! Hawks??" You whisper-scream.

Stumbling aside, he grips his still bleeding hip and winces at what that move causes for his back. Eyes screwed shut, he can't even quite manage a suave, sweet greeting; he merely sighs your name as an answer to prayer.

You take in this poor, disheveled shell of a hero as he looks every bit like he's come from a dogfight. Not only were his wings sparse and bony from overuse, but his left wing was seizing up and stunted at a poor angle you knew wasn't natural.

oh my God, those poor wings
 You collected him up with ready arms- gingerly guiding inside through the center of the patio, wary of bumping either's span of the door. 


"eh, it’ll-- nnngh!!" Hawks doubled over-thankfully right into you- "I got'kicked in the back-- right under...ahhhh~ "

Not only that, but despite the blackness of his under armour and gloves, you noted now by movement and smell that he was bleeding elsewhere. Besides the hobble, he sports a busted cheekbone and lip– which he likely bit himself.

This was a hard state to see him in and truly frightened you by the blood loss alone. Worse than any other time you’d seen him after a mission by far.

Primal, parental  instincts filled you and spilled out before you could stop yourself.

"Honey, we gotta get you to Dagoba General; it's closest--"

"I can't-" Hawks stopped you with a vice grip on your wrist while he hobbled along, "s'too public."

-Not allowed, even in an emergency. This you remembered from his earlier run through of policies about heroes needing medical attention; where in the city he could go, how it should be handled privately, and out of civilian's eyes.

"oh shit-- well, how bout the hero hospital, the one by that high school? Can't you call- or I can call! Let me-"

"No~" hawks moaned miserably. "I jus' gotta sit."

“Aren’t you -uh- supposed to have your legs up? You can lay back, it’s ok,” you try to guide him, but he only wavers- set on sitting up. His still-sure sights canvassing the room tells you he’s in a protective, alert headspace here in new surroundings. He might need more direction from you to break this..

"Hawks-- this is beyond what I can do,” You tried to reason with him, grappling a random throw blanket semi draped on the couch before he could sit down. “I told you I worked in refugee centers, I only know basic first aid- but this is more than I can help you, honey! They can get you fluids, a transfusion if you need it, pain meds stronger than what I have from the corner store if you’d just- where's your phone, I can call for an ambulan-"

Hawks fired up right away-

"NO!!" He begged, "no- they, they can't.. I don't wan'.."

Helping him sit, you knelt carefully trying to hear through his clear pain-rattled rant.

You assume he doesn't want the trouble of an ambulance or worry it wouldn't get here in time- which scares you more is debatable.

"We’re working against time here, hot stuff.." you tried for levity, caressing his hand. While he took it shakily, he bit his groan back.

He looked at you seriously, but pouted back in a way you'd normally giggle at, "No 'wee-woos'."

"I know you don't want ‘wee-woos’, but I think we're past that now." 

You cup Hawks’ cheek which successfully transfixes his attention right on your face, while you blindly try his jacket's inner pocket for his phone- closer than yours that’s clear in the back bedroom on your charger, 

"Look, I'll even talk for ya, okay? You don’t have to explain a thing about what happened tonight. Let's just get you help-"

"NO!! I can't hav' 'em find you here!"

His outburst startled you so you pulled back from his jacket entirely- at a true loss, "Can’t have who find me?"

"I won' let 'em," Hawks shook his head, pressing into his side, "I-- they don' know I'm here- they can' see only the pinpoint. Not ell'vation. Ahh. Don't wan'em know.. where you live, f’they don’ already."

You fought to keep up. He's clearly distressed- but you're surprised it's by the thought over your residence being found out. Who would be upset at the fact of him being here enough to have him shaken from even emergency services finding out?

Then you realize, he’s on the clock. He’s gotten hurt at work, and he’s not patrolling anymore. ‘The asset is damaged,’ and he’s laying low effectively out of sight.

"Your.. what, your bosses? Is that what you're worried about right now?"

Hawks was fighting for some deeper breaths. Some old instincts finally kicking in, he’s pushing air out forcefully though his lips in a decent try to slow himself down. He knows you know that much– how his work is essentially divvied into two piles: the stuff you hear about on the news, and the stuff you don't. The HPSC handles both, but primarily involves him in one. Thankfully, he knows you're quick enough to know tonight is a night of the latter and one that you know you shouldn't ask too much more of, despite your clear desire for understanding. 

But he’s bleeding on your sofa and he is about to damn near break or bleed out and you feel drawn to his heart and feel a selfish urge to know.

"I don't understand- why, ... why come here if you were worried, Kei?"

"I was.. close,” he offered with some huffs again.

That answer felt too loaded, but you were too groggy yourself to reason with such a clammy man dealing with who knows how much blood loss.

He forced as much clarity to his vision as he could, while watching you get up to close the patio door up. You shut the blinds for good measure too before debating whether to run back to the bathroom and  grab what gauze and antiseptics you had. For both the sake of time and to keep the poor man from following you throughout the apartment like you knew he’d try to do, you settled on wetting a few washcloths by the sink and came back to him.

"Your fight was close to here?" You kept him in the moment while attempting to get off his coat. He sat forward to help in this, but his eyes shut hard as it forced his shoulder blades together, to feed the gap over the wings.

Through steeled grunts he manages it, then strangles out the basics for you, "Y-yeah.. small.. weap'n traffic ring. But we had intel they'd.. Had a hit out on’the magistrate."

You set the bloodied jacket to the ground- torn between looking at his pained face and getting a look at the hip he was leaning into.

"They hadda few tough quirk users," Hawks gritted, separating his hand at your insistence. The shirt peeling back sticky was the least of his worries when you laid the wet washcloth at his side, "one had blades for legs, n’the other had a kind of whip-AHH!!"

Only water, but it burned like hell. Burned through the mess he'd made of himself. Proof he'd been sent in there outmatched-- 5 to 1 so he says, but even for the #2 Hero, the odds were stacked against him for a covert attack. You whispered a gentle apology over the sting.

You hated hearing the challenge and clear surprise of the incident that caused this version of your hero to be brought to the surface, knocking on your door like a kid trying to sneak back into the house in the middle of the night.

"So they nicked you here– and your back?" You asked gently, "Anywhere else?"

"They were gonna take out the block--"

You heard the panic rise in him again, the tremor in voice and wings.

"Haw-.. Keigo."

"They were gonna-- they didn't even know you lived up here.. you of all people.. but they were gonna do it. I had- said I hadta stop em, whatever it took.."

You set the first soiled cloth aside, centered between his spread knees, and cupped his face in both hands now. He's trembling all over and pulse is going wild under your fingers. He locked onto your necklace- avoiding your eyes in anger, guilt, and a messy, gnarled ball of exhaustion while you cleaned his face.

It wasn’t clinically necessary, but you wanted to.

 "But you stopped them," you reminded, "You said you got 'em, right?"

Something flitted across his face that looked hollow- like a younger side of Keigo Takami was looking for help finishing his thoughts. Like he was reverting to a shadow self that was about to cry just feeling you cool down his neck with the clean side of a washcloth.

"I got em." He barely whispered, new frustrated tears flooding his eyes and forcing his brows together. "I did it. I did-- what they wanted me to."

The way he says it is not a victory. It's guilty, not even proud in a sense of justice. It was forced; not unlike a militant following orders.

"The safety commission, keeping folks safe at all costs," you answered for him, forcing his eyes to blink at the name. What crimson feather remained ebbed and rustled on impulse.

Suddenly, he frowned down at his own hands, suddenly wrenching himself free of his damp, tainted gloves, like they were burning him alive the longer they stayed on his fingers. 

"Cost them," Hawks croaked, "Wanted t’take ‘em in, make them pay the way we always do. But then they said they're taking the block out- and I couldn't let em- I couldn't let them get you or anyone else--I shoulda felt like a damn hero they say I am."

Hawks shook his head pathetically, nearly collapsing forward at the feel of you raking his bangs back, before he sobbed,

"but I didn't want to. They begged. Couldn’a run when they knew they couldn't win, so they begged. I don't wanna do it this way, don't want it to come to this. I can't keep ending it all just because I can!! I’m no–"

Hawks wipes harshly at his eyes with the heel of his palm, his anger at a tipping point.

Your heart sobers and breaks altogether. He's confessing to you because he knows this whole ordeal is going to be painted so differently by the media in the morning. Heroes have to make impossible calls- and you know his handlers don't make it easier on him when it comes to completing these covert assignments. They’ve essentially given him a license none others do- allowances that dance in the world of grey.

Hawks and heroes like him have been granted permission to take lethal measures. But it’s a grim, fell thought that when you’re in the moment- the choice to kill or stay in your armed hands. The pressure is bound to weigh anyone, make them crack and doubt their sensibilities.

Any bystander would call Hawks heroic for saving more lives than taking them- but fear is what forces him to kill. Fear of loss, of the catastrophic unknown that he continues to fight for faster and faster. 

You leveled with Hawks’ sightline, forcing terrified eyes to yours. While the sight of this confident man worn down grieved you, schooling your face and brows to be strong was an easy ask when he needed you.

"I know you didn't,” you affirmed all he said, “You were so brave, Keigo. You were really brave, no matter what. No matter how these fights end. You always are brave."

Keigo listens and heaves an ungodly sound at your words. 

Suddenly, he's pulling you close and crying into your chest and you meet him all the way. You lock your grasp around his shoulders gingerly at first afraid to hold too tight. Cradling his head to you and hushing him seems to work for now, since he’s able to speak again after more schooled breaths. 

But this reaction from him is far from assured; he’s afraid. Unheard. And it seems with you, he can finally air these harsh truths without outside ears listening in stopping his tongue.

"They don't care how hard it is. They don't care. They just push and push and push me, and 'm tired and it hurts!!"

All you can do is hold him.

"I know, baby,” you barely speak, “I know it does, I know it hurts..."

“It always hurts,” he sobs, “It does every time. When you saw me and you looked at me, and you asked me if it hurt, I lied because I had to. But shit, this hurts

Hawks’ heated hands grasp at you: the contour of your body is the altar he's kneeling at- from this very spot of your couch. He's wailing now- half in pain, half in misery of being failed over and over again and only now -in secret- ever receiving someone to listen in return. The sound barely makes noise as its buried in your middle, but it rocks you where you kneel up straight to keep him close.

You let him grieve and hold space for every bit of it. He's never once been this vulnerable with another soul in his life, you’re convinced, and he sounds just so grateful to have your hands on his. Grounding. Giving him relief he's been starving for since you first paid attention to him across that crime scene where you first met.

Once he began mimicking your pronounced breathing he finally starts to feel more calm. 

To give him air, you robbed one hand from around him in order to push back some hair from his face and check his temperature. He could actually feel how cool your hands were once he started getting color into his face from his spot at your chest. Drained and pliant, he mumbles something at your sternum, and you ask him to repeat it gently,

“Hands’re cold,” he whispers.

“Oh, m’sorry.”

“No,” he shuts his eyes. "Feels good. You feel so good. The other docs, they're just so-- clinical.. They don't- they aren't gentle. No one feels as good as you do.”

Softness seeps from the very pit of you. What you won’t give to protect this hero now. 

You see a slumped pillow at his side and think to use it as a bolster until his back spasms lessen.

"Here, babe. Let's get one of these behind you. You can lay back a bit-"

Hawks chips his chin up to you, a bat of his eyes pleading, ‘don’t go’.

It’s official: you love him.

"I won't go,” you coo down to him, “I won't make you get up. I'll be here. Right here." 

You kiss that hot, flushed forehead, and he wants to crumble again by the way you hear him swallow. 

“I-” Hawks tries to recover from his overwhelm, "...I need you..."

Your answer would never deny him, "What do you need, pretty bird."

"Need you– hold on t'me." Hawks nuzzles your neck in relief.

"I've got you. I've got you this time. You always have everyone else; now I have you."

This is the way you’d keep him, if he were all yours. After a day of things he’d rather forget, you’d replace them all with kind words and soothing touches that settle his restlessness. To his nature that never stops moving, you’d make it your mission to bring some stillness and comfort to the forefront of his burdened mind.

While you’d love for reality to keep on pause, a flash of movement at the window gave you hope rather than alarm, 

“Hey, Kei. Lookie there. You've got a little pile waiting for you~” you nod back to the patio, catching some blips of red near the unobscured vertical blinds. “Would having them back on you help? Make you feel more steady?"

Interest piqued, Hawks sounds pleasantly surprised seeing them with his own eyes. 

"Ah. Yeah."

"Wanna rinse off, too? You can; use my shower, get yourself a lil more fresh?” the offer is true and comes from you easily. Happy to offer whatever healing measures possible to him while you wipe away leftover tears from a set of perfectly golden eyes. “I can’t promise I have something that fits you super well, but let’s see what I got.”

You knew the hot water would likely sting his wound, but would also buy him more time before he's  ready to fly again and go get checked out more formally.

Still wilty, Hawks gives a comical grimace in the face.  “I’d sure hate t’bleed all over your stuff.”

“Stuff can be washed; there’s only one you.”

And at this, he finally looks back up to you like the Keigo you know and sinks at the idea, giving in to the tempting idea. He nods. Any trace of boiled over bitterness in his aura has faded to a low simmer, and has left a warm, comfortable, gorgeous-looking man to peer up at you. 

You help him up, open the door once more, and Hawks is able to stand a bit better on his own now with a wingspan full of settling feathers preening themselves into place. Once face to face, he finds his hands are still seeking out your waist, and his face furrows– unwilling to let go fully of his personal painkiller.

You still his hesitation with a mouth’s warm press to his cheek followed by a gentle kiss on the lips. His palms go lax and a moan leaves him softly.

“I'll hold you all you want when you get out,” you whisper gently to him. “No funny business, I promise. Yeah?"

As if he held any true worries. 

"Wouldn’t ever mind if you did, dove. But yeah– I’d like that."

With another lingering kiss, you do your utmost to take things as quickly as he can manage for the sake of getting him to rest quickly
 but by the way Hawks eyes you from all your puttering about the apartment, he holds no urgency or rush. To the contrary, he's happy going slow and steady while he’s with you. 

His hand catches yours any chance he gets until he’s ultimately able to lay his head to rest on you at the first idle moment of the evening. Its in these, the wee morning hours, that he’s eager now to remember this as the first night you got to help him heal and not just recover.

"You sure you aren't rushing it?" the slight worry tinges your sleepy morning voice in just the next few waking hours. All you both had was a glorified nap given his late arrival.

The song of your concern obviously pleases your loving company, as the edges of Hawks’ eyes crinkle at your worry. 

"I gotta report in by six. I'll stop at my place, change before I go in, heat up something to eat. And I’ll text you when I get there."

The checklist of answers is sweet and characteristically Hawks, but you hope Keigo hasn’t checked out of your bubble yet.

"Okay. But.. take some time if you can. Come see me if you still need me."

A noticeable fondness settles across Hawks’ devilishly handsome smile, and comes over to cup your face for another coffee-masked kiss. 

"I always need you.” Thank you. For everything. "I'll see you soon." I love you.

"See you soon." I love you too.

Weeks pass with Hawks’ semi-regular visits to the apartment, holding you in the kitchen like the lovesick boy he is at heart. ‘Talking work’ he claims, when his higher ups ask him about the delays, but he’s more inclined to slack and slip into far more personal matters as he guides you over back towards the barstools and sits back on one.

A curious mind makes you question why he's pushing the limits of his absence until he pulls you in to completely become flush with him and realize he wants your attention before anyone else’s. He sinks in how you set your hands on his shoulders, smiling like a sweet dope, looking up at you while you check him over.

You know he’s tired from a day on patrol in full sun, but the faint burn across his cheeks doesn’t seem altogether too painful. Just needs a decent aloe blend. Still, you ask as you always do, 

“How you feelin’, pretty bird?”

And he truly answers honestly now, no bravado for handlers to scoff at or bystanders to placate:

“Better now.”

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6 months ago


Bestie I’m begging on my hands and knees
 please a crumb of kuroo and his twin baby girls 😭😭😭😭. You had me at “and were all gonna marry uncle kei” đŸ˜‚đŸ™‹đŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚

Grocery store trips try so hard to be easy, but they tend to never be.

Between two twins in cart, your eldest 34 year old child riling up at every turn, you never seem to find the ability to have a normal trip to the market.

Today, however, there’s no big explosions of laughter, no fighting between the sisters, no crashes behind you as he pushes the cart, and it’s just. Nice, to have a normal day for once.

But then the car ride starts. And it all comes crashing down, your jaw slacking once you hear it.

“What do you want for lunch, girlies?”

“Whatever you want, Tetsu!” Comes Hanako’s response.

A massive foot slams hard on the brakes, making the car lurch forward and a gasp to come flying out of you. There’s a scream followed by a string of giggles from your conspiring twins.

Tetsuro pulls over. Then, he puts his hazards on, unbuckles, and turns in his seat to face them both. “What did you call me?”

“Tetsu!” Hanako chirps, and Hanae squeals next to her sister.

Tetsuro takes a deep breath in to calm himself down, only pausing to glare at you as he finally hears you stifling laughter. He scrubs a massive hand down his face, “Kuroo Hanako and Kuroo Hanae. That is not my name.”

“Yuh-huh!” Hanae argues. “It what momma and Uncle Kou call you.”

“When was the last time we saw Uncle Kou, and- you know what, not important.” Next to him, you finally let out an official burst of laughter, leaving Tetsuro to fight for himself. “I’m daddy, to you both. You’re aware of that, yes?”

“No!” They chirp in unison.

Tetsuro feels the vein in his head throb, you next to him being absolutely no help. “Girls, enough. I’m daddy. You don’t call me Tetsu.”

“What about tetsuro?” Hanae asks, and Hanako squeals in amusement next to her.

“Hanae, thin ice,” he says, and finally, you step in to help him.

“Girls,” you sigh in amusement. “Daddy doesn’t like it when you call him that. We know to respect daddy and his preferred name, don’t we?”

“Yes mumma!” The twins chirp in unison.

“Good; now what do you say when you accidentally use someone’s wrong name?”

“We’re sorry, daddy!” Hanae says quickly.

“Yeah,” Hanako continued. “We was just playing!”

Tetsuro takes an inhale through his nose and nods in agreement, “apology accepted, lovey girls,” he says, standing up to slip back into the drivers seat.

The ride starts back up in comfortable silence, engine roaring back to life as he continues to drive.

“But you know that I am going to get you both later, yes?” He threatens.

In the backseat, your two girls gasp and scream in anticipation, calling half hearted apologies to their dad up in the front. You snicker and move one of your hands to rest on his thigh lovingly, and he laces it with one of his own from the wheel.

6 months ago



AHHH OKAY I’M SO EXCITED TO TALK ABOUT HAWKS FOR A SECOND (this one got long I’m so sorry 😭) [also idk if you’ve seen anything of season 6 yet but his ARMS???]


I’ve just been. Having SO many thoughts about him okay? so many. The one at the front of my mind right now is him and his wings tho.

His wings. I love. And I love even more the fact that he’d definitely use them to bug you. And give you affection. And be so annoying with them. Cause he’s a little shit. But you love it and he knows.

Everyday you’ll randomly have a feather fly to you and stick with you, providing he’s not in another country. How he’d use it? If he’s feeling playful (most of the time bc have you met him) he’d run it over your skin and neck and collarbones to make you laugh a bit and then hide it in your sleeve so no one could see it and end up embarrassing you. He’d also tap you on the shoulder with it and then hide from you to annoy you.

back on my playfighting as the 6th love language agenda but
 using his feathers during a play fight when you guys are both home. Such a cute thought!!!)

If he’s feeling romantic, he’d run it over your face all slow and gentle like he’d caress your cheek to let you know he’s missing you a lot. OR he’d wrap it around one of your fingers like a ring to let you know he’s there with you even if he’s not PHYSICALLY there.

Out with your friends? He’s flying the feather all around you to tease you and mess up your outfit a bit. Your friends laugh but they don’t miss how happy you are when you finally get hold of it and mindlessly play with it throughout the day.

If you’re particularly sad when he has to leave for a mission, you usually ask for a feather to carry with you and he’s more than happy to provide.

wrapping his wings around you after you’ve had a long day and just want to hide away. HE LOVES YOU AND WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR YOU.

this got so long I’m SO sorry I just had too much to write about. I love love love him and I hope you enjoyed this one!!

anon <3


God I’m
 I’m so wHIPPED GOD.

As much love and warmth as his wings give you, make you feel so safe and just so secure, they’re also the baNE of your existence. Sure, it’s nice when you’re snuggling, and they close around you, and it’s amazing how beautiful they glimmer in the sunlight. They’re warm, provide you with a feeling of physical and emotional safety, you couldn’t imagine your life without them.

He knows the hold his feathers have on you, that you do adore them and the look of them, so yeah, he’ll sacrifice a few to adorn your fingers, add some oomf to whatever you’re wearing, but more than anything, he loves using said feathers against you.

What sucks, is when he goes into work, and he sends one of his feathers up to wake you if you don’t answer his texts, the plumes tickling up your foot that pokes from the covers until you finally wake up.

SENT you’re such an asshole, let me sleep

Keigo 💍 no can do, baby

I know you need your beauty sleep, but I missed you :)


In play fighting- which is a love language okay I don’t make the rules- when he’s got you pinned under his massive frame, he keeps his golden eyes on your writhing, giggly figure, feather flitting over your body and cheeks and all over. Your shoves at his shoulders do nothing to move him, and he’s so entranced by the sight he barely recognizes the tapping of his wrist to tell him you’re really done, coupled with the giggly whines of surrender.

“You’re such a cheater,” you snicker once he finally stops, the wings that were just torturing you now curled around you in a protective manner. “You have whole ass other weapons, why have we not banned quirks in our fights yet?”

“‘Cause you liiiiiiike it,” he teases, nipping at your neck to make you squeal.

“Shut up.”


AND YOURE SO RIGHT, BECAUSE YOU DO LOVE THEM AND HE KNOWS IT, AND HE GETS SCOLDED FOR MISSING ALL OF HIS FEATHERS CONSTANTLY BECAUSE HE LEAVES THEM WITH YOU, AND You’re just like. So sad when he does leave and he has to break it to you that he does need them for this one time, and when your lip starts to wobble and eyes water, he just gnaws at his lip and lets one on each wing go because he’s fuckin’ hawks, he doesn’t need all his feathers what do they think this is?

And the feathers are juuuuust enough to comfort you while he’s gone.

That same feeling of the plumes over your feet in the morning. The way he rubs your cheek mimicked by the softness. The poke on one shoulder to dart away playfully and keeping you from boredom. Ruffling your hair when you go out and hiding away when you try to chase it. The feeling of it draping over your waist to copy his arm over your waist. Wiping your tears when you’re on the phone with him.

“I miss you,” you choke, and before you can reach up to wipe your swelling eyes, his feather does it for you with the softest touch, and you chuckle and nuzzle into the softness. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” he hums. “Just don’t blow your nose into it.”

Keigo knows how to take care of you. There’s nothing you wouldn’t trust him with, he knows you and what you need like the back of his hand, and his feathers sometimes are just the best methods to show you that. Even if he’s not physically there, he’s always got something looking out for you.

But even you can’t deny how much you love when he comes home, immediately catching you in his arms when you run into them, his wings enclosing you both in a private manner.

“You’re here,” you whimper, kissing all over his face.

“I am, baby.” He fluffs his feathers out for warmth and for that familiar safe feeling as he uses his muscle memory to get through the house, not daring to think about letting you go or down.

He just loves to keep you happy. At the end of the day, that’s what it comes down to. if he has his choice, it’ll be him doing it, but on the not-so rare occasion he won’t be there to, his feathers provide just enough of his presence to keep you going and swooning.

Okay- Maybe you could live without them flying down your shirt in search of sensitive areas.

But that’s all part of the package.

6 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Finally updating after years of not!

Happy birthday to me and I hope this chapter finds all of you wonderful people who begged me to update and encouraged me to keep writing despite the shit storm that is my life. đŸ–€

6 months ago


Heyyy!! I just wanted to ask will you ever be updating the fic 'Is this real?' Cuz that shit was DA BOMB !! Honestly I check that fic like every other week just to check if theres an update (i used to check it every day but then i just got sad T-T) anywaysssss just wanted to let you know your fandom ain't dead yet đŸ€§đŸ’–


Thank you so much!

I am actually going through and editing chapters for errors like punctuation and grammar and such! I have four chapters written out to update and am planning to drop them soon! I aim to have them all posted by September since my bday is in September.

I am so happy that you’re still enjoying the story. I can’t express how grateful I am for this. đŸ–€đŸ˜­

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6 months ago

You Keep Sawdust for Starlight.

You Keep Sawdust For Starlight.

includes— hawks x reader. comfort. minors dni.

warnings— gn!reader.

You Keep Sawdust For Starlight.

"I wish you could bring me with you," Keigo whispers.

"You're already with me."

"No— like," he waves away a palm. It pushes the air forcefully around in a small wisp. "Like, I wish you could shrink me down and stuff me into your shirt pocket. Somethin’ real cute like that."

Keigo's lips are pursed when he speaks, boyish and gesticulate. Although his words barely peak over the sound of your breathing, they are enough to startle you from the lullaby daze and candlelit, pillowfort days. Your hand pauses twirling a clump of feathery, dust blonde hair around its index, releasing it gently and opting to gingerly prop up your body behind you.

Your sheets are blue and the velvet fabric tickles your palms and fingertips. They're sapphire, splattered by glittered specks sewn in shades of yellow across its surface. Night sky, imitation Van Gogh. 

You can vet its authenticity; because unlike its painted namesake, your sheets remain intact. The comforter cradles you both in its arms, the fabric creasing like soft, blue waves, pushing and pulling you in its tides each time you shift beside him.

Your eyes flick and click to watch Keigo's.

He continues staring upwards at the popcorn ceiling as if the divots were countless stars, draped by curtains of black lashes. If tonight were colder, you might catch his breath.

"All those fancy places you go for work, and you wish you could come follow me around," you deadpan, brows stitched.

"Well, yeah." Keigo swallows and his Adam's apple bobs handsomely with each word like a fishing lure. You opt not to bite.

Trimmed nails scritch at the scuff of his beard, contemplative with viscous, syrupy thoughts.

“You always seem to be getting yourself into some trouble or another,” Keigo smiles a wet smile at the thought, still gazing up against the popcorn sky.

“People worry about you, you know," he says. "Worry if you’re safe. Worry if you’re you. You know I’ll be the first to tell you that you’re not exactly convincing.”

At that, Keigo folds two calloused hands, one over the other, against his sweater-clad chest, and exhales through his nose as he meets your eyes.

Many moons ago, you might have startled at how wide Keigo’s eyes looked when they reach yours, the black holes at their center swelling and fattening up. Tonight, you let them swallow you without fear of becoming lodged in their throat.

“I’ll think about it,” you sigh.

“I know you always think of me,” he says.

“You did say I’m predictable, didn’t you?”

You press your lips to his cheek, sticky and sweet. Keigo only opens his eyes again once you retreat back to lay beside him.

“Think of me a little while longer,” Keigo says. “And I promise I’ll follow you wherever you go.”

You Keep Sawdust For Starlight.
6 months ago
Same Smile : Anime Vs. Manga

same smile : anime vs. manga

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6 months ago
* Keigo Understands How Difficult Depression Can Be. No Matter How Many Symptoms You Show, Any Mood Swings
* Keigo Understands How Difficult Depression Can Be. No Matter How Many Symptoms You Show, Any Mood Swings
* Keigo Understands How Difficult Depression Can Be. No Matter How Many Symptoms You Show, Any Mood Swings

ˏˋ°‱*⁀➷ keigo understands how difficult depression can be. no matter how many symptoms you show, any mood swings or crying spells; he will always be there for you.

sending his feathers to grab a soft blanket, some water and light foods - crackers, pre-chopped fruit, anything he could try and help you eat. his bird instincts tend to kick in when you feel low, he wants to care for you, provide for his mate. he's so loving and gentle. it makes you wonder what he had to go through to be so soft.

he keeps a few feathers around the house when he's out on patrols or any missions, he leaves his jacket at home no matter how cold it is so you can keep it with you. he'd thank the world for biting his skin with the wind if it meant his baby bird was happy.

6 months ago

“But! But!”

“Baby,” Keigo chuckles, shaking his head in disbelief, “it’s gotta come off, I’m sorry.”

He’s not exactly surprised this is your reaction, he’s had his beard since the day you’ve met. Every cuddle you’ve shared, every word he’s spoke to you, every time you’ve looked at him, his facial hair has been there.

And now he has to shave it off.

You pout softly, “but it’s going to be so weird without it

He quirks a brow, “you’re not with me just for the facial hair, right?”

“No, but it does help!” you assure.

He snickers and shakes his head, “and now your loyalty is being put to the test. It’s going.”

“Fine,” you grumble. Then, you purse your lips out for a kiss, “one more kiss? Before you ruin my fun?”

“Dramatic,” he snickers, leaning down to indeed press a kiss to your lips. You toss your arms around his neck to keep him close, and he smirks as he grips your cheeks to hold you.

He entertains you for a bit, before finally pulling back with a sigh, “say goodbye, baby.”

You pout, “goodbye, the Keigo I know and love.”

“You’ll love me beardless too, I promise.” At his words, you pull a face, and he chuckles with a pinch of your cheek, ignoring the bats of your hands.

With that, Keigo traverses down the hallway.

He can’t remember the last time he was clean shaven, it was far before he met you for sure, but the idea is slightly daunting in of itself. But it’s been so long, he’s gotta start fresh, and with a roll of his shoulders for confidence, he picks up the razor and gets to work.

The process doesn’t take long, a couple of nicks on his lip from the lack of experience, and within a few minutes, the deed is done.

You’re going to be pissed.

“Babe?” He calls, swiftly exiting the bathroom.


He chuckles, “I’m coming out. Be ready.”

“Stay in there.”

He exits the bathroom swiftly, and when you see him in your peripheral, your hands immediately fly to your eyes to cover them.

“You want to see it?” He asks, and with your hands childishly covering your eyes, you shake your head. He snickers and shrugs, “well, you’re going to see it at some point.”

“No I won’t,” you argue. “I’ll cover my eyes forever.”

“What about the kisses that you beg and plead for? Won’t those pretty hands get in the way?”

You whimper in your throat before sighing and taking your hands off of your eyes, your eyes immediately darting in search for his beard and your face scrunches.

“Ohhh, it’s a baby!” You pout, reaching up to cup his face in your hands. He laughs as you whine, “god I’m dating a baby!”

“Don’t say that, it sounds bad.”

“Keigooooo,” you whine. “If you clench hard, will it grow back faster?”

He tips his head back in mock thought, “no. I don’t think so, angel.”

“Will you try?” You plead.

He sighs dramatically before looking down at you in amusement. “You know what? For you?” He leans down to kiss you again.

“Anythin’ doll.”

7 months ago

Just as you were about to give in to the demons in your head, forcing you to drown in their despicable words, you heard it. The distinct sound that you'd recognise even if you were six feet underground.

You heard the unmistakable coo of your husband. Your Keigo. Your mate. At first, it got lost in the storm wreaking havoc in your head,  but the more your focused on it the more it got louder. Unable to ignore it, not that you would, you surrendered yourself to the mushy feeling it brought. Sometimes it stunned you, the power a simple coo held over you. To you it signified that you were not alone. You'd never be alone as long as Keigo could help it. Your spring sunshine that always chased away the storms.

The more you came to the more you felt it. Surrounded by the sweet sounds your husband made to calm you and in turn calm himself as well. The sweet and goey coos and chirps , that had your heart singing out of joy no matter how many times you heard it.

As you focused, you noticed you were carefully tucked away in his arms, almost glued to his chest as Keigo rocked back n forth , while coos , chirps and pretty clicks spilled out of him like a waterfall. If it were up to him, he'd nestle you in his heart,  hide you from the terrors of the world and of the mind. That you had no doubt about.

Overcome with the sudden emotions , you raised your hands to cradle his face. As you rubbed your nose across his, you find yourself wishing that could answer those pretty sounds of his with your own. To be able to convey your feelings with your own set of melodies but alas, you could only hope that you're able to get your feelings across through other means. But as you gaze upon his honey eyes you know that your love reaches him all the same.

your sweet spring sunshine.

Just As You Were About To Give In To The Demons In Your Head, Forcing You To Drown In Their Despicable

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7 months ago

*Post war jokes bc improvement is an upward battle but it can be a fun one with the right people*

Hawks: I’m forgetting something

Tokoyami: Morals, probably

Hawks: No no, it was something important

7 months ago


fluff | keigo takami (hawks) x reader.


You ensure that his bento and tumbler of coffee are warm and placed in his satchel, just as you hear him rush down the stairs. It’s 4AM, and Keigo is about to head out for work while you’re still yawning and pulling your robe tighter around yourself.

He kisses you, one on the lips and another on your hand before grabbing his bag and swinging it across his chest, lowering his wings to allow him to do so. “Alright, mama, I’ll see you soon,” he promises, grinning at your sleepy expression. Even like this, you look gorgeous. He’s reluctant to even head out.

“Stay safe,” you say, kissing his cheek and fixing his hair quickly before he steps out the door. “I love you!” He says, anticipating your usual reciprocated response, only to hear you say “I know” as he’s closing the front door behind him.

He stops dead in his tracks and pokes his head through the front door. “I love you,” he repeats. You feign confusion. “I know, honey, I heard you the first time.”

His wings straighten and his feathers almost jump out at his shock and utter confusion. “Have you poisoned my food?” He asks, hand on his bag in case your answer is one of affirmation. You shake your head. “Of course not, but you’re going to be late for work. The agency is already short-staffed as it is,” you remind him, but he’s hardly paying attention.

“Mama,” he says, voice low yet soft. His index finger and thumb rest under your chin, encouraging your gaze to settle on his worried expression. “Did I do something wrong? I’d rather you slap me than do what you’re doing right now.”

You have to stifle your laughter by clearing your throat. “You haven’t done anything wrong, I’m just tired,” you assure him. His brow furrows as he steps back and heads out the door again. “Alright then,” he pauses, “I love you.”

When you smile softly and simply nod your head, his mood dampens further. He closes the door behind him and hesitates, clenching his fists before taking a deep breath and spreading his wings. Just as he’s about to take off, he hears you knock on the door and pull it open again. He stops and turns to look at you.

“I love you too, Keigo,” you grin, caressing his face as you press a big kiss to his lips and pat his chest teasingly. “Now go to work,” you giggle.

Your now very dazed husband is grinning from ear to ear, his wings fluttering and his chest puffed out in joy. “Yes ma’am.”


sweetfushi © do not modify, repost, translate, copy or use my post in any way. all that is included in this post, aside from the fictional characters and universes, belong to sweetfushi (zee).

7 months ago


Animator Jason Yaos Hawks Sketch For Episode 147
Animator Jason Yaos Hawks Sketch For Episode 147

Animator Jason Yaos Hawks sketch for Episode 147

7 months ago
I Cant Get Over How Adorable Baby Hawks Is.
I Cant Get Over How Adorable Baby Hawks Is.

I can’t get over how adorable baby Hawks is. đŸ„ș

7 months ago

☆ HAWKS relationship headcanons  ( FEM!reader ) ☆

 HAWKS Relationship Headcanons ( FEM!reader )

‱ fluff, mild jealousy 


♡ You will never touch a door. He's got it for you.

♡ Super flirtatious with you. Cannot go a minute without touching you, sneaking a kiss or holding your hand.

♡ Hawks loves to either kiss you on the forehead, or on the corner of your mouth if he's trying to tease you. You can always expect him to greet you with a warm kiss to your cheek. He loves to pepper you with little pecks upon whatever skin you have exposed on the day.

♡ Sorry, this man just wants to smooch you to death. You're just that adorable to him.

♡ PDA isn't a big issue to him, he'd love to show off his affection to you for everyone to see. Though he does keep it minimal, never straying further than your knees or below your collarbones; that's only for him.

♡Hawks is not a jealous person. He knows you love him, so he has no care for how others act around you. But, there is always a rare chance where he does get a bit riled up. In those situations, he's quick to jump in with a secure arm around your waist.

♡ And if the person still pesters you, ignorant to your Pro Hero boyfriend, Hawks will not hesitate to kiss you right on the lips, his hand travelling down your back sensually while his heated eyes stare them down in the moment.

♡ Hawks is all for using his words, but sometimes just his fierce look alone does the trick.

♡ He's a great cuddler but, a horrible sleeper. When cuddling, he's either spooning you or lying on top of you, “no you can’t leave, I’m still cuddling you." While sleeping his limbs sprawl all over the place. And he's a blanket hogger.

7 months ago

You woke up to something soft, tickling your nose. At first, you tried swatting it away, but the feeling persisted. With a groan and finally accepting the fact that you were now awake, you opened your eyes to find the culprit who dared disturbed the sweet embrace of sleep.

You find a lil baby feather nestled in the sheets near your face and almost instantly all your irritation melts away.

You reach up to fiddle with the crimson culprit, relishing in how it glides between the tips of your fingers. You're always in a bit of awe at how these fluffly feathers could also turn into a weapon at a moment's notice. But to you, they were a symbol of warmth and love.

Unbeknownst to you, Keigo gazes at this scene with a soft smile of his own. Never did he think he'd be able to witness a small piece of heaven, just inches away from him. And although he wanted to bask in the love you bestowed upon his feather, just a bit longer, his quiet coos gave him away.

'traitor,' he thought.

As soon as you heard it, you narrowed your eyes at him, but your lips betrayed your feelings as they twitched upwards,

"Morning love, take a picture, it'll last longer."

And although Keigo flushed at your words, the twinkle in his eyes seemed to get brighter, "Hmm, maybe i should, but what good is a picture when you're right in front of me" as he snuggled closer.

Happy that you could get in some morning cuddles, you missed his feathers sneaking around.

Soon a loud shriek filled the bedroom , as you tried to wiggle away while Keigo's feathers tickled you, showing no mercy.

But as Keigo's giggles accompanied your wails for mercy, you find yourself thinking

You'd have it no other way.

A thud was heard, followed by cursing "KEIGO YOU ASS!!"

truly you'd have it no other way.


You Woke Up To Something Soft, Tickling Your Nose. At First, You Tried Swatting It Away, But The Feeling

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7 months ago

Just as you were about to give in to the demons in your head, forcing you to drown in their despicable words, you heard it. The distinct sound that you'd recognise even if you were six feet underground.

You heard the unmistakable coo of your husband. Your Keigo. Your mate. At first, it got lost in the storm wreaking havoc in your head,  but the more your focused on it the more it got louder. Unable to ignore it, not that you would, you surrendered yourself to the mushy feeling it brought. Sometimes it stunned you, the power a simple coo held over you. To you it signified that you were not alone. You'd never be alone as long as Keigo could help it. Your spring sunshine that always chased away the storms.

The more you came to the more you felt it. Surrounded by the sweet sounds your husband made to calm you and in turn calm himself as well. The sweet and goey coos and chirps , that had your heart singing out of joy no matter how many times you heard it.

As you focused, you noticed you were carefully tucked away in his arms, almost glued to his chest as Keigo rocked back n forth , while coos , chirps and pretty clicks spilled out of him like a waterfall. If it were up to him, he'd nestle you in his heart,  hide you from the terrors of the world and of the mind. That you had no doubt about.

Overcome with the sudden emotions , you raised your hands to cradle his face. As you rubbed your nose across his, you find yourself wishing that could answer those pretty sounds of his with your own. To be able to convey your feelings with your own set of melodies but alas, you could only hope that you're able to get your feelings across through other means. But as you gaze upon his honey eyes you know that your love reaches him all the same.

your sweet spring sunshine.

Just As You Were About To Give In To The Demons In Your Head, Forcing You To Drown In Their Despicable

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4 years ago


I wanted to request a fluffy fic of Hawks/Fem.Reader where he has his run, but reader is wick, delirious fever the whole shebang, his bird brain turns from must mate to nurturing, gotta take care of his girl, build a pretty nest for his mate take good care of her. If you dont mind that is, thanks so much for taking the time to read this!

oh anon u see my big dark secret that i haven’t fully revealed? the type of fic im the biggest slut for? its sick fic baby roll footage. featuring feral keigo as well. 

Keep reading

4 years ago

lavender latte x

(M (for now!)

hawks | takami keigo x reader


chapter 1   ||   chapter 2  ||   chapter 3   ||  chapter 4   ||   chapter 5   ||  chapter 6   ||  chapter 7  ||  chapter 8  ||  chapter 9  || 


word count: ~4.4k

beta’ed: @hawnks​ (thank u!!! 💗)

the softness after the storm

warnings: reference to the panic attacks/dissociation of the last few chapters, fragile reader, mostly fluff. so much fluff. nesting too.


hello <3 ll is alive and well to the point where
 i made another mega chapter that i had to split, so here’s the first chunk! just lots of softness, hurt/comfort and fluff. both of u need it. we all need it right now. find some comfort if u can loves 💗

(psst– thank you all for sticking around for this series, i adore you all with my whole heart!!!!!!) 

Keep reading

4 years ago


I wanted to request a fluffy fic of Hawks/Fem.Reader where he has his run, but reader is wick, delirious fever the whole shebang, his bird brain turns from must mate to nurturing, gotta take care of his girl, build a pretty nest for his mate take good care of her. If you dont mind that is, thanks so much for taking the time to read this!

oh anon u see my big dark secret that i haven’t fully revealed? the type of fic im the biggest slut for? its sick fic baby roll footage. featuring feral keigo as well. 

Keep reading