musecraft - 🪐 — musecraft.
🪐 — musecraft.

— as above / so below !

437 posts

Kang Sae-byeok ;

🪐 — kang sae-byeok​ ;

sae-byeok doesn’t belong there.   she can feel her skin crawling with the wrongness of it all,  more and more with every minute ticking off that stupid expensive clock over her head.  she forces herself to unclench her jaw,  to stop trying to guess how much it could be worth and how much she could do with it  —  she would bring her mother here,  would save up money for her brother’s education,  to start.  but in order for her to do even a fraction of that,  she needs to pretend to be one of the young and wealthy for as long as it take for her plan to work out. 

katiana’s voice grates on her ears,  still she turns on her heel to gather both the bottle and the box of pastries,  seemingly without a word of complaint.  even if she utters a few nasty words in korean under her breath,  it’s too low for anyone to hear and besides,  no one is really paying attention to their surroundings.  a mistake,  obviously.  that is exactly what she is going to use to her advantage to lighten their purses.   ❛  that is your dinner?  ❜   she is back on the patio with brows raised,  voice a little too flat to pass for concerned.  not that she is trying.  not that she cares.  it’s only going to be a bother if the other girl ends up feeling sick.

         PERHAPS IF SHE’D BEEN PAYING ATTENTION,  katiana would have noticed the way her guest eyed the pricey decor,  or heard the irritated whispers at being asked to wait upon her.  but the heiress is in her own little world,  as usual  — one where the only thing that matters is her empty glass  —  &  sae byeok’s displeasure goes unnoticed.  ❝ don’t be silly — i’m going out to eat with some investment banker’s son later tonight, ❞  she muses when sae-byeok returns, sweets in one hand  &  champagne in the other.  &  katiana’s graceful fingertips reach out to pluck a perfect pink pastry out of the box without so much as a thank you.  ❝ i just wanted a snack now. ❞                                                   but when she takes the bottle of champagne from her, at least katiana pours two glasses,  handing one to sae-byeok  &  clinking the crystal rims together delicately before taking the first sip.  ❝ he invited me to this little greek place,  i guess it’s supposed to be good — his uncle or something owns it.  you can come, if you want.  i’m sure he could bring a friend for you to go with. ❞  she continues, swirling the champagne around in her glass as she reaches for another macaron.  ❝ ugh, these are so good, ❞  she says through her mouthful, the pastry airy  &  sweet. ❝ they’re honestly the best you can find outside of paris,  don’t you think ? ❞

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🪐 —open prompt  sent by  @artereis​  / podrick               ❛  i  hope  that  you’re  okay . ❜


                    SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN ELATED. everything her family had worked for since the day she’d been born was finally within their grasp. after two failed attempts at making a strategically beneficial match for her, at last margaery had secured a betrothal to the eldest son of the royal family. she would be queen; it was her grandmother’s dream realized. but in spite of her family’s undeniable victory, there was a heavy weight that had settled in her stomach, a sense of dread that only grew more  &  more intense as her wedding date approached.  &  when podrick was standing before her, it became almost overwhelming. her breath caught in her throat  &  margaery began to despair  —  how could she marry another when her very heart felt as though it was trying to burst from her chest whenever podrick was nearby ?                                                                              but it was not her choice to make; this was her duty to her family. her head held high in resolve, her lips curl into a well-practiced smile, though in her chest her heart is split open  &  aching. ❝ of course. it’s my honor to be of service to my family  &  to the kingdom. ❞  it wasn’t truly an answer to his question,  &  margaery hopes that it goes unnoticed —  or does she want him to notice the false note in her voice, that somehow he will hear the truth behind her carefully measured words ? even she cannot say for what she hopes.

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2 years ago

🪐 — jack sparrow​ ;

      His memories of her from his childhood were surprisingly vivid: the strong… a young Jack could only describe it as swamp smell that clung to the very bones of this wooden shack, the pots and talismans and other assorted trinkets that he had always longed — and occasionally tried — to take home with him, the rhythmic quality to her voice that made any story she told sound like the most interesting thing he had ever heard. Teague had strange friends but Tia Dalma had always stood out.

       “ You knew her? ” There was no way her remark had been made by accident, but something youthful and hopeful leapt in Jack’s eyes nonetheless. But even as he leaned forward in his chair, a willing listener to whatever stories she cared to tell, he couldn’t help but spare a quick, wary glance over his shoulder. “ He… ” Teague wasn’t present here in Tia Dalma’s shack, but his mother had been the forbidden spectre of his youth for long enough that the habit had become difficult to break. “ Teague doesn’t really talk about her. ” Jack shrugged slightly, crossing his arms in front of him on the table. “ And I don’t really remember much. ”

       THE EYES IN QUESTION CAME ALIGHT at the mention of maria, though the goddess’s own sharp gaze did not miss the flicker of fear as they looked away briefly, ensuring they were truly alone before he spoke. but there was hope there, too. young jack could not hide his interest in the topic.  &  suddenly, calypso found herself a bit sad for the boy. their mortal lives were so unbearably short, after all,  &  she could see how he yearned for so much as a scrap of detail from the life that had given him his own. that his father would deny that to him seemed cruel — but that too was the way of men, she had found.                                           ❝ only briefly, ❞  she responds, moving away from her heavily laden shelves to seat herself at the table across from jack. ❝ your father brought her here once, before you were born. ❞ grimy fingertips play idly with the bones laid out before her, twisting them into new angles as she calls to mind the face he sought. the humans all began to blend together over time, but it is easier to remember maria with jack there before her; they really do look quite alike. a smile curls at one side of tia dalma’s lips, her knuckles rapping softly against the wooden tabletop. ❝ that a woman like her could handle captain teague was proof enough of her strength of spirit. ❞

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2 years ago

🪐 —open prompt  sent by  @thecodekeeper​             ❝ i kept your tears in a jar. ❞


         ❝ THEN YOU’VE KEPT AS TIGHT A HOLD  on mine as you do on your own. ❞  &  she laughs, the sound rough  &  harsh when it escapes from her throat. captain teague sometimes seemed more than just a man himself. his reputation preceded him, his attentions often singularly focused on his duties as keeper of the pirate code. it was rare that he came to tia dalma seeking help with matters of the heart. far more often he asked for her help navigating without stars, or keeping sirens at bay. but she could still remember the day she had given him the little crystal vial of her own tears to help blunt the sharp edges of his grief. on that day, teague had been nothing more than a man mourning his lost love, gone too soon.  &  she had given him something to help ease his sorrows, but it seemed that the good captain had not understood how to use it in the end. ❝ they didn’t work because tears only have the power to heal once they are released, ❞  she says, her tone incredulous. as if he should have known, as if it’s common knowledge.  &  the priestess taps her cheekbone just beneath her eye, the pattern of her tattoos wrinkling as she smiles. ❝ keep them trapped inside,  &  they can do nothing to help you. you must let them out if you ever hope to be free of them. ❞

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