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List Of Adjectives In ~
List of adjectives in ~스럽다
These are the most common I’ve found on Twitter. This list is by no means exhaustive.
사랑스럽다 : lovely
자랑스럽다 : proud
자연스럽다 : natural
실망스럽다 : disappointing
만족스럽다 satisfactory
송구스럽다 : sorry, apologectic
급작스럽다 : abrupt, sudden
촌스럽다 : to be out of style
수다스럽다 : talkative
뻔뻔스럽다 : shameless
바보스럽다 : foolish, stupid
변덕스럽다 : unpredictable, fickle, temperamental
부담스럽다 : burdensome
혼란스럽다 : confusing
탐스럽다 : desirable, attractive
유감스럽다 : unfortunate
퉁명스럽다 : abrupt, brusque
조심스럽디 : careful, cautious
안쓰럽다 : to feel sorry (for)
당황스럽다 : embarrassed, disconcerted
겸연스럽다 : embarrassed, sheepish
혐오스럽다 : disgusting, detestable
후회스럽다 : regretful, remorseful
여성스럽다 : feminine, girly
남성스럽다 : masculine
무지스럽다 : ignorant, dull
의심스럽다 : doubtful, suspicious
쑥스럽다 : shy, bashful
어른스럽다 : mature, adult-like
믿음직스럽다 : reliable, worthy
존경스럽다 : admirable
감동스럽다 : touching, moving
먹음직스럽다 : appetizing
개탄스럽다 : deplorable, lamentable
감격스럽다 : impressed, touched
망령스럽다 : childish, foolish
수치스럽다 : shameful, disgraceful
공포스럽다 : frightening, scary
별스럽다 : odd
죄스럽다 : feeling guilty
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100 Adjectives in Korean
괜찮다 - Alright, Okay
화나다 - Angry
짜증나다 - Annoyed
나쁘다 - Bad
아름답다 - Beautiful
크다 - Big
쓰다 - Bitter
심심하다 - Bored
지루하다 - Boring, Dull
씩씩하다 - Brave
싸다 - Cheap
싸늘하다 - Chilly, Frosty
통통하다 - Chubby
깨끗하다 - Clean
흐리다 - Cloudy
춥다 - Cold (Weather)
차갑다 - Cold, Icy, Chilly (Touch, objects)
편하다 - Comfortable
편리하다 - Convenient
시원하다 - Cool, Refreshing
귀엽다 - Cute
축축하다 - Damp, Clammy, Wet
습하다 - Damp, Humid, Moist
맛있다 - Delicious, Tasty
다르다 - Different
어렵다 - Difficult
더럽다 - Dirty
건조하다 - Dry
이르다 - Early
쉽다 - Easy
당황하다 - Embarrassed
비어 있다 - Empty
비싸다 - Expensive
빠르다 - Fast
뚱뚱하다 - Fat, Overweight
기름지다 - Fatty, Greasy, Oily
적다 - Few, Little
신선하다 - Fresh
가득하다 - Full, Crammed
젖다 - Get wet, Damp
기쁘다 - Glad, Happy
잘생기다 - Good looking
착하다 - Good-natured, Nice
좋다 - Good, Fine
행복하다 - Happy
딱딱하다 - Hard, Stiff
건강하다 - Healthy
높다 - High
뜨겁다 - Hot (Touch, objects)
덥다 - Hot (Weather)
배가 고프다 - Hungry
불편하다 - Inconvenient
재미있다 - Interesting, Fun
복잡하다 - Jammed, Crowed
늦다 - Late
적다 - Less
많다 - Lots, Many
시끄럽다 - Loud, Noisy
비열하다 - Mean, Nasty
촉촉하다 - Moist
좁다 - Narrow
새롭다 - New, Fresh
재미없다 - Not interesting, Not fun, Boring
맛없다 - Not tasty
오래되다 - Old (Objects)
예쁘다 - Pretty
조용하다 - Quiet
슬프다 - Sad
짜다 - Salty
같다 - Same
무섭다 - Scary
날카롭다, 뾰족하다 - Sharp, Pointed
수줍다 - Shy
아프다 - Sick, Painful
비슷하다 - Similar
깡마르다 - Skinny
졸리다 - Sleepy
날씬하다 - Slim, Slender
미끄럽다 - Slippery
느리다 - Slow
작다 - Small
똑똑하다 - Smart, Clever
부드럽다 - Soft
말랑하다 - Soft, Tender, Ripe
시다, 시큼하다 - Sour
맵다 - Spicy
강하다 - Strong
튼튼하다 - Strong, Sturdy
멍청하다 - Stupid, Foolish
놀라다 - Surprised
달다, 달콤하다 - Sweet
목이 마르다 - Thirsty
피곤하다 - Tired, Exhausted
못생기다 - Ugly
불편하다 - Uncomfortable
급하다 - Urgent
따뜻하다 - Warm
약하다 - Week, Feeble
이상하다 - Weird, Strange
넓다 - Wide, Broad
먹다 - To Eat
뭘 먹고 싶어요? - What do you want to eat?
…먹고 싶어요 - I want to eat…
밥 먹었어요? - Have you eaten?
먹자 - Let’s eat
잘 먹겠습니다 - I will eat well
잘 먹었습니다 - I ate well
맛있어요 - Delicious
배고파요 - I’m hungry
시장 - Market
식당 - Restaurant
과일 - Fruit
복숭아 - Peach
수박 - Watermelon
바나나 - Banana
야채 - Vegetable
고구마 - Sweet potato
밥 - Food/Rice
음식 - Food
빵 - Bread
김밥 - Seaweed rice roll
김치 - Kimchi
라면 - Ramen
떡볶이 - Spicy rice cake
빙수 - Korean shaved ice
피자 - Pizza
케이크 - Cake
초콜릿 - Chocolate
🍭 A&R 🍭
Vocabulary: Must-Know Verbs
안녕, 여러분! Hey, y’all! Welcome to this vocab list! I want to show you some basic and important verbs (action words) that you might hear in everyday Korean. I know this list is pretty long, but take your time with it–there’s no rush! Let’s build up our vocab!!
가다 = to go
가져가다 = to take (something)
가져오다 = to bring (something)
걷다 = to walk
공부하다 = to study
가르치다 = to teach
날다 = to fly
나가다 = to go out
나오다 = to come out
놀다 = to play/to hang out (w/someone)
느끼다 = to feel
들어가다 = to go in
들어오다 = to come in
달리다 = to run
들다 = to listen/to hear
뛰다 = to run/to jump
만들다 = to make
먹다 = to eat
마시다 = to drink
받다 =to receive (can also mean to pick up a phone call)
보다 = to see/to watch/to look
부르다 = to call/to sing (would be conjugated in the present tense as 불러요)
배우다 = to learn
사다 = to buy
살다 = to live
사랑하다 = to love
샤워하다 = to shower
싫다 = to hate/to not like/to not want
수영하다 = to swim
알다 = to know
이다 = to be
아니다 = to not be
일하다 = to work
있다 = to have/to be there
없다 = to no have/to not be there
오다 = to come
웃다 = to smile/to laugh
울다 = to cry
운전하다 = to drive
운동하다 = to exercise
요리하다 = to cook
전화하다 = to call (on the phone)
좋아하다 = to like
주다 = to give
자다 = to sleep
찾다 = to find/ to look for
청소하다 = to clean
하다 = to do
우와! Wow, this is a long list! I thought all of these verbs were pretty important/useful, but you can focus on the ones you find most important :). I hope this was helpful to build up your vocabulary! Thanks for studying with me! 안녕!
100 Verbs in Korean
묻다 - To ask
물어보다 - To ask
도착하다 - To arrive
대답하다 - To answer
끓이다 - To boil
빌리다 - To borrow, lend
사다 - To buy
태어나다 - To be born
죄송하다 - To be sorry
축하하다 - To congratulate
청소하다 - To clean
울다 - To cry
오다 - To come
요리하다 - To cook
썰다 - To chop, slice
닫다 - To close
고백하다 - To confess
걸다 - To call, dial
꿈꾸다 - To dream
마시다 - To drink
운전하다 - To drive
죽다 - To die
출발하다 - To depart
춤추다 - To dance
튀기다 - To deep fry
하다 - To do
운동하다 - To exercise
먹다 - To eat
들어오다 - To enter
나가다 - To exit
끝나다 - To finish
볶다 - To fry
사랑에 빠지다 - To fall in love
싸우다 - To fight
찾다 - To find,To look for
주다 - To give
일어나다 - To get up
가다 - To go
가지다 - To have
갖다 - To have
도와주다 - To help
듣다 - To hear
서두르다 - To hurry, rush
싫어하다 - To hate, dislike
있다 -To have
소개하다 - To introduce
알다 -To know
거짓말하다 - To lie
배우다 - To learn
사랑하다 - To love
살다 - To live
웃다 - To laugh
좋아하다 - To like
지다 - To lose, be defeated
재다 - To measure, weigh
섞다 - To mix, blend
만들다 - To make
만나다 - To meet
결혼하다 - To marry
모르다 - To not know
없다 - To not have
필요하다 - To need
주문하다 - To order
열다 - To open
내다 - To pay
약속하다 - To promise
연습하다 - To practice
준비하다 - To prepare
굽다 - To roast, grill, bake
읽다 - To read
기억하다 - To remember
쉬다 - To rest
타다 - To ride
휘젓다 - To stir
팔다 - To sell
찌다 - To steam
자다 - To sleep
앉다 - To sit
시작하다 - To start
보다 - To see
보내다 - To send
공부하다 - To study
가르치다 - To teach
생각하다 - To think
말하다 - To talk, speak
이야기하다 - To talk, chat
전화하다 - To telephone ( call)
찍다 - To take (picture)
사용하다 - To use
벗다 - To undress, take off clothes
입다 - To wear
일하다 - To work
이기다 - To win, defeat
씻다 - To wash
쓰다 - To wear (hat, eyewear
쓰다 - To write
신다 - To wear (shoes, socks, footwear)
기다리다 - To wait
걷다 - To walk
걱정하다 -To worry
Is ㄹ pronounced as L or R?
This is probably one of the most common questions that beginners ask when learning 한글. Just like every beginner learners, I went through this as well which is why I decided to study pronunciation rules too. I created this post to help clear up any confusion.
When ㄹ is located at the beginning of a word, it sounds more like an R.
Example: 라디오 (ra-di-o), 레슨 (re-seun), 로맨틱 (ro-man-tik)
When ㄹ is located between two vowels, it sounds like an R.
Example: 다리 (da-ri), 사랑 (sa-rang), 어렵다 (eo-ryeob-dda), 모르다 (mo-reu-da), 노력 (no-ryeok), 매력 (mae-ryeok)
When ㄹ is located at the end of a word, it’s pronounced more like an L.
Example: 딸 (ddal), 아들 (a-deul), 월 (weol), 달 (dal), 칼 (khal), 연필 (yeon-pil), 교실 (gyo-sil)
When ㄹ is followed by a consonant or followed by another ㄹ, it sounds like L.
Example: 딸기 (ddal-gi), 힘들다 (him-deul-da), 몰라 (mol-la), 살자 (sal-ja), 고릴라 (go-ril-la)
When ㄹ comes after any consonant except ㄴ, ㄹ is pronounced as N.
Example: 생리 (saeng-ni), 국립 (gung-nip), 능력 (neung-nyeok)
When ㄹ comes before or after an ㄴ, both ㄹ and ㄴ are pronounced as ㄹ.
Example: 한류 (hal-lyu), 신라 (sil-la), 신랑 (sil-lang), 달나라 (dal-la-ra)
Disclaimer: Hope this helps but remember not to rely too much on romanizations and listen to the sounds properly as well.
This is a post that I shared on Amino app and I decided to post it here as well.