myautumnrose - Roses Look Good in Fall
Roses Look Good in Fall

Welcome to my art blog where I post my original art works featuring my own characters, practices, and sketches. My main account is @thecalmrose.You can ask me questions, have art trades, and commissons. I mostly do digital art and my art programs are Photoshop and Paint Tool Sai at the moment. I hope you all like my art work. 26/Cis-Female/Straight?/African-American

418 posts

Always Wanted To Do This Meme!!! Everytime I Hear This Sound They Are What I Think Of!!!

Always wanted to do this meme!!! Everytime I hear this sound they are what I think of!!!

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More Posts from Myautumnrose

1 year ago
Name: Petunia Oakwood
Name: Petunia Oakwood
Name: Petunia Oakwood

Name: Petunia Oakwood

Age: 18

Book of Origin: “It Lives in the Woods”

Race: Black/Kenyan-American

Sexuality: Bisexual

Religion: Christian

LI: Lucas Thomas

Bio: A musician who could not also spin a guitar but also a bat.

Petunia was born to a Kenyan mother and a black father. She is the oldest and recently got into “adulthood”. Petunia can speak fluent Swahili and English. She also gets on her little brother Phlox for not practicing when he has time and his hair. She honors both her Kenyan and regency heritage. Her septum piercing was for her 18th birthday as she really wanted one growing up.

Petunia has always been sociable and outgoing. This lead her to Jane and eventually Mr.Red. Unlike her brother, weird stuff excites her and Mr.Red was weird enough.

However, after Jane’s death, the outgoing personality stopped. She became more brooding and antisocial. Mostly giving a slight nod when greeted. The only friend she had at the time was music. It inspired her to pursue it and she began to practice the electric guitar. When she got to high school however, there was no guitar in band so she instead joined the color guard/ flag team. The only reason was that she could learn cool tricks with her guitar.

When Mr.Red came back, she was on board with stopping him. Saying that no one else should die by his hand. Petunia also has a knack for spinning long pole like things so the barb wire was perfect for her. When Noah betrayed the group, she still had some sympathy for him, but was hurt as she thought she could have ALL her friends back. But it wasnt in the cards.

Petunia knew from the jump that she was bisexual. She would try to impress girls and guys with her guitar skills, but they would always fail. When she was a kid she had a crush on Lucas but was always too scared to tell him. And it didn’t help that he had a glow up in high school. During their time together fighting Redfield, realized it was more than a crush. She always adored how smart and dedicated he was. After homecoming, the two got together officially. She even wrote a song for him!

In ILB and ILW Petunia doesn’t go to college yet. With all the supernatural things going on she decided that college can wait. She really wanted to go to be a doctor. She decided saving the world from the paranormal was more important. When Noah came back she forgave him, but still watches herself around him just in case. Also, in ILW, she becomes engaged to Lucas.

Despite the supernatural, Petunia considers herself to be a Christian. Having no problem with her faith, and praying puts her at ease.

At the end of the day, Petunia has a knack for spinning things and kicking monster ass. She may be quiet at first will be there to protect you.

(While Petunia follows the MC route, if possible, her alternate death would include Jane stealing her electric guitar, pulling off a string and slitting her throat with it!)

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1 year ago

Does anyone just randomly ship their MCs…


Does Anyone Just Randomly Ship Their MCs


Like he’s so low-key dark and brooding and she is so sweet and cheerful?!?!!

Plus, I headcanon ILITW & HSS in the same universe like…

Sorry, I just they would be cute!!

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1 year ago
Name: Phlox Oakwood
Name: Phlox Oakwood
Name: Phlox Oakwood

Name: Phlox Oakwood

Age: 17

Book of Origin: “It Lives in the Woods”

Race: Black/Kenyan-American

Sexuality: Straight

Religion: Agnostic-almost Atheist

LI: Ava Cunningham

Bio: A gothic nerd who loves to research theories and the supernatural.

Phlox was born to a Kenyan mother and a Black father as the second child. He can speak most Swahili, but is more familiar with English. He tries to honor his Kenyan heritage as well as honoring regency heritage. Although, his parents and Petunia disagree with his hairstyle, saying that consistent hot combing could lead to hair damage.

Growing up, Phlox has been blunt honest and doesn’t care about feelings. He believes a ugly truth is better than beautiful lie.That being said, he had no problem “saying” no when the events of Mr.Red showed up. He was actually trying to convince Jane and Petunia not to go but after being called “chicken” he went through with it anyway. Phlox is also honest with his older sister Petunia. Even saying that he was a little creeped out when Petunia and Lucas started dating. But he got over it as he believes no one else is good enough for his sister.

Jane’s death deeply traumatized Phlox and lead down a dark path of research and questioning EVERYTHING! From finding out what causes such events to if there’s even a afterlife? Phlox is almost fully atheist because he also believes in quantum physics. So something had to make our universe? Right?

To comfort himself, he takes pleasure in dark humor! I mean really dark like even more offensive and sad than your average white guy trying to be edgy. He also plays “Dungeons and Dragons” . He plays as a elf!

When the events of Mr.Red resurfaced, Phlox basically said HELL NO! However, since Petunia wanted to face it he went just to make sure she didn’t get killed. This soon became a obsession to put Mr.Red down once and for all! With Noah’s betrayal, Phlox dropped ALL sympathy for the guy only to replace with pure rage and hatred. If Noah hadn’t take James place, he would of gave Noah two black eyes. He wouldn’t forgive Noah until ILW.

Phlox has a thing for the ladies and is known to be a flirt. He tried his luck impressing Erica Vine, a overly sweet girl with an interesting family, but she moved to Cedar Cove so that failed. He then realized he had feelings for Ava Cunningham, not just for looks but her personality, her rebellious nature, and her ability to wield a knife! They date and Phlox is still nervous about one day proposing. He thinks Ava is not the mushy gushy married type.

During ILB and ILW Phlox is a part-time community college studying to be a medical examiner. Practically, every thing he went through, a still, dead body is the least of his concerns. He takes classes online. When Noah resurfaces from being the monster, Phlox immediately flew in with a knuckle sandwich!

Phlox may be nerdy goth boy. But he realized that he is very unique and smart. He is also a hard ass and willing to fight against any evil!

(While Phlox follows the MC route, if possible, his alternate death would be Jane holding him up then repeatedly smashing him head first into the ground!)

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1 year ago
OMG!! You Guys Finally Have It Right!!!!

OMG!! You guys finally have it right!!!!

OMG!! You Guys Finally Have It Right!!!!


Please let this be fixed in book 2!!!!

Also, did I really sit there and nit pick all the height errors I could find?! Yes, yes I did!!!

Replaying Blades to get ready for the BIG DAY and…

Replaying Blades To Get Ready For The BIG DAY And
Replaying Blades To Get Ready For The BIG DAY And

Mal you have to be a strong mf…

Or it’s a script error…

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