she/her 🇵🇱 19yo🐙lokal creature from the basement / eccentric artist🐙🐙lover of everything weird and spooky🐙
488 posts
Mynameis40and4 - 44 - Tumblr Blog

I like them lots💚
the meaning of life is summed up in the story elmer bendiner tells about how when he was a pilot the second world war, his plane was hit with a barrage of anti-aircraft fire from the nazi forces but the crew survived. and how everyone was saying it was a miracle until they investigated the shells that got in the fuselage and found there was no explosive charges in any of them. in one they found a note scribbled in czech, written by the person who had been forced to manufacture the shells, and it just said ‘this is all we can do for you now’.
Somewhere out there on a planet very far away is a civilization that has included our sun in a beloved constellation of some animal we couldn't dream up if we tried

Me when I take five Benadryl to talk to me ghost brother’s weird friends and no one GETS IT

also they got him a shirt !


it's a shame he can't eat that original vid

get a load of this! (cool fresh autumn air)

boogeyman more like booGAYman amiright
Goodbye brat summer welcome back dziady autumn
Honestly? Fuck this culture of shaming people for learning about things late and liking them. who gives a shit if you discovered a song from years ago and youre in love with the band? Catch up with series you just discovered and talk about them to your friends, fall in love with movies others have known way before you even heard of them, read books youd heard of long ago but never got interested in until now and become a huge fan!! This idea that people are “fake fans” for not knowing about or being interested in things before and loving them now is garbage and we need to get rid of it. Just let people enjoy things jfc!!

anomalomiku. anomikucaris. anomalous shrimpku. Its her freacking birthday !

Context: Nubbins has a new execution in the game..

sometimes plushies make me cry because it’s like. they’re little guys made to be loved. their only purpose is to be held and hugged and loved. we made them because we love making things and we love loving things. and they’re so cute
burning text gif maker
heart locket gif maker
minecraft advancement maker
minecraft logo font text generator w/assorted textures and pride flags
windows error message maker (win1.0-win11)
FromSoftware image macro generator (elden ring Noun Verbed text)
image to 3d effect gif
vaporwave image generator
microsoft wordart maker (REALLY annoying to use on mobile)
you're welcome
Drew a mermaid Chop Top, inspired by @rexissuperswag and @bakllori
I made him a little more monstrous, and he’s also inspired by the Texas state fish, the Guadalupe bass

He is very green

halloween II mikey. my pathetic wet beast
Czuje się wielce uhonorowana bedąc otagowana pod tym dziełem kultury

Może to wygląda jakbym w każdym poście szukał wymówek ale ciężko się pracuje kiedy ciąży nad tobą poczucie nieustająco zbliżającej się katastrofy.
Tym razem mała wymiana. Ja byłem odpowiedzialny za tekst a @moshruu za "średnio mądrą i dobrą" grafikę. Jak ktoś chce fizyczną kopię to niech mi blikiem przeleje na znaczek i wyśle adres na mess.
tagi: @mynameis40and4 @asula-ash
we really devolved as a society when we stopped using fully painted pictures on romance novels and started using cheap photoshop instead

i really love it when people here are “not normal” about the things they love. yes!! break down the scene that you’ve been obsessing over for weeks! create incredibly intricate theories based on a few throwaway lines! explain why you love this character so much—458 reasons and counting, and with visual aids! i love to see people putting their heart and soul into not being normal!!!


Happy 21st of September!