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Sneak peek, See ya on the 16th
By the decree of the high council as of today July, 29th, XXXX at 2:45 PM. We declare that humanity, be seen as legal citizens of the world. No longer are the pets, slaves, and unpaid workers. Any of those who keep them as such will be persecuted with the highest regard. Humans, I humbly welcome you to a brand new world. For those who are in need of assistance of transitioning into your new roles you can-
Tommy huffed as he pressed the off button on the remote. Throwing it onto the janky coffee table Tommy rests his head against his fingers. Two years ago he was cheering when hearing that news broadcast. Thinking this was his chance of finally being the big man he was supposed to be. That awe and happiness didn’t last long when reality hit.
Though he is luckier than the rest of his fellow man. Sam, his owner his friend made him a deal a year and half ago. If he graduates at a police academy with decent marks. Sam would let him move out and give him a position at his police station. Even help him get an apartment.
It seemed like a kind and generous offer to those with blind eyes. Many had said so both human and hybrid alike. Tommy knew better. It was a way for Sam to keep him close and under his control. Sam has always been a possessive controlling bastard like that. He didn’t consider it at first but after an incident he saw it as a way to finally be free and leave this god's forsaken city once and for all. Not seeing any other option to obtain his goal Tommy agreed
Beep Beep Beeeep.
Hearing the microwave go off Tommy forces himself off the old worn couch. He had been sitting on. Don’t ask him how old he got it in front of a sketchy dude a month ago, no questions asked. It made him a bad cop but he's only a cop on the clock. It beat sleeping on the floor with a sleeping bag as thin as a tissue.
So he didn’t mind the awful smell and that one soggy spot that doesn't dry. Grabbing the handle Tommy pulls the door open retrieving the still steaming cup from the microwave.
“Ow ow ow ow.” Tommy mumbled quickly, depositing the cup onto the counter behind him. Grabbing the season pack he fully pulls off the seal. Jerking his fingers away from the plume of steam that bursts free.
Grabbing the season packet from nearby. Tommy licks his lips in anticipation. He’s been looking forward to this since this morning. Just as he slightly rips it open his phone rang. Groaning Tommy slams in onto the counter. Dragging his phone out from his pocket. Accepting the call he knows who it is. Without having to look at the I.D.
“Tommy! How are you?” Sam chirps on the other side of the line.
“Hello Sam, How’s everything?” Tommy asks putting Sam on speaker. He really wants to eat hot ramen, not cold ramen.
“It’s going good Tommy. What are you eating for dinner?” Sam asks.
Tommy bites his lips as he stirs the ramen with a fork. To allow the powder to mix in with the water. “Ramen, The beef one.” Tommy reluctantly replies.
“Tommy…” Sam sighs disappointed. “You know I don’t want you eating that garbage. It's not good for your body. It’ll make you sluggish… I’ve told you. If you don’t have any good food. You can always come home.”
“I know Sam….I just…” Tommy sighs. When Tommy lived with Sam. He always made sure Tommy ate healthy. No junk food aside from rare special occasions.
These are the first two pages of Faux Independence! if you wish to see how this plays out. Read the rest on my A03 account: Mysticband! I'll be uploading this on the 16th. Hope to see you there!
Hey guys the end of Programed DNA is coming near, and I have two possible endings for it. It’s up to you my viewers to see how this story will end, so please vote. My fic Programed DNA can be found on ao3 under the name Mysticband.
Hi this is a test so don’t pay any mind