na-t0 - 【な-と】

𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐎。 「𝐬𝐡𝐞/𝐡𝐞𝐫 . 𝟐𝟎」

536 posts

A Smoker And His Consequences

a smoker and his consequences

A Smoker And His Consequences

this is very self indulgent and wrote at 6am with a headache so pls forgive any mistakes, i jus wanted to write wolfwood secretly caring the absolute most

nicholas d. wolfwood x reader

gender neutral, only fluff! reader has headaches because of his smoking and wolfwood cares in an unexpected way.

A Smoker And His Consequences

No one ever mentions the headache that comes with knowing a smoker.

They mention the cough, one that burns your lungs like you were smoking yourself, and the smell that lingers on your clothes for days even after washing, but never the headache. Never the headache that makes itself at home behind your eyes, makes even keeping them open too painful to manage. The headache that makes nausea welcome itself in your stomach, making it hard to hold a conversation or even close your eyes for rest. Knowing a smoker is hard, which meant knowing him was hell.

Him being your close friend and the person you had sat next to all day, Nicholas D Wolfwood. Being susceptible to these headaches means knowing Wolfwood wasn’t easy. Not when he goes through at least one pack of smokes a day, not when he causes nearly as much damage to himself as he does you with his cigarettes. Despite the pain, the almost permanent headache you had around him, you couldn’t help but be fond of the man. He had been travelling with you for a while now, and saying he didn’t make you happy would be a lie. Despite the headache, and his brash attitude towards everything including life itself, you cared for him. He was attractive, someone you could rely on, and if it wasn’t for his damn smoking you would have made much more of an effort to act on said attraction. You were always happy to talk to him, even about the most mundane things, but it was hard to stay invested in conversation when constantly seemed to have a cigarette on hand, revitalising the pain in your head each time.

You had recently gotten to a small village in the middle of nowhere, decided now would be the best time of any to make sure the car was charged and prepared for the rest of your journey,  make sure you all had food to last, and to get as much rest as you could before you set out again, either tomorrow or the day after, depending on the weather and how you all felt.The hostel had three rooms available for a decent price, three doubles that meant you’d all be able to get at least a decent sleep. Meryl and Milly would share a room, as would Vash and Wolfwood. With the odd amount of people in your party, you all took turns in who had a room to themselves, and you consider yourself lucky that this time it was your turn. The headache you had was raging, as a result of having to sit next to Wolfwood in the back of the car, and you really needed the rest. You knew that going to sleep this early wouldn’t be good for you, not when it meant you’d be awake in the middle of the night, but you really could not bring yourself to care. The pain between your eyebrows was only growing, and it showed in the way everyone was making conversation around you, and you couldn’t even bring yourself to join. Something that Meryl noticed quickly.

‘’Hey, you okay? You don’t look so good,’’ She spoke to you gently and quietly, knowing of your previous headaches.‘’If your head is hurting, you don’t need to join us for the supply run! You should go and rest whilst you can.’’ 

You let out a hum in response, returning the gentle smile she gave you with one of your own, and a small nod of your head. As you turned to walk up the stairs, you heard Vash jokingly mention his own ‘headache’, to which Meryl quickly swore at him and told him to shut up before she really did give him his own headache, to which Milly let out a loud (but not as loud as usual, she knew of your headache, and you really appreciated her in that moment) laugh. Despite the pain in your head, you couldn’t help the small, affectionate smile that came to your face. You really did care about all four of them so much, despite Wolfwood’s current out of character silence. 

Whilst you walked away up to your room, away from the noise, you missed the furrow in his brow and frown on his face. He wasn’t stupid. Wasn’t the type of person to miss little things, so when your headaches only happened around him, only happened when he was either currently smoking or had recently smoked, it didn’t take him long to connect the dots and realise what was happening. It’s what caused him to currently have a strawberry lollipop in his mouth instead of his usual cig, despite currently craving one so bad he felt like he could strangle needle noggin’ if he so much as tried to comment on the unusual action he was taking. He sighed, walking out of the hostel and ignoring the yells of ‘’Hey, where are you going?!’’ and ‘’Dude, you were meant to help us pick up the food!’’. He had his own plan, one that he deemed more important than helping the others, even if it meant they were angry with him. He didn’t mind, he’d deal with the yells and any punishment. His current task was more important to him, you were more important to him, he’d deal with everything else after he did what he needed to do.

A few hours later, in the middle of the night, you awoke from your nap. Despite the time, despite the fact you were currently awake in the middle of the night and felt as if you were now wide awake, you finally had managed to get some good sleep. Enough good sleep that your headache was almost entirely gone, and that you felt hungry enough to try and eat something. Standing up slowly, trying to avoid the old floor creaking, you slowly shuffled over to your shoes and put them on. You really were thankful for your own room, you wouldn’t want to wake anyone else with your midnight cravings, not when they’d all worked so hard during the day whilst you slept. With a quiet sigh, you slowly made your way downstairs, listening out to make sure everyone else was asleep. You could hear Vash’s snoring, and the quieter snoring from Meryl and Milly’s room was enough for you to know they were all asleep. The fact everyone was sleeping soundly made you smile, and you were careful not to make too much noise as you went downstairs.

The last thing you were expecting when you got downstairs was Wolfwood waiting for you, sitting in a chair with his arms crossed and head leant forward. He was… asleep. Asleep with a paper bag in his lap and surprisingly, not smelling of smoke. Walking towards him quietly, you knelt next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

‘’Wolfwood…’’ Voice gentle, you didn’t want to wake him unpleasantly, not when he already did not look comfortable in his position. ‘’C’mon, wake up, it’ll be better if you sleep in bed.’’

His eyes opened slowly, blinking the sleep out of them and letting out a loud yawn. It took him a moment to realise what was going on, where he was and who woke him up, and he gave an unusually sheepish smile once he knew what was happening.

‘’Ah, damn, must have fallen asleep waitin’...’’ His voice was quiet, deep with sleep, and it shouldn’t have sounded as attractive as it did. He stretched his arms above him, before grabbing the paper bag and throwing it towards you, despite how close you actually were to him. ‘’Here, for you.’’ 

The paper bag was light, and you furrowed your eyebrows. He had never gotten you anything before, never waited in the middle of the night for you to wake up just so he could give you something. Glancing between him and the bag, you sighed quietly before opening it. If he was so kind as to get you something, you would absolutely appreciate it. It was… headache tablets. He had gotten you medicine for your headaches. You knew he was aware of your headaches, but you never thought he would go so far as to get you medicine, not when you were scarce in resources and you knew how expensive medicine could be.

‘’For y’r headaches… I’m not stupid. I know i make them worse.’’

Your eyes widened, and you quickly looked up at him. You didn’t expect to see him so… sheepish, shy even. He genuinely looked guilty. You would never blame him directly for your headaches, but knowing he was aware he didn’t help and would go so far as to try to fix that… that meant a lot to you. Enough that your eyes filled with tears, the fact he had been paying attention enough to notice and wanted to help… It meant a lot to you. You quickly brought your hands up, wiping away at your eyes and turning away from the man sitting in front of you.

‘’Aw, Jeez..’’ Muttering to himself as he moved to kneel on the floor with you, gently taking your face in his hands. ‘’’M sorry, i really didn't mean to make you cry.’’ 

‘’No, no…’’ You started, letting out a quiet laugh and leaning into his touch, ‘’I'm really happy. I didn’t… I didn't think you noticed. Let alone enough to do all of this..’’ arms referencing the medicine in your lap, you offered him a gentle smile. ‘’Thank you, Wolfwood, really.’’

Another surprise was the way that his face flushed at your words. He gently rubbed any tears away with his thumbs, offering another sheepish smile. The act of kindness wasn’t unexpected from him, but he was always discreet in showing the fact that he cared. Saying he was full and giving you the rest of his food when he hadn’t eaten much at all and could tell you were still hungry, purposely running late so you could bathe first and get the hot water whilst he would be left with lukewarm at best… He’d never been so upfront about how far his affection for you went, and it was obviously new to him as well. The flush on his face was sweet, he was embarrassed at the fact he was being so open about everything. 

‘’Nicholas. And nah, don’t thank me…’’ a soft chuckle followed by a scoff, ‘’I caused you pain, this is the least i can do for you.’’ 

At his response, you brought your own hands up, mirroring the way he was holding your own face. You ran your thumb over his cheekbone, admiring him.In the dark dingy downstairs of the hostel, you could look at him closely. Usually, you weren’t alone with him, so your admiration was always a lot more secret, a lot more stolen glances and fantasising about him in your room at night. Being able to touch him like this, being so close to him with no interruptions and no one else around.. It was really, really nice. It was obvious Nicholas felt the same, if not by the affectionate look in his eyes then by the fact his hands had dropped to your shoulders, involuntarily moving you closer to him. It was almost by nature, the fact he wanted to be closer to you, wanted to be as close as he possibly could.

‘’Nicholas…’’ a quiet mutter, eyes glancing between his eyes and lips. He muttered your own name in response, his voice low and deep. In response to him glancing down at your own lips, you leaned forward to gently press your lips together, an intimate kiss.

And surprisingly, he only tasted of strawberries.

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More Posts from Na-t0

1 year ago

i love the trigun fandom man

One thing of many to talk about, when Rem was putting Knives and Vash in the escape pod, Knives held out his hand for her to come with them. He was asking her to come with them, to save herself. Which may have been purely performative for Vash’s sake, but I doubt it. At that point Knives was still a child and not set in his ways as future Knives became. It’s possible he still cared for Rem or at least was willing to keep her with them for Vash. It’s interesting to note that Vash didn’t try get Rem to follow them into the pod, he must have simply assumed she was coming with them and had no idea that she’d stay behind. But Knives did, and that speaks to a lot. Maybe he already had an idea that she’d stay behind, and was trying to make her change her mind. Maybe Knives had the sense that Rem would try to save as many as she could and wanted to prevent her, or maybe he held out his hand because he loved her too, in the end.  Whatever the case, Knives strikes as the person who would seem to know Rem better, while Vash simply held her in the highest regard. In that scene there is an air of cynicism around Knives, like he already knows that she won’t take his hand, but he offers it all the same, and that might well be the last bit of compassion and love he ever shows to the human race. Rem staying behind may have seemed like an abandonment in Knives’ eyes, and coupled with Vash’s grief over her in the escape pod and the later knowledge that Rem was the one responsible for saving the ships may have snapped any lingering connection to her, especially if he knew or suspected from the start she would not come with them. td;lr, Knives held his hand out to Rem as a last offering of faith to humanity, and Rem, rejected it. She loved them, adored them, but not enough to give up humanity to stay with them.

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1 year ago

vash—nsfw alphabet [A-I]

Vashnsfw Alphabet [A-I]

interrupting my irregularly scheduled program to drop these incredibly self-indulgent headcanons! this is totally unedited, completely off the cuff simpery, and I hope it tickles your fancy. part one of three, because I have absolutely no self restraint. I mean can you blame me? just look at himmmm!

warnings/tags; afab, fem pronouns, p in v descriptions, oral/cunnilingus, edging, praise kink, pain kink [listen I have thots and I’m sorry in advance but this gets a little dark], vash is insecure but we been knew that, 18+ [obvs], pls don’t read if you’re underage, or I’ll be forced to punt you into the stratosphere <3

word count; 3k [my hand slipped]

A = Aftercare [what they’re like after sex]

⍟ Vash is the absolute king of aftercare. He is so inherently caring, and that kindness extends to everyone, whether that be some stranger on the street or a dear friend, he just cares. So, best believe that his lover—his mayfly—is going to be treated as nothing short of royalty.

⍟ It starts before it even ends, bodies melded together with sweat and lust; hot, rolling breaths dampening your skin, Vash will immediately ask you, “Are you okay? Was that good? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

⍟ Admittedly, you were surprised after your first time together. Even when he’s utterly wrecked by pleasure, his first and only thought is whether or not you’re comfortable. Whether you enjoyed yourself, if he gave enough, if you need more from him. He will give you everything, you only need to ask, and even when you don’t, he will give.

⍟ Entirely at your whim afterwards, as though you’ve cast some intangible love spell on him. He’s so adorably eager as he cleans you up, presses his canteen into your hands, pulls you close like he hasn’t been inside you for the last two hours. He has a tendency to borderline coddle you, but you’re certainly not complaining.

⍟ He’s well aware of how dangerous it is to be associated with him, and as the long years have passed, he’s tried not to grow attached. It’s better that way, for everyone, but Vash can’t seem to muster the strength to leave you…so he’s going to do everything in his power to keep you safe, to ensure you are never hurt, to do right by you. It goes without saying, but Vash absolutely cherishes you, and he shows it whenever, and however he can.

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1 year ago



Nicholas D. Wolfwood x reader (fem)

nsfw . male masturbation . multiple mentions of religious themes . minors please do not interact

“I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth…shit, what’s next?”

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1 year ago

your sinner fic on wolfwood just drove me insane holy shit, it's so beautifully written?? and the religious imagery and vocabulary that shit hits the spot good job !!!!

omg thank you so much !!!! i appreciate your words with my heart ♥️ ! i hope you are having an amazing day/night

1 year ago

Under the Covers

An Intimate & Sleepy Morning Sex Oneshot ft. Vash x f!Reader (NSFW)

Under The Covers

18+ Only !Minors DNI!

♡Pairing:♡ Vash x f!Reader

♡Summary:♡ As morning dawns, you and Vash share a quiet and intimate moment under the covers in your hotel room.

♡Content:♡ fluff & smut, established relationship, PWP-porn without plot, cuddling, intimacy, longing/yearning, hotel sex, sleepy sex, frottage, vaginal sex, teasing, creampie, no use of y/n

♡Word Count:♡ 2'100+

{AO3 Link}

︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵  ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵

Warm. Your body is enveloped in a blanket of comforting warmth. It’s such a cathartic feeling, a release from the tensions and tribulations of the previous day.  

You breathe in, and then release a soft breath as you open your eyes. The first thing you see in the dim morning light is Vash’s face, resting just a few inches away from your own. Vash’s head is laid down at the other end of your pillow, and his blonde hair is sprawled against the fabric in an unkept mess. Vash’s eyes are closed, and his mouth is lax. He’s still sleeping soundly.

You blink, and then reach up to rub your eyes in an attempt to try and clear your brain of its morning fog, but unfortunately, you’re not entirely successful. Luckily though, you do have just enough brain power to process where you are, and how you got there. You and Vash are laying naked together under the coarse and tattered blankets of the double bed you had rented last night.

The hotel room that you are staying in is old, drafty, and ill maintained. But it was cheap, which made you and Vash jump on the opportunity to take it. 

Sadly, being cheap does have its drawbacks. You shudder when you recall walking into the cold and dank room the night before. You and Vash had stood at the door’s threshold, looking into the wretched space with helpless despair. Holes in the walls, dusty curtains, torn blankets, and the corner of the ceiling leaked. At least the bed looked semi usable. 

Normally, you would have gone down to demand another room or find another hotel, but you and Vash suffered from a bone deep exhaustion which made you significantly less picky that night.

After settling in, you had both gotten ready for bed. But as you two undressed, the chill in the room was so unbearable that you could hardly stand it. You and Vash had disregarded your clothes in a hurry, and then took shelter under the worn wool covers that had probably been around since the Great Fall. 

You both had cuddled together close with the express intention of keeping warm and getting a good night’s sleep. But then those cuddles led to kisses, which then led to groping and grinding, which then eventually culminated  into various rounds of passionate lovemaking. 

You take in another deep breath of the crisp morning air. The cold feels less intense compared to last night, but you are starting to feel a little chilly. You gently shift your body under the covers, seeking to snuggle up closer to Vash, and sneakily borrow more of his warmth, but when your thigh nestles between his and your hips come closer you realize that he’s aroused. 

Your eyes widen with surprise, and you sneak a peek under the blankets just to make sure. Yep. He’s hard. To be honest, you’re a little astonished that he has some drive left in him, given what you two had been up to last night.

“Cold, mayfly?” Vash sleepily slurs, snatching your attention back up to his face. 

Vash’s eyes are still closed, but his arm begins to move underneath the blankets. He reaches for you, and then wraps his arm around your back, pulling you closer to him. 

Once every little inch of your body is pressed snug against him, Vash hums happily. He then proceeds to indulge himself by burying his face against your neck. 

“S’okay, I’ll warm you up.” Vash mumbles sleepily against your skin. 

And true to his word, Vash is quite warm. You smile contentedly as you start to feel his heat spread across your entire body, seeping gently into your flesh, and warming you to your core. He feels so cozy, so comfortable, so nice. Being in his arms makes you as happy and relaxed as a cat in a sunbeam. 

But, Vash can’t keep still for long when he has you in his embrace like this. Soon enough, you feel Vash’s fingers start to move. He begins to gingerly trace your spine up and down in a soothing motion. 

It feels good, and you want to touch him too. The arm that rests under you slips out and travels upwards, reaching for Vash’s head. Your yearning fingers thread through his messy blonde locks as you so gently and so fondly caress his head. 

Vash heaves a wistful little sigh at your touch, then much like an affectionate puppy, he snuggles even closer and rubs his face against you. You can’t suppress the giggle bubbling in your throat at his sugary sweet gesture of affection. 

“Feels nice. No leaving bed today. S’not allowed.” Vash whispers.

You heave a deep sigh at his words.

‘If only we could.’ 

But you both know that it’s only a matter of time before one of your friends is banging on the door to get you up, dressed, and back out into the harsh desert sunlight again. Back to dusty roads and the scent of smoking gunpowder.

You close your eyes and force yourself to push those thoughts aside. You don’t want to think about those things right now. Right now you are exactly where you want to be most in the world. You are going to savor every last second of this moment. This precious, quiet little moment that is just for the two of you.

You’re wisped away from your thoughts when you suddenly feel Vash’s hips shift against yours. You feel him release a shuddering breath against your neck as he starts to lazily rub his erection against your thigh. 

You bite your lip, and a daring spark of lust ignites and then simmers between your legs at the feeling of him using your body for his pleasure. With a breathy chuckle, you respond to Vash’s advances by raising your leg up between his own and trapping his cock between his hip and your thigh.

Vash groans and his hot breath continues to tickle your skin as he begins a slow and steady rhythm of frotting himself against your body. A delightful wetness spreads across the place where he is rubbing. He’s leaking for you. He’s aching for you.

You plant a tender kiss on Vash’s head, and he reciprocates by pressing gentle kisses of his own down your neck. You shudder when you feel his hot tongue slip out and lewdly glide all the way down to your collarbone.

“Vash?” You breathe his name into the morning chill.

His “Mmm?” vibrates against your throat as he latches onto your neck and begins to suck. You exhale a pleasured little gasp. In the back of your sleep fogged mind, you know that you’ll likely have a hell of a time explaining away that little hickey later, but right now you can’t seem to care.

“Are you sure you want to go again?” You softly pant. “You’re not too tired?”

Vash’s answer to your question comes in the form of him gently removing your leg from between his, and then hoisting it upwards to wrap around his hip. His hand moves down to cup your ass to pull you closer, and you both quietly moan in bliss as Vash’s hard dick nestles itself lovingly against the wet folds of your sex. 

You won’t need any preparation this time. Thanks to Vash’s ministrations, you are sopping wet with your arousal. Not to mention that there are also remnants of last night’s escapades to lube you up for one more round. 

Vash finally lifts his face from the cradle of your neck. His expression is still dazed with sleep, but his blue eyes are filled with tender devotion as he looks up at you and gives you his softest smile.

“Guide me inside you, mayfly.” Vash cups your face and then presses a soft kiss to your lips. “Please.”

Well who could say no to that? 

Capturing Vash’s lips in a passionate kiss of your own, you reach down and take hold of his throbbing length. You rub the head of his cock teasingly up and down your slit, mixing your fluids, and getting him nice and wet and ready to enter you.

Vash inhales sharply as you temptingly rub him against you. Your eyes flash and capture him in a sultry glance as you bring his tip up to rub against your clit. You tremble as a deeply seated desire starts to bloom in your core. 

“T-tease.” Vash gasps in a playfully accusing tone. You chuckle, and then press a pert little peck to the corner of his mouth as a half apology.

Then, with a shimmy of your hips, you guide Vash’s cock to your entrance, and start to slowly sink yourself down.

Vash’s grip on you tightens and he moans as your tight, wet heat envelopes his length. You also can’t stay quiet and you groan with rapture at the feeling of Vash’s hot cock spreading you open. The pressure of his fingers gently digging into your back is gratifying and serves to entice you even more.

Encouraged by Vash’s reaction, you decide to take your time with him. And Vash is so patient, and so good for you. He litters your jaw with little kisses as he takes what you give him without complaint on the pace. He honestly just seems content to just savor the feeling of you slowly and lovingly bottoming him out inside of you.

Eventually, you do take Vash all the way to the hilt, and a sigh of relief escapes his lips when you do. A small and sly little smile spreads across your lips. You intend to tease Vash for a little bit longer; cockwarm him until he’s desperately oozing precum. But now that Vash has had a taste of your sinfully tantalizing insides, he finds that he can’t hold himself back anymore.

With your bodies entwined, Vash starts to slowly thrust his hips against yours. Your eyes are both locked in each other’s lustful gazes as his cock starts to massage the walls of your pussy. You tremble as you feel Vash plunge deeper into you with each drive forward of his hips. 

“J-just one more time, okay?” Vash moans as he looks yearningly into your eyes. “I promise.”

Now where have you heard that before?

You lean forward and give Vash a hungry kiss. He returns it with just as much fervor.


No more words are exchanged between the two of you as you both lazily thrust your hips against one another’s. The sex is slow, groggy, and passionate. You and Vash give each other lazy kisses as you both pant and moan into each other’s mouths. It doesn't take long for the haze of sleep to be replaced by a haze of love drunk euphoria.

Vash starts to rut his hips against yours more vigorously, and when you feel his hand travel across your skin to ensnare your hip in a desperate grip, you know he is close to coming. You want to come when Vash does, so you reach down and circle your clit with your fingers. You mewl at the sensation as you feel your orgasm start to build fast.

Keen as ever, Vash doesn’t miss a beat, and his eyes follow your hand’s every movement as he watches your erotic display of self-pleasure.

“Fuck,” Vash whimpers. The snapping of his hips against yours becomes more forceful and intense. “That’s…that’s so…”

He isn’t able to finish his sentence. You silence Vash with a sloppy kiss and you purposefully clench your sex around his length. A breathless and whiny little moan escapes Vash’s lips as he thrusts his cock inside you one last time. 

Vash comes so sweetly. He buries his face into your neck and his entire body trembles with ecstacy in your arms. You can feel his cock twitch inside you as he pumps another thick, hot load of his cum into the deepest recesses of your body. It feels so good.

The feeling of Vash filling you up always sends you over the edge, so it’s not long before you reach your own peak too. With a firm circling of your clit, your breath hitches, and then you release a pleasured sigh as your orgasm gently washes over you too.

As your climaxes subside, the two of you lay still and panting in each other's arms. Both of your eyes are closed as you each revel in the pleasurable aftershocks of your releases. 

With time that sweet tension eventually eases from both of your bodies. You both are left limp, sweaty, and so fulfilled as you bask in the intimate aftermath of your joining. 

Then, you hear a heavy knock on the door.

“Rise and shine sleepyheads! Get your asses moving before I do it for you!”

You and Vash simultaneously sigh with disappointed longing. Then, hand in hand, you both emerge from your warm sanctuary under the covers.

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