Feeling bad
83 posts
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In 10 years, I wonder who will still be by my side.


I want to do bad things with you

art: carly watts.

• Se gostar dê like.

• Se gostar dê like.

random lockscreens ♡
like if you saved
© idgafrary on twitter

It is possible for wonderful encounters and beautiful things to exist.
-Hayao Miyazaki

R.I.P. Isao Takahata 1935 - 2018

scenery from spirited away (2001)


There’s something about Studio Ghibli’s Water physics that I love

While it is a liquid, it tends to behave more gelatinously

It’s so beautiful while almost being awkward *bloop*

Gravity? Surface tension? No? Well, just let me hug her!!

Not even seeming to make skin or cloth wet

It looks so satisfyingly bouncy
Tell me what you guys think and what’s your fav movie thing about Ghibli

Never called me back

Hey,call me back.

Show me R E S P E C T.

guys my age don’t know how to treat me