navi-muse - Na'vi-muse

I am a nerd.

90 posts

I'm Posting This Image Again To Point Out

I'm Posting This Image Again To Point Out

I'm posting this image again to point out

He doesn't even bother with his hair

He looks so embarrassed

Little doubtful

But he's just so cute my sonnn

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More Posts from Navi-muse

4 years ago

It's perfect.

navi-muse - Na'vi-muse
4 years ago

I'm in love with this so far. But, it's too real.

Fucks Sake
Fucks Sake
Fucks Sake
Fucks Sake
Fucks Sake
Fucks Sake
Fucks Sake
Fucks Sake
Fucks Sake

fucks sake

4 years ago

1. Tsu'tey

2. Laz Alonso

3. C. C. H. Pounder

4. The fight between Tsu'tey or the part where it shows the devastation during the battle.

5. Hometree

6. In the comics Tsu'tey was a good friend towards Neytiri.

7. Shutting down Grace's lab

8. Viperwolf

9. The new characters, I'm excited to see the metkayina clan too.

10. When I first saw it I fell in love with the world building and the language.

I just felt like doing this, I saw it a while ago and I didn't know what to write so I figured it out and I have a reason for each answer.

In Honor Of Reaching My First 100 Followers, Ive Created A Fan Activity For You Guys! Simply Reblog And

In honor of reaching my first 100 followers, I’ve created a fan activity for you guys! Simply reblog and answer the questions. 

1. Who is your favorite character?

2. Who is your favorite actor in the cast?

3. Who is your favorite actress in the cast?

4. What is your favorite scene of the movie?

5. What is your favorite location on Pandora?

6. What is your favorite character relationship?

7. What is your favorite track (ost)?

8. What is your favorite Pandoran creature?

9. What are you most looking forward to in the upcoming films?

10. When did you first become a fan of the film?

4 years ago

we take stuffed animals very seriously in this house