needsmoresleepwrites - needsmoresleep

fanfiction writer. or at least i try. from fluff to smut. problematic content. pro-shipper. don't like, don't interact. hibernates often because of life. too many unfinished stories. maybe they'll get finished... Pages and Links About Tags Stories AO3↗ Carrd↗

309 posts

Reigen Is Feeling Insecure And Mob Tries His Best To Soothe Away His Fears (college Au)

Reigen is feeling insecure and Mob tries his best to soothe away his fears (college au)

Reigen is old. He knows that now, has known it since he turned 30, and remembers it every time Mob is close. Every time he holds the younger male, feels how smooth his skin is, sees that there are no white hairs or wrinkles on him, touches the muscle he’s been building since his middle school days, and it scares him.

His boyfriend is ten years his junior, and he has nothing to offer the growing man.  

His phone flashes and the name Mob lights up, a picture of a smiling Mob staring back at him. He clenches his jaw and lets it vibrate two more times before it displays two missed calls. An amused chuckle startles Reigen and he quickly flips his phone so the screen can’t be seen. Ekubo is peering down at him. Damn, he’d forgotten to close his office door!

“Soooo, ignoring the brat now are we?”

Reigen forces a smile as he slides his phone to the side, far away from Ekubo (he wasn’t going to make that mistake again), “Of course not…”

It’s a bit painful to smile and he feels his face twitch. He clears his throat and turns back to his desk, pretending to arrange papers. He clicks the mouse to his computer rapidly and wishes the screen would turn on quickly just this once. Ekubo straightens out, raising a brow at the obvious lie.

“You know,” Ekubo begins and enters Reigen’s office without permission. He ignores the hey from the blonde, “I saw him with that girl, what’s her name? Tsubomi? They were at the gate.”

Reigen freezes as Ekubo hits one of his greatest doubts. Tsubomi, Mob’s first crush and the girl he’d been pining after for more than he’s known the guy! She was the reason he’d started working out in middle school and, he grips the papers in his hand, she could also give Mob so much compared to him. They were close in age, she could give him a family, she was smart and had a bright future, and he’d seen the interest. He’d seen the way she would talk with Mob, casually touch his shoulder, and sit next to him during group projects.

And…they looked good…next to each other.

“Oh look there they are,” Ekubo exclaimed and whistled, “Didn’t know Shigeo was such a lady’s man. You know, I saw that the alien otaku was dragging him around the other day too.”

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More Posts from Needsmoresleepwrites

8 years ago
Me And Titles :D

Me and Titles :”D

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8 years ago

Hey i love your stuff and i would like to write myself, but i don't really know how Tumblr and writing works. What do you use to write? Do you copy it from another program? I can't get it to work please help


Puh, I really don’t know where to begin, so I’ll just start with Tumblr and all the basics I use. I hope it is understandable, and if not, send me a message (or send an anon ask). I will help you! No matter what it is, I will try to help you :) 

So, the most important thing on Tumblr, beside the post in itself, is the tagging system. The 5 first tags are really important! So the important stuff goes first, like pairing, fandoms and such because those tags are the searchable ones. Then you have 15 more tags, which will probably show up your post when you search for something (but not as good as the first 5). You can do 10 more tags, but they are kinda useless. 

For example: LokixReader, Loki imagine, Marvel imagine, ‘insert ship name’ imagine, avengers imagine, loki fanfiction, loki smut, loki Oneshot.

Then we have the queue. Because I live in europe and most people are online at night, I put my posts in there, so that Tumblr posts it automatically. It’s really handy when you have to go to school or work and don’t have time to post every single post every hour or so. (You can find your queue when you want to post something. Instead of clicking post, click the right arrow and put your post into the queue. Also, you can find your queue when you click the second button (the guy?) in the right upper corner of tumblr. BUT FIRST you have to put a post into the queue.) You can set the time when and how often Tumblr should post. Like, for example, twice a day, between 2pm and 3 pm.

Drafts are one of my favourite things on Tumblr. You can save your work there, finished or not, so you can work on it later and then put it in your queue. I use it all the time. (You can find your drafts the same way you can find your queue.)

In the beginning you might get sad because you get no likes or rebloggs BUT don’t give up. We all started once and it takes maybe two weeks or a month to make it all roll. 

Try to post everyday. It’s not easy and sometimes it sucks, but try to do some work when you have free time and put it in your queue for later. You can do all your work in one or two days and have posts for a whole week. 

Now to writing: 

I don’t really use a program to write. I make my pics for the imagines, upload them in my drafts and then write it down. I let it there until it’s ready to be put into the queue.

But if you have massive problems in spelling or grammar, I would advice you should use word/open office or a program which has a spelling corrector. It really helped me, even if I still do spelling or grammar mistakes. 

Also, grammar and spelling are one of the most important things to keep your readers. 

For the pics of my imagines I use the online program PicMonkey. It’s free and you can use it online. And it’s in English. (x)

The best format (at least for me) for imagines is 480x260.

Reading. I read a lot of stories and fanfiction in English. At first it was really hard to understand it because my vocabular wasn’t good. But after some time, you just recognize words and just know the words. Also, you can use an online translator. I use it too. (x) It might be German, but it’s pretty easy to use and you can use it for many many languages. 

Personally, I can’t write on a real writing program like word or open office. It feels weird, so I write a post and put it into my queue or drafts. If you feel much more comfortable with paper and pen, go for it. Or write it on your phone or tablet. Find a good, comfortable way to write.

If you have an idea or just a scene in your head, write it down. You can make a One Shot out of it or just a short imagine (or even a long fanfiction. You don’t have to start at the very beginning. Start in the mid if it makes it better and easier for you). Just do it. It’s really hard in the beginning, but it gets easier. I promise. Just don’t give up. Your Imagine may be good or shitty, but a least you didn’t give up. Believe me, the first thing I wrote in English was cringy af and not even an English teacher could have saved it. You will get better within a month! 

Now to clichés. We love them and we hate them. They are nice, we desire them, but they are also cringy af. So, if you use clichés try to twist them and make something ‘new’ outta it. There are for example many bad boy/nerdy girl stories out there (Especially on Wattpad.). BUT if you’re a beginner or you’re just a sucker for those stories, go for it. No one will hate you for it. 

Clichés are a huge topic. If you’re interessted in what plots and AU’s are cliché, then you should check out Wattpad. On Wattpad are so many cliché rants. It’s sometimes rude but also funny. And you realise what scenes and plots are clichés. Like, I was super surprised when I started to read the rants.

Writing smut is a thing that is honestly the most desired one. At least, I have the feeling everyone wants smut here. Honestly, I googled sex tips and tips how to write erotica, and I still do that from time to time. I read a lot of smut and if I like something I try to find out what makes it so special to me. Is it the setting? Or the words the author used? Is it rough sex or vanilla, how do the character react to each other? 

And if you don’t have any ideas, think about your pasts, your love life, your school life, your work life. Did something exciting happen? Something good or something bad? Or did something happen to your friends, family or teachers? It can lead to good ideas! Or go out, look at people, how they walk and talk and laugh and shout. Listen to rumors or close your eyes and smell the air around you. Sometimes you forget the most obvious sounds, like the clicking of heels on the ground, people taking deep breaths, or how it sounds when a dog is running over the street. 

Researching is very important. If you write about something you know shit about, research. I have to do it all the time. Honestly, not every knows how long it takes to bleed out, but there are some people who know. And those are the people who will loose interesst if you don’t research correctly.

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8 years ago

If anyone does do this just know i’m an awkward creature who can’t make conversation that well but i love to meet new people! 

Reblog this if its okay for your followers to introduce themselves to you.

Just come to my ask box and tell me stuff about yourself. Your pets. Your favorite music. What you had for breakfast this morning. Literally anything you want, I love making new friends

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8 years ago

vega-astraia replied to your post It's one of those rare days when Yuuri wakes up...:

this was so tooth-rottingly sweet my numb kokoro went doki doki, gosh I love it so much. such peaceful moments between them is legit my reason for existence right now.

Ahhh~!! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!! :”D

thanks for reading  ❤

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8 years ago

In case anyone was wondering, I put the writing prompts on hold because I’m in finals til around the 22nd (i think) and trying to catch up on my last projects @_@

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