Negativnine - Tumblr Blog

trust when I get my hands on that man…..
reredesign of my ver of golden cheese :) I think i’m a lot happier with what I have now

It's so fucking funny how many people who owned Furbies as children ended up being traumatized by them in some way

A whole plate of various Legends of Avantris fanarts-
Will Earth win? We'll see.
And while you're here, please share and donate of you can to help a family with 2 young children trying to survive a genocide that has already left the children without a father.

Flyers + art raffle + personal items raffle

I started watching beyond the Witchlight from Legends of Avantris, have a bunch of sketches and doodles:

Big artwork and a bunch of more Ouaw sketches !

That cooking show episode :) also I love Twig ..and I m updated with ouaw yes..

Space cow boys :))))

A whole plate of various Legends of Avantris fanarts-

straight up not true i have spoken to many of the people that have sent me messages and this is a dangerous thing to spread. i won’t deny that there are probably bots but just use common sense. this same post says that the vetting process is just “trust me bro” and that also isn’t true. this post encourages donating to organizations that benefit palestinians instead, and that’s Fine, but to say every single message from an individual is a scam is frankly ridiculous. and harmful
Hey everyone, I am gonna take some time today to bring people to @mahmoud-sharif and their GoFundme the donations have been small and few. I am asking all of you to really consider donating at least 10 dollars today.
$10 is a pack of sodas,
$10 that's 1 latte/coffee,
$10 That's a fast food order,
$10 s a movie ticket,
Most importantly $10 could save 6 lives, and help get them to safety.
Could you spare any of these things? Please consider helping Mahmoud, and Soha, their young children Retal, Joud, Nageh, and their young baby of only 17 days old.
It would mean the world to me if you could match my donation and post a screen cap of your donation on this post
If you absolutely CANT Donate PLEASE reblog onto any blogs you may have
The link 1 more time
Their Gofundme was verified by @90-ghost