neithergodsnormen - All Men Must Die
All Men Must Die

Indie ASOIAF Multimuse Est. July 2019

885 posts

Valar Morghulis. Valar Dohaeris.

 Valar Morghulis. Valar Dohaeris.

                   ❝ Valar morghulis. Valar dohaeris. ❞

indie book-based multimuse written by Dee

  • flayersdaughter
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3 years ago




ASHA walks to where her uncle rests in the window, the crash of waves against rock and shore a familiar music wafting into the room; the salt spray is already stained into her clothes, her hair, her skin.  her arms fold as she leans against the wall adjacent to her uncle.  though she glances out towards the sea, a grin makes its way onto her face.  “plenty,” she says, then looks to him.  “i haven’t seen my little brother since he was small, but i fear he may return to us more WOLF than kraken.  what say you, uncle?”


His eyes leave the harbour as he hears her walking, watching as she crosses the room. She was Iron, there was no denying that, you could see it just by looking at how she walked, held herself and wore her clothes. He’d been more than just disappointed when he had seen Theon when the boy entered Pyke for the first time in near ten years. Comparing her to her brother and it was hard to tell that they were even related anymore, not that the boy had ever been very ironborn to start. Not with the way his goodsister had coddled the boy. “I have to agree with those fears, unless the boy proves us wrong, I think that he may as well have died that day. Unless he shows that he is not green, we lost three Ironborn sons of Balon that day.”

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3 years ago
 Valar Morghulis. Valar Dohaeris.

                  ❝ Valar morghulis. Valar dohaeris. ❞

indie book-based multimuse written by Dee

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3 years ago


To do list for self:

tag drops for Dany, Jhiqui, Jeyne, Jon, Roslin and Vis

remaining replies

remaining starters

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verses page

find right image for Karen for Jhiqui’s muse page image

find right image for Synnøve for Roslin’s muse page image

find right image for Leyla for Jeyne’s muse page image

edit muse page to open Dany, Jhiqui, Jeyne, Jon, Roslin and Vis to blog

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3 years ago

Queen Daenerys‌:




╣❦╠ ƈօռզʊɛʀɨռɢ ֆȶօʀʍ ❧

The city was bustling with trade even as the last of the slaver ships sank beneath the waves and her new Dothraki army’s massive  encampment had messengers riding south to tell the slavers of Volantis, Astapor, and Yunkai that their broken treaty would be rewarded with fire and blood. Daenerys had the Meereen Council handling court now, but Missandei alerted her to a new mercenary Captain’s desire for an audience so she agreed to see him in the private library on the top floor of the pyramid. When Daenerys stepped into the library, she was surprised to find her guest already waiting.

One eyebrow arched as he went to one knee so quickly, without any announcement of her presence, but she had caught a glimpse of his face, noting his handsome features. “The Lion’s Teeth? Your reputation precedes you,” she commented with clear surprise. The one of the biggest mercenary army in Essos with an impeccable record of tactical cunning. “Rise, Commander, and tell me what you want in return. Surely, you did not turn down a contract with Volantis and travel all the way to Meereen out of belief in my cause or the goodness of your hearts,” Daenerys commanded, the tiny, silver bells braided into her long silver hair chiming softly with the tilt of her head.

Queen Daenerys:

Jaime had prided himself in how he'd run his company since he'd left the Seven Kingdoms. He'd started with just a handful of gold and his golden armor. Now, he lead one of the largest sellsword companies in all of Essos, a peer of the famous Golden Company. The Lion had come into his own, not overshadowed by his father or his family name. He had Tywin's lessons as well as his own cunning and honor. His men fought with honor and pride, and they followed him loyally, even when he turned down the higher paying offers. As he had with Volantis. 'We will not fight on behalf of slavers.' the men had agreed with him after he'd told the Triarchs to, for all intents and purposes, fuck off. It had been after that that The Lion's Teeth had turned their eyes on Meereen and it's young Queen. Not listening closely to the rumors, not having heard her name, he was now completely unprepared.

Seeing the Queen's Targaryen features, he was thrown right back to when he had first seen Queen Rhaella. He and Cersei had just turned ten, and it was one of the rare times that Aerys had let his wife leave the Red Keep. Rhaegar had been her only surviving child at the time and it wouldn't be until several months later that Viserys would have been born. Rhaella had always had a look on her face that the girl was mirroring, strength mixed with the shadow that loss cast. Daenerys, he remembered, having heard little of her until recently. He should have paid more attention, and part of him felt nothing but shame, now. Killing Aerys had not freed him of his oath, he was still a White Brother, he felt shame for not have come to her side before. 'We are supposed to protect her as well,' his own words echoed in his mind, spoken so long ago about her mother. The boy he had been that day would never have left Rhaella's children to fend for themselves.

He rose as she'd bidden, determination now in all of his body language. Rhaegar, Elia and her children, Rhaella... he still saw them in his dreams, he'd failed them. Perhaps, just perhaps, he could make this right. Perhaps, he would find some redemption for his sullied soul in the last Targaryen. "My men and I turned down Volantis for a simple reason, your Grace, none of my men will serve under those who hold slaves." He looked at her, raising emerald Lannister eyes to meet purple Targaryen for the first time in over two decades. "My men will want gold and an honorable cause, I came for the same reason. Now, for myself I just ask for a chance at redemption." He takes a deep breath, praying to the Seven that she was more Rhaella as he hoped. Even still, he took his time before he continued. "My name is Ser Jaime, your Grace."

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3 years ago


Princess Shaena​:


“ – I THINK EVERYONE HERE IS IN LOVE WITH YOU,” she says, her voice is soft as she leans in close to her friend.  shaena cannot help the soft laugh upon her lips, as her lilac eyes lift to meet ashara’s.

@neithergodsnormen​ liked this for a starter !!


"I certainly hope not." she states with a laugh. She tilts her head close to the Targaryen princess and smiles. Her violet eyes broke contact with her darling friend and she scanned the room. "I do think I wouldn't say no if one of those in love with me was that Stark, the one who came with Lord Arryn to the feast for Viserys' birthday."

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