601 posts
Hell Hath No Limits, Nor Is Circumscribed In One Self Place, For Where We Are Is Hell, And Where Hell
Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscribed In one self place, for where we are is hell, And where hell is must we ever be
Christopher Marlowe, Dr. Faustus (via wholesomeobsessive)
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“But what a very dull and half-alive thing [love] has seemed to me, sometimes!”
— Sarah Waters, The Little Stranger
…but then you’re lying in the wreckage and you reach down and feel for your legs, they’re still there, and both your arms and your skull is in one piece. You can still see and hear and realise you can stand up. And that’s what you do. You stand up and you catch your breath and you stagger away.
Us - David Nicholls (via wholesomeobsessive)
"He rather liked people. It was a major failing in a demon. Oh, he did his best to make their short lives miserable, because that was his job, but nothing he could think up was half as bad as the stuff they thought up themselves. They seemed to have a talent for it. It was built into the design, somehow. They were born into a world that was against them in a thousand little ways, and they devoted most of their energies to making it worse. Over the years Crowley had found it increasingly difficult to find anything demonic to do which showed up against the natural background of generalized nastiness."
- Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman - Good Omens
Why, this is hell and nor am I out of it
Mephistopheles - Christopher Marlowe’s ‘Dr Faustus’ (via wholesomeobsessive)
Hannah, on the contrary, demanded no respect, only flattery. If her admirers only told her that she was an angel, she would let them treat her like an idiot.
Shirley by Charlotte Bronte (via f-ckyeahthebrontesisters)