She/her. 21. AFC. MV33. I like cats and writing. Football + F1. Requests open ;)
44 posts
Pushover - Joao Felix X Reader
Pushover - Joao Felix x reader

Joao Felix x female!reader
Summary: The anger started when Joao overheard you and Mason discussing his relationship. The brunette tells you he hates you with every fibre of his being but a run-in with your ex during a match suggests something else. After another argument, he corners you in the bathrooms at the end-of-season awards to show you his true feelings.
Warnings: Cheating (ish), smut, unprotected (please wrap before you tap it), angst, swearing
Word Count: 5.3K
To put it plainly, Joao Felix was a pushover and it wasn’t just you who saw it, the whole Chelsea team did. Everyone had heard the rumours about him and his girlfriend, she’d cheated on him multiple times and yet he still forgave her, again and again… and again. He wasn’t exactly hard to look at either so you really couldn’t work out why he didn’t just dump her, anyone who was cheated on deserved better, especially Joao.
Working for Chelsea’s media team meant you saw hundreds of women come and go when it came to the lads, some you missed and others you didn’t. But even if you liked the girls or you didn’t, you always supported the boys. After all, they were like family to you, a dysfunctional one sure, but a family.
“I still can’t see why he’s with her…” Mason flashed Joao girlfriends Instagram your way. The pair of you sat at lunch together, he was busy stalking whereas you were attempting to meet a deadline. Glancing over you caught sight of his phone screen.
“I would say money but he’s fine in that department.” You replied, not caring about those around you who might pry an ear into your words. “Maybe he’s lonely.” Your eyes never left your laptop as you continued to work.
“Considering he spends most of his time with us I think he’s fine there.” Mason spared you a glance.
“Any of you ever spoken to him about it?” You asked, your eyes now looking at his phone. “Maybe that’ll sway his mind.”
“Maybe you could talk to him.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Maybe he needs a new woman to catch his eye.” Your eyes met Mason’s as he sent you a suggestive glance.
“I’d rather not.” Your eyes darted back to your laptop screen.
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t date pushovers.” As you finished speaking a sudden slam on the table caught your and his attention. Joao was standing before you his face smoothed with rage as he slumped down into the chair opposite you. His eyes burned holes into your skin as he spoke.
“What are you working on?” He asked as if he hadn’t heard your entire conversation with Mason.
“Just a graphic for the game against Liverpool in a few days…” Your eyes were glued to his, you wanted to rip them away from his gaze but you were stuck like a deer in headlights.
“Hmm… are you planning to meet your ex after the game?” You nearly choked on his words.
You’d had what those would describe as a summer fling when he was at the England camp and you’d been asked to cover some work due to having minimal at Chelsea because of the summer break. It wasn’t a relationship, you wouldn’t even consider him an ex-boyfriend more just someone you used to sleep with. Only a few of the lads knew about it, Mason and Ben being the main two you’d told after you and Trent decided a relationship wasn’t in the cards for you.
Your glared at Mason who was now trying to hide himself behind his phone screen. “Did you tell him?”
“It may have slipped out… but it wasn’t just me! Ben was speaking about it too!”
You pulled your eyes away from Mason to focus back on Joao. “He isn’t my ex and my love life doesn’t concern you-”
“But mine concerns you.” He had a point. Could you really tell him he had no right to question you when you and Mason were spending your lunch discussing his love life?
“If anything we’re looking out for you.”
“By implying that I’m a pushover?”
“Her words, not mine!” Mason raised his hands in defence.
“Well, you do keep going back to someone whose favourite hobby is to publicly cheat on you.” You stepped in.
“At least someone wants me enough to be in a relationship, Trent clearly didn’t want you around.”
“Your girlfriend cheats on you if that’s what ‘wanted’ means I’d rather be alone.”
“She does have a point.” Mason looked between the two of you. “Look mate we just want the best for you -”
“You might be she doesn’t!” Joao looked at Mason as he spoke. “Ever since I joined she’s had it out for me!”
“That isn’t true!” You defended yourself, your tone turning sour.
“My first game and you couldn’t stop talking shit about me!”
“You got sent off in your first match meaning you couldn’t play for weeks! This season has been shit for Chelsea and the man they thought would be their knight in shining armour embarrassed them all!”
“We all make mistakes y/n, clearly you made one with Trent. Maybe if he wanted you, you wouldn’t be moping around with an ‘embarrassing team’.” He smirked at his words, something you couldn’t believe he even had the balls to do after looking at the state of his situation. Before you could even reply Joao grabbed the last of his lunch and stormed out of the lunch hall.
“Well…” Mason watched as Joao left. “That went well.”
“Why did you tell him about me and Trent?” Your brow arched as you spoke to the brunette.
“Look I’m sorry y/n, it just came out during training. You know I like to give Trent a hard time when we play after what happened between the two of you, I know you liked him too.” Mason gave you a sympathetic look as you tore your gaze away from him.
Mason had a point, part of you did wish it had worked out with Trent. Over the summer you’d spent every single day with one another and he treated you like you were his girlfriend. He showed you off to the guys and you’d even met his family but only days after the two of you had left the England summer camp he was pictured with another girl outside a club. Any hope you had of the two of you ever picking things back up was shattered the second you saw that photo. Mason and Ben were the only two who knew your feelings towards him but little did you know the two of them had let your true feelings slip to Joao.
You found yourself nearly missing the team bus to Liverpool. You clambered on just in time only to find that the only free seat was next to Joao. Everyone’s eyes drifted to you as you awkwardly wished a seat would randomly become free but your prayers were left unanswered.
“Do you want the window seat or the aisle seat?” The brunette spoke up, slicing through the tension.
“I- I don’t mind-” The last thing you wanted to do was to capture more attention on yourself.
“You can have the window.” Grabbing his phone and bag he stood up, towering over you as he let you slide in next to him. You didn’t need to meet his eyes to know he was staring as you slotted yourself into the window seat. You cleared your throat as you pulled out your laptop and started to work on something to distract yourself from the situation before you.
“What are you working on?” His question caught you off guard, after what happened a few days ago you never expected him to attempt to start a conversation with you.
“Just some plain graphics for the game.” You turned your laptop screen to him. Joao moved his head to get a better look at your work. “I leave the background blank as the photographers send us pictures throughout the game that we can put there and the numbers where the score would be are always left blank as we obviously don’t know what the score will be.” You looked over at him, your heart jumping as you realised he was already looking at you.
“Is that what you mainly do? Graphics?”
“Partly, I’ve filmed videos for the social media accounts, interviewed, edited, written captions, tweets, and even detailed a few apologies for some of the lads before. It’s basically a bit of everything.” You gave him a light smile.
“How long have you been working here?”
“Started stewarding when I was eighteen and then when I was twenty I finally got a chance to work full time with the media department so a few years now.” You were beyond confused as to why he was suddenly so curious about you. “Why do you ask?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “Just thought if I have to be stuck with you for hours on end that I might as well start a conversation rather than give you the cold shoulder for the journey.”
“I thought you hated me?”
“I could say the same about you.” He glanced over at you before pulling out his AirPods. “Convinced you wanted me to fail-”
“I wouldn’t say fail… more hated the way you dealt with things.”
“Well, I hated the way you spoke about me.”
“That’s fair…” You looked up at him to be met with his smirking grin.
“Want one?” Offering you one of his AirPods with his cocky grin you took one and thanked him. He started playing music as he watched you work. The coach was quiet the most you could hear was the occasional chat from the lads and the typing of a few colleague's laptops. “Do you ever stop?” Joao asked out of the blue?”
“It’s hard to.” You spared a glance at him. “We don’t just post things we also have to monitor comments, unfortunately, a lot of football fans believe they have the right to abuse players and discriminate against other fans that aren’t like them. Not all fans are like that though, most of them really do care about you guys.”
“You can tell.” He smiled. “I’ve never heard so many chants about different players.”
“If you like it now then imagine what it’ll be like if you guys start winning.” You smirked at him which earnt you a laugh from him. Attempting to hide a yawn you finished your work before putting it back in your bag.
“Is that why you were late?”
“Did you oversleep?”
“That amongst other things.”
You knew he wanted to keep the conversation going so the pair of you didn’t descend into madness during the long journey. “My cat-”
“How can a cat make you late?” He shifted in his seat so he faced you, clearly intrigued by your story.
“Well the last thing I do before I leave is feed my cat -”
“What’s your cat called?” He asked.
“After Lampard?” His face swelled with amusement.
“When I moved out my best friend got sick of me complaining about how much I missed my cats that lived with my parents so she decided to get me Frank and because I work for Chelsea she named him after Lampard, fitting now he’s taken over as a caretaker manager.”
“And how did he make you late?” His smile grew.
“As I said, the last thing I do before leaving is feed him. I was in my uniform and I was putting his food into his bowl when he jumped up and the food went all over me and well… I’m not exactly coming in smelling like tuna.” Joao couldn’t help but laugh at your words, catching the attention of Mason who was attempting to hear what the two of you were discussing.
“Well,” He shifted in his seat again before patting his shoulder. “My shoulders here if you want it.”
“You’d shrug me off just as I fall asleep.” You narrowed your gaze at him.
“I’m a prick but I’m not that bad.” A small smile fell on both your lips.
“Fine.” You didn’t want to argue, not again.
You knew you and Mason were in the wrong discussing his relationship but he was also in the wrong when he hit back at you with comments about you and Trent but you didn’t want to dwell on what happened any longer. You let your head fall on his shoulder, you felt Joao warm to your touch as you got comfortable. Mason couldn’t believe his eyes at what he was seeing, he couldn’t help but nudge Ben several times in the ribs to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.
Before you knew it, Joao was gently nudging you awake and the gates to the Liverpool ground were now behind you. You thanked him one last time before handing his airpod back to him. You left him with the rest of the boys as you followed the rest of your media colleagues towards the dugouts and journalism area. Everything ran smoothly despite your horrific morning, Joao was in the starting eleven which gave you the green light to use him as the main poster boy to announce the team news although you would’ve definitely picked Reece James if he wasn’t so nice to you.
In the Liverpool line-up was Trent but that didn’t surprise you. When the teams came out of the tunnel for the match Trent looked up to the journalism area. His eyes met yours and sent you a wink and a smirk, an expression that caught the attention of Joao. He knew how you felt towards Trent after the England Camp and he knew his expression was just a way to get to you after the press continued to pit Chelsea and Liverpool against one another after their horrific seasons.
The first half had ended goalless, Chelsea had a few decent chances, especially Joao but he was yet to get the ball in the back of the net. Within ten minutes of the second half, you watched Joao say something to Trent which had clearly rilled the scouser up. Trent shoved Joao and he quickly retaliated, shoving him back and shouting back at the man in red. The referee quickly ran up to the two of them whilst their teammates pulled them apart. They both received a yellow card and the game resumed.
You watched Joao carefully, wanting to tell him to lay off Trent because knowing his luck he’ll end up getting another yellow which will lead to a red. As if he could read your mind Joao eyed as Trent was given the ball, without thinking Joao threw himself at the lad, studs up causing Trent to fall to the ground in pain. Joao got up and yelled something at him as he clutched his ankle in pain. He stormed off, he knew it would be straight red. Liverpool fans booed and screamed at the Chelsea boy. The travelling Chelsea fans couldn’t believe what they’d seen, two red cards and he hadn’t even played a full season.
Joao stormed down the tunnel and threw the door of the changing rooms open before slumping down on the bench where his stuff lay. You excused yourself from the media spot before jogging down to the changing rooms after Joao. You opened the door to see him throwing his boots across the floor. His eyes met yours as you walked into the room.
“Haven’t you got graphics to make? Posts to make about me getting a red -”
“Why did you do that?”
“Do what? Get a red or put that prick in his place?” He huffed before continuing. “I saw the way he looked at you when we came through the tunnel. He was being a prick, Mason told me -”
“What did Mason tell you?” You snapped, your eyes glaring at the man.
“He told me you liked him and he treated you like you were his girlfriend then after deciding he didn’t want you he ran off with another girl.”
“I’ll kill him-”
“It’s not his fault, I asked what had happened. I shouldn’t have pressed him but I did.”
“Well, maybe Mason should keep his mouth shut.” Your eyes were still fixed on his. “And you should too, what did you say to him?”
“I didn’t say anything to him.”
“Don’t lie to me Joao, I saw you said something to him when you two got your first yellow cards.”
“It was nothing -”
“What did you say to him?” Your voice grew louder. “Joao-”
“I told him I was glad he didn’t want you because if he stayed with you then I wouldn’t get to hear you moaning around me every night.” He looked proud yet embarrassed at his words. He knew it would rial Trent up but he also knew a cheap joke at your expense would also piss you off.
“You’re not fucking serious.”
“y/n I’m sorry I -”
“Look I know I was a dickhead to you a few days ago but I was still right, you are a pushover, you even let Trent push you around all because he looked at me?” You stepped closer to him. “How did you ever make it professional when someone who looks at me pisses you off?”
“He made you uncomfortable, I wasn’t going to let it slide.”
“If it made you that annoyed you couldn’ve dealt with it off the pitch. The fans don’t deserve this and neither do the rest of the lads, it’s not fair!” You took a deep breath. “Why the sudden need to be a hero? I don’t need you to fight for me and make up something that would never happen between us -”
“You know all I was trying to do was to be nice!” He stood up and walked over to you, his breath on your face and his voice raising in aggression. “Most people would thank me for what I did.” He looked down at you. “You really think that wouldn’t happen between us either?” He now smirked at you, his hand reaching up to tuck some hair behind your ear. “I could have you underneath me in a heartbeat.”
“I’d thank you if you didn’t get sent off or made some shitty cheap joke about me! And if you ever think I’d even go near you like that you are very much mistaken!”
“Yeah, we’ll see.” He ran his hand through his hair and took a deep breath. “I get it but you aren’t perfect too!”
“I never claimed to be!”
“You sure act it, judging everyone else's relationships but god forbid someone makes a comment about yours!”
“We were never in a relationship!”
“I can see why…” He snapped, turning his back towards you as he threw his shirt over his head and discarded his shirt. You might have wanted to slap him back down to earth but you couldn’t help but spare a glance at him. How his girlfriend cheated on him you’d never know, the man was gorgeous.
Ever since yours and Joao’s dispute you’d hardly spoken to him unless you had to conduct an interview for Chelsea’s social media pages. Tonight was the end of the season awards and just like every single year you were attending. You made sure to match your dress to the exact shade of the Chelsea shirt. Your hair and make-up were done to perfection as you walked through the halls towards one of the lounges which was decorated with a million shades of blue and shades of silver and gold. Every year the hospitality team always outdone themselves and this year was no different.
Mason greeted you with open arms and so did his family. Most of the boys bought their family or partners along however one player was completely on his own and that was Joao. He was sat on one of the tables opposite you, his eyes were fixed on you but his expression was hard to read. Was he pissed off? Was he apologetic? You weren’t sure but one thing was for certain, he wouldn’t look away.
The night seemed to drag on, awards after awards were being dished out, some for credible achievements such as top goal scorer and others for more interesting achievements such as most pints downed after a win. You sat alongside Mason and his family when the awards ended. Music filled the lounge as everyone continued to socialise and drink the night away. You excused yourself from the table, getting sick of Joao watching you, you headed to the bathrooms to touch up your make-up but you didn’t realise someone was following you.
“You look beautiful.” The familiar sound of Joao’s voice made you jump. He was leaning against the wall of the bathrooms, his eyes raking over your body.
Joao regretted everything he’d said to you that day against Liverpool. The pair of you had spent many hours with one another in the media rooms, creating content for Chelsea and although you didn’t get off brilliantly due to his red card on his debut, he could tell you only wanted the best for everyone at the club, no matter if they were a player or simply cleaning staff. He’d come to his sense on the way to the Liverpool game that you were right about his relationship. Hearing your stories about your work and even your cat named after Frank made him think, perhaps that was the real reason why he went for Trent.
“You know this is the women’s bathroom.”
“I’m aware.” He pushed himself off the wall and walked over to you. “But my point still stands.”
“Thank you.”
“Can we talk?”
“In the women’s bathroom?”
“No time like the present.” He smirked. You were still facing the mirror and Joao was standing behind you, looking at you through the mirror. “I’m sorry for what I did.”
Huffing at his words you met his eyes briefly if the pair of you didn’t talk now the issue would never be resolved and if Joao wasn’t to sign permanently then you knew you’d never forgive yourself for the way the two of you ended things. “I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have called you a pushover.”
“But, I’m not sorry for what I said and did to Trent.” His hands snaked around your waist as he spoke. “Or for what I said about you.”
“Which part?” You set your lipgloss down, doing your best to pretend that you couldn’t feel his breath on your neck and his touch on your hips. “The part about me having you.”
“In your dreams.” You tried to step away but that would only push you closer to him. His grip tightened on your hips whilst his lips ghosted your neck. “You have a girlfriend-”
“No, I don’t.” He kissed your neck bore he spun you around to face him. “Why did you think I turned up alone?”
“Well… you may have been right besides… the ‘pushover’ has had someone else on his mind recently...”
Joao didn’t hesitate, his lips met yours, one hand cupped your cheek whilst the other went down to your thigh, pushing your dress to the side and allowed his hand to travel along your skin. You hesitated for a second before kissing him back. You couldn’t lie to yourself that Joao was hot, he was beautiful and if this was the way the two of you would make up then well… it was worth getting into a fight with him.
Your hands went to his hair, tugging on the strands as he allowed his hand to travel higher up your leg. “God you’re perfect.” His lips now travelled down your exposed neck, gently tugging on your skin as his grip on your leg tightened.
“You ruined my lipgloss.” You pouted as Joao pulled back to smirk at you.
“You’re lucky we’re in the stadium otherwise I would ruin more than your lipgloss.” His lips met yours once again. He tugged on your bottom lip, making you moan as he pulled the zip of your dress down. Jumping at the sudden gush of cold air against your back he smirked into the kiss before letting his warm hands trail down your back as he peeled the dress from your body. He let the front of it pool around your waist.
Your hands moved from his hair to his suit jacket, pushing it off his shoulders before grabbing his tie and pulling him back into a kiss. He lightly moaned as your nails raked across his white shirt. Joao’s hands went to your bra, unclasping it within seconds. He pulled away from the kiss as his hands cupped your boobs. “We should’ve argued sooner.”
Smiling at his words you watched as he took your nipple in his mouth whilst grabbing the other with his free hand. “Fuck…” You moaned, your legs parting so he could get closer to you. Your bliss was cut short when he moved away. His hands hooked themselves around the backs of your thighs.
“Jump.” He instructed you. Without hesitation, you jumped into his arms and he placed you on the bathroom counter. “Good girl.” His hands went to his own shirt, undoing the buttons so your hands could now trace his skin. Your nails raked his skin as Joao let his hands run up to your underwear.
“You do know someone could walk in right?” You spoke with a heavy breath.
“And?” He kissed you again. “Keep quiet and they won’t.”
“You don’t know that-”
“y/n… shut up and trust me.”
“Make me.” You teased but he didn’t need to be told twice. Joao moved your dress aside so he could see your underwear. Pushing your underwear aside he let his fingers tease your clit. The light touches sent butterflies through your stomach as Joao started to add pressure. Your head fell back at his movements. “Please…” You moaned as Joao watched you come undone around him. Leaving your clit he moved towards your entrance. Joao slowly pushed two fingers inside of you which earnt a sudden moan from you.
“I was right…” He breathed out, his hand pulling your face to look at him whilst he quickened his pace. “Your moans are beautiful.” Whilst his fingers fucked you his thumb went to your clit and started to bring you closer to your high.
“Fuck you.” You breathed out.
“Think I’m the one doing that love.”
You could feel his hard-on against your thigh which only made you wetter against his touch. Joao could feel you getting closer, your moans continued to grow louder as he quickened his pace. “You look so gorgeous about to come around me…”
“Please Joao… please…” You whined at his actions, your nails leaving red marks across his skin.
“Please what?” He taunted.
“Please let me come.”
“Yeah?” His lips ghosted yours as he kept adding pressure. “Come for me then.” He pressed his lips back onto yours as you came. You moaned into the kiss, your grip on his skin leaving darker marks which you knew wouldn’t fade for a while. “Such a good girl for me.” He kissed you before moving his fingers to his mouth so he could taste you. He savoured the moment before he quickly unbuckled his belt and allowed his cock to spring out.
He pumped his cock a few times whilst his free hand went to your face, his thumb traced across your bottom lip before he spoke. “As much as I want your mouth around me right now… I need to fuck you.”
He let his thumb fall into your mouth as he lined himself up and slowly pushed himself inside of you. Your face scrunched up at his size slowly pushing inside of you. Joao cupped your face whilst his free hand gripped your hip. “Is it too much?” He asked.
“No… just go slowly.”
Joao kissed you gently. “Of course my love.” Your heart fluttered at his nickname but that feeling soon spread to your stomach when you felt Joao pull out and thrust back inside. “You feel so good.” His head fell against yours, your lips ghosting one another as he repeated his actions. Feeling used to his size you allowed your leg to hook around his waist and pull him deeper into you.
“Faster…” You moaned in his ear. He didn’t need to be told twice. Pulling out he quickly slammed his hips back into yours and started to move at a quicker pace. “Fuck Joao…”
“My name sounds so pretty falling from your lips…” He moaned in your ear as he continued going faster. The pair of you knew that if it wasn't for the music in the lounge then everyone would have heard you. His fingers go back down to your clit and he quickly started to apply pressure to the bud. Your hands gripped onto the back of his neck, pulling him into a moaning kiss as he continued to fuck you faster.
Pulling away from the kiss Joao pulled out completely before pulling you off of the counter. With one last kiss on your lips, he spun you around so you were facing the mirror and bent you over. With a harsh smack to your ass, he quickly pulled your dress back up and around your hips before kicking your legs apart. Grabbing a fistful of your hair he forced you to look at yourself in the mirror.
“He could never fuck you as good as I can… could he?” He was evidently referring to Trent but your mind was too clouded with pleasure to even care. Joao lined himself up again, slowly letting the lip tease you. He couldn’t suppress the moan that fell from his lips at your wetness leaking onto him, he was so close but he wanted you for as long as he could. “Could he?” He repeated again.
“No…” You moaned out, wanting nothing more than for him to fuck you again.
“Who fucks you this good?” He quickly slammed himself inside of you again, tugging on your hair so that you were leaning closer to him.
“You do…” You whispered.
Joao pulled out before slamming back in. “I can’t hear you…” He taunted you with his slow movements.
“You do Joao fuck!” You screamed as he started to fuck you again. His pace quickened as he pulled you against his chest, fucking you as faster. His hands reached around to play with your clit which only added to your pleasure. You started to grind back onto his cock as he slammed back inside of you. You could feel him stiffen inside of you which indicated he was close.
“Joao I’m gonna come…” You let your head fall as you felt your stomach tighten.
“Yeah? Come then baby… come all over my cock…”
You couldn’t hold back for much longer, you felt your high wash over you and that was all you needed for Joao to finish inside of you. He pulled you closer to him as he finished, his groans filling your ear as the two of you slowly came down from your high.
“So good for me.” He kissed your head as he slowly pulled out. He quickly got himself cleaned up before he helped you back into your clothes so you looked presentable to head back out to the party. “Beautiful.” He kissed your lips one last time. “I’ll head back out now, wait for a second and then follow me out. Just in case.” He turned on his heel but you called out to him before he left.
“Joao?” He turned to meet your gaze. “Who was the other person on your mind?”
He smiled at your words before replying. “Turn around and you’ll see her.”
If you turned around you’d be met with a mirror, and you were the only one in the bathroom.
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More Posts from Neymarsangel
There's no place like home - Joao Felix x reader

Joao Felix x female!reader
Requested? Yes/No: Anon: lazy s3x w joao
Warnings: Smut, 18+++ (male oral receiving, unprotected sex, wrap it before you tap it!) swearing, fluff
Word Count: 1.5K
English summertime wasn’t like the rest of Europe. The rain outside suggested that it was more wintertime rather than the middle of July. Joao was on his break for the summer and considering the two of you couldn’t go out and enjoy London you opted for a lazy afternoon. The pair of you were laying on the sofa watching The Wizard of Oz. When you’d met Joao he’d told you he’d never seen the film. Making a mental note you were adamant you’d get him to watch it one day and what better time to watch a film with an ongoing thunderstorm outside?
You were laying on his bare chest, your eyes glued to the screen as the brunette ran his hands through your hair, glancing down at your figure, a small smile on his lips as he took in how attentive you were to the film. He glanced over at the screen before speaking.
“Why didn’t the munchkins just kill the witch if she was such a problem?”
You turned your head to look back up at him, your large doe eyes making Joao melt in a heartbeat. “Because you can only kill anyone by accident.” Your eyes looked over to the screen before looking back at him. “Dorothy didn’t mean to kill the witch, any death we see in the film is accidental. Glinda rules over Oz and she cast a spell which didn’t allow murder.”
“Then why didn’t they just plan to kill the witch and make it look like an accident?”
“Because that wouldn’t really be an accident, would it?” You smirked as you spoke, Joao mirrored your expression before he leaned down and planted a kiss on your forehead.
“You know sometimes I hate watching films with you.”
“Because you always know everything.” “Well, what else am I supposed to do whilst you’re at work?”
“Hmm… true…” His hands now went to your waist, his grip tightening on your body as you felt his hips buck. “God you’re so pretty.”
One hand left your waist to cup your jaw, forcing you to look at him he slowly leant down and planted a kiss on your lips. You kissed him back instantly, your mouths slowly moving on one another. Shifting you now straddled his waist, and your hands went to his jaw as you slowly started to grind down on his clothed cock.
He moaned at your actions, his hips bucking up into yours as he pulled away from the kiss. His hands now went to the hem of your shirt which ironically belonged to him. His cold hands on your stomach made you jump slightly which earnt you a low laugh from your boyfriend. His hands went higher and fell upon your boobs.
“What baby?” As he spoke he swiftly pulled your shirt over your head. “Such a pretty girl…”
“You’re such a tease.” Your hands tugged on the waistband of his shorts.
“You’re one to talk.” He pinched your nipples as he spoke, the sudden sharp feeling making you grind harder into him. “Remember the end of the season awards? When all you did was tease me? Constantly begging for my cock until I bent you over the car and fucked you until you forgot your name…”
His words caused you to moan, only growing more impatient with him. “Please…”
“So needy…” He kissed you again before raising his hips up. He effortlessly pulled his shorts and boxers down before pulling your clothed hips onto his bare ones. His hand slowly started to pump himself as he watched your eyes light up. “I need your mouth meu anjo…”
You didn’t hesitate. Moving down his body you trailed light kisses down his body, the feeling giving him goosebumps. When you reached his cock you glanced up at him before kissing the tip, now it was your time to tease him. Your hand had replaced his, slowly moving up and down his large cock. You planted another kiss this time further down but still not enough for him to feel the slightest release.
“y/n… please dom’t tease…”
“Who’s the needy one now?” Your tongue slowly darted across the tip, collecting the precum that had spilt from your teasing.
“Good girl…” He moaned as you slowly started to take him into your mouth, your head bobbing around his cock, with every stroke you started to get deeper. Joao did his best not to grab your hair and force you down onto him but it was proving harder by the second. His hands moved through your hair, tugging at the strands with every movement.
You took the hint and changed your pace, moving faster he began to hit the back of your throat. The sound of you gagging around him was one he’d never grow tired of. His head fell back and his stomach muscles tightened at the pleasure growing inside of him. Your hand moved in sync with your mouth, at first you were gentle but the rough movements of his hips and the hand in your hair caused you to quicken.
You could feel he was getting close but he suddenly pulled your hair hard enough that your mouth left his cock and now you were looking up at him with pleading eyes. Joao's thumb went to your lips and swiped any mess from your lips before planting his thumb in your mouth. “Suck.” He commanded which you happily obliged. “Good girl.” His thumb left your mouth but continued to trace your bottom lip.
“I need you.” You moaned at his actions.
“Where do you need me, baby?”
“I need you to fuck me…”
Joao smacked your ass, a chuckle leaving his lips as you let out a light yelp at his sudden actions. “I want you to ride me.”
Nodding you shifted on the sofa, quickly slipping off your underwear you straddled him once again. Joao’s hands went to your hips, guiding you onto his cock. No matter how many times the two of fucked you would never get used to his size. Gripping on his skin your nails left marks on his shoulder as he entered you.
“Move when you want to.” He leaned up and kissed your lips, his thumb caressing your cheek as you slowly rose your hips before grinding back down onto him.
At first, your movements were slow, Joao guiding you gently as you rode him. His hands started to grip tighter on your hips, he was silently begging to fuck you harder. You were bouncing on his cock at a steady pace but his actions made you slowly speed up.
His hands went up to your boobs, cupping and pinching your nipples as you continued to ride him. Joao started to buck his hips as you started to speed up, his actions hitting you in all the right places. “Fuck Joao…” Your head fell back as you moaned, your hands resting on his stomach to steady yourself as his hips started to move faster.
“You feel so good princesa…” Joao moved one hand to your neck, pulling you close enough that he could latch his lips against your neck. His teeth bit your skin, each shudder of pain mixed with pleasure as he started to thrust harder.
Your eyes scrunched at the sudden sharp pain, a gasp which quickly turned to a moan leaving your mouth. Your moans only encouraged Joao more. His mouth left your neck, a smirk on his lips as he admired his artwork on your skin. “So good for me.” His hand once on your hips now made its way to your clit. His thumb added more pleasure to your body and if it wasn’t for Joao holding you up you would’ve collapsed on his chest. “Aren’t you?”
“Yes, Joao…” You started to bounce faster. Joao knew he couldn’t hold himself back for much longer and luckily for him you couldn’t either. “Fuck I’m gonna come…”
“Yeah?” His actions quickened. His thumb sped up, adding more pressure on your clit which caused the familiar pit in your stomach to build.
“Fuck Joao I’m close…”
“My name from your mouth sounds like a dream…” He kissed you again, tugging gently on your bottom lip as he pulled back. “You gonna come?”
“Yes, Joao…” Your body started to slow, your hips only being moved by your boyfriend's hands. “Fuck…” You felt yourself grow tighter around him.
“Come for me y/n.” He moaned in your ear and that was all you needed.
Your body began to shake as your high washed over you. The tight feeling around him made Joao finish deep inside you. Holding you down on his cock as he finished his forehead leaned against yours as his high finished.
“Good girl.” He kissed your lips again, the pair of you catching your breaths.
You went to move off from his cock but he held you firmly in place. He slowly pulled you back down to lean on his chest whilst still inside of you, the film still playing in the background. “I know I hate the cold but I wouldn’t mind if the rain never stopped. You both shared a laugh at his words before you kissed his bare shoulder.
There really is no place like home.
Buy me a coffee <3
Can you do an angst with charles where the reader is a verstappen and lots of brother max🥺🥺🥺
I've had so many Verstappen!reader x Charles recently so here's one of many ;) You can read it here
Can we please get a part 4 to rivals with benefits 🥹!!!!
You can my love <3 You can read Part 4 here
North London Forever - Martin Ødegaard x reader

Martin Ødegaard x female!reader
Summary: Being Antonio Conte's daughter had its perks, one being you spent most of your time with footballers many dreamed to see but you couldn’t help but be drawn towards the other side of North London, more specifically a blonde midfielder. Besides, who didn’t enjoy a little bit of rivalry?
Warnings: Implied smut, fluff, angst, swearing
Word Count: 4K
It all started back in 2021 when Arsenal beat Tottenham 3-1 at home after their rough start to the Premier League. You were there to support your Dad but a certain someone caught your attention. That man was Martin Odegaard. You knew you shouldn’t have looked at him the way you did, especially with all the cameras around and not to mention he played for Tottenham's biggest rivals and the team your Dad currently hated the most… Arsenal. You shoved the thought of Martin Odegaard to the back of your mind but it was like fate wanted the two of you to meet.
That night your friends asked you to join them on a night out and although you wanted nothing more than to spend the evening with your Dad something told you to go out with them. When you reached one of the many clubs they’d planned to take you to that night your eyes fell on a familiar sight. Martin and a few other Arsenal players were sat in a booth, celebrating one of the biggest wins of the season. Your eyes met and he couldn’t help but smirk at your reaction to seeing him. His ego swelled beyond belief knowing he’d caught the eye of his rivals manager's daughter.
The rest was history. He’d made his move that night, slipping in a small dig towards your father due to the win he was currently celebrating but that only made the two of you grow closer. You spent the night with him and honestly thought that would be the end until he asked to take you on a date. You knew it would be a bad idea, not because Martin wasn’t suited for you but because you knew your father would lose his shit when he found out but you didn’t care. You had been dating the Arsenal midfielder behind your father's back for a year.
The World Cup was finally upon everyone. Despite having some of the world's most talented players Norway didn’t make it to the competition but that meant you would have more time to spend with Martin. It also gave him time to finally take a break from football without the worry of having to rush home for training or a game. Your Dad had also decided to go back to Italy for a break, you’d been invited but you politely declined, your home was only a few streets away and certainly wasn’t from Italy.
“You sure you’ll be okay on your own?” Your Dad asked, counting his luggage as he made sure he had everything.
“I’m not a child.” You smiled at him. “I’ll be fine.”
“I will fly back in a heartbeat if you need me to, all you need to do is call me.”
“I’m sure I will be fine, say hello to the rest of the family for me.”
“You know they would prefer it if you were coming too.” He gave you a pitiful look as he pushed his bags aside. “You sure you’ll be okay -”
“Dad I will be fine.” You narrowed your gaze at him with a small smile on your face. “If anything happens or I change my mind I will call you or jump on the next flight to Italy.” You know that was a lie but it would put his mind at ease. “And the Christmas tree will be up when you get home.”
“Blue and white remember.” He arched his brows.
“I remember.” You couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Martin’s reaction when he finds out you’d have to decorate the tree in Spurs colours.
You’d planned to decorate the tree with Martin, it wasn’t your first Christmas with him and you knew it wouldn’t be the last. Last year Martin invited you to his to decorate his tree which in North London fashion happened to be decorated in red and white. The pair of you made Christmas cookies with one another whilst you danced to Christmas music. Everything with him was perfect, you just wished you could’ve shared the actual day with him.
“I will be back in two weeks.” He made his way over to you, holding his arms out for a hug. You complied, walking towards him and falling into the hug. “Please don’t burn the house down.”
Laughing at his words you pulled back. “I won’t, I promise.”
Conte smiled at you as he gathered his bags, heading out to the car. Whilst he was packing his things into the vehicle you quickly pulled out your phone to text Martin.
You: He’s leaving now x
Martin: I’ll get my things and leave in 5 x
You: Drive safely please x
Martin: Always love x
“Who are you texting?” Your Dad’s voice snatched your attention. He arched his brows at you, his face clearly interested in the wide smile you had on your face as you looked at your phone.
“No one.” You lied. “I was just checking the time.”
“And smiling like an idiot at it?”
“What can I say, I get time away from you I’ll always be happy at that.” You gave him a smirk which broke into a small laugh. He followed suit, knowing you never meant that but he also knew you were lying about your reasons but he knew better than to press on.
“I will text you when I’m at the airport and when I’ve landed.”
“Be safe.”
“I will.” He blew a kiss to you as he got into the car, sending you a small wave as he left the house and headed back to Italy.
You’d always been close to your Dad, the love of football you both shared kept the bond alive. You’d travelled the world with him, watching him manage teams in different leagues and now you were back in London with him, the only change was you didn’t live in West London but North London. You’d still spoken to some of the old Chelsea lads your Dad managed but they didn’t exactly end on a good note so much like Martin, that was kept rather quiet.
Being so close to one another only added to your pain in keeping your relationship with Martin quiet. The pair of you never hid anything from one another and even if you tried it would always come to light a few days but not this secret. It was arguably the most challenging thing you’d ever done, having to lie to him for a year straight. One day he’d find out, you just needed to find a good time to tell him.
You never had to wait long for Martin to drive to yours after all, he was only a few streets away. That was an added benefit of dating him although you always had to keep an eye out for any Spurs players, god forbid one of them spotted you two together. Opening the door you were met with a wide grin and stunning blue eyes which always made you melt. You looked down at his hand and noticed he was holding a bunch of red roses.
“Cliché I know but red is better than white unless it’s on an Arsenal kit.” He winked before planting a kiss on your forehead. Taking the flowers from him you moved aside, letting him into your home. It was rare Martin ever got to be around for more than a few hours as your Dad would always be home or if the house was free Martin would be playing a match somewhere in Europe.
“You’re going to hate the colour my Dad wants the tree this year then.” Martin rolled his eyes at your words.
“You can decorate the tree then.” He gave you a grin. “I’ll be watching replays of our greatest wins against Tottenham.” You lightly shoved the boy as you shut the door, following his expression and grinning up at him.
“Shut up you’re helping.” You headed towards the kitchen to find a vase to put your flowers in with Martin trailing behind you. He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling your back into his chest. He started to pepper you with light kisses on your neck, tightening his grip on your waist as you melted into his touch.
“When are you going to tell him?” He suddenly asked, turning you around to face him.
“I need to tell him soon it’s been a year.” Your voice dropped at your own words. “Christmas?”
“You think that’s a good idea?”
“Happiest day of the year for most people, maybe it’ll be ours too.”
“You think he’ll let you come to the Emirates on boxing day to watch me play West Ham?”
“Don’t get too hopeful Ødegaard.” The pair of you shared another smile. “I’ll tell him when he gets home from Italy, that way he’d got time to process the whole thing and the two of you won’t go up against one another in a match anytime soon.”
“I don’t care if he doesn’t like me, as long as you’ll still be mine.”
“Of course I will, I’m not going to throw what we have away all because my Dad can’t set aside some stupid rivalry.”
“It’s not a stupid rivalry -”
“You know I didn’t mean it like that.”
“It’s a very serious one Arsenal continues to win.” He smirked. “Think I might need to remind Conte that when I see him next -”
“If he doesn’t hunt you down first. He thinks you’re an incredible player Martin but that only makes him hate you even more.”
“You know I don’t care what he thinks about me, right?”
“You have mentioned it.”
“We’ll tell him after Christmas… or maybe just before.”
“We?” “You don’t think I’m going to let you tell him on your own do you?”
Your smile grew as you leaned up to plant a kiss on his lips, Martin ducked his head down to deepen the kiss, his hands trailing down your body as he did so. The kiss grew hotter as your hands started to tug on the ends of his blonde hair. The pair of you eventually pulled away, your eyes gazing deep into one another's.
“Who knows maybe you can spend Christmas here.” You spoke, a playful smile tugging on your lips. Martin let out a light laugh, his head falling as he did so.
“I’m not spending it at this Tottenham house.”
“Fair point.” You laughed along with him before the two of you got to work on the tree.
You’d spent the entire time convincing Martin you couldn’t just switch out the colours to red and white but the gunner was adamant that he could make your Dad see reason. Eventually, the tree was decorated in navy blue and white, much to Martin’s disgust. The two of you decided to order a takeaway and watch Christmas films to pass the time. In the evening you’d both bake something Christmassy and then enjoy a joint shower to wash off all the mess you’d made but the sudden noise of your front door unlocking would ruin those evening plans.
“I can’t believe you’ve never seen The Muppets Christmas Carol.” You were laying into his side, empty takeaway boxes in front of you both as you watched the film.
“It’s the same as all the other Christmas Carol films-”
“No, it’s got the muppets in this version therefore it’s better than any other version.”
“What do they add to the original story that makes it better?”
“Comedic value and musical numbers.” You looked over at him with a smile on your lips. “What more could you want?”
He shrugged before leaning in. “I could think of a few things.” As your lips went to touch his the sound of a key opening your front door made the pair of you jump apart.
“y/n? My flight was cancelled so you’re stuck with me-” Your Dad went to finish but when his eyes fell on Martin and his daughter beside one another on his sofa his words got lost in his mouth.
“Dad I-”
“Why is there an Arsenal player in my house?”
“Dad please can we talk about this?” You rose from your spot, Martin copied your actions, his eyes glued to Conte.
“We are talking.” His voice was stern as his bags fell to the floor. His eyes darted to Martin’s and if looks could kill you were convinced your boyfriend would be dead. “Get out, we’ll talk about this when he’s gone.”
“Dad please-”
“It’s not her fault.” Martin cut you off. “Please can we talk to you about this?” Conte said nothing. His eyes just stayed glued to Martin. Your boyfriend took the silent hint to continue. “I love her, a lot. This isn’t just a fling or some shitty hookup, we’ve been together for over a year now and every day I find myself falling for her even more than I was the day before. I know you won’t like me because I play for Arsenal but I hope you can see past that for her. I just want her to be happy, just as you do.”
“Get out.” Your Dad stood by his words.
Martin let his head fall in defeat before speaking. “It’s fine y/n.” Martin cut you off. He leant down and planted a kiss on your head. Martin grabbed his things before heading out the door, his heart racing at what had just happened. Part of him wanted to stay and have it out with your Dad but he knew better than to press on.
When Martin was gone, Antonio looked over at you and started to speak. “You two have been together over a year?”
“Yes. I wanted to tell you, we planned on doing it soon but we could never find the right time and I knew you’d be annoyed because he plays for Arsenal but-”
“Can’t you see he’s using you?”
You were taken back by his words, your face scrunching at what you’d just heard. “You can’t be serious?”
“Think about it y/n, he plays for Arsenal and he’s the manager's golden boy and now he magically ends up with the rivals manager's daughter? Come on y/n.”
“For once can you just separate football from this, please? I know it’s your life, it’s mine too but not everything is about football.” You looked away before meeting his gaze again. “If you really think that why wouldn’t he just introduce himself to you so he can get as much knowledge as he possibly can straight away?”
“Probably because he gets it all from you!”
“You think that’s what we talk about? Believe it or not, we have actual conversations that don’t involve a group of men running around in a rectangle kicking a ball around for 90 minutes.”
He let out a deep breath, his hands raking through his hair before he spoke again. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I knew you’d act like this.”
“Do you not trust me y/n?” “Of course, I trust you, Dad.”
“Then why didn’t you tell me sooner? I thought we could tell one another everything?”
“Because you act like this. You act like he’s using me to get to you but he’s not. You try and put ideas in my head all because you want me to end up with Son or one of your other golden Spurs boys.” Tears formed in your eyes as you spoke. “I can’t help who I fall in love with and-”
“You love him?”
“Of course I do and because I love him I want you to accept him as my boyfriend just as you would do if I was dating any of the Tottenham players. Just because he plays for Arsenal doesn’t mean there’s any ill intent-”
“y/n please listen to me… no Arsenal player would willingly hang around with you-”
“With me?”
“No that’s not what I meant, y/n just listen-”
You didn’t want to hear the rest, why would you? Your Dad wasn’t going to change his mind. He hated the idea of you dating a footballer anyway but if you were he’d always made it clear he’d prefer someone like Son but even then that was a bit of a stretch.
You didn’t utter a word to your Dad as thoughts of Martin crossed your mind. When anything went wrong Martin was always there and you needed him now. Turning on your heel you headed to your room, packing some essentials before you grabbed your keys. “I need some time to think.” You uttered before opening the front door and clambering into your car.
Your Dad followed you, his figure standing in the doorway to your house as he watched you wipe your tears with the backs of your hand. You didn’t dare glance over to him as you pulled out of the driveway and headed to Martin’s. Although he normally came to yours there was the odd occasion where you’d stay at his. He had a drawer under his bed full of spare clothes for you and any products you used in your everyday life. If only your Dad bothered to learn about this side of Martin.
When the blonde opened the door his heart sank at the sight of you. Without uttering a word Martin pulled you inside, his arms wrapping around you immediately. For a while, you sobbed into his chest whilst he planted light kisses on your head and smoothed your hair down.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He finally spoke.
“I’ve fucked up.”
“No, you haven’t.” Martin pulled away, his hands cupping your face as he wiped your tears away. “Look, I shouldn’t have left like that. I should’ve stood up for you and at least spoken to him before I left you alone.”
“This isn’t your fault Martin.”
“It is partly. I was the one who continued to hide it away from your Dad when you wanted to tell him.”
“No, it’s not.” You planted a light kiss on his lips. “I just need time apart from him.”
“Well…” A smile spread across his lips. “I do need to decorate the tree in Arsenal colours.”
“Only if we get to finish The Muppets Christmas Carol.”
For the past two weeks, you’d spent most of your waking hours with Martin, pushing what happened with your Dad to the back of your mind. You would attend Martin’s games which lead to a lot of talk with the press when fans caught you wearing an Arsenal shirt in his box. Conte did his best to avoid any talk of you, his anger still boiling up inside him at the idea of his daughter dating Arteta’s golden boy. Although his anger continued to shine, especially with Tottenham’s poor results he couldn’t help but feel an emptiness in the house. Without you, he was on his own and that feeling only got worse as Christmas approached.
It was Christmas Eve and Martin had just gotten home from training. The two of you were under a blanket as snow started to fall from the sky. The pair of you had your eyes glued to the TV which was currently playing The Grinch, your hands intertwined with his.
“Are you planning to spend Christmas with me?” Martin muttered into your hair before kissing your forehead.
“Of course I am.” You turned your head to face him. “Not exactly going to get up and run away now am I?” Martin leaned down and pecked your lips, his smile growing at your words.
“Perfect although I’d prefer if you were on good terms with your Dad. Have you spoken to him?”
“Do you plan on it?”
“After Christmas.”
“Is it…?”
“The first Christmas without him? Yep.” A wave of sadness washed over you as you spoke. “No matter what team he was managing or wherever he was in the world we’d always be together for Christmas.”
“y/n this is all -”
Before Martin could finish his sentence his front door sounded. The pair of you glanced at one another before looking over to the door. Martin lifted you gently off his chest before making his way to his door.
“Were you expecting anyone?” You asked.
“No? Maybe Mikel needs something…” As he swung the door open he was met with the sympathetic eyes of your father. “Sorry, how do you know where I live?”
“Merry Christmas to you too Martin… I asked Arteta. I told him what happened and well, he was happy to help.”
“Is she inside?”
“She is.” Martin leaned against the door frame as he spoke. “Do you really think she wants to see you? She told me everything… you really thought I was using her?”
“Can I please come in and talk it through with both of you?” A pitch of silence fell through the air. “Please?”
Martin knew you wanted it to be sorted. He could see how much it hurt you to be away from your Dad, especially at Christmas but he also knew this could all go horribly wrong and ruin the first proper Christmas the pair of you were spending together. Reluctantly he stepped aside and let your Dad in. He sent you a sympathetic look as you watched the familiar face walk through the door.
“Hello, Dad.”
“I need to speak to both of you.” Martin walked back over to where you were sitting on the sofa, his eyes stern as he looked at your Dad. “I’m sorry for what I said to you both. I always let football take over my life, y/n knows that.” He gave a light smile your way before he continued. “I shouldn’t have let the rivalry between the two clubs get in the way of my daughter's happiness. As much as I hate Arsenal and especially Arteta’s golden boy it still wasn’t fair. I should never have doubted how you felt about my daughter Martin.” He let out a small laugh, “I can tell by the fans speak about you both that you treat her well.”
“Of course I do.” Martin sighed at his words. “Look, I get it. My Dad is the same with rivalries and so was I but the truth is football controls most of our lives but it shouldn’t control every aspect of our lives, especially the ones we love.”
“I’m so sorry.” Your Dad repeated.
“Me too.” You finally spoke. “We should’ve told you a long time ago-”
“I don’t blame you for not telling me. I understand why, look at what happened when you did.”
“You should not have found out that way.” You rose from your seat. Heading towards him with open arms. “I’m sorry Dad.” The pair of you wrapped your arms around one another. Martin stayed on the sofa, his smile growing knowing he’d finally been accepted by your Dad and now the two of you were finally back on track.
Both you and Conte pulled back. “How can I make it up to you both?” He asked.
“I have an idea,” Martin spoke up, a smirk growing on his lips. “Spend Christmas here with us, in the Arsenal-themed house.”
Conte looked between you both. No amount of grafting would get him out of Martin’s proposal. “Fine, as long as you two aren’t all over each other.”
“Can’t promise that sir.” Martin made his way over to you both, his hand extending for Conte to shake. “She does look good in my Arsenal shirt.”
“Watch it, Ødegaard.”
i would absolutely love a ney imagine where he and the reader (perhaps an actress or a singer) used to date during his early fame. they truly loved each other, but broke up eventually due to certain issues. as the years go by, they both date other people to get over the horrible breakup (all attempts ended up failing, they're still pining over each other 💀) so flash forward after a few years, ney and reader happen to meet at a gala / party bcs they were both invited. imagine the TENSION between them.. like "oh okay you're there and i'm here and this is all really happening"
that ended up really long </3 ILY AUTHOR your works truly have mesmerized ♡
Hello! Thank you so much, ILY2 <3 You can read your request here, enjoy it <3