She/her. 21. AFC. MV33. I like cats and writing. Football + F1. Requests open ;)
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Can We Please Get A Part 4 To Rivals With Benefits !!!!
Can we please get a part 4 to rivals with benefits 🥹!!!!
You can my love <3 You can read Part 4 here
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Car Troubles - Charles Leclerc x Verstappen!reader

Charles Leclerc x Verstappen!reader
Requested? Yes/No: Anon: Can you do an angst with Charles where the reader is a Verstappen and lots of brother max🥺🥺🥺
Summary: Ferrari can’t keep their car on track and Charles can’t keep his emotions on the track.
Word Count: 3.2K
Warnings: Angst, fluff, swearing, Max on a rampage.
When Max found out you and Charles were dating he wasn’t precisely best pleased, how could he be? His little sister was in bed with the man who’d been his rival since his karting days. Although Max was kinder to Charles now than he was back then he would still give Charles a rough time on the track or the cold shoulder at family dinners. Just because Charles was dating his sister didn’t mean he’d like him.
For the past few months, Ferarri hadn’t been performing as well as they should be and the moment the car stopped breaking down Charles would make a mistake and land himself with another DNF. The pair of you had been dating for over a year now and Max was very much aware of it. You moved in after four months leaving Max alone in his apartment, not that you were always away from your older brother and tonight was one of those nights.
Charles had returned from the race weekend pissed off beyond measure. The car had finally started to work and he’d spun out and hit the wall. He was leading the French GP and after his mistake, your brother went on to claim P1 which only pissed Charles off even more. He and you returned to Monaco rather hastily, saying nothing the entire flight home. Once you were in your shared apartment you finally decided to speak.
“I don’t want to talk about it y/n.” His voice was stern as he threw his bags down without looking. His careless actions caused his bag to knock against your coffee table, hitting a vase Max had bought you. The water from the vase fell across the small table and leaked onto a scrapbook you’d left on the glass counted.
“Charles!” You screamed before running over to the table. “Be careful you’ll ruin it!” The scrapbook was a present from Charles. After you two had an argument over telling Max about you both, he created the book as a way to show you that he never wanted to hide you ever again. Every time you went on a date he’d make sure he got something as a souvenir so he could scrapbook it. He got to relive the memories, allowing him to relax after races.
“Who cares? It’s just a shitty book!” He snapped, running his hands through her hair.
“What did you say?” Your voice broke at his words.
“You heard, it’s just a shitty book with scraps of paper, it’s not important -”
“That book is about us, the book that you made! It is important.”
“You don’t know what’s important y/n.” He raised his voice. “You know what is important? Me winning this championship! I need to win this for me, for Ferarri, for my family… for all those fans that give their time, effort and money to me, I need to win it for them!” He took a deep breath. “I need to win it for you…”
“Charles I want you to win the championship but it won’t make me think any differently of you…”
“It should.” He snapped. “It’ll make me on the same level as your brother and I need to be fighting against Redbull… but you don’t get it.”
“Charles I do -”
“No, you don’t! You’re not in that car, your brother is. You’re just always there in the background, just waiting there for Max… never me -”
“That’s a lie and you know it!” Your voice grew. “I always watch the race in the Ferarri garages, I only leave when Max wins to congratulate him. He’s still my brother Charles.”
“You know sometimes when I lose I just want you there…” His voice was low as he spoke but that didn’t last long. “But you’ll never understand what that’s like.”
“Why? Because I’m not a driver?”
“Because you’ve never been in the spotlight, only the background.”
“Is that what I am to you?” Your brows arched at his words. “Just someone in the background?”
“Well… the journalists flock to your brother, not you.”
Being the sister of a Formula 1 driver had its perks but it also meant that every day you woke up knowing you would never be on the same level as your brother. Max was always praised by your mum and dad whereas you had to fight for even the smallest acknowledgement from your parents. It wasn’t that they didn’t care about your own achievements but more so that Max was always at the forefront when it came to outperforming you and Victoria.
You didn’t utter a word to him as you grabbed your bags once again but rather than heading to your front room you headed towards the door. “Where are you going?” Charles asked.
“Why do you care? I’m just in the background, aren’t I?”
“Oh come on y/n you know I didn’t mean it -”
“Are you sure about that Charles because you’re acting like it.”
“Look, I know you will never understand what it’s like being under so much pressure but -”
“Charles, do you know what it’s like to be compared to your brother who’s won a World Championship? Do you know what it’s like to have to constantly think of ways to be noticed by your own family for something whilst your brother is out on the track competing in one of the greatest sports in the world?” Taking a deep breath as you watched his mixed expression. “Maybe Arthur will understand.”
“Don’t bring Arthur into this -”
“Then don’t bring Max into this!”
“How can I not? He’s everywhere I turn! He makes stupid decisions on the track which resulted in me suffering!”
“Do not blame your incompetence on my brother!”
“My incompetence?” He laughed at your words. “Your brother’s a fucking idiot on that track, nearly kills everyone who even dares go near him!”
“At least Max knows how to stay on the track.” You knew it was a low blow but the way he was speaking to you, he deserved it.
“That was low y/n…”
“And calling me unimportant isn’t?”
“Well right now you’re not important y/n, you know what is? Running Redbull to the ground and winning this championship, nothing else matters right now.”
Charles was obsessed with winning, he always felt the need to prove himself to everyone around him despite his friends and family knowing he was capable of what he wished to achieve but he knew that didn’t matter. With fans and the press constantly hounding him and Ferrari to be better you knew it was them he wanted to appease, not himself.
“Fine.” You didn’t utter another word as you opened the door and left him standing alone in your apartment. Tears pricked your eyes as you dragged your bags into the lift. You knew that if you stayed the two of you would only rip one another’s heads off even more than you already have.
Monaco wasn’t exactly small so it wouldn’t take long to get to Max’s building meanwhile Charles was left alone with his thoughts. He’d fished the scrapbook from the water, treating it like an artefact at a museum as he slowly flicked through the pages, carefully inspecting which ones were damaged. Every time his eyes fell on the photos his heart sank. He knew he shouldn’t take out what was happening on the track onto you. You would support him at every turn and he knew what he said about you never being there for him was a lie. He spent the night drying the pages as best he could whilst he put them back together as they were before. He thought of sending you a text asking you if you were at Max’s safely, it didn’t take a genius to work out that you’d gone to see your brother about it, but he also knew if Max saw your phone he’d take it upon himself to reply.
When Max saw you his confused gaze softened into a sympathetic one. His arms opened as you fell against him in his doorway. Sobbing into his chest he slowly guided you into his apartment before speaking. “Want me to break check the cunt when he’s out cycling? Or I can shove him into the wall during the race next week? Then again he does that himself anyway…” You pulled back from Max, a small smile on your face at his words as you two sat down. “What happened?”
“It was just a stupid argument, it’s nothing.” You wiped your tears away with your sleeves but Max wasn’t convinced.
“It’s very rare you come running to me late at night because you’re upset.” He leant back in his chair. He had a point. Normally you and Charles would act cold with one another until either one of you apologised a mere few hours later but this time it felt different. He’d gotten personal and it had hurt. “You normally make up after a few hours and then I find out a week later so what was different this time?”
“He said I wasn’t important to him and that all his focus was on the Championship… he told me I wouldn’t understand and I get that - I’m not one of you and I know it’s important but I can understand to a certain degree how important it is but I thought he’d value what we have over that title.”
“I’ll kill him -”
“He’s still my boyfriend.”
“Not one I like.”
“You don’t need to like him… more tolerate him.”
“I’m finding that hard right now.” Rolling his eyes he shifted his gaze back to you. “Has he even texted you? To make sure you got here safely?”
Sliding your phone out of your pocket you were met with a blank screen. “No -”
“Cunt.” Max spoke under his breath. “Have you eaten?”
“No -”
“Good, we’ll order in, watch a film, like we used to.” He smiled at the memories. When the two of you were younger every single Friday you would all watch a film and have a takeaway with your sister Victoria. It was the one night when the three of you were all together and could forget about your parent's divorce and the world around you.
You and Max spent the night talking about what happened whilst you two watched a Disney film, trying to forget the night. Unlike anyone else you were close with, Max knew how Charles felt when his car didn’t comply and when he made a mistake which lead to his race being ended. He would always give you a different perspective on your situation and most importantly, he’d listen to you. That was something a lot of people never saw, Max would always validate your feelings and tell you his own perspective on things when you needed it.
Eventually, you and Max called it a night and you headed into his spare room. Throwing your bags onto the bed you began to get ready for bed when your phone sounded from the cabinet.
Char <;3: Did you get to Max’s okay? X
You: I did x
Char <;3: When are you coming back? X
You: Is that why you texted? X
Char <;3: No I wanted to know that you were safe x
You: I left the house hours ago x
Char <;3: I know but I wanted to give you space x
You locked your phone, ignoring his last text. You knew you’d cause another argument with him about his text being a little too late but he’d already read your mind.
Char <3: Look I’m sorry I should’ve messaged you earlier but I didn’t want to make this any worse x
You: By making sure I wasn’t killed? Do you think you checking in on my well-being was going to make this worse? X
Char <;3: You’re right and I’m so sorry, I should’ve walked or driven you over myself. When are you coming home? X
You: I don’t know x
Char <;3: Please be safe. Take your time and I’ll see you soon and I’m sorry x
You: For not texting me or the argument we had? X
Char <3: Both x
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to go home to him but his words continued to play in your head over and over again like a broken record. Climbing into bed you glimpsed at your lock screen which was a photo of you and Charles after he’d won the Australian GP. He had the trophy in one hand but he was looking at you, his eyes full of love as he looked at you, completely ignoring the trophy in his hand.
You: I’ll message you later, goodnight Char. I love you x
Charles's heart jumped at the reply he got. He knew it was stupid considering the two of you had been in a relationship for years but after a fight like that, all he wanted was reassurance.
Char <;3: I love you too x
He knew he had to make it up to you, he’d fucked up and with Max as your brother, he knew he’d have to grovel.
You’d stayed with Max until the Hungarian GP, you knew you’d end up sharing a hotel with Charles. Max had offered to pay for another room for you but the truth was your heart ached to see your boyfriend again.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to buy you a room?” Max asked as he carried your things to the room you were set to share with Charles.
“I’m fine Max.” You smiled at him. “Besides they probably don’t have one free at this time-”
“Then you can take my room and I’ll share with Charles.”
“Yeah, I’m sure that would go down well.”
“Well…” Max smirked at his own words. “He wouldn’t have to worry about him crashing into a wall because he wouldn’t even make it to the car.”
“You’re horrible.” A smile tainted on your lip at your own words.
“Could be worse, remember what I did to your ex?” He smiled down at you. How could you forget? Your last boyfriend, Alexander, had cheated on you with a girl he claimed was ‘just a friend’. You walked in on the two of them in a compromising position only hours after he told you that he loved you. When Max found out there was nothing that could stop him. He stormed into his house and made sure he gave him two black eyes that wouldn’t shift for weeks.
“It would be harder to get away with if you did it to Charles, besides, we had an argument. It’s not like he cheated on me.”
“Well if that ever crosses his mind… it’ll be worse than two black eyes.”
You reached your room but just as you went to open the door a tall brunette swung the door open before you could even get your hand to it. His eyes met yours as you both stared at one another in silence for a second. Max coughed, breaking the two of you out of your trance.
“Max…” Charles glanced over to your brother who looked as if he was ready to kill him.
“Charles,” Max replied before turning to you. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay with him? You can take my room.”
Charles looked as if he wanted to kill Max himself at his words. “I’m sure she’s fine with me,” Charles spoke up.
“You know she can talk for herself, Leclerc.”
“I’m aware.” Speaking through gritted teeth Charles seemed to have finally found his voice.
“I’ll be fine Max.” You looked between the two men. Charles quickly snatched your bags away from Max’s grasp, a smug smile on his lips as he watched Max take a step back in defeat.
“Text me if you need anything y/n, I’ll see you in the garages.” Max turned on his heel, his eyes not leaving Charles’s as he headed down the hallway.
Charles held the door open for you as you walked inside the room. He’d moved his things in but only to one side of the room like he did every single weekend. Even when you weren’t around it always became a habit for him. “How was your time with Max?” He spoke as he set your bags aside.
“Needed.” You replied. “How was your alone time?”
“Lonely.” He stepped closer to you. “I missed you.”
Looking up your eyes met his. “I missed you too.”
“I’m so sorry y/n. What I said, I didn’t mean it at all. Look, I was upset over the race, I feel like I’ll never be a World Champion and every single day I believe that I feel like I’m letting everyone down… especially you.”
“Charles I won’t love you any less if you aren’t a World Champion.”
“I know but… in the past, it's gotten too much and I’ve had people leave me or just become distant and I couldn’t take it if you decided to leave.”
“I’m not going to leave you I just want you to talk to me. I know I’m not a driver but my brother is and for years Max told me what it’s like and I know I’m not in the car but I can listen and understand as best I can, I’m sorry for what I said.”
Charles stepped closer, his hands resting on the sides of your face as he leaned down. “You are so important to me, more important than any stupid trophy.”
“I better be.” Your face broke into a smile as Charles leaned down and took your lips into his. He stood in between your legs as he deepened the kiss his hands going to your hair to pull you closer to him, acting like this was the last time he’d ever kiss you. Eventually, you both pulled away, and Charles straightened himself up.
“I have something for you.” Opening the drawer beside the bed he pulled out the scrapbook he’d made you. “It’s not just a book to me.” He handed it to you. “I fixed it as best I could, I’m sorry-”
“I think we should leave this page blank.” Cutting him off you pointed to a blank page. “For when you win the Championship, that way if you ever feel like you aren’t good enough then you can look back to this page, it might be blank for now but it’s a silent reminder of how much I believe in you, we all do.” You pecked his lips. “You might not believe it sometimes but everyone wants the best for you, especially your fans.”
“I don’t want to let them down.”
“And you won’t… Ferrari will.”
He laughed at your words, falling down beside you on the bed. “If only everyone thought how you did.”
“Are you spying on them?” A British accent made Max jump back from the door to yours and Charles’s room. Lando stood behind him with a confused expression.
“I’m just making sure he doesn’t make her cry.”
“I think he makes other things wet besides her eyes.” Lando laughed at himself. Turning to face him Max laughed alongside him before his expression changed in a heartbeat.
“Make a joke like that about my sister again and I’ll cut your dick off.”
Buy me a coffee <3
Thank you for 1K followers everyone <3

Rivals with Benefits - Mick Schumacher x reader - Part 4
Read Part Three here

Mick Schumacher x female!reader
Summary: Mick and you were both set to drive for Ferarri. You were two best friends climbing through the ranks together (and through the sheets) but things turn sour. You join Red Bull and Mick is never the same.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, implied smut, fluff ish
Word Count: 3.6K
The dinner felt like a lifetime and Mick’s teasing didn’t subside and neither did your attitude towards him but after years of media training, you could quickly hide your emotions. Max on the other hand, not so much. If looks could kill then Mick would more indefinitely be dead although, his Mum and Mick’s Mum clearly didn’t pick up on his disgust towards his former friend.
“So y/n,” Mick’s Mum caught your attention as you did your best to ignore her son. “How are your family?” Her smile infected you, she always had that effect on people.
“They’re good although I don’t see them as much as I’d like to. I mainly spend the downtime before another race on my own.”
“y/n!” Gina’s ecstatic voice made you look up from your food. “You haven’t been to the ranch in years, there’s a break before Spain. Come and ride the horses like old times with me!”
“Well if you did you wouldn’t be alone,” Mick spoke.
“Come on y/n, Billy misses you.” Gina referenced her horse. “And I never get to see you anymore.”
You couldn’t say no to Gina. She was a walking bundle of joy no matter where she was. She always had the power to make even the saddest of people smile. “I’ll think about it.” You smiled back at her. “I may see my parents soon, seeing as they don’t come to the races-”
Mick’s Mum suddenly spoke. “They still haven’t attended a race yet?” Her brows arched at her own question.
“Not any since I’ve joined Redbull. They’re just busy all the time and Formula 1 isn’t really their scene.”
“How so?” Gina asked.
“Too many rich people.”
Mick let out a light laugh at your words, his gaze falling to you as he interjected. “Do they know who their daughter is? And the sport she’s in?”
“Well considering I’m never home anymore I’m sure they’re aware.” Your smile was sarcastic as you met Mick’s gaze, something that boiled Max’s blood even more. Knowing the truth behind the two of you he knew Mick was only ever going to taunt you for his own personal gain, anyone that smug didn’t deserve an ego boost.
“Do they still work?” Mick asked despite knowing the answer to his question.
“They do, they won’t let me retire them-”
“Well to me they seem very proud, not the type to scream from the rooftops.” Max quickly butted in, sending a reassuring smile towards you as the words left his lips.
“Can’t imagine why they wouldn’t scream from the rooftops though,” Despite Max’s attempt to end the conversation about your family, Mick clearly wanted to continue. “It’s not every day someone like you climbs to the top-”
“Someone like me?” Your head snapped to the side, sending a glare towards the blonde. Your actions alone made his hand jump from your inner thigh. “What someone with no money? No status in your world-”
“That’s not what I meant…” His words were stern, almost like he was talking down to you.
“You sure Mick?”
“y/n I meant someone who doesn’t have family in the industry-”
“So a status in the industry?”
“Don’t make this a big thing.” His voice fell to a whisper before he spoke louder. “Not like that, I meant a foot in the door. You and Lewis have a similar story.”
You wanted to yell something back at him, believing he was implying something different when Max’s phone suddenly sounded. Excusing himself from the table he walked away leaving everyone in silence to finish their drinks whilst he paced the restaurant.
“Take your hand off my thigh.” You spoke through gritted teeth at the man who quickly obliged with your request.
“y/n I didn’t mean to imply-”
“Imply what Mick? That I wasn’t rich enough for your sport? That I wasn’t at a high enough status for you?”
“No.” His eyes poured into yours. “Money doesn’t matter in this sport-”
“Of course the rich guy who got here because of his Dad would say that.” Rolling your eyes you slumped back in your chair.
“You know it wasn’t easy for me.”
“But easier for you than me.” You hit back at his words, taking Mick back. As he opened his mouth to reply Max’s voice grabbed everyone’s attention.
“I’m really sorry guys I’m going to have to leave. My neighbour just called and Jimmy managed to escape the flat and now he’s hiding in my neighbour's house. He has a dog so poor Jimmy is stressed out. I’m grabbing a flight now.” Max turned to you. “Can you make your way back to the hotel? Or shall I call you a car?”
Smiling at the brunette a smirk filled your face as you spoke. “I’ll be fine Max, I can get Gasly to come and pick me up.”
Smirking back at your words, knowing you were only trying to piss Mick off he spoke. “I’ll text him a heads up.”
“I can take you back.” Mick now mirrored your and Max’s expression. “I think Gasly mentioned he was heading back to France early, he had a dinner planned with his parents.”
“It’s fine, I’ll call Oscar.” Your words took Mick back by surprise.
“Oscar? The reserve driver?”
“Nothing gets past you, Mick.”
“Didn’t even know he was capable of even talking to a woman.” He muttered, his attitude showing.
Max said his goodbyes before heading off to his flat seemingly several hundred miles away. It wasn’t long till everyone else said their goodbyes and made their way to the car park. Unlike everyone else you stood just outside the restaurant door, scrolling through your phone and wondering who you could call to come and pick you up, Settling on Daniel you were about to call him when a familiar voice pulled up beside you.
“You know it’s getting late.” Mick looked down at you, hands in his suit pockets. “I don’t want you out here on your own.”
“Since when did you care about my well-being?”
“Just because we ‘hate’ one another doesn’t mean I don’t look out for you.”
“Does that include during the races?”
“Daer God no.” His smile grew. “I thought me pushing you into the wall would’ve answered that question for you.”
“So you’re admitting it?”
“No one else will believe you.”
“I think a few Redbull fans will.”
He shrugged. “They can believe all they want.” His head turned to look down at you. “I still have the Championship.”
“Because you cheated.”
“Oh y/n let it go.” He pulled out the keys to his car before walking over to the passenger door. He opened it before looking back at you, a silent beg to get in the car. You could wait for Daniel but your bed was calling your name and you could ignore Mick if you really wanted to.
“You know Max and Christian will kill you if they see me leaving your car.” Your heels sounded on the concrete as you obliged and climbed into his car.
“Well,” He closed the passenger side door before jogging around to his door. “Good thing Max is on a plane right now and Christian is probably fast asleep.”
“Lucky bloke.”
“Can join me in my bed if you’d like-”
“You didn’t win so no.”
“Give it time.”
Most of the car ride was silent, thankfully. The only sound was the softness of the radio pouring from the speakers of the car. Mick quietly tapped his steering wheel as he drove, humming every now and again if he recognised a song on the radio. Occasionally he’d turn his head and look over to you, almost like he was preparing himself to say something.
“Is something bothering you Mick?” You broke the silence.
“No.” His gaze flickered to you again. “Why?”
“You keep looking over at me.”
“Why not? Am I not allowed to look?”
“It’s not that you’re not allowed more not wanted.”
“Can’t help you look good in that dress.”
“I’ll let Pierre know, he picked it.” Your smug grin caught his attention.
“I bet he did.” His grip on the steering wheel tightened. “Can I ask you something?”
“If you must.”
“Are you really fucking Gasly?”
“Why do you automatically jump to me sleeping with other drivers?”
“Because if the two of you were dating I’m sure you wouldn’t have jumped at the idea of sleeping with me again.” His eyes danced over to meet yours. “Unless you just couldn’t help yourself…”
“I was drunk when I agreed to that.”
“Could’ve backed out.”
“You wouldn’t let me.”
Mick laughed at your words. “Very fair point y/l/n… but you still didn’t answer my question.”
“Is it any of your business?”
“Well, considering I’m sleeping with you I’d rather not share.”
“You always did have a tinge of jealousy to you.”
“Not always, you can flirt with as many men as you want but at the end of the day I know that when I’m at the top of the podium you’ll be coming home with me.”
“And when you’re not?”
“You’re too busy out celebrating to even think of another man, you’ve always been the type to sacrifice any relationship for your success.”
“You’re one to talk.”
“That wasn’t the sole reason why I called it quits.”
“Then what was it? The real reason?”
“It’s complicated y/n.” He pulled up to the hotel car park.
“No, it’s not Mick. You still wanted the luxury of taking home as many girls as you could-”
“Oh come on, you know I’m not like that.”
“You act like it at times.”
Rolling his eyes he turned his car engine off. “I’ll never convince you.”
“Maybe if you didn’t- Shit!” Slumping down in your seat as far as you could your hands attempted to cover your face.
“What are you doing?” Mick scrunched his face up in confusion.
“It’s Christian!” Mick scanned the car park before meeting the dull eyes of Christian Horner. “Shit Mick just drive away!”
“Drive away? He’s just watched me pull in here!”
“Then do something!”
“Like what? I can’t just make him leave!”
“Try anything! He’ll kill me if he sees me with you!”
“Fine.” Mick clambered out of the car, locking his vehicle behind him as he caught the attention of Christian Horner. You honestly thought his plan was to just head back into the hotel, exchanging words with Horner until he was out of sight before coming back to get you but as time passed on that plan you thought he had quickly faded.
You: Where are you?
Mick: Got caught up with Toto, I’ll come to get you soon
You: Are you serious Mick? I’m locked in your car
Mick: At least the seats are comfy
You: Mick please hurry up
Mick: I’ll try
You: No come now
Mick: Toto bought me a drink at the bar, I can’t exactly run off
You: Yes you can, tell him you need to go or that you left something in your car
Mick: And then he catches us together?
You: Mick, please
Mick: Please what my love?
You: Just hurry up
You could feel his smirk through the phone which only pissed you off more. Getting up from your crouched position you sat back in your seat, your head fell back as your eyes quickly shut. Sleep slowly took over your body as you did your best to get comfy in Mick’s car seats. At this point you didn’t even care who saw you in his car, you were good at lying and a good lie would easily get you out of your situation although little did you know you wouldn’t be sleeping long in your rival's car.
Sunlight disturbed your sleep, causing your eyes to squint open. Raising your hands to cover your face you groaned at the feeling of being awoken. You had every intention to quickly drift back to sleep when a voice caused your eyes to burst open.
“Morning pretty girl.” Bolting up your eyes met Mick’s who was sitting in a chair opposite the bed you were currently in. “Sleep well?”
“Is this your hotel room?” Ignoring his question your eyes scanned your surroundings.
“Well it isn’t yours.” Mick replied as he brought a mug to his lips.
“How did I get here? Did we…?”
“No we didn’t.” A light chuckle fell from his lips. “I planned to walk back in the hotel with Christian when Toto saw me, he asked if I wanted a drink and I couldn’t exactly say no, could I?”
“I mean you could’ve.”
“It’s Toto Wolff you don’t say no.” Rolling your eyes at the man he quickly continued after a light pause. “Anyeay, he bought me a drink and we got to talking, I did try and get away but you don’t run away from Toto Wolff. When I got back to my car you were asleep, I couldn’t just leave you there so I brought you back here. Your dress is over there,” He pointed to your dress which was currently draped over the bathroom door. “I did my best not to look but I wasn’t going to let you fall asleep in that, it looked so uncomfortable.”
“Thank you, Mick.” Surprisingly the pair of you shared a small smile that didn’t have an underline of sarcasm laced to it.
“You’re welcome.” He moved over and handed you a plate of breakfast. “I’ve booked a late check out for this room and yours so I’ll leave you to it.” He grabbed his things before he walked over to you. Leaning down he planted a kiss on your head, a gesture which took you off guard entirely. “I’ll see you in a few days when I take P1.” Sending you a wink Mick quickly left the room leaving you alone with your thoughts.
He didn’t need to do what he did. He could’ve easily left you in his car for the other drivers to see in the morning and Ferrari wouldn’t bat an eyelid at the Stargirl of Red Bull in his car but Christian Horner would. You finished your food in silence before sneaking back to your own room in his clothes, you’d give him his clothes back eventually but you couldn’t lie that they were comfy. Maybe you’d hang on to them for a little longer than you planned. Ironically the next race was the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix which you won, Mick trailed behind in P2 and Lando claimed P3.
Miami was in full swing. You could tell you were in America as everything was amplified by 100. Celebrities littered the garages as the race quickly approached. You were starting in P2, Max in P1 and Mick in P3. You and Max were finishing up your preparations for the race, and one thing the pair of you started doing was playing a game of snap.
Anyone who looked on would’ve thought the two of you were just being childish and didn’t really care about the race ahead but the truth was when you joined Red Bull your anxiety worsened before a race. Max picked up on this almost instantly and posed the idea of doing something to take your mind off what was going on around you both. He posed the idea of playing snap with a deck of cards, the game allowed you to block everything out and completely focus on what was in front of you. Every week he bought different themed cards, last week it was different breeds of cats this week it was zoo animals.
“Snap!” You called out, pointing to the pile of cards before you both. You both sat crossed-legged on the floor hidden away as you played.
“That’s three to you and one to me.” Max kept a little notepad in the garages to keep the tallies of every game. At the end of the season the pair of you would add up who’d won the most and whoever lost had to buy drinks for the team at the end of the season celebrations.
“At this rate, you’ll be buying the drinks in November.” Smirking up at him you shuffled the card deck before splitting it in two.
“It’s a marathon, not a sprint y/n.” He returned the smirk as he looked at his cards. “Ready?”
You nodded as the two of you started to place one card down at a time, the pair of you watching intently at the actions of the other, ready to jump in at any second. Your focus couldn’t be broken until a number of boos and yells sounded at the garage entrance. Both you and Max raised your heads to see Mick Schumacher come strolling towards you both.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Max spat, standing from the floor.
“I came to speak to-”
“Brilliant you’ve spoken now get the fuck out!” Max blocked Mick from even looking towards you with his frame.
Mick held his hands up in surrender, a smile on his lips. “That’s no way to talk around your teammate's parents.”
“What?” Max scrunched his face up at Mick’s words before his eyes fell on a couple who looked rather similar to you, standing behind the Ferrari driver.
You’d now risen from your spot on the floor and were looking towards the scene before you. “Mum? Dad?” You were just as taken back as Max was. Your parents weaved past your rival and teammate to pull you into a hug. “What are you two doing here?” Your eyes glared at Mick.
“Mick invited us.” Your mother pulled away and smiled at you and Mick. “We couldn’t get here until this morning due to your father’s work but we’re here for the big race!”
“Heard you’re on track to win the World Championship this year!” Your Dad smiled as he spoke. He was always supportive despite knowing very little about Formula 1.
“For now,” Mick spoke, his smug smile gleaming at his remark. You wanted nothing more than to wipe it off his face. You would never be able to read him, one minute he wanted to take care of you, making sure you didn’t get in trouble with your team principal then antagonising you to the point where you contemplated throwing a punch at his perfect face.
“You shouldn’t be in here Schumacher,” Max interjected.
“You’re right Verstappen,” Mick spoke to Max but his eyes never left yours. “Good luck y/l/n. Be safe out there.” He turned on his heel and walked back to the Ferrari garage without another word.
“He seems lovely.” Your Mum put her hand on your arm. “You used to be teammates, didn’t you?”
“That’s what Mick told us.” Your Dad joined in on the conversation.
“We used to drive alongside one another a few years ago yes, for Haas.” You gave them a light smile, your eyes glued to Mick’s figure slowly fading from your eyesight.
“He speaks very highly of you.”
“Does he?” Max asked.
“Oh yes.” Your Dad smiled. “Says you were one of his closest friends.”
Friends that fucked one another.
“Times change when you get to the top.” Grabbing your helmet you quickly said goodbye to your parents as they took their spots in the garage to watch the race.
The race wasn’t the cleanest. A collision between Max, yourself and George made Max retire and you had an unfortunate stop to the garages.The pit stop fixing your car which took a little too long made you come out behind Mick. You tried everything to get past him but he was defending with every fibre of his being. You finished the race in P2 whilst he took the win.
“That was good racing today y/n, really well done,” Christian spoke down the radio. “There’s an investigation against George so we’ll see what comes from that.”
“Won’t take us to P1 but thank you guys for today, good thing we still had one car on the track, how’s Max?”
“He wants Russell’s head on a stick.” You laughed at your team principal's words, you wouldn’t be surprised if Max was waiting for George in the garages.
“I don't blame him.”
A loud sigh left your lips as you parked your car behind the P2. You knew what it meant if you saw Mick in P1. Another night of hell (liar). Yet your anger didn’t last when you saw your parents standing alongside Christian Horner. The pair of them held your country's flag in their hands, screaming your name. Anyone would’ve thought you’d just become a world champion.
Leaving your car you ran straight to them, holding them close as they sang praises in your ears. You moved on to the garage team and Max before heading off to the podium, your smile growing on your face.
“You that excited to sleep with me again?” Mick leaned down and whispered in your ear. The two of you were waiting with Charles to collect your trophies.
“Not everything’s about you Schumacher.” Mick’s hand trailed down your waist, pulling you back against his chest.
“I’ll let you savour the moment with your parents.” You turned your head to meet his gaze. “You can hold up your end of the bet when you come to the ranch.” His lips pecked your forehead before he stepped back, acting like the interaction between himself and you had never happened.
Well, you know what they say, save a horse, ride a cowboy.
Taglist: @lillianacristina @mrscevanss @chiliwhore @mloyer @eclairmcqueen @faeb1tch42069 @abysshaven @babs22sstuff @ironmaiden1313 @mbappesleftthigh @nikki01234
Buy me a Coffe <3
Can we pleaseee get a part 3 to rivals with benefits!!!!!!
I have been gone for so long due to uni but now that is over I can finally get back to writing :) Part three is up now and you can read it here have a good day everyone <3
hiii 🫶🏻 loved the ‘Best friends' brother’ is amazing can we get a part 2 please
Hey, thank you so much <3 Part 2 is up now, you can read it here, enjoy <3