ngocvan-29 - Hi :^
Hi :^

(cre: th3vau1t for N's drawing) Hi, welcome to my blog. Viet Nam šŸ‡»šŸ‡³šŸ‡»šŸ‡³ (3/9/2012).

305 posts

Ngocvan-29 - Hi :^ - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago
Idk Where That Image Came From: I Just Found It On The Bird App And Its 101% Production Art Official

idk where that image came from: i just found it on the bird app and itā€˜s 101% production art official upon inspection.

but my best guess would be from Glitch Inn.

Day 7 (Free Day) of MDWeek 2024

Idk Where That Image Came From: I Just Found It On The Bird App And Its 101% Production Art Official
6 months ago

Shocking announcement for V Murder Drones fans!

I looked at the profile of V's voice actor (Nola Klop) and I found out that she voiced 7 episodes out of 8.

Shocking Announcement For V Murder Drones Fans!

This means that according to season 1, before episode 8 came out, she voiced 6 episodes out of 7. If episode 7 of Murder Drones does not have the appearance of V, then the possibility (very very) high episode 8 V will return (but as for what form, I don't care, just knowing V will return in episode 8 is enough to understand, right :^)

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7 months ago

I just realized that whether there will be a season 2 or not depends on V. Partly because he is the first character Liam created, partly because fans really like V and wish he would come back. If in episode 8 there is still a core or body of V coming back, the possibility of a new season 2 increases.

(These are just some of the nonsense I came up with, you can disagree or agree-)

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7 months ago
Its That Time Of Year Again! Murder Drones Week 2024 Is Upon Us!

Its that time of year again! Murder drones week 2024 is upon us!


Please use hashtags #Murder drones week #MDweek #MDweek2024 when posting

You can do one prompt or both prompts! you don't have to do both

Oc Art is Allowed

You are allowed to repost YOUR ART to other sites as long as you use the hashtags

Feel free to tag me in any art! -

Fanart, Fanfic, Cosplay, all forms of art are welcome

Ship Art is Allowed

Proship art isnt allowed. (Nuzi is NOT proship. Feel free to ask abt ships I consider proship)

No nsfw

All skill levels welcome!

do not harass others.

You can ask any questions you need!

Please Reblog if you plan to partake!

7 months ago

Wee I wanna put this here too


7 months ago
7 months ago


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7 months ago

So this one is for Walter has your mom ever caught you trying to escape

No one ever actually caught him,

but someone finds out...

So This One Is For Walter Has Your Mom Ever Caught You Trying To Escape
So This One Is For Walter Has Your Mom Ever Caught You Trying To Escape
So This One Is For Walter Has Your Mom Ever Caught You Trying To Escape
So This One Is For Walter Has Your Mom Ever Caught You Trying To Escape

His mentor can be tough sometimes when Walter misbehaves, though everyone agrees that Walter's much better than his younger age.

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[ Chapter list ]

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7 months ago

If Glitch doesn't make a season 2 of Murder Drones, it will leave a huge hole in the hearts of fans. But if they do make a season 2, will fans still like it?

(Just asking)

(Write in comment)

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7 months ago

I just noticed that at the beginning of the Murder Drones ep 8 trailer, CynTessa is holding V's core and is about to eat it like Doll. Also, N is not in it, which makes me think of a theory that N is dead? I don't know but we have to wait until Ep 8 Full to know if he is alive or not.

(Can't believe Ep 8 will be the last episode of Murder Drones. Why didn't Glitch and Liam Vickers make a Season 2 of Murder Drones even though they said there would be one?)

I predicted Ep 8 would be a fight between N, Uzi and J. J finally sided with Uzi, N. There's a chance that V might have some core left after fighting those Dinos to come back.

Uzi has the Railgun siuuuuuuuuuuuu (but holding it with his tail not his hands, there's a chance that it's the gun that Lizzy, Thad and Khan (?) made to fight Cyn-) Oh my god where's my N boi?!?!??!?! Ouhhhhh J's back yey Damn Cynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

7 months ago

I predicted Ep 8 would be a fight between N, Uzi and J. J finally sided with Uzi, N. There's a chance that V might have some core left after fighting those Dinos to come back.

Uzi has the Railgun siuuuuuuuuuuuu (but holding it with his tail not his hands, there's a chance that it's the gun that Lizzy, Thad and Khan (?) made to fight Cyn-) Oh my god where's my N boi?!?!??!?! Ouhhhhh J's back yey Damn Cynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

7 months ago

Thinking about Murder Drones possibly getting a season 2-

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7 months ago
Spark (commisson For 90004377lunch On Twitter)
Spark (commisson For 90004377lunch On Twitter)

spark (commisson for 90004377lunch on twitter)

7 months ago

Just got my entrance ezam score this morning

7 months ago

@lazy-boxhead-lady Eat your food, take it bud

Ohh, So I Was Looking At My Storage And Found These! I Originally Shared Them On Twitter Before Yeeting
Ohh, So I Was Looking At My Storage And Found These! I Originally Shared Them On Twitter Before Yeeting
Ohh, So I Was Looking At My Storage And Found These! I Originally Shared Them On Twitter Before Yeeting
Ohh, So I Was Looking At My Storage And Found These! I Originally Shared Them On Twitter Before Yeeting
Ohh, So I Was Looking At My Storage And Found These! I Originally Shared Them On Twitter Before Yeeting
Ohh, So I Was Looking At My Storage And Found These! I Originally Shared Them On Twitter Before Yeeting
Ohh, So I Was Looking At My Storage And Found These! I Originally Shared Them On Twitter Before Yeeting
Ohh, So I Was Looking At My Storage And Found These! I Originally Shared Them On Twitter Before Yeeting
Ohh, So I Was Looking At My Storage And Found These! I Originally Shared Them On Twitter Before Yeeting
Ohh, So I Was Looking At My Storage And Found These! I Originally Shared Them On Twitter Before Yeeting
Ohh, So I Was Looking At My Storage And Found These! I Originally Shared Them On Twitter Before Yeeting
Ohh, So I Was Looking At My Storage And Found These! I Originally Shared Them On Twitter Before Yeeting
Ohh, So I Was Looking At My Storage And Found These! I Originally Shared Them On Twitter Before Yeeting
Ohh, So I Was Looking At My Storage And Found These! I Originally Shared Them On Twitter Before Yeeting
Ohh, So I Was Looking At My Storage And Found These! I Originally Shared Them On Twitter Before Yeeting
Ohh, So I Was Looking At My Storage And Found These! I Originally Shared Them On Twitter Before Yeeting
Ohh, So I Was Looking At My Storage And Found These! I Originally Shared Them On Twitter Before Yeeting

Ohh, so I was looking at my storage and found these! I originally shared them on twitter before yeeting the platform. Anyway, feel free to use! Art memes for your oc :D

8 months ago


Hello living creatures!

Could you read these fics? Thanks!


I don't need help anymore, thank you!

8 months ago

Hey everyone, I do accept painting requests (except for redrawing scenes on the computer, I don't accept them, I'm a tradi artist, haha)

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8 months ago

warning: OPINION!!!

starting straight to the point, i donā€™t think murder drones will have a season 2. like ok, it MIGHT, and if that happens, awesome!

but the thing is, how will Liam Vickers think of a way to make it as interesting as season 1? thereā€™s a really low chance that anybody (Mr. Vickers or not) can create something THAT interesting TWICE. so many things happened in season 1, and if thereā€™s a season 2, itā€™d seem..unnatural, yā€™know?

plus, even IF there was a season 2, Iā€™m 90% sure the fandom wonā€™t even like it. they might call it ā€˜forcedā€™ or ā€˜fan serviceā€™, and it may come across as the MD team stretching the show longer than it should go to make more money or something.

so my point is, thereā€™ll probably no season 2 for murder drones. and even if the fandom wanted it, they may or may not be happy with what they receive. depends on the side of the fandom!

8 months ago
Uzi Listening To J's Core Beat.

Uzi listening to J's core beat.

8 months ago

There's something abt Murder Drones songs that makes me excited. Like, other ppl are that interested and they make a song abt silly lil killer robots? That's a win!

There's Something Abt Murder Drones Songs That Makes Me Excited. Like, Other Ppl Are That Interested

I say this cuz Mike Geno's dropping a MD song sometime soon so I'm very happy :]

8 months ago

Hey I came up with something stupid about Murder Drones Ep 8

I just hope that in episode 8 of Murder Drones, Uzi, N, V ā€‹ā€‹and J (if J, V and N are still alive, idk) land on a planet and all of JC Jenson's Worker Drones turn to look at them. andā€¦the end of the whole movie? IDk but if that was the real ending, I would probably call it the Good Ending for Glitch, but for Murder Drones fans, it would probably be called the Bad Ending because after that episode there won't be any more (unless there's a season 2) I don't care too much about this depending on the people who watch my nonsense, if they believe it then believe it, I don't care too much lmao~

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8 months ago

Love these idiots so much-

Preview of my comic part of the Collab Au @xvi-cup-parents

Preview Of My Comic Part Of The Collab Au @xvi-cup-parents
Preview Of My Comic Part Of The Collab Au @xvi-cup-parents

šŸš«Please do not repost or trace my artwork! šŸš«AI learning prohibit

Just these two pages I have finished so far. The story still has other artists making it, so you won't see my part yet.

8 months ago

Guys this is insane!

Guys This Is Insane!

So to celebrate this momentous achievement, and because I was inspired by someone, here's the guy on the cover of Vogue!

Guys This Is Insane!

Here's the inspiration btw:

Guys This Is Insane!
8 months ago
I Recreate Utena's Room

I recreate Utena's room

More pink and cozy

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