Absolutely Love This
absolutely love this
scream - incorrect quotes pt.i
a/n: currently sitting exams right now so have not had the time to write! here’s something small in the mean time :)

anika, on the first week of being roommates: i feel like you’re prioritising school over our friendship
y/n: i barely know you?
anika: fine, message received.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
chad, mindy, & y/n are locked in a room
y/n, hysterical and on the verge of tears: what if nobody looks down here?! you know, how are we going to survive? i had- i had a protein bar in my car, i don’t know why i didn’t bring it in oh my god-
chad: guys, if it comes to it, and i mean this… i want you guys to eat me
mindy, exasperated: as i’ve told you before, chad, in those elevators and traffic jams, i will NOT eat you.
y/n: okay, you’re saying that now, but we might not get out of here and we might need to start making tough decisions!
mindy: *sighs*
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
chad: without you, sam, we’re just four idiots who moved to new york together
tara: you make us family, sam
sam: well, i’m like the cool rebel sibling of course
mindy: no, you’re the mom
y/n: yeah, definitely the mom
tara: look, sam, if you come back to us i’ll let you clean my room
sam: deal.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
y/n, in tears: i’m sorry
mindy: oh, y/n, crying… i don’t know what to do
mindy: pat pat. this feels wrong
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
chad: i don’t know if y/n’s dreams can predict the future like mine can, but i do know that if something happened to anika… i couldn’t live with myself
chad: of course, i wouldn’t have to, because y/n and mindy would kill me.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
anika, getting out of the car: i’m leaving!
y/n: can’t you at least call an uber?
anika: you know they banned me for talking too much to the drivers!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
y/n: yeah, the band doesn’t go on till midnight
sidney: midnight?
y/n: okay, if you guys can’t hear me now, we’re gonna have some real problems at the club.
sidney: no problem
gale: no, we’re good. we’re good
y/n: i hope i can be as cool as you guys in thirty years.
gale: does y/n really think that we’re fifty?
sidney: no, y/n is just really bad at maths
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
gale: here’s the thing i realised, you can’t get older if you never celebrate birthdays
y/n, dewey, and sidney coming out with a cake: happy bir-
gale, spraying them with water: no
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
y/n: ethan, i was wondering if we could have a little chat
ethan: you want me to go home.
y/n: no, no, the opposite of that
ethan: i want you to go home?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
anika, confused but knowing that she’s in trouble: you want to tell me what i did?
y/n, mad: do you want to tell me what you did?
anika: i don’t know what i did
y/n: then i don’t know what you did.
anika: fine! i’m bored, i’m going
y/n: don’t forget your phone!

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More Posts from Nicklesbam
new obsession= no more writers block

out of 281 votes, majority rules. I will make a fic with teleportation
Hey I really love your scream fics! Could I request Sam x fem reader where they had been dating for awhile set within the scream 6 ending but it is Reader not Tara who hangs over the balcony and Sam has to wrestle with her feelings before letting her go
that sounds amazing oml. I can definitely try. btw I couldn't find any gifs of that scene

Sam and y/n raced up the ladder to get away from the three Ghostface killers. They carefully walked along the edge until y/n heard a gunshot aimed towards her. Y/n quickly fell and held onto the edge the best she could with blood on her hands but couldn't keep a grip, right before she fell Sam grabbed onto her hand
Sam felt her heart pounding in her chest
"I can't! I can't hold on!" Y/n shouted terrified. Sam tried to soothe her
"It's okay" just then ethan jumped in the air aiming his knife towards y/n. Y/n shrieked
"No!" Sam screamed, scared of losing her girlfriend. Ethan kept swinging his knife up in the air
"I've always wanted to stick something in you y/n!" He shouted. Y/n was disgusted by the comment
"Fuck you!" She shouted
"Fuck you!" He screamed full of rage
Sam was holding on for dear life to the girl but she kept slipping. Just then Sam turned to see quinn had made her way upstairs. She looked down at y/n worriedly, y/n saw Quinn and turned to her girlfriend fast
"You guys are so fucked now!" Y/n just wanted to shut him up. Sam looked towards the gun on the floor
"Sam" y/n called. Quinn started coming closer and Sam was struggling to hold onto her girlfriend
"Sam?" Sam turned towards y/n
"Let me go" y/n spoke confidently. Sam immediately responded
"No!" She held her grip tighter as y/n let one of her hands fall
"Yeah let her go Sam! Come on!" Ethan spoke
"Shut the fuck up ethan! God were you this annoying the whole time?" Y/n turned her head and shouted at the boy
"I'll fucking kill you!" Y/n had made him mad again
"I'll kill you virgin piece of shit!" Y/n screamed full of rage then turned back to sam
Quinn got even closer to Sam while ethan tried to stab at y/n from below again
"Trust me" y/n looked at Sam, her face practically begging, "you have to let me go." She spoke
Sam grabbed her dad's knife and handed it to y/n. Y/n grabbed the knife and said one last thing
"Kill that motherfucker" Sam nodded and let go of y/n's arm
Y/n landed on top of ethan. Ethan stabbed her in the stomach and twisted the knife
"Gotcha!" Ethan shouted like an excited little kid who just caught someone during hide and seek. Y/n had enough. She grabbed the knife Sam had given her and plunged it into ethans mouth
Quinn looked down in horror as ethan was choking on his own blood. Sam smirked as y/n twisted the knife, making ethans eyes go wide
"Now you can shut the fuck up" y/n whispered to him before yanking the knife back out. His blood splattered all over y/n as she started sobbing, at least now he can't terrorize her and her friends
"Looks like you're down another brother" Sam spoke in a condescending voice to Quinn, y/n chuckled after hearing that. Quinn started screaming and charging at Sam until Sam shot her right through the head
Bailey stood horrified at the scene of his daughter
"And you're down another child" y/n spoke to Bailey from the first floor
in your head, on your mind // Jordan Li x Reader, Part 1
i know i haven't posted in like a year, and this is a huge shift from my usual writing, but i cannot express how jordan li has captured my heart and soul. this is definitely going to be a good number of parts, and will also definitely have some smut in there.
word count: 1912
previous part // next part
The Lamplighter School of Crimefighting is your home away from home on the GodU campus. Being Professor Caldwin’s TA is almost a full-time job, and in addition to classes and training and homework, most days you are in Caldwin’s office more than your own dorm room. Not that you mind, really. It’s the sort of job that will really set you up later in life - Caldwin knows everyone - and anything is better than listening to your roommate try and go viral on TikTok for the 30,000th time. And Caldwin’s a nice guy, in his own way.
“L/N.” The gruff call from his actual office resounds over the little foyer your desk sits in.
Scooting back from your seat, you get up and walk the few steps between your desk and the doorway, hovering at the frame. “Professor?”
Caldwin sits at his own desk - a big, antique wooden thing that’s probably older than anything else in this building - hunched over in front of a desktop computer that’s far too sleek looking for the desk it sits on. Frustration radiates out from him like rays of the sun. Stupid fucking computer… swear they make these things difficult for people my age on purpose… snippets of his thoughts play in your mind without prompting - your superpower passively picking up his most prominent feelings. Of course, if you wanted, you could really focus and read his mind fully (even talk to him telepathically), but that was a boundary you’d promised yourself you wouldn’t cross. He is your professor - and boss - after all.
Peering over the top of his glasses, Caldwin blinks at you, gathering a stack of papers to his left. “Bring these over to Brink, will you? If he’s busy you can just leave them with his TA, it’s nothing classified.”
You step into his Caldwin’s office fully, and take the stack of papers from him. It’s a hefty thing, so you tuck it under your arm. “Will do.”
“And while you’re out and about, get me another cup of coffee from the staff room. Two sugars-”
“Two sugars, two pumps of hazelnut, one splash of cream.” You say, already heading out the door. You’ve had his coffee order down since he hired you at the beginning of your sophomore year. “I’ll be back in a bit.”
“Thank you.” Gonna take a hammer to this stupid fucking-
His thoughts cut off abruptly as you walk out of range, heading into the halls of the Crimefighting building. Students fill the space, coming and going from classes, sitting in the chairs near the floor to ceiling windows busy on their laptops, loitering around as they chat with their friends. You purposefully focus on your own goal - Brink’s office, and then the staff break room to make Caldwin another coffee - to force the cacophony of thoughts down. The audible chatter, in addition to the telepathic noise, would have been enough to make you scream a few years ago, but classes at GodU have lived up to your expectations - they’re hard, but worth it, to get your power under control.
Brink’s office is across the building from Caldwin’s, a more luxurious room with lots of natural light and a good view of the campus green. You’d only really ever been in there on Caldwin’s instructions - Brink had only been your professor once, your freshman year, and you’d been too scared of his reputation to actually go to his office hours. Still, it was easy to find, and when you tried the door, it was open.
The foyer of Brink’s office is much larger than the space in Caldwin’s and you find yourself a little jealous - it would be nice to sit at a desk here. You look first to the doors leading into his actual office, and find them closed. You turn to the figure sitting at the desk, and ask, “Is Brink busy right now? I have papers from Caldwin for him.”
The girl at the desk - pretty, with stark black hair that just reached her jaw and big brown doe eyes - just stares at you for a moment before responding. “Yeah, he’s on a call, actually.” Her voice is smooth, a little deep, and not what you expected at all.
“Oh, alright, I can just-” You start, only to be interrupted by a wave of lust.
Goddamn. Smash. The things I wouldn’t do to get between those legs… wow. Those legs. How have I not run into YOU before? I mean really, surely I would have noticed the hottest person alive on campus - especially here, in my goddamn department. Fuck.
Whatever you were expecting, it wasn’t that. You balk. “Um. Sorry. Yeah, it’s not anything classified so Caldwin said I could just leave it with you,” You untuck the stack from under your arm and pass it towards Brink’s TA. Her fingers brush over yours as she takes it, and for a split second, you can feel just how much you were affecting her - the wave of horniness hit you like a bus. The feeling lingers as you take your hand away, and you’re unable to tell if it’s leftover from her or your own reaction. Maybe a bit of both.
She sets the papers down on her desk beside her without looking, too busy smiling at you. “I’m Jordan, by the way.” She says. “I take it your Caldwin’s TA?”
“Yeah.” You say. “Y/N.”
Y/N. That’s a nice name. Very screamable.
You fight the urge to do anything but smile. Just looking at her, you would have never guessed such wanton thoughts would come from such a tiny girl, but never judge a book by its cover, right?
“Nice to meet you Jordan.” You continue, careful to keep your voice steady, even. Casual. Not like you can hear every piece of want cross her mind.
I bet you’d sound good screaming my name. I need to stop - I don’t even know you. I need to get laid, my god. Down tremendous and I JUST learned your name.
The image of you and Jordan together - tangled up in unfamiliar bedsheets, Jordan’s mouth latched onto your neck as you moaned in pleasure - crosses Jordan’s mind, and yours by extent. For, as she said, having just met you, it was a surprisingly good imaginary version of yourself. Though, she is looking right at you. It would be hard to get any details wrong when you were standing right there.
Would you let me? Maybe if I was in the other form-
Before you had time to wonder what that meant, she’s changing before your eyes, rearranging skin and bone until an entirely different person is sitting at the desk. A man - taller, broader, but just as pretty and with the same big brown eyes. Your surprise must have shown on your face, because Jordan laughs, a smile stretching across their face.
“Sorry.” They say, leaning forward to rest their elbows against the desk. “It’s just that I have two faces, so I didn’t want you to get confused if some random dude was waving at you cause I forgot you only met me as a girl.”
“That’s a pretty cool power.” You say, and then, with your mind, “And a pretty good reason to show it off. I mean, for something you came up with on the fly anyway.”
You watch their eyes widen as they realize that you’re in their head, and then their cheeks flush red as they remember what they were thinking about not moments before. “So you’ve just been hearing-?”
“Yeah.” You say..
“I am so sorry-” They start, shifting back into their female form.
“No, it’s okay.” You say, a laugh on the edge of your lips. “I promise it’s fine, I mean, you didn’t know I was listening in and it’s your thoughts you can’t like, help it. And it’s not the first time-”
I bet, looking like that. Fuck. Pretend I didn’t think that. I’m sorry. Jordan buries their head in their hands with a groan. “Sorry.”
You let out a full laugh at that. “It’s okay, I promise. Please don’t beat yourself up about it, it’s fine. It’s flattering, if anything. I mean, you’re pretty good looking yourself. Not that you’re only hot, I mean - I’m sure you’re nice too.” You pause. “That came out a little wrong.”
Jordan smiles. “It’s okay. I mean, you basically get a free pass to do whatever you want to be since I’ve been…” They trail off. In their mind, …objectifying you. I’d let you do whatever you wanted to me anyway, but… fuck. Sorry.
You smile again. “It’s okay. Promise.” You lean forward across the desk a little, getting closer without getting too close - you have just met after all. The smell of smokey cologne fills your nose, and causes more butterflies to swirl in your stomach. They really are hot. “You wanna know a secret?”
Jordan leans in too. “Sure.”
“Most guys, when they figure out that I can hear them lusting after me, aren't even apologetic.” You say. “So it’s sweet that you are. Charming, even.” It’s true - which is why you don’t usually bother playing into people’s lustful thoughts, but Jordan…
Okay. Okay, it’s not a big deal, it’s fine. “Would you want to hang out?” Jordan says, a little rushed, like they’d been waiting for an opportunity. “Sometime? We could train, or something…” Please say yes. You don’t have to say yes. I really want you to though.
You think about it for a moment. You don't usually say yes to these kinds of questions, especially after hearing the person's ulterior motives, but… Jordan seems nice, nice enough to genuinely feel bad about their thoughts once they realized you could hear them. And they are hot, objectively, in both forms.
“Yeah, I’d be down to hang out.” You say, reaching into the pocket of your jeans to pull out your phone. “Can I-?”
“Yes. Yeah.” Jordan pulls their own phone out clumsily, handing it to you.
You put your number in with a smile, and take the liberty to add a little emoji heart at the end of your name before you hand it back to them. “Should I text you, or are you going to text me?”
I don’t think I could stop myself if I tried. “I’ll text you.” Jordan says, glancing down at their phone. “A heart?”
“You don’t think so?”
No, no. No it’s great, I'm never going to change it. “A little fast, no?” They say.
You smile, and inject your voice into their head. Liar. I’ll see you later Jordan.
Before they can say anything else, you turn and leave, throwing one last glance at them over your shoulder. They don’t even try to pretend that they aren’t staring.
Butterflies swarm your stomach as you make your way back through the halls. You can’t remember the last time being in someone’s head made you like them more rather than less, but Jordan… sweet, apologetic Jordan. It’s exciting, in a way, knowing what they were thinking about you, and knowing that despite the fact that you know, they still want to hang out. You check your phone, even though it’s not even been a minute since you left. Sure enough, a text-
what are you doing tmrw from like 2-4
You type out your reply: hanging out w u probably
You almost forget to get Caldwin’s coffee on the way back.