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Nickoftime90 - Blog 1 - Tumblr Blog
What I got from this is that Batman doesn’t want Kyle to be like him but I get what you mean.

pictured: Kyle Rayner, heroic homophobe beater, and Bruce Wayne, king hypocrite.

Great Work!

Oddly enough I still remember this dance lol
*The Peter Panda Dance*

When you’re down and low,
Lower than the floor.
And you feel like you don’t have a chance.
(Bumm, bumm, bumm)
Don’t make a move,
‘Till your in the groove,
And do the Peter Panda dance.
(Clap, clap)
Hop three times like a kangaroo.
Side step twice just like the crabs do.
Three steps forward.
One step back.
Quick like a turtle, lie on your back.
Roll like a log,
‘Till you, (*whisper*) can’t roll no more.
Better jump quick like there ain’t no floor.
Hold your breath, jump to the left.
And that’s The Peter… I swear that’s The Peter…
That’s The Peter Panda Dance.
Goodnight, Peter Panda.
Very sad scene :(

No, really, just leave me. I’m an old man, Doctor. I’ve had my time.
Where are you from?

The galaxy wants to know.

What ?!
you guys are fun
Fight me
Lets throw down
looking into the last book, it’s a good thing Harry Potter didn’t SIT on the golden Snitch to catch it.

”He’s got the snitch! Harry Potter receives one hundred and fifty points for catching the snitch. Gryffindor wins.”
I think they are rabbits...very muscular rabbits

But seriously, wtf are the nido family. Rhinos? Rodents? We just don’t know.
(I like them as rhinos with a pinch of porcupine)
that might explain a lot...

todays autistic character of the day is: johnny from the room
(submitted by warsometimeschanges !)
you too, huh?

“That’s rough, buddy”
You guys have any Avatar ATLA ships?
Sokka x Moon

Charmander- Gen I/III

Cyndaquil- Gen II

Torchic-Gen III/VI

Chimchar- Gen IV

Oshawott- Gen V (combo breaker)

Chespin- Gen VI
Post the first starter Pokemon you’ve used for each generation!
and they say Rhyhorn are dumb. SMH
My favourite thing about Pokemon XYZ is that there’s an episode where Serena’s doing her contest thing and it cuts to her mom’s Rhyhorn watching it on a laptop

But later in the episode we see that Serena’s mom Grace is actually at the contest watching from the audience

Nobody else lives at that home. Meaning that the Rhyhorn got a laptop on his own, punched in the web address hmself (or maybe got Fletchling to do it) and started watching his owner’s daughter be a contest star.
All on his own.
Damn that’s a smart Rhyhorn.
I’m going to name the sun legendary Leomon
my meme brother (via spookycrobat)
NO DON’T, it could doom it!
I hope this is a joke. I mean the tweet is but the concept seems odd to me.

The official Pokémon Twitter just tweeted this by accident then took it down! It looks like we’re gonna be getting Fusion Evolutions for Sun & Moon! Oh man I absolutely can’t take this hype I need to go outside!! Which Pokémon are you hoping get a Fusion Evolution?
Well Said

I saw this on Twitter and thought tumblr needed to see this.