nightlifeseries - Night Life Series
Night Life Series

Sims 4 Storytelling. 18+

761 posts

Aiden And Melissa : Good Morning Babe..

Aiden and Melissa : Good Morning Babe..

The breakfast burger wasn’t the greatest but it will get Melissa through until noon. 

Phone: Good Morning my love

Melissa reads the text from Aiden and smiles. 


Aiden: How did you sleep? 

Melissa was in the middle of studying and wanted to hear Aiden’s voice so she calls him. 

Melissa: Good morning babe. I slept ok. My roommate snores really loud. How about you? 

Aiden: My last class was at 8:30 PM. I then went out and practiced my soccer routine. 


Melissa: What time did you finish? 

Aiden yawns: Midnight. I am just now waking up so I am sorry about that. 

Melissa: It is alright. I am glad one of us got some rest. 

Aiden: Can we get together later after your first class? I don’t have class again until tomorrow. 

Melissa: Well, I have a 10:30 AM and a 12 PM. I also have a 2:45 PM class.

Aiden: Just let me know where to meet you. I will make sure I am rested, ok? 

Melissa has a few midterms and quizzes to study for but why not. She had been studying all morning and could use a break.  


Melissa: Be ready by 5:30 PM ?

Aiden smiles hard and jumps up from his bed. 

Aiden: Sounds like a dream. See my later my love! 

Melissa: Love you. 

(hangs up phone)

Melissa returns to her class notes but now can no longer concentrate. She is more excited about being with Aiden and can not wait to fly through her classes. She grabs her books and heads to her first class. 


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More Posts from Nightlifeseries

2 years ago

Queen’s New Night Club - San Myshuno


I built this from scratch. I added the lights just for the photo purposes, but the club is actually very dark. This will be the new night club for Queen since she has lost her control over the location in Newcrest to Diamond. 


The Bar Area seats over 30 people. 


The upstairs is an area for eating, private dancing and Queen’s office. 


This stage fits 5 girls. There are seats and a hookah area. 

This is Queen’s office with the safe in the back. 


Lapdance room


VIP room


The dancers’ bathroom


The dancers’ breakroom 



This club is designed to house more people. This club is projected to have more customers. San Myshuno is historically a busier place, so I built a club to accommodate them. The night club in Newcrest doesn’t get more than 20 people, and it doesn’t matter if I change the population settings. In this location, I should be able to clear $200k and more a night. That is the next challenge.

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2 years ago

hey! just wanted to take a moment to thank you and let you know i appreciate all your support! you're the best~

Hey! It is always a pleasure!

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2 years ago

Last date before Baby - Tori and Royce


Royce: You have been in a mood these last few weeks. 

Tori: This baby has been kicking my butt. I am so exhausted. I health watch goes off every hour to alert me about my high blood pressure. I really don’t think I am going to make it to my due date. 

Royce: We should go on a date. I want to make you smile. I know you’ve been having a hard time. What do you say?

Tori: I’m scared.

Royce: Of what?

Tori: I want this baby to stay in as long as possible. 

Royce: Tori come on. Get dressed. I promise you will have fun. 

Tori: Doing what? I am having fun right here in this bed.


Tori: This festival is so romantic. The decorations are so nice!

Royce: I knew you would have fun. You have to trust me more. 

Tori: This punch is delicious. 


Royce: Will you dance with me?

Tori: Uh, just for a short while. It is cold out here. 

Royce: Just one dance and then we will head inside.


Tori and Royce dance for a few minutes and then head inside the bar. 

Tori: You are full of many surprises. I appreciate you getting me out of the house. 

Royce: You need to cheer up. Everything will be ok. There’s no sense in worrying. 

A photographer approaches Royce and recognizes his celebrity status. He asks if he can take his photo. Royce declines but says they can provide a maternity shoot for Tori. 

Tori: What? No I don’t even have clothes to change into.

Royce: That is part of the reason I brought you out. I got you some clothes to wear. I want you to have your maternity shoot for great memories ok? 

Tori: Oh Royce. No. Where would I even change. No. I don’t feel like it. 

Royce doesn’t take no for an answer. He grabs Tori’s hands and leads her to the back of the bar where he has access to the dressing room. 

Tori: How do you have access back here - 

Royce: Tori, shhhhh. These are your clothes. This is a special night. Please. Do you need help dressing? 

Tori smiles and shakes her head no. 

Tori: I will be right out. 


Royce: Well you look amazing! 

Tori: I love this jumpsuit. Thank you babe. 

Photographer: How about a photo of you two together? 


Royce: Absolutely. Thank you. 

Tori: Thank you Royce. I am enjoying this. 

Royce: You are quite welcome. 


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2 years ago

Ladies snitch on Diamond and Jermaine to Tori

 Mo and Shiffa went to the backroom where Sydney and Mo were resting. They shared what they heard from Diamond and Jermaine. They decided that this information would affect their finances and they went to find Tori. Tori was tending to the bar. 

Lili, Syndey and Tiffany head to the bar. 

Lili: Tori? We need to talk to you. 

Tori: Is something wrong?

Tiffany: Absolutely! We are about to be robbed. 

Tori: Huh? 

Sydney: So apparently Mo heard Diamond and Jermaine discussing our tips. They calculated how much the club makes. They want to raise the prices to take out taxes or something. 

Tiffany: They aren’t going to tell us about it. They are just going to garnish our wages. Isn’t that illegal? 

Ladies Snitch On Diamond And Jermaine To Tori

Sydney: I think so. They were talking about taking out 20% in taxes which is a really high number. 

Tori: Wait who was saying all this? 

Sydney: This came straight from Diamond. She claimed she calculated the service and bar prices. She assumed how much we make in tips. 

Tiffany: So her numbers could be wrong! I don’t make that much. I am only here a few days out of the week. 

Tori: What was Jermaine saying? 

Ladies Snitch On Diamond And Jermaine To Tori

Lili: He said he only calculated about half of what Diamond came up with. It sounds like they are guessing. 

Tori: They are guessing because Queen refuses to share the real documents with them. 

Lili: What is Queen going to do?

Tori: We have been trying to get into that office to discuss everything, but they will only speak with Diamond and Jermaine. Something about us not being licensed and qualified to discuss finances. 

Tiffany: But you ladies run this place. How can they not accept you? 

Tori: Queen isn’t cooperating with Diamond, so they don’t have access to the correct numbers. 

Ladies Snitch On Diamond And Jermaine To Tori

Lili: So where does that leave us? What can we do? 

Tiffany: Yea because I do not have time to be robbed. 

Tori: Let me talk to Queen about this. I don’t know that we can stop them from stealing but we can stop working. I mentioned this before to Queen, but she didn’t want to disrupt any cash flow. We have more than enough money for you ladies to help with any expenses. We were just hoping it wouldn’t come to this. 

Sydney: I want to see the correct tax amount taken out. Not some made up number. 

Tori: Did they say when they are going to put this into effect? 

Lili: They are still trying to get the details. I did hear they got an extension. 

Tori: This is bad news. Let me get with Queen and as soon as I find out I will get back with you ladies ok? Otherwise. Act normal. They do not need to suspect that we are privy to what they are doing. 

Ladies Snitch On Diamond And Jermaine To Tori

Lili, Sydney and Tiffany: Thanks Tori. 

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2 years ago

Melissa eating at College Cafeteria pt 1

Arriving on campus has been so exciting for Melissa and Aiden. They managed to move into dorms that where just across the yard from one another. Melissa had classes during the day and Aiden had classes in the evening. They had a chance to spend time together. 


Melissa wakes up early and heads to the cafeteria for breakfast. Unfortunately, the pancakes look nasty, so she orders a burger. 


The first class on Monday at 10:30 AM. This gives Melissa time for last minute studying and a chance to sleep in. As she eats her burger, she wonders if Aiden is up yet and will respond to her “Good Morning” text. 



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