And I cannot express that enough || 25 || she/her || 🩷💜💙
284 posts
Nightofthenerd - Aggressively Pointless - Tumblr Blog
"are you okay" no can we change the topic before i start oversharing

You know what the fuck time it is

Fact: Today (September 23rd) is bisexuality awareness day. Be aware of bisexuals. They are dangerous.

Please help out a college student trying to afford her tuition for next semester
it took me a lot to post this but here you go! 😅 i’m a college student whose having a bit of financial problems in regards to paying my tuition fee for the incoming semester as there’s a lot of fees that i needed to pay. i’m taking up nursing btw 😅 i’m slowly selling some of my personal stuff in hopes to add to my funds but unfortunately it’s not enough :( i hope that i could raise the money from $500-$800 for this semester. I have made it to work a total of 2 shifts last semester and they were 4 hours shifts so if anyone can spare anything to help me afford the next one, it would really mean the world to me. 😭
I got my paypal linked here.
Btw pls do send it via friends/family as paypal might place the money on hold if not sent through that option..
Every bit of help gets me one step closer to my dream and I will always thank each and everyone who supported me. 🙏🙏🙏
Hey welcome to my blog
lower your expectations immediately

MS paint is getting layers and transparency support. This is the single greatest art news of my life.
Going back in time would be cool. I would like to hit the people that surrounded younger me with a 'no-no' stick
Favorite part of seeing a new doctor: when they ask about birth control
Doctor: Sexually active?
Me: I'm over 35 and have a toddler, so we'll say yes but it's really more of an aspirational thing.
D: Hormonal birth control?
M: No.
D: Are you trying to get pregnant?
M: Ha, no, once was more than enough.
D: Barrier method?
M: Just the aforementioned toddler, so no.
D: If you don't want to get pregnant, you really should be using some form of birth control.
M: Oh, I am. I find that the absence of fallopian tubes is extremely effective.
D: o___o checks my record Oh. Right.
M: >:-}
Saw a post about the sesamarot and wanted to share my favorite reading

Meet the Mona Lisa of the Prado, the earliest known copy of Da Vinci’s best portrait. Similarity in the undersketch of the painting indicates that this was very likely painted concurrently with the original Mona Lisa, by a student of Da Vinci.
There is much controversy in the art world over the question of whether or not to clean the fragile Mona Lisa, but her sister has been restored and some fairly odd later alterations removed to show the original vibrant colors and lighting. Some details, such as the sheerness of her shawl and the pattern on the neckline of her dress, have become utterly obscured in the original, but in the restored copy they’re perfectly clear.
It blows my mind a little bit to look at these two sisters side-by-side and imagine how much vivid detail could be hiding in the Mona Lisa under 500 years of rotten varnish.
‘i want to be a dragon’ remains the single greatest response to any question posed when your sibling has just died a traumatic death and you see a dragon turn into a distressingly hot old lady in from of you, thank u purple hawke

Wake up babe new fish dropped

Scissor Wizard and Paper Wizard
It’s probably fine to leave them alone together.

he had it coming
You’ve been hit by 🔪
You’ve been struck by 🔪
A Roman Senator 🔪🔪🔪

happy Ides of March, everyone!
Your Tumblr username decides your profession. How is your first day at work?