nik-barinova - Art By Nik
Art By Nik

28 | Multifandom; heavy Canon x OC shipping material | Bisexual | She/They | Commissions: Open | Requests: Closed/Not Taking Now🦬 Bills Mafia 🦬

1304 posts

Me: I Dont Really Have A Type Of Favorite Character

Me: I don’t really have a type of favorite character

Also my favorite characters:

Me: I Dont Really Have A Type Of Favorite Character
Me: I Dont Really Have A Type Of Favorite Character
Me: I Dont Really Have A Type Of Favorite Character
Me: I Dont Really Have A Type Of Favorite Character
Me: I Dont Really Have A Type Of Favorite Character
Me: I Dont Really Have A Type Of Favorite Character
Me: I Dont Really Have A Type Of Favorite Character
Me: I Dont Really Have A Type Of Favorite Character
Me: I Dont Really Have A Type Of Favorite Character
Me: I Dont Really Have A Type Of Favorite Character
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More Posts from Nik-barinova

5 years ago

In my defense, I was bored at work

Idk why I waste my art talent like this

5 years ago

I’m pansexual myself (male leaning because I’m more comfortable with that), and while a majority of my ships are m/f, I am very open to any other ship (except pedophilia). And just because I mostly do het ships doesn’t mean I’m homophopic. It’s really sad people would jump to that conclusion especially if they don’t know the person shipping Miraith.

For me, when it comes to shipping, it’s all about chemistry. While there is a small percentage of my favorite ships that are somewhat bandwagon ships, the other percentage is chemistry. And well some of those could very well happen to be an LGBTQ+ ship

I’m honestly just disappointed there are shippers who attack others for shipping something they don’t ship or like. For me, I do have a soft spot for Miragehound and Miraith while having another ship with him with a good friend of mine. I don’t exactly ship them enough to have content, I do enjoy seeing them on my dash. There are simply other ships I don’t fancy as easily as other people would, that doesn’t mean I’m homophobic/transphobic/whatever.

It’s just called “being a decent human being”

The Miraith and Miragehound Ship Groups

So… I ship both Miraith and Miragehound. Both ships are valid and downright adorable. Some people only ship Miraith, and others only Miragehound.

Something that I have noticed (due to being a part of both groups) is that there seems to be a sort of tension or amnosity between the two groups. And after asking questions, I’ve found out why. And this is downright sad guys.

Speaking to the Miragehound shippers, several of them said that “Miraith shippers are transphobes and therefore don’t want to ship Mirage with Bloodhound”. Some of the Miragehounds I spoke to were speaking from experience in the sense they got hate from a couple Miraith shippers for that reason.

Speaking to the Miraith shippers, I’ve heard that many of them have sensed the tension from the Miragehounds and noticed that those of that ship wouldn’t really interact with them. Most didn’t know why. How did most of them not know why? Because they aren’t transphobic. They are only freely enjoying a ship love, just like the Miragehounds.

Now let’s face it. Whatever fandom there is, there will be the haters. The phobes of all kinds. But just because a few people from the Miraith ship said some unkind things doesn’t mean they are all bad. And just because unkind things were said to some of the Miragehound’s doesn’t mean they should spread the word that “Miraith’s are transphobes” or hold grudges.

One person I met from the Miragehound group said they really loved the idea of Mirage/Lifeline or Mirage/Bangalore, but they were afraid to ship him with anyone other than Bloodhound because how their friends and fellow shippers of Miragehound would react. Especially with the select few pushing the “Mirage is straight agenda”. I asked them what sexuality they thought Mirage was, and they said “Pansexual”. That means everyone. boy, girl, enbie, trans, etc. But they can’t do their headcanon because they are afraid.

This is downright wrong people… Such aminosity between fandom ship groups shouldn’t happen. People are always talking about “dont character hate” dont “erase gender of this character” and while those are very true and we shouldn’t do those things, hating on the actual people is a hundred times worse…

Fandoms are meant to be a safe place. Fandoms are meant to be our escape from reality where we can meet like minded people and talk about our headcanons and ships. To talk about the fics/drabbles/oneshots we want to write. To draw and appreciate others’ art. Like come on. 

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5 years ago
nik-barinova - Art By Nik

Maybe I did burn myself out........

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5 years ago

Idk why I waste my art talent like this

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