nman-blog - Hot male TF stories...
Hot male TF stories...

Was hot gay videos.. especially like the "build up" ones with man to man eye contact before anything happens.. but tumblr flagged too many as AO so I use it to save these TF stories instead..

344 posts

Come On, Arrest Me! Please

Come on, arrest me! Please

Come On, Arrest Me! Please
Come On, Arrest Me! Please
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More Posts from Nman-blog

7 months ago
9 months ago

Commission - Daddy's Boy

Another commission! Thank you to @bodyswappingandshit for commissioning me

This story came out early on my Patreon! If you're interested in early stories and other benefits check it out here! Interested in commissioning me? Check out this post for more information on rules and pricing.


Commission - Daddy's Boy

Amy was glad she'd finally managed to snag a night alone with her boyfriend at his place. It was far nicer than the small apartment across town she rented, but that was largely in part thanks to Theo still living with his father. When his Dad had some fancy science job Amy couldn't understand she wasn't going to blame him one bit for not yet moving out of the almost mansion he lived in. Just Theo and his father alone in the massive house with everything from a private pool to the most decked out kitchen ever, it really was a nice place.

She rarely visited though, as there was one major problem with Theo’s Dad. Despite his intelligence, the man could be more than a little racist towards Amy on the odd occasion they crossed paths. ‘Out of sight out of mind’ was the philosophy they had unspokenly adopted; as long as she didn't come over when he was around he didn't have to think about his son dating a black girl. Tonight he was finally working late on some new project, so they'd taken the opportunity to arrange a night in together.

Unfortunately for the couple, things weren't going to go exactly to plan for them…

Nick, Theo's father, was on his way home early after a failure of a day at work. It should have been his night of huge success, hence his plan to work right into the early hours of the following morning. Everything had gone to shit though when the machine exploded and shocked him badly in the effort to fix it. He was pissed off and in pain, so instead of carrying on he decided to change plans and head home, leave the interns in the morning to clean everything up. 

“Theo! I'm home son!” Nick called as he arrived back home a few hours after he left. 

Upstairs, both Theo and Amy shot off the bed in alarm. They knew that voice well, and it was one that shouldn't be home yet. Everything moved too slowly though, as before they could even think of what to do there were footsteps coming up the stairs. Nick always liked to come say hello to his son when he got back, which right now was the biggest pain in Theo's ass. There was no time to pretend Amy wasn’t here before his dad got to the door, if he hadn’t already realised she was here from the bag and shoes downstairs. 

“Things didn’t quite go to plan son, so I-” 

Nick stopped when he pushed open the bedroom door to see the one person he didn’t want to see tonight. Amy, the girl that’d corrupted his son to some new woke way of thinking, at least as far as he was concerned. Ordinarily he would have told her to leave and said nothing more, but this was no ordinary day. He was angry at himself for fucking up his own experiment, and the painful tingling sensation from the knockback still hadn’t gone away. So, instead of forcing himself to be nice he made the snap decision to be quite the opposite and throw Amy out himself.

Theo could only watch as his father stormed across the room towards Amy, looking more furious than Theo had ever seen him. He sensed that this was more than just being annoyed at her presence, but it wasn’t like he had time to talk things through before his Dad had roughly grabbed Amy’s wrist to pull her out of the room. 

Everything slowed down the moment Nick’s hand touched Amy’s skin. Seconds felt like hours to the pair as the strange sensation that’d lingered with Nick passed from him and into Amy, then back again. Neither knew what it really was, though Nick had a hint of suspicion. It wouldn’t fair him well though as everything was happening too quickly for either to react. One moment Nick had grabbed Amy’s arm, the next it was like her body was melting into his through the contact. It was hard to tell where her body ended and Nick’s began, and this was only the start. 

Over the next few seconds, whatever was happening to the two of them got worse. The lines that blurred the boundary between their forms grew hazier, barely able to discern who’s arm they now shared. That turned to jumps in their vision as their heads too started to slow together into one, both now sharing the same view of a shirtless, confused Theo. 

After the lines fully blurred between the two and started to settle, it became obvious that somehow Nick’s body was the one coming out on top. Less and less of Amy’s body could be seen, instead Nick’s was intact as whatever effect subsided. His wasn’t entirely unscathed though. Instead his body was far cleaner and stronger looking than it had been in years. With the work he’d lost some of his focus on the physical health standards he’d instilled in Theo, letting himself get a little fat and start balding. Now As the pair became one Nick’s body was far more muscular and attractive, but no less old. His body was refreshed and refined, and all thanks to Amy. 

He wasn’t the one in the driver’s seat though as Theo would soon find out. Whilst Nick’s body had survived the merge, Amy’s mind was the one that won out as stronger. Younger and calmer, it hadn’t been too hard for her to fight down the angry bigoted man that was her boyfriend’s father. Not that she knew why she was fighting, but in the moment she’d known she had to. Now as everything settled and the strange feeling that’d appeared went away, Amy was left in full control of Nick’s changed body, with only an echo of his knowledge in the back of her mind. 

All of this had taken place in the span of less than a second. From Theo’s perspective he’d watched his Dad grab his girlfriend’s arm, then he blinked and Amy was gone and his Dad was hot. 

“Wait, what??” He said the moment his brain caught up to the reality of the situation. “What the fuck did you just do Dad? Where’s Amy, and why do you look different?” Theo started to glance around the room, but there wasn’t anywhere she could have one so fast. 

“Theo? What are you talking about? I’m right here!” She said, then blinked at the sound of her own deep voice. Powerful and commanding, it was nothing like the one she had expected to come out of her mouth.

Commission - Daddy's Boy

Theo moved around the bed to stand in front of his Dad, his eyes unconsciously taking in the more attractive version that now stood before him. “Dad, I don’t know what this is but it isn’t funny. Where’s Amy? What have you done with her, because if you’ve hurt her then-”

A kiss froze Theo in his rant. Amy hadn’t seen any other way to shut her boyfriend up than that, as drastic as it was given her current form. A rough scratch of unshaved facial hair as masculine lips of father and son slid together, the shock of which shut Theo right up. His father was kissing him, that much he was aware of. The why though, that was the biggest shock. Because, as much as he knew it was his Dad kissing him, there was something so unmistakably Amy about the whole thing. The way his tongue darted out to swipe at his lips and demand entry, the way his hands settled gently onto Theo’s waist, even the slight tilt of his head to slot them better together, everything about it screamed like it was coming from someone who’d kissed him a thousand times over.

Theo shoved the pair of them apart a couple of seconds later, then wiped his mouth and panted a little. The kiss had been hot, hotter than anything with Amy before this without question, but this was wrong! This was still his Dad’s body at the end of the day, no matter who he believed was in control. 

“Wow, your Dad sure hated that.” Amy in his new male body chuckled. 

Theo blinked. Of course she’d find a way to laugh about all this instead of being as freaked out as he was. “What?”

“I’ve got a sort of echo of him in the back of my mind, or I think at least. Me kissing you just now? Hated it with everything he has left.” Amy continued, unable to stop the smirk on his face. 

As Theo stood there and processed his shock, Amy went to work getting a proper look at himself. He flexed his arms, bounced his pecs, then even lifted one arm and took a good long sniff of the incredible ripe smell that lingered there. By all means she shouldn’t be okay with this, but somehow he was. This body felt strong and powerful, like he could actually protect himself instead of relying on Theo to make him feel safe. He’d hated the sweaty stench of Theo after the gym before today, but with his new nose it was totally the opposite. A day of working in the summer heat on his machine combined with the change had made Nick’s body sweaty as hell, and Amy couldn’t help but enjoy it now. 

And then there was the ease with which he’d already started to think of himself as a man. Maybe it was the echo of Nick’s actual father or maybe Amy had never been all that attached to being a girl, but right now he couldn’t care less. The muscles felt amazing, the weight of the cock and balls between his legs felt natural and not strange in the slightest. 

“So what if I’m your Dad now, is that so bad?” Amy took a step towards his boyfriend. “You’re hard as a rock and we both know you’re bi, we met during a threesome with my ex-boyfriend after all. Now things are just a little different between us, that’s all.”

Theo gulped. He knew it was wrong, but Amy was right. He’d enjoyed kissing this hotter version of his Dad, enjoyed his girlfriend letting out the dominant side he knew was there and taking charge. And, in some fucked up way he liked the feeling if being close to a man he’d always had a little friction with given their differing views. 

“Different how…?” He asked, the nerves in his voice obvious to both of them. 

Amy shrugged. “Now instead of boyfriend and girlfriend you’re my son.” The whispering lingers of the old Nick made it easy for Amy to make that assertion without feeling too odd about it, mostly turned on if nothing else. “We can hang out like we always do, go to the gym and have sex, everything the same as before. Only, now when we do it it’ll be as a Daddy and his boy. I’m… Anton instead of Amy. Under the same roof with you teaching me all about what it takes to be a man. What’d you say son?”


Theo bit his lip and frowned as he considered things. Could it really be this easy? Could he really just accept this new version of his father and girlfriend? His Dad had always said to be grateful for what you were given so maybe…

“Alright then Dad, I can work with this.” He said as he stepped up and pressed his face into his father’s armpit. A deep inhale later and Theo was harder than ever; he’d always loved the way men smelt and this was the best of it. “You smell so fucking good Dad, like whoa… First lesson of being a man, we don’t shower nearly as much as we say we do, okay?”

Anton chuckled. “That’s fine by me son, I’ll make sure I don’t just for you. Now get licking boy.”

Commission - Daddy's Boy
9 months ago
A Man Stumbled Through The Alley, His Lungs Burning And His Heart Racing. His Vision Blurred, He Couldn't

A man stumbled through the alley, his lungs burning and his heart racing. His vision blurred, he couldn't tell if it was from the tears streaming down his face or the alcohol coursing through his veins. The cold, hard pavement beneath him did little to steady his shaking hands as he tried to fish out his keys. Suddenly, a bright light shone down upon him, and before he knew it, strong arms were lifting him off the ground and slamming him against the brick wall. The world spun, his head pounded, and the last thing he remembered was the voice of the officer, young and unsympathetic, telling him to get a hold of himself and get out of here.

The next thing he knew, he was in the cop's body, looking down at his own, bruised and battered, lying unconscious on the ground.

Confused and disoriented, he felt the weight of the gun holstered at his side and the badge pinned to his chest. The officer's voice echoed in his mind, telling him to not get caught up in this life again. He glanced around the alley, still reeling from the sudden body swap, and decided it was time to get out of there.

He climbed into the cop car and took a moment to familiarize himself with the controls and features of his new body. The car was in great condition, just like the officer's. He started it up and drove off, carefully navigating through the city streets. As he drove, he tried to make sense of what had happened and how he could possibly get back to his own body.

His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden urge. He glanced down at his crotch and felt a stirring in his pants. He felt the officer's urges. He fought against the feeling, trying to focus on finding a way to switch back. But the urge grew stronger, and before he knew it, he was pulling the car over to the side of the road and unzipping his pants.

He leaned forward, burying his face in his hands, trying to block out the sensation of her touch on his skin. The cop car felt hot and claustrophobic, and he couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching him. He closed his eyes and let go, giving in to the pleasure that coursed through his body.

The release was brief but powerful, and as it subsided, he felt a sense of shame and disgust wash over him. He sat up and wiped his hands on his pants, trying to erase the memory of what had just happened. He knew he needed to get out of the car, away from the officer's urges. He reached for the door handle, but before he could open it, a thought occurred to him.

He could use the cop's resources to find a way to switch back. With determination, he started the car again and began to drive through the city, searching for any clue as to how he could return to his own body. The weight of the gun and the badge seemed heavier than ever, a constant reminder of the life he had left behind.

As he drove, he caught sight of a mirror and gasped. His face was the same as the officer's, the same features that had berated and threatened him only hours ago. He reached up and touched his own face, feeling the unfamiliar skin. It was like looking at a stranger, someone who had taken over his life

7 months ago

The face changes over time. But that's not the point.

8 months ago

Man of My Dreams


There he is again. The man of my dreams. Literally. Ever since I crossed path with him in that oriental market last month and I knocked over some kind of “magical dream dust” in the stand we passed by, accidentally inhaling a shit load of it, I’ve been seeing him in my dreams every night. And it’s always the same scenario: We’re in the oriental market, I see him a few feet away, I get completely mesmerized by his handsome face and massive muscles, and it’s not until he’s right in front of me that I realize we’re about to collide so I jump to the side to avoid him… crashing straight into the stand. He just stands there and sneer at me like I’m some pathetic insect before walking along. I hate it… yet god does he look hot walking away from me like that…

Anyways, the first few nights I just let it happen as it actually happened. Walk, crash, stare. Walk, crash, stare. However, by the fifth night I had had enough of his condescending looks and mustered the courage to yell back at him; telling him not to look at me that way and ask him how he would feel if he was the one in this humiliating position. Suddenly, like a switch had been pushed, his smug grin disappeared and he turned around and walked away. Thinking nothing more of it, I paid the shop owner, cleaned up after me and woke up soon after.

The night after though, much to my surprise, just as I was about to jump to the side he instead flung himself against the table of dusts in my place. Albeit confused and shocked, I decided to help him up… only to have him swat my hand away. “Fuck you…” He said, as I saw humiliation in his eyes. He picked himself up and walked away, not even paying for the damage he had caused.

“Show some gratitude next time, will ya!” I shouted at him as he disappeared among the crowd of people. And surely enough, the next night he actually let me help him up (though I almost fell over myself) and thanked me for my help. That’s when I realized I somehow had control over this hunk in my dream. I spent the next occurring nights testing my theory: I had him clean up and pay for the damage. Be friendlier and kinder. Take off his pants… so I could wash them for him.


However, it wasn’t until I had us exchange numbers in the dream and he suddenly called me during my working hours in broad daylight that I realized it was more than just a silly dreams. Somehow what happened in the recurring dream affected reality too! I had him completely under my grasp!

Soon enough I created scenarios where I had him fall head over heels with me, ask me to become his boyfriend, and even going as far as to invite me into his apartment where I fucked the brains out of him and his muscular tight ass. Imagine the bliss I was in when I woke up in the morning to find him sleeping in the bed next to me. I would play with his huge muscles, smell his musky odor and give his bristled face a kiss as I snuggled closer.

Yet… something was gnawing at me - a thought I couldn’t get out of my head. Anything is possible in a dream… wouldn’t that mean that I could… no, I couldn’t… could I?

“Only one way to find out…” I thought to myself before closing my eyes and trying to fall asleep again….



There he is again. The man of my dreams. Walking towards me just as tall and sexy as always. I quickened my steps so I could catch up to him before the collision by the stand. He was gloating at some hot babe walking past him instead of looking forward, which was probably the reason we were in this predicament to begin with. No matter, it made it much easier for me to test out my theory.

Walking briskly towards him, I thought back to the few short days I had spent together with him. Sure, having him as my boyfriend had been lovely, but somewhere deep inside of me I knew it wasn’t what I really yearned for. No, I didn’t want to be with him… I desired to BE him.

So, as I kept ramping up speed my mind was focused on one thing and one thing only: his amazingly muscular body. I focused, I imagined, I wished with all my might to be inside of it. And this time, instead of jumping to the side or colliding with him, I felt myself somehow disappear right into him. I found my vision shift and my balance shift a bit; as I now walked towards the opposite direction! Sure enough, looking down I found myself so much taller, stronger and… perfect. Feeling around, I fondled my enormous bulge and caressed my firm chest. With a smug grin on my new handsome face I kept walking, absorbing the stares of everyone around me and waiting for this wonderful dream to end…



I woke up to the warm sunlight shining in my eyes and the memories of a very wonderful dream. The cool air blew against my naked skin and I found myself alone in a very familiar bed. I only had to look down to see a body covered with strong muscles and a morning wood so hard it was almost painful. So I grabbed it with my callused hands and tugged at it so fiercely till I screamed and spewed all over my chest and boyishly beautiful face. As I scooped every last drop of my man seed into my mouth a tickling sensation entered my nose. “ACHOOO!” I found myself sneezing loudly as blue dust escaped my nose and scattered across the sheets and my sweaty glistening chest. “Guess that means no more dreams… not that I need those anymore.” I thought to myself as I pushed myself up and stared at the mirror across the bedroom.

“Oh. There he is again.” I said proudly with my gruff voice. A smug grin on the most handsome face I’ve ever seen. “The man of my dreams… me.”
