noactofcharitygoesunresented - Disney Fairies music and stuff
Disney Fairies music and stuff

Jenny šŸ–¤ fan of a lot of things This is my main blog, primarily about Disney Fairies. My side blogs include: @the-bafflement-of-scotland-yard -- musical blog @transcriptions-of-unknown-music -- arrangements and audio transcriptions by me @ask-the-storm-fairies -- Rumble and Glimmer ask/rp blog @mydisneycollection -- literally my personal Disney collection @alastheswarmleaderhasescaped -- BIONICLE blog @ahsoka-its-all-of-us -- Star Wars blog

562 posts

@disneyfairiesfanclub:#YES DISNEY FAIRIES MUSIC!#ive Recently Tried Playing A Little Tune By Ear#im Not

@disneyfairiesfanclub:Ā #YES DISNEY FAIRIES MUSIC!Ā #ive recently tried playing a little tune by earĀ #im not a professional musician at all so it's very amateurĀ #might post it here later

Yes, please do, I love it when people engage in the wonder that is Disney Fairies music!

Also I actually am a professional musician, so if youā€™d like feedback or help at some point Iā€™ll gladly offer it.

Now that Iā€™ve finally decided to become an active Tumblr user, let me start by sharing an old arrangement of a part of the TinkerBell soundtrack I made for brass band. Iā€™m curious if the other fairies like it!

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Another part of my work, this time a transcription from the TinkerBell NDS game! As a deep fan of the Fairies music I was always searching around for someone crazy enough to turn these little jewels into sheet music, but never found it. So now that Iā€™m capable of it, Iā€™ve decided to become that person myself.

This is the Tinker theme, which anyone who has played this game will instantly recognise. The same music is also used in TinkerBellā€™s Adventure, though because they swapped some voices and used a different sound library it sounds a bit different.

Transcribing is basically writing down music so it can be performed from sheet. I often use a transcription as a basis for an arrangement (for like piano or orchestra or something).

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@disneyfairiesfanclub:Ā  #I THINK THE SAME ONE WAS USED IN THE PC TINKERBELL GAME I USED TO PLAY#being a non-american is hard#i never had any nintendos#but somehow still manage to feel nostalgia about this theme

Yes it was also used in TinkerBellā€™s adventure, they reused much of the music of the first NDS game, though with a different sound library and some alterations.

Another part of my work, this time a transcription from the TinkerBell NDS game! As a deep fan of the Fairies music I was always searching around for someone crazy enough to turn these little jewels into sheet music, but never found it. So now that Iā€™m capable of it, Iā€™ve decided to become that person myself.

This is the Tinker theme, which anyone who has played this game will instantly recognise. The same music is also used in TinkerBellā€™s Adventure, though because they swapped some voices and used a different sound library it sounds a bit different.

Transcribing is basically writing down music so it can be performed from sheet. I often use a transcription as a basis for an arrangement (for like piano or orchestra or something).

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In one of the special features of my TinkerBell DVD (or perhaps it was GFR, Iā€™ll have to check that)Ā it is mentioned that fairies bathe in coconut tubs and dry themselves with orange blossom towels, though it mentions nowhere if those are in their own homes or in a special bathing branch or something.

About housesā€¦ in the LT NDS game you get to put your fairies in their own homes, most of which exist within a flower (this is of course also true for PHOG, but I donā€™t think they showed the outside of the houses there). So they may live in flowers, but only in those big enough to make an actual house?

Really the existence of Gelata and the Baking fairies only added to the confusion. When even in the movie-verse there is a dedicated Kitchen talent, they will need a dedicated kitchen, right?

Honestly, the thing that always interested me: in PF it is canonised that fairies need to go to the bathroom. Where? Are there bathrooms somewhere? Do fairies do their business behind their house? How did Tink do that when she was flying the balloon in LT?

Where do fairies bathe in the movie universe Pixie Hollow? In the books, everyone lives in the Home Tree, each having their own room, and thereā€™s a specific area ā€œthe bathing branchesā€ where they have baths.

We donā€™t see bathtubs inside any of the fairies homes in the movies...Is there a designated area somewhere in the kingdom where they go, or not? If not, how do they bathe??

Not to mention food...Having the fairies each live independently, yet giving them a home that has no bathroom OR kitchen and then also never showing or referencing the existence of anywhere that they CAN take care of those needs is just...

In the books, the fairies eat their meals (cooked by cooking/baking talents) in the tearoom, which is, again, in the Home Tree. Is there a kitchen and tearoom in the Pixie Dust Tree where the baking fairies work and everyone eats?

Or are we supposed to assume Tink cooks her own meals in the private kitchen she doesnā€™t have?

The first movie shows Tinkā€™s laugh coming to Pixie and all the fairies waking upā€”some of them are just sitting up in flowers. Do they even have houses? Are they homeless? Why are they sleeeping in flowers? I know, ā€œif it fits I sitā€ but like....the tinkers had built Tink a house before she even arrived, I think they can do better.

Am I the only one who cares, or notices these things?

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Argh, tell me about it. I managed to import a few from the UK for a reasonable price, but US-only things is like ā‚¬50,= for shipping and double that for taxes, so Iā€™m not doing that.

By the way, the free online libraryĀ has a couple of the books!

Another part of my work, this time a transcription from the TinkerBell NDS game! As a deep fan of the Fairies music I was always searching around for someone crazy enough to turn these little jewels into sheet music, but never found it. So now that Iā€™m capable of it, Iā€™ve decided to become that person myself.

This is the Tinker theme, which anyone who has played this game will instantly recognise. The same music is also used in TinkerBellā€™s Adventure, though because they swapped some voices and used a different sound library it sounds a bit different.

Transcribing is basically writing down music so it can be performed from sheet. I often use a transcription as a basis for an arrangement (for like piano or orchestra or something).

Hi, sorry to break in; I actually have the scores of almost all of the movies as MP3ā€²s (and have studied them extensively), so if you do want to listen to them let me know, I can help you!

Different anon, wasn't last question about "score" as in the music? Or am I understanding it wrong?

OH! Maybe I understood it wrong. I just thought they meant ā€œscoreā€ as in the competitive sense, like which ones are 10/10 and which are crap.

If they meant the musical composition, thatā€™ll probably be a different answer, but I also have never sat and listened to the whole scores of any of the films so my answer to THAT is ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ