554 posts
Als #Russland Die #Ukraine Berfiel, Gab Es Vorzeichen: Geschichtsverdrehungen In Putins Schriften Und

Als #Russland die #Ukraine überfiel, gab es Vorzeichen: Geschichtsverdrehungen in Putins Schriften und Reden. Nun taucht immer häufiger Polen in Putins Propagandareden als Feindstaat auf. Polen und die Ukraine müssen ihre Differenzen die es da und dort noch gibt baldigst überwinden und zusammenstehen. Putin ist wie Stalin ein Feind der Ukraine und der Polen. Putin ist mit den #Mullahs in #Iran und der antisemitischen #AfD verbündet. #Putin ist somit auch ein Feind der #Juden und des Staates #Israel | Vor 80ig Jahren kam es zum in Warschau zum Aufstand gegen die deutschen Okkupanten
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Emma Lazarus
Born on 1849 in New York City to a family of Portuguese Sephardic Jewish descent whose roots extended to the very early days of NYC as a British colonial city.
Lazarus was the poet who wrote in 1883 "The New Colossus" - the famous poem that greets new immigrants to America till this day.
“...Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she with silent lips.
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
With those words, the Statue of Liberty was given life and purpose beyond that of a monument to liberal ideals, becoming a beacon of hope for the refugees seeking freedom from the terror of persecution.
The poem was placed on the Statue of Liberty in 1903 (after her death).
Aside from writing, Lazarus was also involved in charitable work for refugees.
At Ward's Island, she worked as an aide for Jewish immigrants who had been detained by Castle Garden immigration officials.
She was deeply moved by the plight of the Russian Jews she met there and these experiences influenced her writing.
The Jewish themes she had never dealt with before erupted in her work.
Emma Lazarus died November 19, 1887 (aged 38) in New York City, most likely from Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Lazarus was buried in Beth Olam Cemetery in Brooklyn.
Her papers are kept by the American Jewish Historical Society, Center for Jewish History, and her letters are collected at Columbia University.
Jewish History, Jewish Culture & Spirit

Emma Lazarus
Born on 1849 in New York City to a family of Portuguese Sephardic Jewish descent whose roots extended to the very early days of NYC as a British colonial city.
Lazarus was the poet who wrote in 1883 "The New Colossus" - the famous poem that greets new immigrants to America till this day.
“...Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she with silent lips.
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
With those words, the Statue of Liberty was given life and purpose beyond that of a monument to liberal ideals, becoming a beacon of hope for the refugees seeking freedom from the terror of persecution.
The poem was placed on the Statue of Liberty in 1903 (after her death).
Aside from writing, Lazarus was also involved in charitable work for refugees.
At Ward's Island, she worked as an aide for Jewish immigrants who had been detained by Castle Garden immigration officials.
She was deeply moved by the plight of the Russian Jews she met there and these experiences influenced her writing.
The Jewish themes she had never dealt with before erupted in her work.
Emma Lazarus died November 19, 1887 (aged 38) in New York City, most likely from Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Lazarus was buried in Beth Olam Cemetery in Brooklyn.
Her papers are kept by the American Jewish Historical Society, Center for Jewish History, and her letters are collected at Columbia University.
Jewish History, Jewish Culture & Spirit

Solidaritätsveranstaltung der Organisation Safe Heart, die Leitragende des Massakers des Musikfestivals im Süden Israels am 7. Oktober unterstützt, und der Obferberatungsstelle #Ofek. Solidarisch mit den Opfern und Überlebenden des 7. Oktober, dem größten terroristischen Angriff auf ein Musikfestival überhaupt, solidarisch mit ihren Angehörigen und allen anderen Menschen die der islamistische und antisemitische Terror bedroht

Jewish Roots

No one can imagine any of it and no one should.
101 souls are still held by these monsters in Gaza.
We need them all back home.
Hen Mazzig