554 posts
From Its Actual Context Of Meaning, Palestine Is Not A Metaphor For Saladin's Eagle Or Generally For
From its actual context of meaning, Palestine is not a metaphor for Saladin's eagle or generally for anti-colonial freedom and emancipation of the Tricontinent _ as it is repeatedly propagated by more than a few leftists of post-colonial theory and anti-imperialism _ but a UN/place a dystopia in which a murderous entity like Hamas has massively internalized its all-German homeland in the people of Palestine (up to 80%) - in National Socialism and in Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' reinvents itself again and again and thus wants to fully implement the anti-Semitic genocide against the Jews https://dernachbotwelt.blogspot.com/2024/09/supportisrael-nopalestine.html

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