nodak-fun - Switcheroo

Body swap, m4m, muscle growth, male transformations

49 posts

Simon Says (Part 2)

Simon Says (Part 2)

Read Part 1 HERE.

After returning to my former self, I came downstairs and plopped myself down at the dinner table. My dad soon joined me, along with my mom. Oh boy, we are having leftovers… again. 

Don’t get me wrong, I love my family, at least I used to. You see, I am actually adopted. My mom and dad told me that one night, they found me outside their doorstep. Not knowing what to do, they took me in for the night. They tried to find out who my parents were that left me there, but to no avail.

Anyways, they tried to make the best out of a bad situation and decided to raise me. Money has always been tight, and it is something that I am now used to, but I always wondered how things would have played out differently. 

Oh, and one other thing: my parents are super conservative. This puts a little dent in me being honest about my sexuality, but I am hoping that one day, they will learn to understand. In the meantime, I feel very detached from them.

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More Posts from Nodak-fun

6 years ago

Story of a Shifter (Part 4)

Read Part 3 HERE.

So, long story short. Ashley wanted me to shift into her older brother Miles. It was a long shot, but if she could somehow convince Miles about my power, I could become him and go with Ashley on the camping trip. At first I was hesitant, as she expected. I didn’t want to abuse my power, but at the same time, I felt that I needed to use it.

She texted me and asked if I could come over to assist her in telling Miles. After telling my parents where I was going, I ran over to Ashley’s house and she invited me inside.

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6 years ago

Tumblr Roulette

Lube? Check. Towel? Check. House to myself? Check.

I was all ready for another late night Tumblr jack off session. I pulled up Tumblr and decided to search body swap to see what came up and organized the posts by most recent. There was a post that read Tumblr roulette and I clicked it interested.

The post included a link and nothing more. I hate when authors just link to sites outside of Tumblr but I clicked on it anyway. A user agreement popped up. Yes, I’m over 18 and just clicked accept without reading it figuring it was the same old age verification message. A main page loaded with a description and URL box.

What the hell is this? I asked myself. Reading the description.

“Ever wanted to swap bodies with an image on Tumblr? Simply enter the main Tumblr URL below and hit Enter. Beware, this body swap engine will randomize the images from the Tumblr site you entered and load an image. Once loaded, you will see a count down timer of 10 seconds in which you must either hit the Enter button again to load another random image or a body swap will commence with the individual pictured. For more information, visit our FAQ.”

I felt my dick twinge to life and start to harden. I was only 30 and in pretty ok shape but body swapping has been a long time fantasy of mine. I love role plays and decided to enter the URL to one of my favorite gay porn Tumblrs and decided to hit Enter. The site loaded an image and I saw a count down start at 10 seconds in the corner of the image. 

Tumblr Roulette

Now my dick was really hard and starting to leak precum. I lubed up and started jacking off. I mean the guy was hot and all but I wondered what else I could see. I hit Enter at 2 seconds remaining and a new image loaded.

Tumblr Roulette

Again, hot and all but not really my ideal body swap fantasy. He had a bit of a California surfer dude about him and I hit Enter again at 5 seconds remaining. Another image loaded.

Tumblr Roulette

The kid looked pretty young and not really my desired body type. He looked like some sort of skater kid with skinny legs so I hit Enter almost right away with 8 seconds remaining. A new image loaded.

Tumblr Roulette

Fuck yeah. This guy was hot. Total body builder type. Hugely muscular, probably a steroid user which I found fucking hot. I started jacking off faster and faster fantasizing about what it would be like to look like this guy. I could feel myself getting close, not really paying attention to the count down clock anymore since I was distracted. The counter hit zero and a message displayed over the image “Transformation Initiated”. Well that’s annoying I thought to myself. It’s distracting to the fantasy to have this text over the image.

Suddenly, I felt sick to my stomach. It felt like someone was sucking in my body, almost as if I was falling in on myself. I felt the little bit of body fat I did have melt away and could see rippling muscles. My abs tensed and I saw a defined six pack. While I was in ok shape, I was never in this good of shape. At this point, I really looked mostly like myself but in really good shape. Then I noticed that my skin was darkening and then my muscles started to balloon. This part really hurt and I let out a moan which surprised me because my voice was deepening. I could see my muscles starting to achieve a proportion that I only ever dreamed about. Next, I noticed my body hair all disappeared and I was almost completely smooth. Finally, it stopped and a new message displayed on screen. “Transformation completed. Transformation will last for 48 hours.”

I sat in silence for a moment just staring down at my legs. My heart was pounding. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Tumblr Roulette

Holy shit I said out loud. A deep rumble came out of my throat. I grabbed my throat and felt a thick muscular neck. I started looking at my hands. They were much bigger, thick, and strong. I saw the calluses from years of weightlifting. I stumbled getting up, surprised my how heavy and strong I felt. My weight was distributed differently so it took me a moment to find my stride. I walked up to the mirror and was in shock. I had become the guy from the picture.

Tumblr Roulette

I cant believe that site worked! I immediately stripped down and started giving a flex show in the mirror. My cock was raging hard and leaking precum like made. I started stroking furiously unable to contain myself and exploded all over the mirror. My orgasm was so strong that I nearly collapsed. As the post glow of the orgasm started to fade, I started to reflect on what had happened.

48 hours? What was I supposed to do stuck like this for 2 days?! I was supposed to go to work tomorrow. As I stared in the mirror at my new bodybuilder body, I decided that this would be an ok use of a sick day.

Suddenly I felt a pain in my head, almost like I had been stabbed. Mario was my name now. Memories flashed in my mind of all the gym sessions, my first bodybuilding show, the first time one of my gym buddies shot me up with roids.

Holy fuck! I started looking on the site for the FAQ that was mentioned and searched through the list of questions until I found what I was looking for.

Q: Will I have access to any memories during the swap?

A: Within 30 minutes of the transformation completing, you will notice that memories will start to become accessible over time. This can be uncomfortable and confusing the first time so try and not be alarmed and go along for the ride. Typically within 2 hours, you will find that your personality more closely resembles your new body rather than your original self.

My heart started to sink. Over the next couple hours I might start to forget my own memories or self? Man, I wish I had read through the FAQ first and taken the site seriously. As I was thinking about what I was going to do, I suddenly lost my train of though.

I said to myself What da fuck was I doing bro? Mario, you are losing it man. Oh yeah, you were going to the gym. Man, sometimes you can be so stupid. Fuck yeah man, looking forward to that pump. You went to go put on your workout clothes barely aware that something was off.

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5 years ago

I was just looking at new headphones. Could I get the yellow headphones? I need a new pair for the gym.

Hi. I’m sorry you waited so long for your gift, but I had a lot of unfinished business. Well. You want new headphones? There’s a pair of yellow headphones in the bag, but I have absolutely no idea what owning them will do. Will you take them to the gym? Whatever you say. I’ll follow you and see if you don’t mind. 

You’ve already changed into sports clothes and put on your new headphones. They played your favorite music, but suddenly you felt a slight dizziness and goosebumps coming from your head to the coccyx. You continue to do approaches, pulling iron, but at some point you realize that it became more difficult for you to carry out your approaches. You’re almost at the end of your strength and barely finish your 30 push-UPS…

You don’t understand what’s going on, but I can see what’s going on with you. All your muscles that you worked so hard at this gym are starting to melt. You become slim and thin with a small amount of muscle, which is only enough to pull up on the bar 10 times and boast to the beach with your skinny abs. Your sports Jersey turns into a black long sleeve t-shirt and your shorts into jeans. Your hair is getting lighter and longer. I think you should watch a couple of online lessons on long hair care now. Your face rearranges and becomes more refined and beautiful, as if you were created for the stage. For the stage? what were you just thinking? 

Oh yeah.. as it turned out, these headphones long time ago lost one of the members of the University drama club. His skills are yours and his roles, of course. While you cope with the influx of all the scenarios and roles, holding your head, let me capture you for my readers. Good luck ;)


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6 years ago

Story of a Shifter (Part 8)

Read Part 7 HERE.

As we left the camp in Reggie’s pickup after successfully fooling everybody, all we could think about was our future together. There was no going back now. The real Reggie and Toby would be waking up soon and Ashley’s family would realize we were just impostors. They might try to chase after us, but Ashley and I would already be long gone and disguised as new people.

Ashley sat quietly looking out the window. It was weird seeing someone as cocky as Reggie just sitting there so modestly. I had to remember that behind that rugged man was an insecure teenager.

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