They/He ~ Aroace ~ Autistic and ADHD ~ OCs and hyperfixations galore ~ No idea what I'm doing here
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Inspired by Darwyn Cooke's iconic Batman & Robin illustration, and the New Batman Adventures.

dinosaur dinosaur dinosaur dinosaur dinosaur dinosaur dinosaur
ever have a word stuck in your head? like having a song stuck in your head except it’s a word
Most of the times it's phrases that get stuck in my head, not usually a singular word. I can recite the 'I was crazy once' endless speech for about as long as I want to because it was stuck in my head for quite a while. Upwards of a week? To the detriment of a friend of mine, the most recent phrase is 'what the sneef? I'm snorfin' here,' which gets grating to anyone who doesn't also have that phrase stuck in their head.
Sometimes it can be words, though. An example would be eccedentesiast, which got stuck in my head based on its meaning, which is simple someone who fakes a smile. Beyond that, it means someone who hides their plans, thoughts, opinions, everything behind a smile. Imagine a person who is always smiling, always agreeable, yet never honest. This could be someone who's playing nice on the surface while having other plans, but imagine someone who's always masking and playing nice, yet never showing their true self... would they even know who they were, at that point? How would you keep track of your own identity if it's never shown? If you've been hiding behind your facade for that long, would you ever want to find out who you are, or would you be too scared to show yourself again, afraid of what you'd find?
Anyway, archaopteryx. A fun word! I like it. The word itself is fun to say, nice to read. And it's a dinosaur, what's not to love? The name matches what it represents and it's a good word.
The voices are speaking to me in the language of love
Suiting Up!
I don't think that we, as a society, talk enough about Gegg
And even if we do, the conversation isn't usually about his hardships. Which! Btw! Make Gegg what he is. A failed coping mechanism

don't forget bruce wayne and kate kane are jewish
don't forget dick grayson is half romani
don't forget cassandra cain is half chinese
don't forget talia al ghul is half arab and half chinese
don't forget damian wayne is (ethnically) jewish, arab and chinese
don't forget poc characters

terry mcginnis from batman beyond bc im watching it with a buddy

Jason has a life-sized cardboard cutout of Bruce Wayne in his apartment, and he argues with it a hell of a lot. When Dick dropped by one day and saw it, Jason convinced him of how cathartic it was. Dick brushed him off, telling him to find healthier coping mechanisms, only to go out and get one of his own.
Jason: “They’re children, Bruce! They shouldn’t be soldiers in your crusade!”
Bruce: “The children, Jason. They yearn for the capes.”
Everyone in the Bat Clan has been noticing something over the years, specially about Tim.
Every so often he will go to do something with his hands or even his entire body, such as swaying or shaking his hands, but always stops himself.
There’s almost this look of annoyance on his face that just barely hides discomfort, but he brushes it off quickly.
Bruce noticed and, thinking about Robin more than anything, offered some kind of fidgeting device to help him stay on task, only for Tim to snap at him for the first time. It was his usual snark or commenting on Bruce’s well being, but a real moment of lashing out.
He decided then not to bother Tim about his clear want to move around it play with something even if it’s just his hands, mainly because he was doing his job well.
Yet, as he starts to really try and be a good parent to his kids and realises that Tim is one of the places he messed up most by basically using him to cope with grief, he decides to ask the rest of the family what they think.
Dick says it could be ADHD and he needs movements, with Barbara backing it up with a few websites in agreement.
Damian says he should mediate and Cass so what agrees but says it probably won’t help someone like Tim that much.
Duke and Steph make up a somewhat chaotic plan of coercing him into telling them what he needs, out of love and somewhat aggressive care.
It’s Jason who just scoffs and says, “It’s stimming, you idiots. He has like, super messed up standards cause of his parents, right? They probably didn’t allow it but he’s got that like, autastic thing.”
Only Jason Todd could say something so smart followed by completely idiocy.
But he is right, very much so. It might also explain why sometimes he seemingly couldn’t handle touch but when he panicked he need to be squeezed as tightly as possible.
Naturally, with a family of emotionally repressed vigilantes, they decide to subtly let him know it’s okay.
Dick is the worst with it, speaking far too loudly about how Autism is okay and how he wants to learn to support autistic kids, while Bruce thinks nodding along to this helps.
Damian just stares at Tim for five minutes before bailing and running away.
When a month passes and Tim seem more like he’s even more ashamed than anything my, Cass smashes her hand on the table at dinner and drags him out of the room to talk to him.
Tim is forced to sit and listen to his sister, who may or may not be his favourite sibling, talk about how he’s not damaged or wrong for needing to stim and move his body. She calls him out on how he is being a hypocrite, for accepting people like Bart and Barbara and and her for their disabilities whether ADHD or something physical but not himself.
Tim wouldn’t have been moved by this if it was anyone else, but never in all the time he’s known her has he heard Cass say so many words in one go nor can see her cry so much. She’s loud when she cries, making up for her silence, but it’s only something any of them have seen twice and that was Bruce and Steph.
He doesn’t just magically accept that he’s neurodivergent, nor does he ever want a title as to what is different about him, but the difference is still noticeable.
A week later him and Dick are watching an episode of their show and something Tim adores, a comic series, is referenced. Instead of what he usually does, that being sitting there as still as he can, he bats his hands around a for a few seconds before pausing and waiting for Dicks reaction.
When Dick beams at him brighter than a sun he continues, smacking the couch and even Dicks arm in his excitement.
A few days later he makes a high pitched noice just to get to an itch in his throat and doesn’t realise that Jason is there, yet when the other responds with the same noice, given a bit deeper, Tim smile. Bruce walks in on them making strange noises at each other in a sort of echo.
It’s months later when it’s his birthday and his family has come together to buy him a new, stupidly expensive camera only to reveal they also added a red light room in the manner for him to print them that they really see how much safer he feels.
He flaps his hands aggressively and jumps in place, rumbling out words that don’t all much and thanking them over and over.
He squeals happily but only has a moment where he looks shamed before Bruce holds out a flat palm for him to smack excitedly.
Later, when he gets overwhelmed and crashes a little, Duke lies on top of him to give him pressure only for Steph to sit on him.
i need you to compile a bunch of plas noises in btbatb
this was a long one in the making to answer, credit to @ductile-detective for going through the episodes and editing for me.
we had to include some clips from the German dub for fun. fun fact, Woozy's German voice actor is also the German voice for SpongeBob just like how Plas' English voice is SpongeBob. it all came full circle.
i hope this scratched the itch in y'alls brains the way it scratches mine
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So I did an artstyle study afew weeks ago to try and figure out how to draw this pencil necked geek better and thoughts I'd share on here. Ignore the doc shaner one it turned out bad compared to the rest XD.
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You know the fanon version of Dick Grayson as the sweet, silly big brother who's all sunshine and rainbows, hugs everyone, lives on cereal, cries on seeing a really cute puppy?
What if that is actually how Dick presents himself to the public in Gotham? Like, Richie, Dick's version of the Brucie cover?
He manages to avoid the sleaziness of Brucie's playboy reputation, and Gotham people are like : Oh, the kid means well, he's really sweet, and no, not a playboy like Brucie, it's like he never grew up... Air headed, of course, but his heart's in the right place... Someone really should be looking out for the poor darling.
Like, he triggers everyone's mothering instinct.
In the galas, someone relatively new to the scene says something mean about the Waynes in Dick's hearing and he goes all teary eyed, lips trembling a bit...and the Gotham elite descends like a swarm of vultures on the idiot who upset their darling...
Dick plays this for all he's worth. It's fun to let go and have others take care of him for a while, even if it's not really 'him'. Bruce might hate the Brucie mask, but Dick is rather fond of Richie.
And...if he is really upset about something, if he needs to break down and cry a little, have someone hug him and tell him everything will be alright... Well. No one will be surprised if Richie Grayson starts bawling in a coffee shop watching a sad movie or because his favorite rose in the garden died... And if any of the Bats ask, he's just maintaining cover, he is fine...
Scary boyfriend privilege? No. Scary sons privilege.
Bruce who can’t go anywhere without his newly adopted ward. He follows Bruce like a sunny shadow, grin always in place.
“Dick, can I hold your hand when we cross the street?”
Dick, very sweetly, “No.”
Bruce sighs, but accepts easily. Some guy scoffs at that and asks Bruce if he’ll let his kid just talk to him like that. His kid. His heart hurts in a very good way.
He’s about to say something, but Dick interrupts him, his teeth bared full, “Weren’t you on the news for hitting an old lady with your car?”
Bruce freezing. Dick goes back to his gameboy. They hold hands when they cross the street.
It’s both scary and comforting how little he changes when he’s an adult.
Jason, on the other hand.
Although he refuses to admit it, he does follow Bruce around, too, when his dad actually has to leave the manor. It’s when Alfred says he needs sun.
“You signed a contract, sir.”
Bruce sighing, “I signed it when I was 4. In black crayon. Those don’t count.”
Damian gasped, as if discovering a vile fact, sending an accusing glare Bruce’s way. “They don’t?”
Bruce needs an excuse to haul ass fast and that’s how Jason ends up chaperoning his socially awkward, disaster of a father in his quest to pick up food.
He’s a titanic presence next to Bruce, glaring off whoever stares a little too long or too appreciatively, strong arms crossed and his eyes hard and sharp.
Bruce gently taps his bicep and he hates the way he melts. “Do you want the chicken nuggets with or without apple slices?”
Give Jason his “he asked for No pickles” moment. It has to embarrass Bruce enough to jump in traffic, thought.
Damian has his own league and none of them can really compete with it. I think, during parent’s night, he drags Bruce off to proudly showcase his gallery of portraits.
Bruce is very moved when he realizes they’re almost all him.
There’s portraits of Dick, too, and Alfred, and a comically bad one of Tim. “Damian, they’re very beautiful. Thank you.”
“I painted them with the blood of your enemies.”
“…Thank you.”

Bruce looking at Damian's art
This celestial cicada is Midnight💙✨

Help I'm being DC-pilled.

What is the relationship between these two. Hero and sidekick? Besties? Husbands? Proud owners of one, single brain cell? All of the above?
I choose to believe: yes.