I watch Tcc / true crime / loves cooking / TAKEN <3 / No longer in Tcc but still likes it. / BLACK LIVES MATTER WE ARE STILL HUMAN
76 posts
I Love How People Hate On Me Its So Funny To See Pathetic People Who Have Mass Shooters As Profiles Talk
I love how people hate on me it’s so funny to see pathetic people who have mass shooters as profiles talk the most
Crap like bro just stop yes im cringe but come on.
More Posts from Noodlesnicole098
whats wrong with adam
I hate him because he killed kids if he didn’t do that then I would be fine with him.
i hate adam lanza too!!!
Omg 🔥🔥✨
I love hearing your guys hear me outs on tcc. Ima say my Fav to read about >:(
1: Trey Sesler
2: Elliot Rodger
3:Pekka Eric Auvinen
4: Andrew blaze.
Mass killers:
Shiiii idk .
Serial killers:
1: Jack the Ripper
2: zodiac killer
3: Lizzie Borden.

tcc is not for you ure 13....
Bro you’re acting like I’m going to kill people stfu and mind your business asshole.
And plus I’m homeschooled so mind your business your acting like a kid “ Oh no your going to hurt people “ No dipshit
So stfu bitch
If Eric had a Roblox account:
those one edgelords on tcc are literally like 😭😭: