🇮🇹 ~ She/Her ~ 22 years old
289 posts
Novasilvae - My Little Space - Tumblr Blog

Is this a problem?
Okay I need to see the Lady of Autumn in some gorgeous braids / hairstyles

I had a thought about Spy x Family that I'm not sure either people have ever considered or are ready to accept.
It's the perfect franchise with which to do a crossover with Scooby-Doo. I'm dead serious.
Consider. Mystery Inc. takes a vacation to Ostania because that's just how you do when you're white teenagers in the 60's. They meet the Forgers by happenstance around the time they hear a story about an utterly haunted downtown area. It's actually a part of town that is a nest of secret police and would be terrorist activity. But because they hear ghosts, they're like "Well, gang! Looks like we got another mystery on our hands!"
And from there it's Spy x Family humor and Scooby humor weaving together like the perfect tapestry.
Velma leads the investigation and Mr. Magoo's her way past so many secret police and spies.
Daphne and Yor beat up a room full of mooks together.
Loid is chasing after a target, almost loses them, but then the target gets stuck in one of Fred's Rube Goldberg traps.
Yuri gets dangerously close to catching Loid or Yor in the act, but is waylayed by Shaggy in an extended barbershop skit.
And of course Anya gets into shenanigans with Scooby and Bond.
By the end of it, one or more characters just look at the gang and all their bullshit and go "Who the hell are you!?"
And they go, "According to popular opinion? Just some meddling kids and their dog."
Oh, also whenever anyone asks them about Scooby, they say "That's just how dogs are across the pond."
Also, also the Gang believes every cover story the Forgers give them because of course they do. The Forgers aren't dressing up as ghosts or ghouls to scare people. What reason would they have to lie about anything?
babe wake up october 2024 just dropped

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you're welcome

helaena the dreamer

grown ass man....


Fear No Evil by SuperPhazed
This artist on Instagram
Since the whole thing with NaNoWriMo has gone down, I've noticed that one of their former sponsors, Ellipsus, has cut contact with NaNoWriMo because they do not support their stance on AI; I didn't know what Ellipsus was, but upon further research I've found that they are a writing platform that works a lot like Google Docs and Microsoft Word, only with a heavier leaning on the story-writing aspect and connecting with other writers - and they also completely denounce any use of AI, both in the writing process itself and in the use of their platform. I really appreciate that.
Since this is the case (and since I've noticed Google has begun implementing more AI into their software), I've decided to give Ellipsus a try to see if it's a good alternative to Google Docs (my main writing platform). It's completely free and so far, I've found it simple to use (although it is pretty minimal in its features), and I really like the look of it.
I figured I'd spread the word about this platform in case any of you writers would want to give it a try, and if you do, let me know how you like it!

hey girls
(x, x, x, x, x)

Study Break
Harry stood in front of her. “Hermione, scoot over.”
“You scoot over! I was here first.”
“You can’t take up the whole couch for the entire afternoon,” he protested.
“Sure I can. Watch me.”
Ron walked up behind Harry.“Hermione, budge over, or else.”
Hermione narrowed her eyes at him. “Or else what?”
Ron casually flicked his wand at the books she had sprawled all over the couch. They flew into the air, flapping their pages like headless birds.
“Hey!” She protested pulling her feet onto the couch, getting ready to jump up and grab one.
But Ron was quicker than her. He sat down right on top of her, squishing her into the cushions.
“Aah! Get off!” She tried pushing him off in vain, but Ron wasn’t moving.
“I warned you, and now you’re going to have to pay the consequences.”
Ron felt her hand stop pushing him, and he immediately knew what she was doing.
“Oh no, you don’t!” He said, twisting at an angle to grab her wand before she could. “Harry, catch!”
Harry caught the wand mid-air with a grin on his face and stuffed it into his pocket.
“I’ll turn you both into frogs!!” Hermione shouted, still trying to wriggle free from under Ron.
“What are you two doing?” Asked Ginny suspiciously as she walked up behind Harry.
“Help!” Hermione yelled
“Move along, Ginny, this doesn’t concern you,” Ron said.
“We’re teaching Hermione a lesson,” Harry said.
“A lesson?!!” Hermione’s muffled voice said indignantly from behind Ron’s shoulder.
“And really, Hermione? Frogs? That’s so unoriginal. Ow!” Ron leapt off the couch. “She bit me!”
“That’s right! And I’ll do it again too!” Hermione growled lunging for him.
“And what lesson is that?” Ginny asked sounding a little irritated.
“That it’s not healthy to study all day without a break,” Harry replied.
“Aahh! Get back you barmy witch!” Ron yelled trying to escape Hermione’s wrath as she chased him around the couch.
“Run, Ron, run!” Harry shouted gleefully.
Ginny shook her head. “I hope she bites you again.”
“Aha!” Ron yelled triumphantly. He had abruptly turned around and bent low. Before Hermione could stop, she ran right into Ron’s shoulder, and he scooped her off the ground.
“Ooh!” She huffed in frustration. “Ron put me down!”
“Alright we got her. Let’s go!” Ron said, heading for the portrait hole.
“C’mon, Ginny. We’re gonna toss the quaffle around, while Hermione gets some fresh air,” Harry told her flicking his wand at Hermione’s still flapping books. They immediately stopped, and flew into Hermione’s bag. He flicked his wand again and the bag went sailing up the girls’ staircase to the dorms.
“I don’t need fresh air! I need you gits to leave me alone, so I can finish studying for this final!” Hermione complained as they walked down the stairs. Ron still had her thrown over his shoulder.
“Hermione, if you sit on that couch any longer, your arse is going to meld to the cushion. Besides, we all know you don’t need to study. I’d bet a gallleon you can recite that damn charms book from memory,” Ron told her.
“I- you don’t- I mean there’s more to learn than just the words-
“Merlin’s left tit. You do have it memorized, don’t you?” Ron asked incredulously.
Harry watched her cheeks heat up as she fell silent. He exchanged a look with Ginny, the two of them walking behind Ron.
“Maybe some fresh air will do you good,” Ginny said.
Hermione narrowed her eyes at her. “Traitor,” she accused.
“We were going to try to sit down and reason with you,” Harry told Hermione.
“But we thought we might have to take drastic measures. You get a little barmy during exams, you know,” Ron finished.
They were on the grounds now and Ron knelt to set her back on her feet. But he kept a hold of her hand as Dean handed him a broom.
“Cheers, mate,” he said turning back to Hermione. Harry and Ginny were already in the air. “Now, I’m going to let you go. Might as well make it easy on yourself and have a seat. If you try to head back to the castle, I’ll swoop down and grab you, and you can just play quidditch with us.”
Hermione knew a threat when she heard one. Ron was well aware that she hated flying.
“You wouldn’t dare!” She challenged him.
Ron leaned in uncomfortably close and gave her a lopsided grin.
“Try me,” he cheeked.
Hermione felt her cheeks heat up as she huffed indignantly and plopped onto the grass.
Ron’s grin broadened as he realized he had won the argument.
“Now watch me wipe the field with these guys.”
“Hmmph. No thanks. I’m just going to plot my revenge,” she shot back.
Ron snorted. “Fine. As long as you do it outside.”
And with that he shot up in the air before she could come up with a cheeky remark.
So, Jowling K rowling chose to write the most heartbreaking, absolutely soul-crushing, heart-wrenching chapter about Ron's deepest and darkest insecurities and did him justice FOR ONCE by proving to readers that he's not useless and unwanted, just for her to deny his arc, turn around and say "Ron didn't stay with Harry but Hermione did, and that says a lot about him"
You know what else says a lot about Ron? THE FACT THAT HE'S BEEN SUPPRESSING HIS PROBLEMS AND INSECURITIES, BECAUSE HE DOESN'T WANT TO BOTHER HARRY, WHO HAS IT MUCH WORSE. The fact that HE ASSIGNED ALL THE BLAME FOR LEAVING TO HIMSELF, because he KNOWS WHAT HE DID WAS WRONG. Ron said "I'm not making excuses, Harry, for what I was like", because, even after getting psychologically tormented by Voldemort's soul, he still knows he has to be brave enough to admit his mistakes. And after enduring a SECOND ROUND OF THAT TORMENT, HE STILL FEELS GUILTY AS SHIT. Poor boy, won't even defend himself.
How can people not feel the slightest bit of sympathy for Ron, seeing him sobbing his heart out, broken, shaking, crushed by the weight of his own remorse? You will hate Ron less if they see his departure in DH as a clever plot device rather than something he did because "he's selfish"
I mean, it's one of the smartest plot devices I've ever read because not only did it show in an ironic way how Ron is in fact useful, that the trio is incomplete without him, but also while Ron was away, he got extremely important information such as
•the location of shell cottage, where Ron took Hermione in to recover after she was tortured. Imagine if Ron didn't know where to go for help, the poor girl would have probably died in Ron's arms
• informing them about the snatchers. Honestly I was impressed by Ron. Bro managed to fight off FIVE MEN, possibly stronger than him. AND he got one of their wands.
• getting a wireless radio to listen to potter watch, the only reliable radio station as he described it
While Hermione and Harry were struggling to find a way, Ron was in no less danger than they were. And he did it. He found a way ENTIRELY ON HIS OWN, with the help of his deluminator of course. Just think about all the nights Ron spend away from them, while Hermione was crying, Ron was probably in no better state too, hating himself every second of the day for leaving them, but still, not giving up on his hope that he'd find them.
Honestly it was a crucial part of the story. And no, haters, it says absolutely NOTHING about his "disloyalty". Only that Ron sometimes breaks but then comes to be even stronger than before. And it combines so many emotions, it's devastating, heartbreaking, wholesome, it made me cry because I can't understand how and why could Ron ever leave him, leave her, but deep down YOU KNOW it's not Ron's fault, it's not anyone's fault because they are all misunderstood. Harry had worried his whole life that everyone he loves will be gone. Ron worries that everyone he loves will brush him aside. And Voldemort's soul made those nightmares true...
At least they thought he did. Because, if Ron had never given up on his hope that he would find them, if he never stopped caring about Harry and Hermione, did he really give up on them? If Harry's dearest friend, his most beloved had been Ron Weasley all along, how could Ron ever be unloved?
You can hate Ron as much as you want but never forget that he was brave enough to take all the blame for the fight with Harry without looking for excuses.
Also people don't talk enough about the fact that Ron, before he found them again, had to fight off FIVE snatchers before he got somewhere safe. While Harry and Hermione were basically in mourning state, and tried to find the strength to keep going, Ron was completely lost. All the days Hermione spent silently crying, Ron spent holding onto his hope that he'd find her again. He kept looking and never gave up on finding them.
Can we just not bash ANYONE in the trio for their reactions. Blame Voldemort, the master manipulator that got Ron, a ray of sunshine to break and be the opposite of himself, not three teenagers who had to save the world. Criticisms of them are valid of course, BUT DON'T PORTRAY THEM AS DEVILS FFS
And yes, I'm devastated about how Ron's departure broke Hermione so badly it could have ruined their love. But love is stronger than ego, and once Ron explained to her what he went through too, she took he time before forgiving him. Take a look at how forgiveness is a part of their relationship, Ron gives her time and space, he doesn't pressure her or beg her. Ron just silently does his work and tries to make up, and once he saves her life, once she understands this was nothing but a huge misunderstanding, they're in eachother's arms again, ready to move on.

@natureaestheticdreamsfor for more 🥜

The Lady and Son of Autumn 🍁
go outside.
look at the rocks.
know that they are older than you. they are older than anyone you know.
go back inside.

Art by Brain Brain Studio

Apothecaries -- another piece from my solo show at Nucleus Portland. Prints and originals available here
Annabeths reaction to Percy being alive

im gasping
Ever think about Percabeth parallels
Perseus , the destroyer, will shake the earth with power inherited from his father.
Annabeth, the architect, will rebuild upon the wreckage with wisdom beyond her mother’s.
In this essay, I will…
“Let’s change the things we can change”
Reading Witch Hat Atelier ch43…

..I can definitely hear Iguin chanting in the distance “thaaaat’s my girl, the Brim Hats’ hope”.
So yeah anyway, can I say how thematically incredible it is that Coustas’ misery up until this far crossed the path of Coco (a girl who wasn’t born a Witch) and Tartar (a Witch but born with an eye affliction making him unable to be trained the usual way)? Because obviously, as sort of outcasts in their own community, they’re indeed the most likely to challenge the rigid views of such community.
As we were discussing with @aspoonofsugar, it is very appealing that Shirahama-sensei would finally take the time to address the series’ worldbuilding by, for once, showing that not everyone is born with privilege. Coco and Tartar were the most prominent examples so far, but amongst Witches, while Coustas and by proxy Dagda illustrate an even sadder reality:

I don’t know for other readers of WHA, but personally, this chapter totally changed my feelings about the first time we met Coustas and Dagda, when they were about to drown in that raging river.
Back then, the focus was more on Agathe and Coco, who were about to help non-Witches for the first time and how difficult it was to protect the secret of their powers. So Coustas clearly endangering himself to retrieve some of his and Dagda’s belongings really struck me as obvious and foolish, only set up to introduce the concept that medicine was indeed Forbidden™ to be practiced along with magic.
Now though, I just can’t picture it in the same way at all. Knowing that Coustas and Dagda are travelers who lived with barely a thing and who lost literally everything because of this incident (leaving Coustas unable to walk and to earn his meals while Dagda started undertaking mercenary jobs to wage enough for both of them), I can only see it as tragic and saddening. T_T

That being said, it also depicts an even more striking (and grim) picture, considering all the examples we’ve seen so far of young witches who were dumped upon adults’ consideration that “they were not good enough” to honor the same craft.
Thinking about Agathe here (dumped by her own family), or even Riché (dumped by her first master) and of course Eunie (considered not confident enough and who ended up cursed by the Brim Hats). Meanwhile, we have Dagda the father figure of Coustas, a non-Witch kid, who’d rather endanger himself doing risky work in order to pay for Coustas’ long rehabilitation rather than giving up on him.
So… isn’t this bitter and unfair? On the one side, the Witches who are indeed privileged compared to people like Dagda and Coustas, but who face a crushing pressure by their peers in order to belong within the magic community, their world all the while being set in stone by rigid rules that no one shall defy. And on the other, people like Coustas who would benefit from breaking said rules, but at the stake of endangering the world’s peace like in previous times.

As such it wouldn’t surprise me if most of the Brim Hats actually chose this path, specifically because they were victims (in many different and subjective ways) of this unfair world.
Not that I think them promoting chaos makes them the right side to choose, but clearly if they seem to believe in Coco, it may be because she’s the one who’s eventually best fit to understand all of this, which means there is also a side of truth to learn from their beliefs.
All that to say that Coco steadily grows and learns: she learns from Qifrey, she learns from the Brim Hats, she learns from Tartar and now she’s learning from Coustas’ circumstances.

So I can’t help but love her decision to (indirectly) support Tartar’s violation in order to help Coustas, when the Knights Moralis (and so the magic community overall) deemed it all Forbidden™.
WHA is really a very good and deep series. I thought, until I read this chapter, that what kept me to this story was Coco’s and, in parallel, Qifrey’s predicaments with the Brim Hats, but it is without a doubt all related to the worldbuilding and the sad reality that the wonderment of magic seemed to hide from us readers so far.
I’ll conclude this post by saying that, while I love Coco and Tartar’s mutual decision this chapter, I think it was definitely foreshadowed as risky and will certainly not be an easy feat to achieve. After all…

..if this part of the chapter isn’t a metaphor for Coco and Tartar’s current situation, their young knowledge balanced between their magic community and what Coco experienced through the Brim Hats, I don’t know what is. x)
A m a z i n g chapter! Can’t wait for what’s next!
It’s an amazing manga, please give it a try!