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Lone wolf.

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Not A Day Goes By That I Dont Think About Damien Nazario

not a day goes by that i don’t think about damien nazario

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More Posts from Nukritus

6 years ago

nicely done indeed! 

Play Choices: Favorite LI Week

Play Choices: Favorite LI Week

Hardworking Damien Nazario @kinkykingliam @writtenbycandy @mfackenthal

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6 years ago
Another Edit Of Damien Nazario From Game Choices, Story Perfect Match.

Another edit of Damien Nazario from game “Choices”, story “Perfect Match”.

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6 years ago

Perfect Match (AU).  Red Pill Or Blue Pill? (part 5): Damien & MC (?)

A/N: So here it is a last part which reveals an important decision Damien is going to make between two options: or 1) to take „ a blue pill“ – to hear the truth and then let it to be erased to leave his past behind and start a new life, or 2) to take „red a pill“ – to hear the truth, and make a long-term deal with ‘Eros‘?

For now providing just initial part of this final chapter, there will be more for sure, as there still is so many things to explain in all this mess I made lol. This all is more like a draft, as those conversations possibly doesn’t feel natural or easily imagined and it is possibly hard to follow the storyline. I had a strange version in mind and I found it kind of tough to describe... not sure if I am succeeding at it though, but I am trying my best. Tagging @confessionsofabrokegirl @alanakusumastan @ahteneah . Feel free to write me some remarks about how this part is going in your opinion, thanks for your time in advance! And thanks for anyone who gonna read this. :)


Damien ran to answer door lock‘s phone. He heard Kayla‘s voice asking if she can come in. After a minute he opened apartment‘s door and let her in. She looked the way as nothing happened previous day. He was kind of surprised, but his face couldn‘t express it as he was overwhelmed by everything he faced that morning so far, he just gave her a weak smile, turning his side to her and gesturing her to come inside. She went through the door, but stopped in the narrow corridor in front of him. They stood very close, she gazed in his eyes for several moments, then down to one of his hands, taking it.

„Tell me, how does it feel?“ she looked at him, smiling, but in that smile an irony could be seen.

Damien couldn‘t help, but his hand that she was holding started slightly shaking. He released his hand from hers without answering anything and went to the living room. He wasn‘t sure how he felt seeing Kayla this way after everything what happened previous evening. After everything he has thought this whole morning before she came, he felt more worried and slightly terrified than relieved or happy seeing her still standing in the corridor. He turned his back at her as he didn‘t want her to see how totally confused he felt. He crossed his hands and stood quietly, still not being able to understand what is happening.

She stood in corridor for a moment, then walked into the living room stopping herself inches apart at his side, gently putting a hand on his shoulder. „Oh, Damien... she obviously means a world to you.“

He fully turned at her and made a step back to make more distance between them. Damien looked at her face trying to understand her emotions. Kayla looked as she felt sorry for him, yet again, her expression was somehow fake and sarcastic.

„What do you mean by saying ‚she‘?“ he frowned with confussion.

„Oh, I am sorry! I am forgetting how similar, practically identical I look like her.“ she smiled playfully, as she was entertained seeing Damien totally lost about of what she just said.

„Wait... what? I don‘t understand...“ he sat down on a couch, covering his face with both hands.

She quietly sat down next to him looking at his hidden face. Damien felt her darting eyes though his hands, but he ignored it and kept sitting with covered face.

„Listen, Damien, I am sure you are feeling very confused, but you have to calm down.“

He drew his hands away from his face, looking to the ground, sighing. „Okay, spill it out, because all of this is driving me crazy... What do you mean ‚she‘ and what do you mean you ‘look identical’?“

„I will answer it later. For now I want you to help to figure out some things yourself. First of all...“ she stood up and gestured Damien to follow her. He obeyed and stood up, going after her. „I guess you are still not aware of these...“ she said when they were standing in a bathroom in front of the mirror hung above the sink.

Damien looked at his face in the mirror surprised. Not only his hands, but also face had several scars. He touched his right cheek, on which there were a deep scar. Then he looked back at his hands and scars he noticed just this morning.

„Oh my... I had no idea.“ he still couldn‘t believe of what he saw in a reflection.

„You were very lucky, that glass shatter didn‘t get in your eye. Actually, you are very lucky that you survived at all.“

„What is it all about?? Seriously... who are you??“ he looked at a woman beside him realizing that he has no idea who is she. It is clearly not his friend Kayla.

„Okay, okay.. I actually am not Kayla. You can call me Joanne.“

Damien looked at her for a second and went past her leaving bathroom without saying anything. He went to a kitchen and poured himself a glass of whiskey, then leaned at the the wall thinking. Joanne came after him, looking at his face.

„How can you look that... alike?“ he gazed back at her with suspision.

„Later about me, now about you. Do you remember where are these scars from?“

„Accident on winter ?...“

„Yes, that one. And what do you remember happened after that?..“

„Actually... When I remember it, it all is so weird. Back then I didn‘t realize that it didn‘t make any sense. I just woke up next day as there nothing happened and continued my life as usual and... There was no scars.“

Joanne was quietly observing, waiting for him to remember something else. Damien still stared in his arm, which was holding a glass of whiskey, looking in the marks of past he couldn‘t remember. For a moment he couldn‘t think of anything, as all this was too much to understand at once, he didn‘t even care much about the fact that in front of him stood someone who looks like Kayla, but with different name... He just stood looking blankly, but suddenly a random idea appeared in his mind.

„I must be dreaming right?... it just doesn‘t make sense. You, the one I know as Kayla, claiming it is not Kayla, all those scars I didn‘t see the whole half of year...“ he didn‘t pay attention to her and quickly reached kitchen‘s sink, turning on cold water and applying some on his face. „Wake up, Damien, wake up!“

She came to him and grabbed his wrist with almost inhuman strength.

„Look at me. You are not dreaming, okay? Now sit down and we‘ll talk as two decent... humans. We don‘t have much of time. “ she led him back on couch.

„Then you tell me, what is it all about, Joanne.“ he frowned, demanding her to speak.

„Actually, you are partly right, when mentioning dreaming... Let‘s start from beginning to make things clear for you, that you‘d understand who am I and why I am in here.“

Damien crossed his arms, listening.

„It all is related to ‚Eros‘.“

„Wait... I thought they didn‘t find a ‚Perfect Match‘ to me and everything was over. “

„No, it is actually different than you think. I have to show you something. “ while saying it, she stood up and went to take her bag she left in the corridor. Joanne took off several folders from it and opened several files while sitting down on a couch. „You probably thought that they didn‘t include you into a ‚Perfect Match‘ program because they realized that you were conducting personal investigation of the company and they labelled you as ‚ineligible‘, that you couldn‘t get closer to find anything. Well, that‘s also true, but it is not only about the company in general, it is also about you.“

She showed several papers to Damien. One of them was his description, others described Hayden, Steve, Kayla and Nadia. While he was taking a look at those papers, Joanne asked him:

„What you find in common among those participants‘ descriptions?“

„Well, I see there are two groups – ‚Eros‘ clients and candidates. I am among candidates with Steve and Hayden... How on earth they know all this about me?“

„For now don‘t think about it, later about it. Now answer me, what do you know about Hayden?“

„He was Kayla‘s ‚Match‘.“

„What else do you know? “

„Well...“ he tried to concentrate and to remember something, what was foggy in his head, but he knew there is something else about it in his mind. „I don‘t remember it clearly...“

„Try to remember, that‘s important.“ she was insisting.

„Wait... I was sitting in a park... Hayden cut his hand... No blood.“ he shaked his head with disbelief what he just said. „No, those memories doesn‘t seem real, as if I wasn‘t experiencing them myself, it‘s more like dream or as someone put those memories into my head, if that‘s possible at all... I really don‘t know from where I know it or if it is even real.“

„Actually, that‘s amazing!“ her eyes lit up.

„Why is that?“ he asked, not understanding what‘s so amazing to hear about his hazy visions.

„Thing is, that it was just as you said – that‘s a memory, but it is not yours.“

„Whaat??“ Damien looked at her surprised.

„That memory is Kayla‘s, and it happened almost a month ago.“

„I don‘t understand. Where is Kayla then?? “ he felt very confused looking at Joanne, who was simply telling that it is Kayla‘s memories.

„Wait, we‘ll come to that part too. For now let me tell you – you never met Hayden or Steve.“

„I didn‘t?“

„It also was some memories from someone else.“

„From who?..“

„Let‘s say, it was other you. Same as I am other Kayla.“

„Wait... you mean, someone identical to me? But... how? “

„There is something in common with that ‘other you‘ and Hayden as well.“

„So you are saying, that for some time instead of me was living that ‘other me‘ and collected some memories for me? “

„Yes, something like that.“

„Then where was I?“

„That‘s where we are starting to talk about a dreaming part.“

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6 years ago

yeah, ATV atmosphere is created briliantly with all these very detailed and beautiful arts! ❤❤❤❤

PB You Have Outdone Yourself!!!!!
PB You Have Outdone Yourself!!!!!
PB You Have Outdone Yourself!!!!!

PB you have outdone yourself!!!!!

PB You Have Outdone Yourself!!!!!
PB You Have Outdone Yourself!!!!!
PB You Have Outdone Yourself!!!!!
PB You Have Outdone Yourself!!!!!
PB You Have Outdone Yourself!!!!!
PB You Have Outdone Yourself!!!!!

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6 years ago
This Portrait Of Damien.. Its Indescribable. :D

This portrait of Damien.. It’s indescribable. :D 

No idea why I finished it that way tho. I just ended up trying random brushes. :D 

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