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3 years ago

morning after starters

“  last night was nice.  ” “  lets do this again some time.  ” “  i’ll leave my number.  ” “  i gotta go, sorry.  ” “  can’t you at least stay for breakfast?  ” “  i’ll make coffee—don’t go anywhere.  ” “  next time, maybe i’ll buy you dinner first.  ” “  if we do this again you better buy me dinner first.  ” “  i don’t think my legs work again yet.  ” “  i don’t wanna get up.  ” “  no don’t move, it’s too cold outside the covers.  ” “  there’s no way i can hide these marks…  ” “  this was probably a mistake.  ” “  this can’t happen again.  ” “  you always say that, and yet we wind up right back here.  ” “  are you watching me sleep?  ” “  you look cute all frazzled like this.  ” “  why are you looking at me like that?  ” “  keep kissing me like that and we’re gonna end up back in bed.  ” “  something wrong? ” “  i’d stay if i could, i promise.  ” “  so if i put my number in your phone, you actually gonna text me? ” “  i made breakfast.  ” “  how do you take your coffee?  ” “  fuck! i’m late—  ” “  did you turn the alarm off?  ” “  if you don’t turn that alarm off i’m gonna throw it out the window.  ” “  i can’t find my shirt.  ” “  babe, we slept in.  ” “  i know you’re awake.  ” “  i’ll stay.  ” “  why don’t you stay?  ” “  i like waking up with you.  ” “  i like having you here at night.  ” “  you know, if you moved in we wouldn’t keep having to say goodbye like this.  ” “  so when are we gonna actually go on a real date?  ” “  do i smell bacon?  ” “  you made pancakes?  ” “  come on, come back to bed.  ” “  you weren’t there when i woke up.  ” “  i thought you left.  ” “  do you want me to go?  ” “  just let me sleep for five more minutes.  ” “  you’re really beautiful/handsome. even if you drool.  ” “  you talk in your sleep, ya know.  ”  

ACTIONS:  1. for one muse to surprise the other with breakfast in bed 2. for our muses to go another round in the morning 3. for your muse to join mine in the shower while getting ready for the day 4. for one muse to stop the other from trying to sneak away 5. for one muse to invite the other to spend the rest of the day with them  6. for one muse to convince the other to stay in bed the rest of the day 7. for our muses to have sex in the kitchen instead of finishing breakfast 8. for our muses to spoon 9. for one muse to wake up with morning wood  10. for one muse to wake the other up with oral  11. for lazy morning sex  12. for one muse to wake the other because they’re having a nightmare  13. for one muse to distract the other from getting ready by kissing/groping them 14. for one muse to kick the other out of their home  15. for our muses to wake with no recollection of the night before  

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3 years ago


tw:  jordan’s assault is very briefly mentioned as part of her platform

entering pageants was never something jordan thought she would do, until it became apparent that saving every cent she could to put toward drama school wouldn’t be enough to afford drama school, and she still wanted to avoid going into as much debt as possible. her older sister, sarah riley, had done hair and makeup for a number of pageant queens in the area over the years and joked that jordan should enter the circuit since she has enough resources at her disposal to do it without losing profit. after sleeping on it and talking it over with her abuela, she dove in.

in the two years jordan competed in pageants, she’s won the following titles and awards/prizes:

—  franklin county fair queen  ( franklin county fair ):  $1,000 scholarship —  miss strawberry  ( wilmington strawberry festival ):  $1,000 scholarship —  miss teen columbus  ( miss teen ohio pageant ):  $10,000 scholarship, season passes to king’s island —  miss teen franklin county second runner-up  ( miss teen ohio pageant ):  $5,000 scholarship


if you ask jordan about it, she’ll joke that her hand still hurts from all the letters she wrote asking community business owners and organizations to sponsor her for the miss teen ohio pageant so she could afford materials for a gown, as well as the steep application and pageant fees. she’ll throw in that she considered becoming ambidextrous so she could write out all the thank-you notes she needed to, as well. a huge thank-you goes out to george and martha’s, jim’s body shop, wilmington tire & lube, the community foundation of franklin county, and the historic columbus theatre for making it possible for jordan to compete.


when jordan initially started prepping for the pageant circuit, her platform was advocating for affordable and accessible food banks to under-funded communities in order to battle hunger and food deserts in the state of ohio. while it’s a good platform to have, it became apparent early on that it was something of a standard among pageant contestants; if it’s not food shortage and malnutrition, it’s clean energy, reducing your carbon footprint, saving trees, adopt don’t shop  —  a lot of things that blend together in the same avenue of nice, but forgettable.

six months into competing, jordan changes her platform to advocating for victims of sexual violence. she partners with a local organization to raise awareness to the growing problem with sexual violence in the state and the nation, how victims are affected short and long-term, and what resources are needed to help victims heal and move forward. her goal, with her platform, is to help victims get away from their abusers and find the strength to stand on their own through a program that helps set them up with housing and furniture. she does not speak on her own personal journey as a rape victim.


while coming up with a platform and speaking on it was bumpy initially, prepping a talent was as easy and natural as breathing for jordan. she always sings; it’s the easiest talent for people to connect to, it’s something everyone understands, and her repertoire is long enough and diverse enough to carry her to top scores within the talent portion. selections she’s done range from celine dion, to adele, to alicia keys; while vocal performance is a key strength of hers, she doesn’t rest on that and still prepares, just as she would for any performance or audition.


taken from the miss teen columbus pageant

Q:if you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be and why?

the one piece of advice I would give myself is, don’t worry about doing everything right. it’s easy to tell yourself that you always have to be the best at everything and you always need to strive for perfection, but it’s okay to slip up and make mistakes. it’s a huge part of growing up, and it’s the only way to learn and grow as a person. just because you’ve messed up doesn’t mean you’re a bad person  —  that’s what makes you human.

Q:who is your biggest inspiration, and why?

my biggest inspiration has and will always be my abuela, liliana martinez. she’s the strongest person I’ve ever met  —  she immigrated to the united states when she was only sixteen years old, hardly spoke a word of english, and managed to build a beautiful life for herself and her family. she firmly believes in the value of hard work, family, and always helping others in whatever way you can. my abuela has instilled all those values in me, has taught me to find the joy in everything, and to always follow your passion and put your all into everything that you do. I think everyone would benefit from having an abuela, and I count my lucky stars because I am lucky to have one, and if I end up being even half the woman she is, I’ll have done good.

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3 years ago
I DONT WANT TO GO TO THAT PLACE [ AGAIN ] . A Highly Private Original Character Based In The Horror Genre
I DONT WANT TO GO TO THAT PLACE [ AGAIN ] . A Highly Private Original Character Based In The Horror Genre

I  DON’T  WANT  TO  GO  TO  THAT  PLACE  [ AGAIN ] .          a  highly  private  original  character  based  in  the  horror  genre  examining  the  harm  of  victim  blaming,  the  weight  of  survivor’s  guilt  and  what  happens  to  the  final  girl  after  the  credits  roll.  highly  triggering  topics  present.  20+  only,  no  exceptions.  established  2018.  written  by  selena.

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