* .
feel free to change pronouns / wording!
“ everything looks so beautiful from up here. ”
“ i’ve been thinking about you all week. ”
“ you deserve more than this. ”
“ you gotta talk to me. ”
“ how i feel doesn’t matter. ”
“ i thought you were gonna wear the red dress, you know that’s my favourite. ”
“ everyone else does the dirty work for me. ”
“ they say diamonds are a girl’s best friend. ”
“ you still with us? ”
“ nothing is set in stone. ”
“ it’s none of your business. ”
“ can you please just tell me where we’re going? ”
“ just try and have some fun, would you? ”
“ being blindfolded for over an hour really isn’t my idea of fun. ”
“ it looks so strange in the winter. ”
“ you’ve been through so much. ”
“ it’s time to wake up. ”
“ thought you would be lighter without all that blood. ”
“ i’m impressed you made it this far. ”
“ when i met you, you were nothing. ”
“ you just didn’t know it yet. ”
“ i’m gonna cut myself free of you, if it’s the last thing i do. ”
“ i know you’re weak and tired. ”
“ he came out of the shadows and he… ”
“ i made a run for it. ”
“ you’re safe now, you’re safe. ”
“ think you broke my nose. ”
“ i fucked up and i need your help. ”
“ i didn’t send you a message. ”
“ is that blood on your shirt? ”
“ i’m sorry, i haven’t seen my boss in his boxers before. ”
“ i’m freaking out a little bit. ”
“ the truth is not necessarily your best friend right now. ”
“ you recognize that car? ”
“ we have to run. ”
“ you lock the door and don’t open it for anybody that’s not me. ”
“ well, ain’t you a gentleman. ”
“ you got a problem with me or something? ”
“ i already notified the police. ”
“ you killed him, you fucking killed him! ”
“ looks like the wolves got to him. ”
“ this is some pretty high-tech shit. ”
“ i’m out here freezing my nuts off. ”
“ don’t make the same mistake again. ”
“ the cops are gonna trace the call. ”
“ don’t you fucking move! ”
“ give me the gun. ”
“ you already put a target on our backs. ”
“ we should never have come here. ”
“ this is all your fault. ”
“ i’m gonna cut your fucking head off. ”
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More Posts from Nvctmgone


i hate you ( i love you ). this is said with a sort of disbelief, that you can't believe you love this person, that you could never have imagined they would make you feel such affection and fondness for them. they're a little shit, the most ridiculous person you've ever met, and you would absolutely die for them. you say "i hate you," and they just shoot you that stupid grin of theirs. maybe they throw it back at you. neither of you has to say "i love you," to know that you do, it goes without saying.

as promised! i might make an updated list, but these will keep us shippy fools going for a while! in the meantime, if you think of other ideas to add to the list, don't hesitate to let me know!
[ HAIR ] : as they kiss the receiver, sender tangles their fingers into receiver's hair.
[ WAIST ] : sender catches receiver around the waist right before they kiss them.
[ GRAB ] : impulsively, sender quickly crosses the room to where the receiver is standing, grabs them, and pulls them into a passionate kiss.
[ BRUSH ] : just before kissing them, sender tenderly reaches up and brushes a strand of hair away from receiver's face.
[ CUP ] : gently cupping the receiver's face in their hands, sender guides them into a tender kiss.
[ ARMS ] : sender holds receiver in their arms while they kiss them.
[ THUMB ] : sender gently runs their thumb across receiver's lips before leaning in to kiss them.
[ PULL ] : sender pulls the receiver close against them as they kiss them.
[ PIN ] : sender pins receiver against a wall and begins to kiss them.
[ STRADDLE ] : sender straddles receiver while in the process of kissing them.
[ TUG ] : sender hooks their fingers in receiver's belt loops, and tugs them in for a kiss.
[ GAZE ] : right before the kissing begins, sender gazes at receiver's lips, then back up at their eyes, waiting for them to make a move or give confirmation.
[ NECK ] : sender brings a hand up and rests it on the back of the receiver's neck, pulling them in for a kiss.
[ LAUGH ] : sender can't help laughing in the middle of the kiss.
[ POP ] : a la "the princess diaries", sender is so absorbed in the kiss, that their foot involuntarily lifts off the ground.
[ BREATHE ] : sender has to force themselves to stop kissing the receiver to take a break to breathe.
[ LIPSTICK ] : after the kiss ends, sender pulls away to reveal that the sender/receiver/both have lipstick marks on their face afterwards.
[ FOREHEAD ] : following the kiss, sender gently rests their forehead against the receiver's. basically a forehead touch but like. post kiss.
[ ANOTHER ] : following the first kiss, sender places another brief one on the receiver's mouth.
[ LEAVE ] : having just given the receiver a kiss of a lifetime, sender leaves the room, leaving the receiver to wrap their head around what just happened.
𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃 & 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐅𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 (a series of nonverbal prompts . mature themes present , ‘ my ’ muse belongs to the one who posted the meme - send “ + REVERSE ” to reverse the prompts .)
❛ hush . raise a finger in a gesture to silence my muse . ❛ sit . gesture for my muse to sit down . ❛ door . hold a door open for my muse . ❛ tap . tap my muse on the shoulder to garner their attention . ❛ hunger . give my muse something to eat / drink . ❛ cook . present my muse with home - cooked food . ❛ brush . work a brush / comb through my muse’s hair . ❛ read . silently read a book alongside my muse . ❛ hand . hold out a hand for my muse to take . ❛ dressed . help my muse put on an article of clothing . ❛ note . give my muse a note saying : [ content ] . ❛ amplify . turn up the music in the car .
❛ patch . help my muse patch up a wound . ❛ night terrors . hold my muse after they wake up from a nightmare . ❛ company . silently sit with my muse to comfort them. ❛ hospital . my muse is told that yours is in the hospital . ❛ revelation . show my muse evidence of a lie they told . ❛ indulge . find my muse drinking to cope . ❛ downfall . find my muse collapsed on the ground . ❛ console . comfort my muse as they cry . ❛ nurse . give my muse company in the hospital .
❛ wink . wink at my muse . ❛ wrap . wrap an arm around my muse’s [ shoulders / waist ] . ❛ caress . gently caress my muse’s face . ❛ tousle . mess playfully with my muse’s hair . ❛ chest . place your head on my muse’s chest . ❛ comb . comb fingers through my muse’s hair . ❛ grasp . run to my muse & jump into their arms . ❛ lean . lean on my muse’s shoulder . ❛ tender . kiss my muse on the [ forehead / cheek / nose ] . ❛ abrupt . kiss my muse out of the blue . ❛ chaste . chastely kiss my muse . ❛ good morning . kiss my muse the morning after . ❛ volumes . gaze at my muse in a way that silently says ‘i love you’ .
❛ strike . [ slap / punch ] my muse in the face . ❛ gun . wield a gun at my muse . ❛ twist . twist my muse’s arm behind their back . ❛ throttle . aggressively wrap your hands around my muse’s throat . ❛ parch . burn my muse with a hot object . ❛ take down . forcefully bring my muse to the ground . ❛ gouge . wield a sharp object at my muse . ❛ shunt . shove my muse backwards . ❛ stickup . yell at my muse to put their hands in the air. ❛ shoot . [ fatally / non-fatally ] shoot my muse . ❛ stab . stab my muse with a [ knife / other object ].
❛ surprise . send an unexpected nsfw image to my muse . ❛ pin . push my muse against a [ wall, table, other ] . ❛ go down . go down on my muse . ❛ choke . intimately wrap your hands around my muse’s throat . ❛ belt loops . pull my muse closer by their belt loops . ❛ skinny dipping . go skinny dipping with my muse . ❛ rip . tear a piece of clothing from my muse’s body . ❛ mark . leave a mark on my muse’s body [ specify where ] .
also over the past like. 6+ months i’ve noticed i’ve started calling people ‘cutie’ as a term of endearment/affection and if this makes you uncomfortable PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO TELL ME. i never mean it in a patronizing way but i know it can come off that way and tbh if someone doesn’t vibe w/ it i would rather know that so i can cease and desist ❤︎