To Everybody Who Sent A Request Whether It's A Cry Of Fear Or A Creepypasta One It Will Be Written!!
to everybody who sent a request whether it's a cry of fear or a creepypasta one it will be written!! I'm very grateful to have this many asks in my inbox but I'm naturally a pretty slow writer so please be patient with me :') I'll also be remaking my pinned post to make it look better and further elaborate on the rules <3
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More Posts from Nymph-ette111
Could you do how Jeff, EJ, Toby and Ben (all separated) would react to Y/N being uncomfortable because of stretch marks on the thighs (or other parts of the body)?? Like what would they do or say about it
Sorry if it was a very long request or something ❤
That's it, have a great day/night!!

AUTHOR'S NOTE; not very proud of this tbh... anyways I didn't really get the "uncomfortable" part so I wrote it as in "insecure" I hope this is what you had in mind :( ALSO I DON'T HAVE A CHARACTER LIMIT GUYS YOU CAN ASK FOR AS MANY AS YOU'D LIKE IN ONE REQUEST!!

-not even going to attempt and sugarcoat this section... or any future headcanons that include Jeff because this man is genuinely the biggest asshole to have ever assholed on the planet.
-he doesn't even care if you're his partner, bro is actually ruthless.
-he's made you cry countless of times before.
-i mean... everyone agrees he isn't the greatest boyfriend, especially in terms of just... caring for his lover. like this man can't even do the bare minimum in a relationship.
-if he ever catches you staring at your body in the mirror for long periods of time, he'll straight up ask you.
"the fuck is wrong with you?"
-Jeff is still an intelligent man, he catches on quite quickly.
-he knew you were insecure about something, you wouldn't just sulk at the mirror for like 15 minutes straight for no reason.
-once you tell him what's wrong he kind of just... belittles you?
-that sounds wrong I KNOW. LET ME EXPLAIN.
-it's just that he doesn't understand why you're insecure about some stretch marks on your body.
-he acts like insecurities are useless bullshit as if he doesn't fake his own confidence.
-okay you fucking hypocrite.
-yeah anyways in terms of "comforting" you, said in quotation marks because Jeffrey Woods and comfort in the same sentence is actually diabolical. basically his way of making you feel better about it even if he thinks it's stupid, he forces you to show them to everyone.
-yep. usually when your partner is upset about something physically, you try to make them view said thing in a positive light, and THEN you try to encourage them to try and show it off and be confident about it. right?
-no, Jeff goes straight to the point whether you agree or not. stretch marks on your thighs and legs? you WILL be wearing that short dress. stretch marks on your arms? WEAR that short sleeve top. stretch marks on your stomach? WEAR THAT TANK TO—
-he intends good I swear he's just very mean about it.
-also when other creeps hit on you (specifically BEN) he gets mad like he wasn't the one who threw away half of your closet and forced you to wear something revealing...
-if you sit him down for a serious talk about how this doesn't help with anything and it only makes you even more uncomfortable he might mellow shit down and stop with this whole showing off your body to feel less insecure situation.
-he'll understand but don't expect him to do anything else after that because he claims that "it's not my fuckin' problem... deal with that shit yourself then"
-he is a little pissy about it because he thought he was genuinely helping you.
-having the audacity to get mad when an insufficient way of overcoming your insecurities doesn't work? okay bro.

-anyways I love him guys please request more for this goober.
-like mentioned in the previous post, Jack never judges others for the way they look physically.
-even when he was normal, he never saw the point in it. that's just the way your body is. why should he make you feel bad about it when you can't do anything to change it? even towards himself. before specific events took place, when he was just a normal college student he saw himself as average looking and didn't have a problem with it and never made an effort to try and "look better"
-but after the whole... failed cult sacrifice it earned him this villain complex mindset.
-he sees himself as an unlovable monstrosity, the fact that you were willing to be near this guy at all is mind-blowing to him.
-naturally, Jack views you as way out of his league. he believes that he doesn't deserve you.
-so, seeing you? the one who changed his life and dragged him out of the hell hole that is his mind, unsatisfied with the way your body looks because of some stretch marks?
-bro is genuinely offended. you're fucking ethereal, you're an angel from above, why can't you see that?
-but seeing you view that part of your body as something bad, he can't help but feel like you're disgusted with his too.
-for context, Jack also has stretch marks scattered all over his body. you don't like yours equals you don't like his. that's his logic.
-he wouldn't say it out loud though, of course not. he knows that it's wrong. his thoughts are just a way to bring him down and make him even more miserable, he just can't help but find any opportunity to convince his brain that he is unlovable.
-i think it's best to not talk about it Infront of him.

-he still thinks you're beautiful though, he's just overthinking :(
-quite similar to Jack, doesn't understand why you view them in such a negative light. he is genuinely borderline obsessed with you. everything... I mean EVERYTHING is perfect in his eyes. yes, including the stretch marks. yes, including the freckle on your left thigh because he is just that observant.
-this man is DETERMINED to make you feel better, he'd do anything to make you see yourself the way he does. quite aggressive with it too. you ARE pretty. stretch marks or not.
-all of the sudden, every single time you stop by a mirror to over-analyse your stretch marks, you're dragged away by Toby to talk about the nice weather outside (anyone who dares to step a foot outside will have to face the consequences of a fucking heatstroke)
-all of the sudden, he starts littering more gentle, almost ghost-like kisses all over your thighs once you two are in the safety of your rooms. it wasn't some out of the ordinary with Toby, he's always had a thing for showing his affection towards you physically. it just stepped up a notch, and the kisses are now directed towards those specific areas.
-he'll do anything to prove to you that your stretch marks are simply a part of you and your body. and he fucking loves it.

-if you don't start loving your stretch marks after all that treatment Toby is giving... the problem is you. mans is actually dedicated.
-was never good with comforting people, especially someone he cares about. he is used to always brushing his feelings away, never really confronting himself about shit. but unlike Jeff, he actually tries for you.
-I'll be honest... he probably never knew stretch marks even existed.
-once you told him what you were so upset about, he legitimately went "the fuck is that?"
-he actually has no filter, this guy speaks before he thinks.
-bet you he was typing away on his keyboard too, barely paying any attention to your little rant.
-when you realize his half-assed responses were because he wasn't even listening, you genuinely consider plugging off that ancient ass computer just to get some of his attention.
-he feels bad after that though, he'd attempt, keyword attempt to try and make you feel better.
-it probably doesn't work but you sort of let it him off the hook for it. he doesn't even know what a stretch mark looks like, he is basically trying to convince you that something he doesn't even know and has never seen in his life before is beautiful.
-the attempt is appreciated though, it's genuine enough.

(♡) Authors note; some BEN hcs for you guys :) I haven't written in a bit and my motivation to do so isn't really there so I forced myself to upload something.
-you can tell by the way I write BEN is... he's an asshole. Sure, you're his partner, he loves you and all but he would NOT let you win any of the games you two play together.
-since your hermit of a boyfriend is a 'game fanatic' you decided it'd be a little nice to spend time together doing something he loves and enjoys. Nothing could go wrong with that, right?
-loud incorrect buzzer.
-he is the embodiment of a sore loser.
-at first he starts off normally, clearly beating your ass if you aren't used to playing video games as often as he does. For him, it took zero effort to win against you.
-but if you were quite an expert gaming wise and he senses that you have a pretty good chance of winning... he's bringing out the hacking.
-he'll do anything but accept defeat; lagging the program, kicking you out mid game, glitching you out of the server... anything.
-if you ever do survive that he'll just cover your device with his grimy hands. Or just put his foot on your face.
-... he's disgusting.
-and if you somehow win (which is pretty unlikely considering the dedication he puts just so you wouldn't) his ego would be BRUISED.
-he'd sulk and pout. Claiming that he 'let you win'.
-alright, whatever you say BEN.
-only way to get the loser from ignoring you for the rest of the week is to give him a kiss on his cheek.
-preferably a blowjo—
Hiii! I don’t really know if your request are open, but I really like how you write and I want to try requesting for the first time 😭 is it possible for you write ej x female reader with father issues

AUTHOR'S NOTE; omg I love this request...ALSO NEW THEME!!!

-jack naturally takes the role of the provider in the relationship.
-his treatment towards you would really depend on how far you've gotten into the relationship.
-but still, considering jack even came to the point of accepting a special bond between the two of you, you already mean a lot to him. it's just the further he warms up the more affectionate he becomes.
-let's assume you didn't tell him about the father issues, he'd still fill in that void with his unconditional love, protection, he'd make you feel seen and really prioritize your feelings and emotions.
-but if you're comfortable enough to tell him? he's doing what he already did before tenfold.
-he views you as this sweet, delicate, pure soul. knowing what you've experienced in the past? shit doesn't sit right with him.
-it's like a primal instinct to take care of you, make sure all your needs are tended to, he'd acknowledge your efforts and praise every single thing you achieve.
-he'd do everything he couldn't.
-he'd make you feel loved.
-he'd provide you with endless amount of affection, even if it's beyond his boundaries and what he's familiar with, even if he's in a sour mood. it's probably good for the both of you. because as much as you need it, he needs it too.
-it brings comfort to the both of you.
-but if touch and physical affection wasn't your thing? completely understandable, nothing wrong with that.
-he's such a sweetheart he'd take things slow just for the sake of your comfort :(
-going at your own pace, he could always show his love in other ways!
-yeah moral of the fucking post I love this man and I need him and I want him and—
"no!!! (insert creepypasta character) wouldn't love or date you!!! they would kill you!! stop ruining the fandom!" WAH WAH WAHHHHH LET PEOPLE HAVE FUN!1!11!!! the fandom has always been silly like this although it was a bit toxic everyone was into self shipping and making OC's to insert themselves and have fun... I swear to god if I see another person talking about some "he/she would kill you irl" type of shit... YES!! WE KNOW!!!! AND WE DON'T GIVE A FUCK
can I just say? currently watching some afraid of monsters gameplay and the stabbing animation is so goofy bro