To Everybody Who Sent A Request Whether It's A Cry Of Fear Or A Creepypasta One It Will Be Written!!
to everybody who sent a request whether it's a cry of fear or a creepypasta one it will be written!! I'm very grateful to have this many asks in my inbox but I'm naturally a pretty slow writer so please be patient with me :') I'll also be remaking my pinned post to make it look better and further elaborate on the rules <3
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More Posts from Nymph-ette111
Hiii! I don’t really know if your request are open, but I really like how you write and I want to try requesting for the first time 😭 is it possible for you write ej x female reader with father issues

AUTHOR'S NOTE; omg I love this request...ALSO NEW THEME!!!

-jack naturally takes the role of the provider in the relationship.
-his treatment towards you would really depend on how far you've gotten into the relationship.
-but still, considering jack even came to the point of accepting a special bond between the two of you, you already mean a lot to him. it's just the further he warms up the more affectionate he becomes.
-let's assume you didn't tell him about the father issues, he'd still fill in that void with his unconditional love, protection, he'd make you feel seen and really prioritize your feelings and emotions.
-but if you're comfortable enough to tell him? he's doing what he already did before tenfold.
-he views you as this sweet, delicate, pure soul. knowing what you've experienced in the past? shit doesn't sit right with him.
-it's like a primal instinct to take care of you, make sure all your needs are tended to, he'd acknowledge your efforts and praise every single thing you achieve.
-he'd do everything he couldn't.
-he'd make you feel loved.
-he'd provide you with endless amount of affection, even if it's beyond his boundaries and what he's familiar with, even if he's in a sour mood. it's probably good for the both of you. because as much as you need it, he needs it too.
-it brings comfort to the both of you.
-but if touch and physical affection wasn't your thing? completely understandable, nothing wrong with that.
-he's such a sweetheart he'd take things slow just for the sake of your comfort :(
-going at your own pace, he could always show his love in other ways!
-yeah moral of the fucking post I love this man and I need him and I want him and—

(♡) Authors note; I know y'all agreed on fluff yet I found a way to make it sad 🚶♀️ NOTHING TOO SEVERE DON'T WORRY!! EJ IS LOVED AND CARED FOR!! I'm not very proud of this tbh but I really wanted to publish it so... :3c fuck writer block
Perhaps the wait was worth it— months and months of being patient, holding yourself back for the sake of Jack's comfort and boundaries that he had set from the beginning of your relationship. He finally decided to let go and embrace your touch and affection.
You sat at the edge of the bathtub, only your legs contacted the soapy water. Although the temperature was a tad bit warmer than you'd usually go for, you decided to turn it up for the cold demon. letting his inhumane body steal the warmth of the water. Your legs burned, but you didn't complain, not if Jack was holding onto them like this, his arms curled around your bottom half almost desperately, head nuzzled into your abdomen.
You knew he'd open up eventually, but you didn't expect it to abruptly happen like this. and not to this extent— he was completely stripped away from his well familiar attire and quite shockingly his mask, somewhere discarded on the cold bathroom floor. His damp hair wetting your shirt. or in other words, his shirt— worn down black tee that he handed you one day. It was like a sacred item to you.
Placing a gentle hand on his cheek, or whatever you could contact of it. You were slowly catching on. Jack was overthinking, again. You couldn't blame him though. Living your life normally, trying to pursue your dream career that you worked hard for just for everything to fall apart in the hands of a cult. Even worse, the woman you called your lover ended up being part of them. a great betrayal. It sent chills down your spine just thinking about it. Poor boy, he didn't deserve what happened to him.
The moment jack told you about the incident was engraved into your brain. It wasn't even intentional, he just dumped the information on you when he was overwhelmed. From there on you never brought it up again in respect for him. You knew if you tried to talk about it it'd only make things worse, Jack was never the one to open up about his burdens even if he trusted you. The most you could for him was take his mind off of it. Distract him from his thoughts. Make him feel loved. Let him know that all of it was in the past. That he's safe with you.
Slowly, your fingers began to caress his rough skin. You could feel the way he shuttered with every light touch. He wasn't used to such treatment. In his mind, he wasn't deserving of it— a man-eating monstrosity like him shouldn't be cared for, shouldn't be looked at even. Despite that, he still chased your hand whenever he sensed that you'll pull it away. He still yearned for the love you gave. He didn't understand why you stayed, why you even decided that the demon was worthy of your attention but deep down he knew he wanted it. needed it.
"... I can't remember the last time I did this with someone." He raised his head.
It was quite unsettling to stare into empty sockets. the tar oozing endlessly against his skin, dripping onto your hands and into the water. You didn't know what to say, anything that came to mind would've scared him off. You didn't want that; for the progress you finally made to just disappear into thin air.
Only to be proven wrong once the demon decided to rest in the crook of your neck. His arms wrapping around your waist tightly.
"can we ... stay like this for a little longer?"
hiii I saw requests were open so I wanted to know if you could write a ben with a clumsy (breaks everything and bumps against everything) and orange cat type of gf please ? <33 also a really touch starved and cuddly reader that likes to do embroidery please ??
Of course take your time with it and feel free to ignore it <33
Take care love 💕

(♡) Authors note; my first request in awhile!! I was genuinely so happy to see this :') sorry it took a little while but I LOVED WRITING THIS :3
-BEN is a pretty chill guy. and by chill I mean high as fuck 24/7.
-on the rare occurrence of being sober, he'd match your energetic and chaotic personality!
-he tends to stay in his room all day traumatizing people on the internet and drinking ungodly amounts of energy drinks (his room is actually disgusting please help him clean it) because half of the mansion hates him for being an annoying little brat. except for Jeff tho, he somewhat tolerates BEN's antics.
-your energy and overall demeanor always helps him let loose and have fun instead of hiding away all the time.
-spending time together whether it's in or outside of his room always ends up being a disaster (in a good way)
-creeps just KNOW you two are up to no good whenever you're seen together.
-you always gotta end up in trouble. even if you attempted to do the simplest tasks such as...making a fucking sandwich. all of the sudden the toaster is somehow burnt, cheese is on the ceiling and about 25 cups are broken.
-which brings us to your clumsiness :) uh yeah he fucking loves it.
-laughs his fucking ass off instead of helping you. well, he does eventually, just let him finish being a little bitch and he'll half-assedly bandage any wounds or injuries you got.
-only if they're minor injuries!! if it's something major he'll be rushing you to EJ. also yeah anything that can't be fixed with a sonic bandaid is major to him.
-the good thing is he covers up for you if you end up breaking something so you wouldn't get in trouble. so there's that.
-he actually starts carrying around bandaids more often in case you get hurt which is sweet (Jeff teases him for it)(he's jealous he doesn't have a cool relationship like you two have)
-now as for the clingy part, he'll try to act nonchalant and unbothered like yeah sit on his lap or whatever (hes never been happier, on the verge of fucking tears)
-he quickly breaks from that act and immediately reciprocates your affection even if he's a little awkward about it.
-you're his first girlfriend, please be patient he'll get used to it eventually.
-he's down bad and it's painfully obvious.
-the first time you told him about your little embroidery hobby he legit took his pants off for you to embroider a cool design on it.
-mans stood in his boxers watching you like a hawk.
-even if you weren't carrying your tools with you, you WILL bring them whether you want to or not.
-he'd be so happy, jumping up and down, kicking his feet, gawking at the desgin you made for him.
-from that day and on he'd bring you whatever clothing item he has so you could do a little something to it :')
-might even consider letting you teach him a thing or two. only simple stuff or else he'll get frustrated.
-in conclusion: he finds you very cool and he's happy you two are together, you genuinely impacted his life positively <3

(♡) Authors note; some BEN hcs for you guys :) I haven't written in a bit and my motivation to do so isn't really there so I forced myself to upload something.
-you can tell by the way I write BEN is... he's an asshole. Sure, you're his partner, he loves you and all but he would NOT let you win any of the games you two play together.
-since your hermit of a boyfriend is a 'game fanatic' you decided it'd be a little nice to spend time together doing something he loves and enjoys. Nothing could go wrong with that, right?
-loud incorrect buzzer.
-he is the embodiment of a sore loser.
-at first he starts off normally, clearly beating your ass if you aren't used to playing video games as often as he does. For him, it took zero effort to win against you.
-but if you were quite an expert gaming wise and he senses that you have a pretty good chance of winning... he's bringing out the hacking.
-he'll do anything but accept defeat; lagging the program, kicking you out mid game, glitching you out of the server... anything.
-if you ever do survive that he'll just cover your device with his grimy hands. Or just put his foot on your face.
-... he's disgusting.
-and if you somehow win (which is pretty unlikely considering the dedication he puts just so you wouldn't) his ego would be BRUISED.
-he'd sulk and pout. Claiming that he 'let you win'.
-alright, whatever you say BEN.
-only way to get the loser from ignoring you for the rest of the week is to give him a kiss on his cheek.
-preferably a blowjo—


♡˖꒰nymphette talks- just chatting or anything that isn't exactly related to writing
♡˖꒰nymphette answers- answering any questions regarding my writing that I may have forgotten to mention in this post
♡˖꒰nymphette writes- basically answering your requests
♡˖꒰nymphette reblogs- pretty self-explanatory

౨ৎ I write for fem!readers and gn!readers, if you don't mention gender in the request there's a pretty big chance I'll write the insert as female. if you're uncomfortable with that then please specify what you want when requesting.
౨ৎ I'm fine with writing graphic content/gore and mental illness/disorders. these requests will take a bit longer than the others since I like doing a bit of research before I start writing :)
౨ৎ another thing I want to mention is my characterization is pretty inconsistent! I'm still figuring it out so it may change over time.
౨ৎ English isn't my first language and I don't usually edit or double-check my writing so I apologize beforehand for any mistakes.

౨ৎ If you're into non-con, incest, stepcest, pedophilia and such topics then this account isn't for you.
౨ৎ I won't write smut. suggestive content maybe... pretty unlikely, depends on how suggestive you're talking. I know that I mention stuff like that in my writing but I do it as a joke. this is meant for a full on request.
౨ৎ I won't write for male!readers. sorry, it's just what I'm comfortable with :(
౨ৎ I don't write character x character.

–CREEPYPASTA: all characters including Masky/Tim and Hoodie/Brian even though they're from marble hornets, usually the more well-known ones but don't be discouraged from requesting others!
–CRY OF FEAR: I write for Simon and Sophie. those are like... the only important characters in the game... unless y'all want doctor Purnell or something.
–AFRAID OF MONSTERS: I still haven't finished the game so I'd prefer it if you guys didn't send in requests for this one yet! I will update this once I finish it.

dividers are by @anitalenia & @crazyfrm <3