obbicrystaleo - Crystal’s Random Writings
Crystal’s Random Writings

308 posts

Obbicrystaleo - Crystals Random Writings - Tumblr Blog

11 months ago

Thank you @nakamopapina for tagging me

I am more like Japan and Germany… I have no idea who to tag…

GUYS. NEW REBLOG GAME. I Found This On Pinterest I Dont Know Who Made This By Credits To Them!!!

GUYS. NEW REBLOG GAME. I found this on Pinterest I don’t know who made this by credits to them!!!

Me: England and Canada and Italy and Germany-

I tag: @karkacho-wha @madam-of-lithuania @marsinout @gybas-blog @koolkat9 @savameh @starsilversword @lillipupz @vikingosten @bonethievery @garnetgoose0-0 (only if you wish too ofc! <3) and anyone else who wants too!

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11 months ago
Here Is Me!

Here is me!



I tag @fweebie @a-dorky-american @koolkat9 @newhetaliafan @maplemadam @maplequeen94 @hondakiku and whoever else wants to do this

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11 months ago
Here We Go!

Here we go!

I tag @ele-millennial-weirdo

Challenge >:3

using this picrew make it look like you :D

no magical color eyes

Make it look as much like you as possible

you can do whatever with the background and stuff tho

Challenge >:3

Tagging: @ranboothesillyartist @raccoon-in-a-dumpster @i-ate-your-children @anonymouscringe @spideygal @seagull-dustin @sotogalmo @maecraft @i-like-cats-and-stars36 @ascendeddd @astertheabbs

@deadpuppetboi @connectionterminated13

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11 months ago
11 months ago
obbicrystaleo - Crystal’s Random Writings
1 year ago
I Tag @ele-millennial-weirdo

I tag @ele-millennial-weirdo

Who would you be in a fantasy society

Who Would You Be In A Fantasy Society

im just here for a good time but i feel so attacked rn

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1 year ago
I Tag @ele-millennial-weirdo

I tag @ele-millennial-weirdo

Thanks for the tag @kvietka! :)

-> Icon from picrew here

Thanks For The Tag @kvietka! :)

Tagging: @madam-of-lithuania @pinkflipphonez @readingbythestreetlights @souvenir116 @nakamopapina @hrh-nadiyalyubov @racingcore @paint-it-red-and-black @maxcuntstappen @checolate-bar @baluciarz @angie-massei ☺️

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1 year ago


🎵Sleep country Canada!🎵

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1 year ago

Very very important!!

obbicrystaleo - Crystal’s Random Writings
obbicrystaleo - Crystal’s Random Writings
obbicrystaleo - Crystal’s Random Writings
obbicrystaleo - Crystal’s Random Writings
obbicrystaleo - Crystal’s Random Writings
obbicrystaleo - Crystal’s Random Writings
obbicrystaleo - Crystal’s Random Writings
obbicrystaleo - Crystal’s Random Writings
obbicrystaleo - Crystal’s Random Writings
obbicrystaleo - Crystal’s Random Writings
1 year ago
This Is What I Got
This Is What I Got

This is what I got…

I tag: @ele-millennial-weirdo

Tag game

The link to this cute picrew site link

TOON ME! ⟪ A ⟫
➡️ 𝐀𝐋𝐓 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐖: https://picrew.me/image_maker/1944831 ➡️ 𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐖 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎: https://toon-me-picrew.carrd.co Please read the info page be

The link to this uquiz site

Tag Game
Tag Game

This is kinda accurate, but I didn't have Devianart when I was eleven and to this day I still don't have Devianart, and to be honest my older art didn't look that great either, when I look in my older art I improved my art of little bit compared to my older art

I gonna tag @kakapoto1 @marsinout @nakamopapina @lielais @unhonestlymirror @wtchysvto @pruszided @pchuaymee @yeoldehetalian @samrut @savannahthefangirl @lillipupz @aphfroghat @icelandsgirl @pepipejuan @the-studious-raccoon @not-from-amazon @caffeinated-beverage @starsilversword @meliissa-art @pinkflipphonez @lunatica2021 @rtdwishere @grapeautumn @mapleboba @gybas-blog you all can join it you want to, no pressure 💖✨️

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1 year ago

Thank you so much it's so cute!!!!

Hello... I hope you are well... I would love to see Thrawn with a reader who loves to cook meals for Thrawn when he is home. OR

Thrawn trying to cook the reader a meal and accidentally burning it slightly as he can't cook?

Which ever one you want... I love your work!!!

It's very short but very sweet &lt;3

Hello... I Hope You Are Well... I Would Love To See Thrawn With A Reader Who Loves To Cook Meals For


Thrawn always woke up early, way before you, but you’re always the one cooking breakfast.

And that is bugging him, he is not a kid to be pampered and should take on his share of the house chores! 

That is what responsible couples do.

So this morning he woke up with the firm intent to cook you breakfast and give it to you in bed. He leaned towards you to kiss your forehead like a blessing and head to the kitchen.

Having the will is a good thing, but he knows no recipes… 

In fact, all your utensils are quite… intimidating. You got some blades, are they really just for cooking? He takes one knife to weigh it up, get familiar with it. Such a beautiful blade.

He observed you so many times, he should be able to cook something, this is just chemistry and common sense. 

He opens the cabinet and choses a cookbook that inspires him. He leafs through it, observing the pictures of the dishes until he finds something engaging. Following a recipe shouldn't be too hard, he is a soldier, he learnt to obey.

He got this!


You flare your nose, opening your eyes.

What’s that smell? 

It smells… Burning! You jump out of bed in a panic, expecting to discover the apartment in flames but instead you discover Thrawn in front of a burned dish, his chin between his fingers like he is investigating something.

“Thrawn!” You let out.

He turns his head to you and nods to you as a greeting.

“Good morning, Cha’cah. You are awake sooner than I hoped for.”

“I smelt like fire.”

“It appears I made a mistake by following this recipe. I am trying to discover what got wrong.”

“But… You never cook…” You advance towards him while closing your nightgown, he really burned it to the crisp.

He sighs, admitting defeat.

“I wanted to help you. You always cook for the both of us and I wanted to return the favor.”

“Oh Thrawn, that is so sweet. You didn’t burn yourself I hope?” You worry.

“I am well. Today’s breakfast cannot say the same.”

“This is inedible. We will need to start all over.”

He looks really disappointed, which is rare. 

“I am truly sorry. It appears by wanting to help you I instead aggravated your workload.”

“It is okay, sweety.” You raise on your toes to kiss his cheek, “We can cook together. I will show you how it is done.”

You take out the vegetables and hand them to him to wash them while you sharpen the blades. You demonstrate to him how to cut an onion and a tomato and let him do it while you take care of the meat. You sauté the meat pieces with virgin oil while he adds the vegetables. You then instruct him on how to do the sauce with cream and spices. 

He does well, better than his first attempt. You congratulate him and pour the sauce before stepping back and letting him manage the cooking. He sautés the dish expertly but you remain over his shoulder to oversee the process.

“A little more…” you declare, tasting a bite, “We are close.” 

He mixes the dish with a spatula, letting it bubble for five minutes before turning the fire down.

“Well done, Thrawn!” You applaud cheerfully, “Your first dish!”

“Almost. You helped a lot.” He corrects.

“Of course, it was your first time. I wouldn’t force you to jump in the deep end.” 

“I would like to be able to do it on my own.” He says serving breakfast in plates.

“We will have plenty of occasions, love. And thank you again for wanting to help.” you take his hand on the table with eyes spilling love.

“Any time, Cha’cah. It was my pleasure.”

Hello... I Hope You Are Well... I Would Love To See Thrawn With A Reader Who Loves To Cook Meals For

@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar@thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay @obbicrystaleo @germie2037

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1 year ago

Starting up a tag game!

Favourite books of all time: All the Thrawn Books by Timothy Zahn.

Any favourite fanfics: Honestly, mostly Thrawn x Reader fanfics.

Favourite quote or quotes:

“Hey, chin up… I know the night just got darker but it won’t last forever.” (Fallout 4, Nick Valentine.)

“No one is immune to failure. All have tasted the bitterness of defeat and disappointment. A warrior must not dwell on that failure, but must learn from it and continue on.” ( Star Wars: Thrawn, Thrawn.)

Favourite tropes: Unlikely allies. Space travel.

Wanting to read: More horror books and science fiction.

I tag: @ele-millennial-weirdo @ysalamiri-queen @nakamopapina @alterundying @handbaskethell @mittheresabosen @admiral-arelami @systemic-dreams

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1 year ago

I assume that you are a bit of a pushover but caring and slightly crazy.

I Assume That You Are A Bit Of A Pushover But Caring And Slightly Crazy.
I Assume That You Are A Bit Of A Pushover But Caring And Slightly Crazy.
I Assume That You Are A Bit Of A Pushover But Caring And Slightly Crazy.
I Assume That You Are A Bit Of A Pushover But Caring And Slightly Crazy.

I tag @ele-millennial-weirdo

Note: Kitty and Calamity are from No Evil.

Making a tag game cause I can

Rules: post 4 fictional characters you relate to and assume something about the person you reblogged from based on their characters

Making A Tag Game Cause I Can
Making A Tag Game Cause I Can
Making A Tag Game Cause I Can
Making A Tag Game Cause I Can
Making A Tag Game Cause I Can

No pressure tag! @sidneyoftheblackwoods @mqstermindswift @stars-and-birds @zenilvar @forever-chained-to-myself @themidnightarcher @skeelly @thepencilsnameissteve @thislove-taylorsversion @thislifeissweeterthanfiction @swiftieannah @a-pessimistic-swiftie @catastrxblues @jellycanon @what-about-wendy and anyone else who wants to join<3

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1 year ago

💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌 :)

 Send This To The Twelve Nicest People You Know Or Who Seem To Have A Good Heart And If You Get Five

Thank you honestly! I think that you are also very nice!

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1 year ago

Thank you for the tag!

Last song: Monster by Fight The Fade.

Favourite colours: Valentine Red. Euclase or blue/Silver and black.

Sweet/Savory/spicy: I am not a big spicy fan but I do like things that are both sweet and/or Savoury.

Last thing I googled: The word Clandestine.

Current obsessions: Thrawn, Star Wars and my Diablo games.

Last book: reading a few two-spirit books.

Looking forward to: Making some fanfic and working on some original writings abs other stuff.

NPT @nakamopapina

Get to know me/People to know better

thank you so much for tagging me @cosmmicdancer :)

last song: bobby sox by green day, I think

favorite color: yellow or a yellowy orange

last movie/tv show: the OA

sweet/savoury/spicy: I need a perfect balance between sweet and savoury/spicy, because of the tism, but my wife would say its definitely sweet

last thing i googled: bahnstreik 2024 (hello fellow germans)

current obsession: moral panics and everything surrounding them

last book: currently reading stone butch blues

looking forward to: my wife getting their passport and moving in with me after almost 4 years of long distance <3

tags: @leaskisses444, @signforsign, @starsendlessly, and @amarettofemme and @sunkissedbutch, because we recently became mutuals and you seem like darlings :)

(absolutely no pressure to participate )

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1 year ago
I Got Tagged!
I Got Tagged!

I got tagged!

I tag @ysalamiri-queen , if you are interested?

Tagging game

Here's the link to this cute manga and anime style picrew

目がかなりズレます 色々調整してみてください! 🙆‍♀️してもいい事🙆‍♀️ ・アイコン、キャラシへの使用 ・多少の加工、加筆 ・メーカーを元にキャラクターを作ること ・動画やTRPGなどでの使用 ・投げ銭機能のある場所での使用や有償依頼などでの資料として使

Here's the link to the uquiz link

time to see who u really are
Tagging Game
Tagging Game

This is kinda accurate, and it does fit me and well I kinda take a little bit inspirations from vintage and 2000s shojo manga and anime art styles

I gonna tag @kakapoto1 @marsinout @nakamopapina @lielais @unhonestlymirror @caffeinated-beverage @icelandsgirl @aphfroghat @lillipupz @samrut @bombondia @yeoldehetalian @meliissa-art @pinkflipphonez @the-studious-raccoon @wtchysvto @starsilversword @rtdwishere @grapeautumn @therearelightningonthetatra @hetapeep41 you all can feel free to join it you want to, no pressure 💖✨️

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1 year ago


reblog if you consider the people youve befriended on this website (and other websites) to be real friends, even if youve never met them irl before

trying to prove something to my dad

1 year ago
This Fits So Well.
This Fits So Well.

This fits so well.

I will tag @ele-millennial-weirdo

Can we do a picrew chain? please?

Take this uquiz

Do this picrew

Can We Do A Picrew Chain? Please?
Can We Do A Picrew Chain? Please?

nf for all ofc but ill tag my friends

@3-kids-in-a-trenchcoat @esotericisnotdead @river-blue @samijami @kirby-impostor @genderfcker @destructivelynch @moonsfavoritedaughter @vermilion-love @chocolate-cake-enthusiast @logicallyanxious9z @lunarsands @icefireanimates @that-one-furry-sky @selenadoom @davvero-annoiatx and anyone else who stumbles appon this!

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1 year ago

I should not have eaten Taco Bell.

ra ra rasputin something something sour cream

1 year ago
I Am A Marsh!

I am a Marsh!

I tag @vibratingskull because why not

quiz: are you a marsh, swamp, bog, or fen?

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1 year ago


I'll be updating whenever I can!

You were standing on the balcony with a nice hot cup of coffee in hand, of the hotel you and your boyfriend Thrawn were staying at. You h

(note that anything that is italicized is Sy Bisti.) You are working on some medical reports as you are one of the higher-ranking medics on

**Thrawn can't cook Series.**

You and Thrawn make some Crêpes and you learn Thrawn can't cook. The cool air is quite nice since it’s becoming spring, the nice cool air i

You and Thrawn make some Cinnamon buns You are sitting in your apartment drinking some caff, you patiently waiting for your partner Thrawn

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1 year ago

Sick Grand Admiral Thrawn X Personal Medic Reader

(note that anything that is italicized is Sy Bisti.)

You are working on some medical reports as you are one of the higher-ranking medics onboard the Chimaera. Suddenly you get a notification on your datapad ordering you to your boyfriend Grand Admiral Thrawn’s quarters. Frowning slightly you get up and make your way over to his quarters.

Walking to his office you see Governor Pryce standing outside his office door. “There you are (Y/N)! What took you so long?” She asks sort of rudely. Looking at her calmly you sigh heavily.

“I was busy filling out medical reports, what’s the situation?” You ask calmly and she looks at you and turns to the door.

“I don’t understand a word he’s saying, none of us can!” She complains annoyed and forces you inside the room. You nearly fall over by the rough shove. You huff annoyed by The shove and walk towards Thrawn.

“Hello, Grand Admiral Thrawn,” You greet with a small smile trying to give the illusion that you two aren’t a couple. You have a gut feeling he’s quite sick. Which is why he’s not speaking Basic.

Thrawn seems to be attempting to work on some data, but he’s struggling. He looks at you and gives a feeble and tired smile. “Hello, (Y/N),” He greets in Sy Bisti. You walk up to him and place a hand on his forehead.

“You’re running a really bad fever,” You say honestly and Thrawn frowns slightly in mild confusion. You repeat yourself in Sy Bisti.

“I’m not that sick, I’m just a little under the weather, Ch’ eo Vir” Thrawn tries to deny his ailment but you shake your head. You know he’s sick just by the fact he’s not even trying to speak in Basic.

“You are going to bed this is not up for debate as your personal medic, I’m ordering you to bed… Now!” You order firmly using your role as Thrawn’s personal medic to your advantage.

Thrawn sighs heavily and gets up a little wobbly on his feet. You quickly walk over and help him into his quarters which are just in the adjoining room. He leans on you heavily and luckily you both work out together and help each other get stronger.

You work on getting him out of his uniform and changed into some pyjamas. Once he’s in the pyjamas you work on getting him some medicine. “Will I need to take all of it?” he asks slightly childishly.

“If you want to get better and track down those nasty rebels you’ll need to take all your meds,” you say firmly and he pouts slightly. Which gets you to smile and pet his head slightly as he leans into your touch. Probably because feel cooler than him right now.

You start humming a lullaby from your homeworld in hopes of helping him sleep. He puts his head on your lap. “Your lap is so comfy,” he says tiredly and you smile at him.

“Love, I need to get your medication, so you can get better,” You tell him honestly and he pouts slightly not wanting to leave your lap. “When I get back with the medication you can sleep on my lap, does that work for you?” You ask and he nods his head tiredly.

He sighs as it’s clear that he is quite comfortable on your lap. “Be quick,” he orders and you nod your head and stand up from his bed and leave his quarters. Before you leave his office you put a note that Thrawn is sick and will be off-duty for a while.

Exiting Thrawn’s office you see Governor Pryce waiting for you. “Well, (Y/N) what is the problem with Thrawn? Why isn’t he speaking Basic?” She asks sounding slightly worried. It’s the first time you’ve heard her sound worried.

“He’s sick, I’m going to be treating him, but first I need to get him some medication from the infirmary,” You tell her honestly, Pryce frowns and looks at you with a bit of curiosity. Sighing heavily you look at her calmly. “Governor Pryce, He is a different species and has different needs than humans, his room is tailored to his needs and comforts and I am not going to alter the temperature of the infirmary for one patient,” You state firmly and she nods her head in understanding.

“I see, well make sure he gets better quickly,” She orders rudely and you nod your head. Walking quickly to the infirmary you collect some medication for Thrawn and your datapad knowing that you aren’t going to be able to leave his quarters once you get back.

As you swiftly make your way back to Thrawn’s quarters you see Agent Kallus walking towards you. “Medic (Y/N),” He greets you formally. You nod your head in greeting and he stops you. “Do you know when Thrawn will be back on his feet?” Kallus asks sounding slightly suspicious.

“I estimate that he may be down for about a week or so,” You inform him honestly and he nods his head. “Why do you need to know this?” You ask and he shrugs his shoulder.

“I’m just worried is all,” Kallus says but you feel like that might be a lie but you didn’t have time to speculate. You need to get back to your boyfriend and take care of him. He leaves and you continue on your way to Thrawn’s quarters.

Entering Thrawn’s quarters you see him sleeping sitting up with a blanket wrapped around him. You smile seeing him like this.

Walking over you gently shake him awake. “Love, I got your medicine,” You say softly so as not to scare him awake. He gently opens his eyes and pulls you into the blanket with him. “Love, take your medicine, then you can sleep in my lap,” you order, he groans slightly but complies.

Letting you go you take some medicine from your medic bag and hand it to him with some water. He takes the medicine and scowls at the taste of the liquid medicine. “Now can I sleep in your lap?” He asks sort of sheepishly and you nod your head.

You sit on his bed near the headrest and he lays on your lap, gently you begin petting his head and singing a lullaby from your homeworld. He yawns as he listens to you sing and soon falls asleep in your lap. 

Thrawn sleeping peacefully is quite a sight and you know that you are very lucky to be the one he feels comfortable enough to leave himself vulnerable and exposed. You know this trust is not easily earned. And you feel very special to be that one person he trusts the most.

Leaning back against the headrest you yawn feeling tired and soon you doze off to sleep. Knowing that you are both safe and that you both take care of each other.

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