oc-mother - I create a lot of OCs and AUs
I create a lot of OCs and AUs

Female/21/Loves pokemon and making OCs/Reblogs and likes are appreciated. Just tag me in reblogs pls

710 posts

An Introduction Picture For The Level Of One Of My Game Projects, For Human Wobbuffets Level.

An Introduction Picture For The Level Of One Of My Game Projects, For Human Wobbuffets Level.

An introduction picture for the level of one of my game projects, for Human Wobbuffet’s level.

Context: Human Pokemon Me, (role term name: “victim”), finding Human Wobbuffet’s box, the one that he uses to steal souls, and it opens, causing a glow. (I am not really good at glows, pls forgive me). 

Human Wobbuffet, the REAL Wobbuffet, has snuck up on me. 

I am super proud of this picture. 

(Do note that my human pokemon design is super bland in this picture because I do not have it fully designed yet. So i decided to go simple, until i finalized the design).

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More Posts from Oc-mother

3 years ago
Here Is A Drawing Of A Bit Of A Credits Bit For One Of The Bigger Game Projects.

Here is a drawing of a bit of a credits bit for one of the bigger game projects. 

Who is “T”? Well, you’ll just have to find out for yourself!


(Who knew that the GORE brush did so wonderfully for clouds!?)

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3 years ago
Here Is A Small Expression Sheet Of My Human Fib.

Here is a small expression sheet of my Human Fib. 

Yes, Fib as in the one from VeggieTales. But as a “human”. He is still an alien, he just isn't a giant blue, three tiered snowman with disproportionate arms. 

This expression sheet is actually in order, which means, if i turned this into a comic, these who faces would be in order on the page. 

The context of these expressions are: In the story, i gave him the ability to sound like he is coming from one direction, when in reality, he is coming from the other, and he is using this on the MC. 

So, as she is running towards the front door, she thinks he is behind her, so she looks behind her, not looking where she is going. 

Fib rounds the corner in front of her, not knowing that she is running not only at full speed, but also not looking where she is going. They end up colliding at full speed, and due to the fact that she turned her head just at the right moment, they accidentally KISS.

Of course, this is not intentional on Fib’s part, and due to the fact that he had never been shown any kind of intentional or unintentional “love”, he’s trying to decipher what happened and if he liked the rush of, whats the chemical in the body, endorphins?

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3 years ago


So, basically, this is a digital version of a drawing i did a long time ago traditionally while sitting in the living room of my Grandma’s house. 

These two individuals could be more called souls, but i put it down as Ghosties, so i am keeping the term. And “Soulies” doesn't have the same ring to it. 

The blue one represents me, and the red one represents Brian. 

Yes, although Brian is partially cold blooded, due to being a Dark Alpha NAGA, he loves slushies, particularly the blue raspberry flavored ones. He has a brain freeze in the one with the blue haze in his head, but he is being grumpy and in denial about it.

The grey thing is me when i am trying to be aggressive. I tried to blend the red and the blue colors, but i kinda got a weird green, which i used. 

Either way, this is super cute. 


The blue squiggles were to fill up the empty spaces, and don't mean anything too special. 

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3 years ago
Just A Funny Little Drawing Of What TUO Is Like When He Is Drunk.

Just a funny little drawing of what TUO is like when he is drunk. 

He actually doesn't like the taste of alcohol, claims its far too bitter for him, (he loves sugary sweet things), but drinks it anyway when he wants to fit in with the common crowd, especially when it comes to the Gotham or SugarGlider universe. 

“I don't get drunk, I get more fun!”

He definitely gets more “fun”, in the sense of the term. But he would definitely get even MORE cuddly than he is normally. 

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3 years ago

Custom drawing challenge for JUNE!

Hi, i found i was a little sad for missing mermay, and i know i don't need to have it be may to be able to do a mermaid every day, but i felt like if i was doing a challenge it would motivate me more to continue it. 

So, i decided to look for drawing challenges for the month of June. And not just random prompt words, no, actual cool drawing challenges with cool names! 

First i thought of the Junebug challenge, but of course i decided to do it with a twist. Make human/bug hybrids of all the insects on the page! 

But, then i found that there wasn't enough cool looking bugs that amounted to 30. (Yes, i wanted to do a custom one, since, well... i wanted to be unique and use insects that i never had heard of before).

So i decided to do HORROR sonas, something in a neich (I don't know if i spelled that right), that i was in. (To a point)

So i did that, and i came up with the same problem. Then i realized, that the reason i was doing the Junebug challenge was to tie in with one of my books, and that how the humans BECAME bug hybrids is kind of spooky on its own, so i figured that i could FUSE them together into one list. 

And here it is, if anyone wants to join me. 

Unlike most lists, you don't have to do it in order. (Not that you HAD to do it with other lists). I don't even know if i will do it in order myself. 

The only thing i will say is that with the bugs, they are human/that bug hybrids, not just that bug on its own. But you do you...

Horror sonas/Junebug prompts

1.       Cadou sona (Res E 8) - basically what you would turn into if you were a “successful” experiment, with human intelligence and whatnot. 

2.       DBD sona (Dead by Daylight) (Could be Killer or Survivor, if you want, you could also be an entity, as long as its in the DBD universe) 

3.       FNAF sona (Animatronic, victim, or guard)

4.       The Forest Sona - (The Forest is a game on steam that counts as a horror game)

5.       The Evil Within Sona

6.       Res E 7 sona - basically if you turned into a super powered family member, NOT a random mold zombie. 

7.       CreepyPasta Sona

8.       Goosebumps Sona

9.       Silent Hill Sona

10.   Stranger Things Sona

11.   The Horror Section Sona (Pagemaster)

12.   Mad science sona

13.   Flowering mantis

14.   Atlas moth

15.   Glasswinged butterflies

16.   Filbert Weevil

17.   Ladybug

18.   Christmas beetle

19.   Orchid Bee

20.   Hummingbird moth

21.   Southern Giant Darner

22.   Violin Beetle

23.   Wax tailed bug

24.   Hickory Horned Devil Moth

25.   Poodle moth

26.   Luna moth

27.   Fly

28.   Dragonfly

29.   Cricket

30.   Plume moth

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