oceanlue - 🌧Oceanlue🌊

I am not an auron simp

430 posts

Awwww This Is Cute

Awwww this is cute

Hello I saw the one where rook saw young auron but what if it was switched and auron saw teen rook.

and rook wore cute clothes like a big sweater and had half of there hair covering half her face and she's all shy and auron acts all smooth and makes young rook blush hard

If you don't mind that is

Oh lord it's teenage me-

Auron didn't know why he felt like he needed to wake up, his partner is still sleeping and it was three in the morning. Rook looked so beautiful sleeping there next to him, he couldn't help but smile. Ever since his teenage self somehow came here he wondered about their teenage phase.

Was it as bad as his? Or maybe it was tamed? They seem like their head is on straight as an adult but he knows being a teen is confusing and hard sometimes. Sighing to himself he got up to see if a glass of water would help him, hopefully it's not one of those nights where he can't sleep for no reason.

Walking to the kitchen he realized how it was on grabbing a vase in the hallway as a weapon Auron walked slowly to the entrance. Stepping through it he saw a younger Rook? Who hasn't seen him yet and seems to be panicking while gripping their hair. Whispering incoherent things while rocking back and forth on the floor, this caused Auron to softly set the vase on the counter and speak.

"Um, hello there." Head snapped to where they heard the voice and backed up to a cabinet while watching Auron intently. Watching his every move to see if he would hurt them, they don't know how they got here and they really REALLY want to go home.

"Hey it's okay I'm not going to hurt you. Can you tell me how you got here?" Calmly asking as he crouched down on the floor in front of the younger version of Rook. Who started to tear up curling into themselves and started to babble something he couldn't understand. "Shhh, dear you need to breath and try to calm yourself. Then tell me what you said again." A small nod was his reply as younger Rook tried to steady their breathing for him.

"My...my name is (Y/N) and I don't know where I am or how I got here..." Auron nodded and looked to the hallway thinking he should wake up Rook. As if someone was listening to his thoughts Rook appeared out of thin air at the entrance of the kitchen.

"Hey...Auron who're you talking tooooooo- on my god that's teenager me??" Now fully awake Rook was pointing to their younger self. Who was pointing at them as well in surprise it was like that one spider-man meme Rook showed Auron once. Auron sighed and decided to introduce them to each other.

"Rook, it seems your younger self was brought? teleported? I don't know like how my younger self was." A sigh was his reply as Rook got on the group as well. Looking ar their younger self they cringe a bit at the outfit they had on.

"Wow my taste in clothing improved as I got older." Nonchaluntly saying as they got a glare from their younger self.

"HEY! I dress good what do you mean?? At least I'm not a miserable adult with no personal touch on their outfits!" Snapping at their older self it felt weird. Both Rook's almost started a argument but Auron stepped in.

"Do not start arguing with your younger self please, dear?" A pointed look made Rook nod in agreement they wouldn't. Then Auron looked at Rookie, he decided to call them since he always called Rook, Rook. "And Rookie they aren't miserable." Rookie nodded all of them got silent. Then a stomach growled, Rookie flushed as they covered their stomach.

"Can...can I have food please?" Shyly asking as they looked at the adults in the kitchen. Auron nodded then turned to Rook, both had a silent conversation on what to eat.

"I'll have something ordered to us, what would you want?" Rookie gave him excited eyes as they gave their order. Auron nodded as he grabbed his phone then looked at Rook, they gave their order too. After a while the three of them decided to talk.

"Now, are you fully sure you don;t know how you got here?" Questioning Rookie, Auron was thinking of how his younger self got here. But could Rookie saw something but forgot because of the confusion of going to the future? Rookie was glaring at the floor in though then snap their head up.

"I saw this flashing light! I was walking home from school and all of a sudden I'm here!" Finally recalling what happened Rookie glared at the floor again, "I think I saw someone blonde? He was doing something? I think I saw a younger version of yourself?" Looking at Auron Rookie nodded, "Yeah I think I did." Rook hearing all of this then wondered, what the fuck is happening to this timeline?

Auron on the other hand was silent, so Finn is trying to fix something but fucked up again. Shocker. He then decided to just move the other two's attention "Luckily we dealt with something like this before, you'll go back in a couple of hours. So we'll feed you and answer questions okay?" Giving the younger Rook a smile, Rookie blushed at how handsome he was. How the hell did they manage to bag someone this hot??

Auron then got a text saying the food was here, telling the other two he'd be back the two Rook's were left with each other. "Holy shit he's hot??" Rook smirked at their younger self in victory. Knowing that they always had trouble getting a partner in the past.

"Yeah I know, not to toot our own horn but, toot toot, huh?" Both giggle at the connection they made from gawking at Auron's beauty they then started to chat about other things. Then when Auron came back they ate breakfast, then continue to chat about thing as a trio before Rookie finally left.

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More Posts from Oceanlue

9 months ago

Hehehehehhe I love this

The song "Suger Daddy" by Qveen Her by kinda reminds me of Auron and Rook in a way.

If possible could you do a one shot based on this song of Auron and Rook, if not that's fine.

-☯ Anon

Give me the card, please?

When Auron and Rook's relationship got out finally every magazine and paparazzi asked them if they were his sugar baby. They answered no obviously, they didn't really get gifts because they didn't want him to spend money on them. They fell in love for his personality not his money, plus the gifts they did get were full of thoughts of them and to their preference like if it was a clothing piece. The type of fabric, cutting, and size was tailor to them and if wasn't their preference he'd just buy another.

They thought it would give the public their fill on their relationship but no. Of course it didn't people are nosy, like these fucking trophy wives at this gathering. Rook was in a simple classic outfit that Auron made for them, matching set and it looked so sexy on the both of them. Rook didn't care what these people thought of them but these fucking ladies and men even kept asking them questions.

"Well how much does he spend on you?" Looking up and down the lady in front of them was decked in Gucci. Rook simply said enough to make them not look fake, unlike that ladies dress. It got them a huff and the lady walking away from them.

"Child he has all that money and you don't wanna use it?" Greedy eyes looked at them, these one piss Rook off. They told the man that they had so much money they didn't know what they wanted to use it on. Happens when your partner has so many comas in his bank and loves to spend it on you when you wish. His jaw got clenched at those words and simply nodded.

"By the way you act so coldly to us I'd think Auron simply has you to fuck." Everyone hushed at those words, Rook turned slowly and saw some nepo baby looking back at them. They seemed a year younger than them, Rook didn't even flinch as they got in their face. "Your not a sugar baby, your just a slut he gets to use when needed." Gasps and 'oh's' were heard as the crowd parted for Auron to come to Rook.

"Mrs. Goldburg, I think I misheard you. Did you just call my partner a shameful name?" Glaring down at the blonde copy and paste bitch who tried to look innocent. Her name, what was it again? Rook wondered as they downed their glass of champagne.

"Oh, your name is Aubrey. Aubrey Goldburg, your family has been doing business with Auron for a while, yes?" Questioning the younger woman as they gestured a bus boy to them to place their glass down. Aubrey, surprised Rook even known her name nodded watching their moves.

"You will no longer be working with us. A shame really, your father was a respectful man when I met him last year when making the contract. I actually was the one to introduce him to my lover." Nonchalantly saying as they took another glass from the bus boy they saw Aubrey blink rapidly.

"W...Wha-" She was cut off abruptly by her Father rushing to the scene. His face grew pale as he saw who was in the middle of the crowd with his daughter. Richard really needed her on her best behavior, but of course she had to act out in their family name.

"Aubrey, dear, what did you say to them?! Rook, my friend I deeply apologize to you for my daughter." Richard knew he needed to kiss ass so bad right now but also knew that Rook would ignore him so he looked at Auron. Which was a bad idea because he was glaring down at the man who he was just sharing a drink with a minute ago.

"Richard, look. I'll be nice since I do see you as a true friend of mine I met when i first came into the public like this. Your contract with us will be suspended, Auron?" Not looking at their partner they knew he already notified Trish to fucking burn it if necessary.

"Of course dear, I will be exterminating that contact as soon as we get in the limo." Everyone began whispering and gossiping about the two Goldburg's in the middle as the power couple of the high society shot them down from fame with simple words. Rook didn't even show any emotion as Aubrey began to cry because her family contract with Auron was everything. A long tried sigh was heard by everyone as Rook threw a glass by Aubrey.

"Auron, take me home. This girl ruined my mood to enjoy this party." Annoyance was heard in their voice as they began walking to the door gesturing the coat man to get their coat quickly. Auron followed right behind them as he talked quietly with them. These actions caused everyone to talk about what just happen and sadly Richard was trying to calm his daughters cries but she started to just scream random things.

"And Richard?" The said older man snapped his head at them as the room quieted to hear them, "I'll have Auron recontact you if your daughter is properly taught etiquette of how she should act to the people who help her. Good night everyone." Leaving swiftly with Auron to the limo their words shook the high society that attended that night.

In the limo Auron was looking at them in his lap as they slumped into him. Tired form having to keep their guard up around those fucking assholes, but ripping that bitches life apart in front of her made it worth it.

"Are you okay, dear?" Softly spoken as Auron pet their head, and kissed their head. Rook nodded, feeling like being nonverbal was the best choice by speaking so much at this event. But then an idea came to them, how about they show those asshole's a real sugar baby?

"Auron, I want to spend money. Can I have the card, please? For tomorrow?" Sweetly asking and this clicked quickly in Auron's head as he nodded smiling a them.

"Of course dear." Happily saying as Rook doesn't usually use his money to throw at their problems. No matter what they bought the money would come back as quickly as it left.

"Thank you, sir." Seductively saying as they kissed his cheek. Giving a giggle as Auron kissed them in return, this turned in to them having a bit of fun in the back seat. As Rook woke up they saw a Black credit card by their table side, smiling at the note Auron left saying 'buy anything dear, I'll cover it.' Rook got dressed up in the most expensive outfit Auron bought them and went straight to a big mall. They even invited Aubrey and some of the people from the party Rook actually enjoyed talking too.

"Hhmm, Aubrey where should I shop at? I want to just spend money because I can." She took them to Prada, Gucci, Louis Vuitton and other stores Rook couldn't bother remembering. While shopping Rook sighed in annoyance as no one was trying to help them, didn;t these people know who they were?

"Hi, I was here for a while can I have someone help me please?" politely asking a worker who huffed and went to get a manager. Who rudely told them that they would't have anything for them, Rook pissed off then decided to ask. "How much can I buy this mall for?" The manager started to stutter asking them what they mean. "Ugh never mind I'll just ask Auron." This caused the manager to sweat more.

Ringing up Auron Rook looked at their entourage and smiled "I'm just going to buy this all so I can just take what I want whenever you know? Just sssooo much easier on me!" Then turning to talk to Auron about buying the mall. After a few minutes, Rook closed their phone and walked back to the manager. Giving him a big smile as another man rushed to him, greeting Rook first before telling him quickly.

"Sir, this Mx is now the owner of our shop. It is nice to meet you Mx." Sweetly saying as he tried to seem composed in front of them. Rook just nodded as the other manager looked shocked as everyone looked at him to see what he would say.

"Mx I apolog-" Rook held up their hand and sigh deeply before looking around and stopping at the new man that rushed ot them.

"Your the new manager now, got it? And you your fired get the fuck out." Everyone looking was staring at the now ex manager. Who simply nodded and walked to the back of the store, because what do you do in this incidence?

Aubrey looked in awe as Rook commanded five people to help them choice something to wear. Rook threw things they thought were ugly to the workers that were rude to them. And giving tips to the workers that were nice to them, showing to them that if they ever try Rook again they'd make their lives hard.

"I'm tired of this shop let's go somewhere else. I think I want a smoothie." They yawned as they wore a fur coat and had a whole new outfit that fit them perfectly. And just like that Rook had the best shopping spree as they walked in to a shop and grabbed whatever they wanted. Who would stop them? No one, even when there was paparazzi asking them why they bought the mall when walking out to their new limo.

"I just wanted to shop. Why? You have something to say?" This caused the paparazzi asking them questions stumble over their words. Rook shrugged them off as they got into the limo, after giving commands to the men holding their things to take it to the pent house. While in the limo they fanned themselves and started to complain how shopping made them tired.

"We should go to a spa!" One girl said Lizzy, she was really sweet telling Rook the options there. Rook nodded and told the driver to go there, everyone was chatting as they got in. Enjoying their time gossiping about the couples and drama between families. Then it was 6 pm, Rook sighed deeply again everyone looked at them as they pouted.

"Sorry everyone, I'm tired from having so much fun with you all. I think I'm going to go back to my lover now. I'll have limo's drive you home. Hugs and kisses to all of youu!" Rook said as they got in to a separate limo. They smiled as they saw Auron in the limo, giving him a smile as they showed off their outfit.

"Don't I look amazing? Too bad it'l probably only be wore a few times after this. Oh well!" Giggling as they leaned on Auron getting their battery recharged with him. They then asked about Auron's day, he went on about doing a recontact and how Richard was groveling the whole time. They fell into a silence as they felt this hectic day come to a end as they got back to the pent house.

While they enjoyed their time inside tabloids and articles were going insane how "Sugar Baby to the cold CEO rich man spent so much money in one hour alone." Rook had a feeling that they would be enjoyable to read so they decided to leave that for tomorrow for when Auron had a day off to make fun of them with Rook.

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10 months ago

I love this

Ik its not ur post but the camp counselor hcs got me thinkin about the listeners being counselors for another camp and the boys camp and theirs have a friendly rivalry. The boys n listeners sittin around a campfire at night when all the kids are sleeping. End of camp counselor vs counselor tug of war. Pls its so cute

Tug of War.

Both sides were whisper yelling at each other as they all pulled on the rope as hard as they could. Trying to be quiet since all the kids were put done to sleep, Auron could feel a headache coming on from all the grunting. Sighing he looks to his right to see Rook cheering, silently, on the group their friend's were on, while the boys were on the other side. The whole thing started because Alphonse was shit talking to Boo. Which usually didn't cause anything to happen but Boo decided why not take him up on his bet he said in the spur of the moment? First they had to convince Auron that it was a good idea.

"No." is what they got, the older man was looking over different papers of the children that came in making sure that none of the activities tomorrow would affect any of them.

"Auron, pal, budd-" A glare was shot at Alphonse to shut him up. It was clear they weren't going to get through to him as they were politely kicked out of his cabin. Boo had a plan B for situations for this, dragging Alphonse by his arm they started to hunt down Rook's location on the grounds.

On the other side of the camp, Rook was closing the last door of the cabin they were watching over today. But as they turn they almost screamed when Boo spawned out of no where, Alphonse seeing this hurried to cover Rook's mouth. The person with his hand on their face glared at both of them, it's funny how Rook can gather up energy to give them the 'Auron Stare' as Faust says. So Alphonse quickly got his hand off of their face as Boo explained the bet he said.

"Okay so, Al here, shit talker mother fucker." A eye roll is what they got as a response, "Said that the boys could beat us listeners in a tug of war game easily." Rook looked at Al and giggled. They wondered why both decided to tell them this...oh so that's what they need from them.

"And you couldn't convince Auron that it was a good idea?" The baker and pinkette nodded together. Rook sighed as they whipped out their phone and checked the time, "If I can't convince him in 5 minutes were going to have it tomorrow so the kids can have something fun to watch got it?" The other two nodded as they rushed to tell the other counselors the fun idea. It was easy to get all the adults at the campfire that they usually have when the kids all hunker down for the night. But it was kinda hard to convince them to play tug of war.

"Why would I want to do that and ruin my nail polish?" Faust said as Star sat next to him, but luckily his partner answered for Alphonse.

"What scared us listeners would win?" Faust looked at his partner unfazed, "Starlight you need to try harder than that." Some of the adults agreed with Faust, not with the nail polish but it was kinda late to be doing this.

"How about a reward for the group that wins?" Scout smirked as they spoke, this got everyone attention. "Losers....have to clean the bathrooms." They all looked at Scout who was glaring at Alphonse, "What you say candy boy?" Alphonse scoffed as he bend down to talk shit, "Be-" He was interrupted by a loud cough.

Auron was standing there with his arms crossed with a annoyed look on his face, along with a viewable kiss mark. Rook was smiling next to him holding one of his arms "I was able to convince him!" Auron rolled his eyes as he looked at Alphonse, Boo and Scout.

"So, losers clean the bathrooms? Fine." Alphonse sent a thank you to Rook but Auron spoke again, "Who's going to play?" Looking at the group of adults most of the listeners agreed to play but of course. Faust had to be convinced, what got him into gear was Auron whispering something to him and he got up quickly.

"Let's get this over with, I have paper work that needs to be done." And so here we are now on the boy's side is; Alphonse, Faust, Charlie, Finn, Seth, Jack, and Lucien. With the listeners having; Boo, Scout, Star, Casper, Sunflower, Buddy, and Angel. Auron and Rook were out because, Auron was the only one all of them were comfortable to have being the referee and Rook was automatically out to make the sides even.

"I want this over quickly so play fair, who ever crosses the line first is the loser. Wake the kids up 10 laps on the track, and now both sides ready?" Both sides held up the rope with determination in their eyes. Rook held up the flag waiting for Auron's mark "Ready....set....go!" The listener's were able to yank to rope a bit to their side but Lucien in the back of the boy's line anchored them down.

Grunts and quiet cursing on heard on both sides, along with shit talking of course. "Hey Boo, don't be mad when we win, ok?" He almost was yanked forward by Boo's pure spite, "How about you pull on that rope before I'll make you fall for me again, pretty boy." Rook giggled seeing the couple being competitive against each other. It was them that got the counselors in bets half of the time, like who can eat the most sandwiches. Lucien was happy with this one because he got to try making sandwiches that the kids might like.

Auron looked at Rook who was cheering silently for their friend's, maybe this wasn't so bad. The kisses he got to convince him weren't all that bad either, but he was getting bored quickly over this as neither side gave up the rope. But that changed when Alphonse told Big Red to pull harder, this caused the listeners to panic since Big was well, bigger and stronger than them. Angel trying to counter their partner pulled all their weight to Anchor everyone down.

Buddy and Sunflower started to do the same as they tried to pull the rope to them more. As the tug of war game was going on the ground was getting smashed more, and a pitter patter of rain started.

"Fuck." Alphonse said as he tried to focus on not slipping in the now forming mud at his feet. Rook giggled as they opened an umbrella "Poor guy didn't check the forecast, crazy that there was gonna be a bit of rain on this summers day huh, Auron?" Auron laughed a bit as he held them close and the umbrella as well.

"Hopefully this'll teach him a lesson to make make silly bets during the night." As he said this Alphonse slipped in the mud and Boo being a loving partner they are took this opportunity to yank hard on the rope as the other listeners did after them. The yank caused Red to fall on Seth, because Jack seeing the mountain of a man moved out the way. Causing all the other boys to fall forward.

"And the winners are...The listeners!" Auron said nonchalantly as he looked at Alphonse who was whipping mud off his face glaring at Boo. Faust was whinnying about the mud getting on his shirt from falling and Star rushed to help him, the others following after making sure their partners were okay. The only one okay with the mud on them was Finn, he had actually fallen in the mud earlier today during gardening time with his group.

After everyone got to their respectful cabins they all washed off and Auron told the boys "I want the bathrooms cleaned before the kids wake up, thank you." Rook followed him after to his office in his cabin with a giggle as they told everyone good night.

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9 months ago

This is beautiful

I loved the yandere rook.....can we get another one but with a guy trying to get with rook please

Oh, we're both crazy about each other.

Auron usually doesn't let shit like this get to him but. This fucking guy is going to get fucking killed by him. He first took notice this guy, Ricardo, some random guy from legal that seemed to be taking a shine at Rook. Since he was the one that had to shadow them to understand what he needed to do for his job there. Seeing him always wanting to have small talk with them, asking questions, seeming like he doesn't know what to do and Rook scolds him jokingly as they tell him what he did wrong.

Rook knew what he was doing and just didn't want to deal with him. Making it clear early on if Ricardo ever asked to go out for like a karaoke night, cafe, or even wanting to get a bite together. But it seemed he didn't catch the hint right in his face, he even though buying gifts for his lover was a good idea. Auron could give them anything they wanted at a snap of his fingers and it would make him happy just to do it.

"Awe, these flowers are so cute!" Cooing was heard as Rook, touched the flowers. He saw Ricardo smiling to himself, but then got mad when Rook threw the card away and walked away with the flowers to Trish. Giving them to her saying they don't have enough room for them at their desk sadly.

"God what the fuck will it take for them to get with me?" Was hissed out by the other man. Clutching his pen hard to where it snapped, ink getting all over him as he glared at Rook's direction. Causing Auron to go up to him and bash his skull into his desk while he tells him why, why Rook would never look in his fucking direction because they belong to Auron just like he does to them. He felt someone touch him suddenly, snapping out of the day dream he looked down and saw Rook smiling at him.

"Auron? Are you okay?" Innocently asking him while giving him those eyes that told him they needed to talk. So he nodded, not wanting to give a verbal answer because he didn't want them to feel like his anger was directed to them. And so they talked, just like they did with Elizabeth, where ever that woman is at, they both understood if Ricardo did something drastic Auron would handle it.

"Auron, if you just grab him all of a sudden. Who's going to take his side? Let him do something that will ruin his reputation with the company then we can do whatever we want with him. Okay?" Whispering into his ear as they kissed all over his face to give him some peace. It did help him a bit, having them in his lap always did seem to make his reaction better.

Reluctantly Auron had to wait to grab that fucking man, he really wanted to get him but Rook told him that he didn't need to do anything. They can handle him if needed because they almost killed a person, but Auron wanted to handle him not them. Let his hands get dirty for them and he would gladly do it, he doesn't want them to cry like they did with Elizabeth.

Ricardo though, had some type of idea of the relationship between them. That's why that fucking slut didn't get with him! Of course they'd go to the richer and more powerful man! But that's okay. Why? Because it's obvious that they are with him because of his money! Who would say no to a man that powerful, he seen how Auron looks at them. Like a predator having a meek prey in his clutches to play with.

So he decided to stay behind when Rook did, secretly so Auron didn't try and stop him to talk to them. He walked silently to their desk, where they were typing away quickly seeming to be working on another mindless ask that Auron assigned them.

"Rook, can we talk?" Simple words made them snap their head to his direction. Alarm bells were ringing in Rook's head when seeing Ricardo after work, so late as well.

"Yes? Ricardo?" Watching him intensely Rook was watching his every move in case they needed to defend themselves. They felt them arm tense up when he stepped into their office and shutting the door behind him.

"I know what you and Auron have between each other! But don't worry I can help you!" Excitedly swinging his arms around wildly as he explained his thought process more, "Of course you didn't let it seem like you liked me back because Auron wouldn't let you! Don't worry if we just tell someone from upper management or something we can get him away from you!" Resentment in the last part made Rook swiftly unlock their phone while Ricardo kept talking and called Auron.

Auron, while all of this was happening was in his office ready t go visit his lover. They hadn't seen each other during work hours sadly, so they were going to make it up during after hours. Seeing a call from Rook he paused and quickly snatch his phone off the desk and listened to the other side. After hearing Ricardo talking loudly saying something about his and Rook's relationship, so he rushed out of his office to them. That fucking man better not have touched them or he swear to any deities listening or some higher beings he better fucking pray Auron doesn't kill him.

The words Ricardo was saying were getting more frantic and Rook tried to talk calmly to him. Then he head something that made his heart sink, "Why is your phone in your hand like that." Hearing that demand Auron wished these fucking elevators would go quicker he was one floor away from getting to them.

"Ricardo I have my phone because my partner texted me something-" A crash was head on the other end as Rook yelped. Auron's grip on his phone almost cracked it, hearing Rook's fear made him get more furious with this fucking asshole.

"YOU CALLED HIM DIDN'T YOU-" Shuffling was heard as the elevator dinged and Auron almost pried those doors open as he bolted to their office. Seeing the door closed and hearing shouting behind it he didn't think and started to ram into it. On the other end this caused Ricardo to snap his head behind him and Rook used this to grab a vse in their office and smash it over his head.

"OW??" Screeching his pain the other man turned and sneered at Rook, "Come here you fucking-" Angry words were cut off by the door flying open and seeing a flash of red grip his throat quickly. Everything happened so quickly as Auron slammed the man down and held him there. Rook backed away from the interaction, not wanting to get caught between the two and also because them smashing the vase over Ricardo's head had cut them.

"Rook are you okay?" Auron asked as he focused his wild eyes on Ricardo. Paralyzing the other man in fear of what Auron would do to him, good, Auron thought this fucking pathetic man should be scared. Auron was thinking of a million ways to end him for thinking he could go on to Rook like that and think there wasn't no consequences.

"I'm fine, I just want to go home." Meekness was heard in their voice, Auron fucking hated that. So he got his phone out, calling two people. One being someone to get rid of this guy and his chauffeur to get Rook to his pent house safely. "Auron, I want you to come with me please." Simple plead made Auron melt a bit. But he wanted to fuck with this man.

"Okay Rook, but let me do something first." When finishing Auron started to punch Ricardo in the face rapidly. Sick thuds were heard in Rook's office as they watched Auron get their revenge for scaring them, among other things. Blood got all over his hands and forearms, his knuckles felt like they were on fire with how much they were punching Ricardo. Rook after letting this go on fore a few minutes finally touched Auron's shoulder.

"Auron let's go." Words made him stop and get up calmly as if he didn't just beat someones skull in. Rook then handed him a handkerchief to wipe his hands, Auron thanked them by giving them a kiss on the cheek. Then his eyes landed on the man on the floor gasping for air, "Your only alive now because they stopped me. Remember that." With gentle hands he guided Rook around the scum on the floor and walked out their office.

On the way to the elevator they passed two big guys who nodded at Auron. Letting Rook get in first they heard a scream, Auron turned them to him and looked them over. He didn't like ho there were cuts on their hands, so he whipped out his phone again and told a doctor he knew to get to the penthouse. Rook was gently holding his shoulders as he made the call and looking at him with so much love.

"Oh, we're really crazy about each other. Huh love?" Love was brimming in their words as Auron smiled at them.

"Of course, dear. I did say I'd keep you safe and that I really, really like you." Leaning down to give them a kiss, Rook returned it with great enthusiasm. The there was a hiss from Rook, they then glared at their hands were the cuts were.

"Should have let you kill him yourself, my fucking hands hurt now." Pouting Rook showed off the little cuts they had. Causing Auron to look very unhappy with himself, but gently took them in his hands. Giving them small kissed, gently of course not wanting the hurt them. Rook smiled as they got love for their man, god they really love him like crazy.

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9 months ago
oceanlue - 🌧Oceanlue🌊
oceanlue - 🌧Oceanlue🌊

oceanlue - 🌧Oceanlue🌊
oceanlue - 🌧Oceanlue🌊

Happy pride month everyone

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9 months ago

I actually would take a bullet for him

What do you think would happen if Rook took a bullet for Auron? Not one that would kill them, just major injury wise.

Bullet wounds.

Rook saw the gun and knew if they didn't react quickly Auron would have died. Turning quickly they were in front of Auron shielding him, then screamed as the bullet hit their back. Auron held them tightly trying to find where they got hit, his mind was flooding of thoughts that they were going to die. A guard that was there hurried and tackled the guy with the gun, pinning him down as their boss looked over his partner.

"It...fuck this hurts to fucking much! I got hit in the shoulder-" Tears weld in their eyes as they clutched their shoulder trying to ease the pain. Auron didn't even realize he was yelling as he held them close.

"GET THAT FUCKING DOCTOR HERE NOW!" Screaming as he could only register that Rook was hurt. He felt their head fall on his shoulder and they looked at him tired with droopy eyes.

"Hey remember when I said I'd take a bullet for you?" The red head was stressing even more when those words were said and just nodded. "Kinda wanna take it back because this hurts so, so bad holy shit dude." If the situation wasn't shitty Auron might have laughed. But right now he's still panicking wondering if they were gonna die.

"Rook you need to stay away okay?" Lightly tapping their cheek he tried to make conversation with them. "Remember asking me about that date idea? Where we go and paint pots or something? We can do that if you want? Please don't sleep, fuck I think I'm gonna cry." Whispering the last part he finally was able to breath when the doctor got to his location.

After the doctor stabilized Rook they were able to take a nap, not before telling Auron something. "Sorry for not listening again. You told me not to come and I did anyways." Mumbling out the word they held his hand, Auron didn't say anything. But Rook knows what he was thinking of; how to kill the man that shot them. Rook was really tired so they decided it was time to take a nap.

The doctor sighed heavily and turned to her boss "They are okay, just tired from all the blood lost. I'll take them to the hospital to give them more blood. Luckily I was able to close the wound so I don't have to worry about them bleeding out. Their shoulder will be out of commission for a while so they'll have to stay at the hospital." Auron didn't hear anything, his own blood was rushing in his ear as he turned to the guard and the fucker he was pinning down.

"Get them anything they need. Ill leave them with you, I need to finish something." Doctor Sandy nodded and hurried Rook into the car she brought with her. She almost felt bad for the other guy, he was going to be slaughtered by a monster.