345 posts
Lok At Her People. LOOK. AT HER. PEOPLE.
Lok at her people. LOOK. AT HER. PEOPLE. 😍😍😍

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More Posts from Ofpencilsandrebels
Hello fellow gays and not gays. I was feeling too bored to play video games, so I decided to be productive by writing fanfic. This is a soft Leatin scene while the girls are still on the island. If you happen to read it feel free to comment or even text me, and if you enjoy it and want more, or really anything else, just give me a prompt. I am not making any promises, but I like meeting new people, and i enjoy writing. Note. English is not my native language. Thank you in advance. Stay safe everyone ❤️
The sun was sinking in the horizon, the sea was calm and the waves were soft and everything and everyone were filled with the serenity this hour of the day was bringing. Some of the girls were taking a nap, the rest were feeling peaceful and for the first time in a long time, it felt like a Sunday.
Fatin was gazing at the sunset, and then at Leah, and then at the sunset again. Leah was sitting a little too further away to notice, but she was feeling this urge to turn her head at Fatin and look at her. She didn't do it though. She stood up and she started walking across the seashore. She was feeling confused, she didn't understand, and despite the fact that everything was alright just a moment ago, she was now feeling angry, at herself, at the island, at everything and everyone. Fatin watched her as she was distancing herself and just couldn't help the need to go after her. Toni was sitting next to her, she opened her mouth to ask her if she thinks Leaf is okay, but immediately regreted it. She chose to stay silent. And she stood on her feet, and, after a brief moment of decisiveness, she was heading in the direction Leah was heading.
Leah was fighting with herself at that moment, all of her insecurities had surfaced and she felt like she was mentally, suffocating. Fatin was approaching her but she hadn't noticed until she heard her voice.
"Leah, love, are you feeling okay?"
She turned around and she looked at her, and felt like crying. Her eyes teared up but she was still, barely, holding her composure. She took a few steps back, and sat down. She couldn't look at her without crying.
"Give me a moment, i am fine, just, give a moment"
Fatin responded with tenderness in her voice. "I can leave, it's okay, i didn't mean to bother you. I" ll leave you alone."
Leah raised her eyes and looked at her. She seemed worried, and she didn't want her to leave.
"No, don't leave. Stay"
A few teardrops were falling down her cheeks, and Fatin noticed, and Fatin sat down next to her and wiped them with her fingers and palms, as Leah smiled, and she even gave away a tiny little chuckle. It was relief. She looked at the girl sitting next to her, the same girl who was smiling at her and the same girl whose hands just moment ago took away her teardrops from her face. She didn't feel embarrassed. There was intensity between them, but in a way that was soft, and kind, and it made her smile. Fatin was not speaking, she was giving her space, she was just sitting next to her, and was really happy just doing so. Leah realized that all she was thinking about was Fatin. And then she thought about everything she was feeling before, and felt like sinking again.
"I feel hopeless Sometimes. I can't fight it, sometimes i, i fear i can't fight it"."
Fatin's smile slowly faded away after hearing Leah's statement.
They were no longer looking at each other, but the space between them was basically non existent, as Leah's left, and Fatin's right hand were touching. They were both looking at the remainings of the sunset. A quiet and sublte easiness was spreading in the atmosphere again.
"I wish i could do something, anything, to help you."
Seeing you like this breaks my heart into a million pieces. She thought, but she didn'tsay it out loud.
Leah looked at her, she was beautiful with the sun's dim light facing her face and her colourful outfit, her elbows facing the sand and holding her weight.
"You are helping me."
She said it and waited for her eyes to turn to her, but didn't. It took her a moment but she replied.
"Now you are just being nice to me."
Leah wanted to defend herself, but most importantly she wanted to defend Fatin from feeing like that.
"Fatin, you are helping me, you have no idea how much." Her voice cracked a little at the end. Her eyes started being wet again.
Fatin was now looking at her.
She responded with a smile on her face.
"I am obviously not." There was no bitterness in her voice, no hard feelings.
"Fuck, Fatin, you are really helping me i mean it."
"It's hot when you are cursing, you know that right?"
Leah looked at her and both laughed. Leah laughed with her eyes still wet.
"Fatin, i am not being nice to you. It's quite the opposite actually."
Their hands were still touching.
"And how is the act of cursing hot?" asked while her laugh was fading.
"I mean, cursing in general. Not cursing at someone. It's the energy. It's the frustration that gets externalized. It's the expression of the feelings we keep bottled up. I am angry all the time. I find cursing kinda beautiful."
The sun was now gone, the afternoon's sky was slowly changing into a night's sky and the two girls continued sitting there, with their hands touching.
Leah didn't say anything fearing that it would probably end up being a love confession. They stayed there, Fatin was always patient with her, and Leah felt grateful for sharing this moment with her, for sharing any moment with her.
"Thank you."
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
She seemed confused but she was still smiling.
"I am expressing my gratitude."
She replied already smiling "You read a lot."
Leah's voice was steady now. "Thank you for being around, i mean it."
"It's a shame we didn't hang out at school. And we are hanging out now, but it's not the same, is it?"
"Well, it's not, but, at least we are hanging out now. Right?"
"Our plane crashed and we are, who the fuck knows where, let's hope not for the rest of eternity, but yeah at least we are hanging out now."
They were holding a laugh, both of them.
"Shut up." Said Leah and slightly and playfully hit Fatin's arm. Their hands were now no longer touching.
Fatin looked at her "I am happy to have met you Leah. Even like this"


Virginia Woolf, Night and Day

I posted this on my instagram, and i loved it, so here it is ❤️