177 posts
bam (a sudden loud noise/sudden impact)
bang (a loud noise like an explosion or gunshot)
beep (a short high-pitched electronic sound)
biff (a short, sharp movement)
blip (a short, high-pitched electronic sound)
boing (representing the noise of a compressed spring suddenly released)
boom (a loud, deep, resonant sound)
buzz (a low, continuous humming sound)
ching (the sound of metal on metal)
clang (a loud, resonant metallic sound or series of sounds)
clank (a loud, sharp sound or series of sounds)
clap (the act of striking the palms together/an explosive sound)
clatter (a rattling sounds as objects fall or hit each other)
click (a short, sharp sound/a short electronic sound)
clink (a short ringing sound)
crack (a sudden explosive noise)
crackle (rapid succession of slight cracking noises)
crash (a sudden violent noise)
crunch (a muffled or grinding sound made when something is crushed)
ding (a metallic ringing sound)
ding-dong (the sound of a doorbell, like the chiming of a bell)
drip (the action of liquid falling in drops)
honk (a long and loud beep, such as that from a car horn)
jingle (a catchy rhythmic sound/light metallic clinking)
kerplunk (a loud, dull sound or plunk)
knock (to strike a surface noisily in order to attract attention/ sudden short sound caused by a blow)
patter (a repeated light tapping)
pew-pew (a sound made by a laser gun)
ping (a short high-pitched ringing)
pitter-patter (the sound of a rapid succession of light beats or taps)
pop (a light/soft explosive sound)
pow (expressing the sound of a blow or explosion)
rattle (to make a rapid succession of short/sharp knocking sounds)
screech (give a loud, harsh, piercing cry/a lour, harsh, squealing noise)
sizzle (a hissing sound made when food is frying)
slam (a loud and forceful sound caused by something being shut)
slap (a sharp sound made by a forceful blow)
smash (violent breaking of things)
snap (tp break suddenly and completely, typically with a sharp cracking sound)
splash (a sound made by something striking or falling into liquid)
splat (a sound of something soft and wet or heavy striking a surface)
swoosh (the sound produced by a sudden rush of air or liquid)
thud (a dull, heavy sound)
tick (a regular short, sharp sound, especially that made by a clock)
thump (a dull pounding sound)
thunk (a dull, heavy sound, such as that of an object falling)
varoom (a roaring sound made by an engine at a high speed/revving up)
whack (to strike forcefully with a sharp blow)
whir (a low, continuous, regular sound)
whoosh (a sudden rushing movement and sound)
whump (a dull thudding sound)
wham (a forceful strike/impact)
zap (the sound of a sudden burst of energy)
arf (canine)
bark (canine, seal)
bah-gawk (chicken)
bellow (alligator, deer)
buzz (bee, hornet, fly, mosquito, wasp...)
caw (blackbird, raven, rook...)
chatter (monkey, mouse
cheep (bird)
chickadee-dee (chickadee)
chirp (bird, cricket, grasshopper)
click (crab, dolphin)
cluck (chicken)
cock-a-doodle-doo (rooster)
coo (pigeon)
croak (frog)
cuckoo (cuckoo)
drum (rabbit)
gobble (turkey)
growl (bear, canine, crocodilian, feline...)
grumble (boar)
hee-haw (donkey)
hiss (goose, snake)
honk (goose)
hoot (owl)
howl (canine)
hum (hummingbird)
maa (goat)
moo (cow, wildebeest)
neigh (horse, pony, zebra)
purr (canine)
quack (duck)
ribbit (frog)
roar (bear, feline, gorilla...)
scream (hyena)
screech (bat, eagle)
sing (songbird)
snarl (feline)
snort (pig)
squeak (hampster, mouse, squirrel...)
tlot-tlot (hooves)
trumpet (elephant, swan)
tweet (bird)
wheek (guinea pig)
whine (mosquito)
whinny (horse, pony, zebra)
whistle (bird, whale)
whoop (monkey)
achoo/atishoo (the sound of a sneeze)
ahem (clearing throat to attract attention)
argh (expressing annoyance, dismay, embarrassment or frustration)
blech (to express distaste/gagging or retching)
blurt (to speak out suddenly and abruptly)
chomp (vigorous chewing)
cough (expel air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound)
eek (used to express alarm, horror, or fright)
giggle (to laugh lightly in a nervous or silly manner)
glug (to drink or pour with a hallow gurgling sound)
groan (to make a deep inarticulate sound in response to pain or despair)
growl (a low rumbling noise that expresses discontent)
grunt (a short, deep sound inarticulated when angry, sullen, or lazy)
gulp (to swallow loudly and quickly)
gurgle (a hallow, bubbling sound)
hiccup (an involuntary cough-like noise)
huh (used to express scorn, anger, disbelief, surprise, amusement, or confusion)
hum (to make a steady continuous sound like a bee)
moan (a low prolonged mournful sound expressive of suffering or pleading)
mumble (speaking incoherently, like a sort of whisper)
murmur (to make sounds that are not fully intelligible)
ow (used to express sudden pain)
phew (an exhale of relief)
oops (an exclamation of surprise or of apology, as when someone drops something or makes a mistake)
ouch (an exclamation of sharp sudden pain)
squeal (to make a shrill cry/a sound of complaint or protest)
ugh (used to indicate the sound of a cough or grunt or to express disgust or horror)
yikes (used to show that you are worried, surprised, or shocked)
whimper (to make a low whining plaintive or broken sound)
whoop (a loud cry of joy or excitement/laughter)
whoops (another term for "oops")
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More Posts from Ohdearnotanotherfan
Definitely! I love Older Bro mod a lot!
Hey guys! If you like Older Bro, go boost this post and show your support to his creator. If you do we will get a whole new update for him!!

I love these prompts if you have more please I would love to see more!
&. 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
❛ i didn’t know where else to go. ❜
❛ i’ll never be that me again. ❜
❛ you can still be good. ❜
❛ i thought you’d be here. ❜
❛ don’t act like you know me. ❜
❛ because i care about you, okay? ❜
❛ it wasn’t supposed to end like this. ❜
❛ i was scared. i thought you had lost your way. ❜
❛ am i supposed to just let you go? ❜
❛ you deserve better than me. ❜
❛ don’t make me do this. ❜
❛ i’m not who you think i am. ❜
❛ you don’t mean that. ❜
❛ please just hold me. ❜
❛ i don’t want to understand, i want you to stay. ❜
❛ and why should i care? ❜
❛ you look awful. ❜
❛ i can’t do this without you. ❜
❛ don’t let me lose you too. ❜
❛ for what it’s worth, i really am sorry. ❜
❛ it’s not your fault. ❜
❛ i don’t know who i am anymore. ❜
❛ is this the part where you kick me out? ❜
❛ don’t we deserve to be happy? ❜
❛ promise me you’ll still be here when i wake up. ❜
❛ you can’t save everyone. ❜
❛ it was a nightmare, that’s all. ❜
❛ it’s just a scratch, don’t worry. ❜
❛ you know me better than i know myself. ❜
❛ don’t go where i can’t follow. ❜
❛ you’re better off without me. ❜
❛ we all die alone. ❜
❛ people get hurt if they get too close to me. ❜
❛ i hate what i’ve become. ❜
❛ i’m not going anywhere. ❜
❛ is there anything i can do to help? ❜
❛ i don’t even recognize you anymore. ❜
❛ who did this to you? ❜
❛ please don’t leave me. ❜
❛ oh, now you care? ❜
❛ don’t come any closer! ❜
❛ i missed you so much. ❜
❛ you don’t have to say anything. ❜
❛ do you want me to leave? ❜
❛ why are you avoiding me? ❜
❛ you could have died, you know. ❜
❛ i wish you were here. ❜
❛ you’re not alone. i’m staying right here. ❜
❛ i can be your family. ❜
❛ of course i’m here. where else would i be? ❜
❛ we just can’t seem to get it right, huh? ❜
❛ don’t look at me like that. ❜
❛ don’t push me away again. ❜
❛ this wasn’t how it was supposed to go. ❜
❛ you’re leaving already? ❜
❛ this was a mistake. ❜
❛ can’t sleep? ❜
idk what this is my dudes, i got angsty, then spot.ify gave me a soft song, and i decided to resolve the angst briefly by writing up these! i hope y’all enjoy!
“ hey, look at me… you can do this. okay? you can. “
“ it’s gonna work out, alright? i promise.
“ you’re not alone, okay? not anymore. i’m right here with you. “
“ you good? “
“ here. hold my hand. you get scared again, squeeze tight, and i’ll help you. got it? “
“ shh… it’s okay… breathe with me, okay? in… and out… good job. “
“ we’re gonna figure all this out together, i promise. “
“ that’s it… there we go, good job… let it all out. “
“ of course i came. you called me. what’s wrong? “
“ hey, why don’t we get out of here? would that be better? “
“ you wanna get out of here? i know a great coffee shop a few blocks away. “
“ do you wanna talk about this, or be distracted, or left alone? “
“ you don’t have to be so strong all the time. it’s okay. cry. i’ll be strong for both of us. “
“ hey, i got you some water. drink it all, you’ll feel better. “
“ it’s been a long day. why don’t you stay here tonight? i can take the sofa. “
“ c’mon, you gotta eat something. and i can’t cook, so take-out it is. eat up. “
“ let’s go for a walk. staying here is the worst thing we can do, right? “
“ don’t you pay any heed to those morons. they don’t know you. not like i do. “
“ it’s okay. i got you… “
“ we don’t need to talk unless you want to. i’m happy to just sit with you for a while. “
“ it’s alright. you take your time… i’m gonna be right here whenever you want to talk, okay? “
[ KNEE ]: sender gently rests a hand on the receiver’s knee to stop them from shaking it.
[ MOUTH ]: sender notices the receiver’s distress from across a crowded room, and silently mouths “are you okay?” to them.
[ SIT ]: sender guides the receiver into a seat after noticing them becoming upset.
[ BESIDE ]: sender sits next to the troubled receiver at a social event so that they don’t have to feel alone.
[ BACK ]: sender rests a gentle hand against the receiver’s back, silently checking in on them.
[ HAND ]: sender takes a gentle hold of the receiver’s hand, as a form of emotional support and reassurance.
[ JOIN ]: sender follows the emotionally unsettled receiver out of a crowded party and into a secluded space to check on their well-being.
[ BREATHE ]: sender begins to take slow, deliberately even breaths, encouraging the receiver to copy their motions until their own breathing is back to normal.
[ SPOON ]: sender lies beside the receiver and becomes the big spoon to comfort them.
[ GLANCE ]: sender glances at the receiver while in a public setting to assure them they aren’t alone, and ground them in doing so.
[ BLOCK ]: sender deliberately stands in front of the receiver to prevent them from seeing something that may upset them further.
[ SHIELD ]: sender deliberately stands in front of the receiver to protect them from a targeted attack (verbal or physical).
[ DISTRACT ]: sender, noticing receiver’s distress, provides a distraction for them (by conversation, a mobile game, a detour, etc.).
[ ARRIVE ]: sender shows up at the receiver’s door after receiving a troubled phone call from the receiver.
[ CIRCLE ]: sender rubs slow circles on the receiver’s back while hugging them in an effort to calm them down.
[ FOREHEAD ]: sender lowers their head to press their forehead against the receiver’s, trying to comfort them in the process.
[ ANCHOR ]: sender places a hand on the back of the receiver’s neck and pulls them close in an effort to physically and emotionally ground them.
[ HOLD ]: sender holds out their hands to the receiver, either to hold hands or to hold them.
[ AROUND ]: while sitting together, the sender quietly wraps an arm around the receiver’s shoulders as a support.
[ SHOULDER ]: sender reaches out and places a hand on the receiver’s shoulder, both to catch their attention and silently ask if they’re okay.
[ JACKET ]: sender notices the receiver beginning to shake after an immensely distressing incident, and removes their own jacket to wrap it around the receiver’s shoulders.
[ CATCH ]: sender, noticing the receiver’s legs beginning to give out beneath them, rushes over to them and catches them before they collapse to the ground.
I'm actually surprised there's not more content like this. Ex-Villian becoming best Dad ever! At least in pokemon!
I wish archie was my dad
SAME he would be such a great dad 😭 archie exudes immense dad energy, more than almost any other pokemon characters (including most of the actual fathers)

Unpopular opinion time!
Pico would totally sing smooth criminal annoying the shit out of everyone he knows!