okminer07 - Okminer07

I like to write g/t content and sometimes attempt to draw. I got two cats, not much else to say really

92 posts

Slave To The Light Pt 6

Slave to the Light Pt 6

A Baldur's Gate fanfiction

Gale blinked, shook his head, and then look back down at Lorelai with a nervous laugh, "I'm not quite sure what you mean by that."

"What do you want?" Lorelai repeated slowly.

He looked to Karlach who looked down at Lorelai with a pleading look, "I already told you, all we wanted was to make sure you were okay."

Lorelai shook her head, not falling for any of this bullshit, "Well, as you can see, I'm fine. So may I go now?"

The two towering figures shared a worried look with one another, "You uh.... don't look completely fine." Gale weakly gestured to her flimsy once white dress that was now completely torn in the back as well as many of places and was stained with dirt and her own blood.

Lorelai raised a brow, not wanting to reveal that his comment had made her wonder, would she be able to survive the elements of this plane in this piece of garbage? and what if other predatory creatures could still smell the dried-up blood?

"I'd offer you some extra clothes but sometime tells me they wouldn't fit you" he gave a weak chuckle, Lorelai glared back at him with instantly shut him up.

"Well, since you're so keen on helping me, why don't you get me some fabric?" she sneered, expecting them to finally show their true colors and fess up whatever it is they wanted. Though to her surprise, Gale nodded, turned, and walked out of the tent, his footsteps sending tremors beneath her feet.

She stared for a moment, before shaking her head. Was he actually-

"You want any more to eat?" her attention focused back onto the Tiefling who was nudging the plate of food closer.

Lorelai stared for a moment, before pulling herself up onto the plate itself. She ripped off a chunk of the slightly burned sausage and began tearing into it.

"Hope that still tastes okay" Karlach gave her a sheepish smile, Lorelai responding by raising a brow.

"I could also use a needle, or at least something sharp."

Karlach beamed, "Oh I'll go find you one!" Lorelai gasped as the ground quaked with the Tiefling's hurried retreating footsteps. Throwing out her arms, she steadied herself.

It didn't make sense, but for some reason, these big folk acted as if they wanted to help her. Now she was almost sure that it was just that, an act. Though when it came to the Tiefling.... she was either an extremely good actor or she wasn't let in on whatever plan that Gale and whoever else had going on.

However, why not play into this plan of theirs? act as if she didn't know that they wanted something in return for their good deeds? See how far they'll go? She might even be able to give them whatever it is they wanted, maybe they were stupid enough to believe that lie of pixies granting wishes to those that help them?

And if you can't give them what they want? or at the very least fool them?

Well, there is always the option to run.

Lorelai felt the ground beneath her tremble erratically and a second later, the massive form of Karlach poked her horned head into the tent. "I got one!" she held up her hand, show her the needle that was beginning to glow orange in the Tiefling's burning grip.

Right, infernal engine, whatever in the Hells that is. She would have to keep that in mind, case the Tiefling ever tried to get too close.

Karlach made her way into the tent, followed by Gale who was holding an old looking nightshirt, "Karlach, why don't you um.... leave the fetching stuff to me?" he gave her an awkward smile, the sort a mother gives a child who is unsuccessfully trying to help.

"If you say so, here" Karlach haphazardly deposited the needle into Gale's hand before making her way back over to Lorelai. He let out a yelp and promptly dropped the burning metal on the floor, though Karlach didn't seem to take any notice, "So Lorelai, you from around here?"

She suppressed the urge to roll her eyes, "No".

"Well, where are you from?"

Lorelai glanced up at her before looking away with a wince, "Do you mind... not standing?"

Karlach gave her a confused look before she dropped into a kneel, nearly throwing Lorelai off her feet, "So, where are you from? Why were you covered in blood when we-"

"Karlach please, let's not bombard her with questions" Gale approached, setting down a sea of black folded up fabric with a spool of thread on top.

Lorelai waited for him to back off before approaching the pile of cloth that was nearly as tall as her. She ran a hand across it, flinching when Gale once again approached. He kneeled down and held out the needle to her.

"Will this do?" he vaguely gestured to the given supplies. She said nothing, quickly snatching away the spear-sized needle and backing away.

He promptly left afterwards, attempting to take Karlach with him but she simply wouldn't budge. Lorelai kept an eye on her looming form as she began to rip off bits of fabric, using the needle to split them into more precise pieces.

The thread was hard to work with. Though considerably easier to pull it through the needle eye, actually using it was quite difficult on her arms. She felt annoyed that she had an audience to her struggle but was grateful that she had so far stayed silent.

She had begun to sew together the front and back of the shirt she had cut out when Karlach decided now was a good time to start asking questions again.

"You've sewn before?"


"Figures. Never learned myself, found it boring."

Lorelai simply nodded, only sparing the Tiefling a glance.

"You ever been to Baldur's gate?"

She paused, glaring down at the fabric before shaking her head, "Yes."


"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Oh well that's where I grew up, though I've never seen any of your kind there. What were you doing there?"

Lorelai rounded on the Tiefling, her fists clenched around the needle like it really was a spear, "that is none of your business."

Karlach held up her hands, "Okay" her mouth then quirked into a smile as she looked down at her.


"Just a bit funny seeing you all fired up."

Her eyes widened and she froze. Handings tightening around the needle, she screwed up her face and glared back at the Tiefling, "You find me amusing huh?" she spat out, fuming, "Think it's funny?"

Karlach smile fell, now looking dumbfounded. She shrunk away from her, her eyes trying to look anywhere else other than down at Lorelai, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."

Lorelai stared at the Tiefling, taking in her expression of confused guilt and her eyes softened. She sighed, her body relaxing. She couldn't blame a big folk for finding her... well interesting. It was seemingly in their nature.

"It's.... it's fine. You didn't really do anything wrong." She looked away, not sure what else to say, "Just a bit... you know at the moment."

The Tiefling met her eyes and smiled, "Can I help you with that at all?" she nodded at the half sewn together shirt.

Lorelai almost felt like laughing, "No, but thank you."

"Guess I wouldn't be all that much help anyway." Karlach let out a forced sounding laugh.

"You've help me enough. I never thanked you for getting rid of that horrid creature."

"Horrid creature?"

She repressed a shiver, "That vampire."

Karlach's eyes widened, "Oh uh.... no problem. Though I think you're still owed an apology."

"Already told you, you did nothing wrong,"

"No not from me."

Lorelai paused, her mouth quirking into a smirk, "What? from the vampire? that's funny. I think you'd be hard met to even try."

"Well why don't we?"

She raised a brow, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Suddenly, Karlach stood, "Wait right here. I'll be right back." she hurried out of the tent, leaving Lorelai fumbling to keep her balance.

What in the Hells? what was she on about?

She was about to resume her project when she heard a commotion outside. Two voices that she couldn't make out were arguing and maybe even getting physical. It became louder as it seemingly got closer. She was able to make out Karlach's voice.

"Come on, it will only take a second."

Karlach suddenly popped her head back in, turned it to look outside, and beckoned eagerly.

"Just get over here."

Lorelai narrowed her eyes in confusion, what was she doing? who was she talking-

Her blood ran cold. Karlach had stepped aside to let someone in. Two black leather boots stepped in. Lorelai began to slowly look up, connecting the boots to legs, a body and then to a face, a familiar face. The face she thought would be the last thing she'd ever see.

Two red eyes fell upon her, seemingly pinning her to where she stood. She was trembling, her legs felt like they'd fail her at any moment. Her heart was fluttering within her chest like a frantic caged bird.

"Lorelai, Astarion. Astarion, Lorelai." Those red eyes shifted away for only a moment to glare over at Karlach.

Run, now!

She took the fraction of a second to make a run for it. pivoting on her heels and running as fast as she could in the other direction. She didn't care that it was a dead end, it was further away, and that's all she cared about.

"Hey! where are you going?" Karlach called out.

Lorelai darted behind one of the piles of books, peeking out and pointing up at the vampire with her needle, "What is that thing still doing alive!?"

The vampire raised a brow, narrowing its red eyes.

Karlach stepped forward between the two of them, "He" she shot a look at the vampire, "Is here to apologize."

Lorelai felt a shiver run through her as the vampire scoffed.

"Are you crazy?!" she inched further behind the books.

"Exactly what I thought." the vampire grumbled.

"What is going on?" Lorelai took her eyes off the vampire for a moment to see Gale entering the tent. His eyes widened at the sight. He looked from the vampire to Karlach, "What is he doing in here?"

"He is here to apologize."

"She dragged me in here" grumbled the vampire.

Gale looked around the room, "Where's Lorelai?"

"Over there" Karlach pointed, Lorelai ducked behind the pile, "Ran the moment we came in."

"I'm not surprised, " Gale murmured. He pushed past the two and kneeled down, meeting Lorelai's gaze, "Are you alright? I'm sorry about all of this."

She glared up at him, still holding up her needle, "Why haven't you killed that- that thing yet!?"

Gale glanced over at the vampire, "Well, he is.... apart of our little group here."


"Believe me, under other circumstances, I wouldn't be one to keep his kind of company."

"The feelings mutual" Gale glared over his shoulder.

"But... he has promised us not to prey upon any thinking creatures. Though he seems to have an odd understanding of what that means. Nevertheless, I promise, he has learned his lesson and will not harm you."

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More Posts from Okminer07

1 year ago

Would anyone be interested in a post detailing more about my character Lorelai? Mainly physical appearance and such. Also part 3 is in the works and is coming soon. Thank you guys for the support

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10 months ago

Sometime in act 2:

Lorelai: this is bad, I mean really bad!

Karlach: dude, what is it?

Lorelai: I kissed Astarion

Karlach: woah, I owe Shadowheart so much gold

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1 year ago

Slave to the Light Pt 3

A Baldur's Gate fanfiction

Now more than ever she had to get out of here, if she wanted to live. She hyperventilated as the warm air within her fleshy prison filled her lungs and disoriented her. The hands around her seemed to close around her more and more, until she could see nothing of the outside world, just long tan pillar like fingers.

She scrambled to get her bearings. Her feet and hands sunk into the warm ground beneath her making it all the harder to steady herself. Just as she had managed to barely stand, she yelped as she was thrown onto her back by a sudden, stomach-churning movement upwards.

Lorelai thought she might be sick, her stomach felt like it was floating its way up her throat as the being that imprisoned her stood with a soft grunt. As soon as it had come, the movement had stopped. Lorelai clutched at her chest, still trembling.

She had to get away, she just had to-

Her thoughts were interrupted when the flesh beneath her threw her forward as her captor began to move once again. Lorelai clawed at the skin around her, trying to get a decent amount of it to hold on to.

She whimpered as she could not only hear but feel the swaying and vibrations of the human's footsteps. Other pairs joined his as they continued to move.

Where were they taking her? what did they want with her? there had to be a reason they wanted her alive, but the only reason she could think of was-

Her heart nearly stopped. oh gods, he had sent them.

No, no,no,no,no,no,no,no, no, no! I'm not going back! they can't make me!

Lorelai frantically crawled over to the nearest fleshy wall and began to punch, claw and kick at it, trying to either push the fingers open or draw blood. She screamed as she did so, maybe out of fear, perhaps even anger, she didn't know. All she knew that she would rather die than go back.

"Wha-aaah" she tensed only for a moment at the human's voice, "Okay! okay! calm down now, there's no need for that."

Yes there most fucking is!

His comment only made her try to dig her nails deeper into his skin, "Let me go!" she screamed, "Let me go you bastard!"

The swaying and footfalls quickened and the hands around her tightened, "Would you please stop that, it tickles, and I don't want to drop you."

Tickles? Lorelai thought angrily, tickles?!

She threw herself at the fleshy wall, beating at it mercilessly, "Let me go!"

"Okay, can someone please clear a space for me to put her down, and quickly."

Outside, she could hear the many hasty footsteps of the others.

"Will this do?" shouted Shadowheart.

"Yes, bring it over so-"

"Hey put that down!" Lorelai stiffened as the icy voice of the vampire shouted in anger, "That is mine and I forbid you from letting that creature bleed all-"

"Oh, shut up!" she tensed, her hands flying up to her ears as the human that held her yelled back, "Shadowheart, bring that over here".

With little more than a few thuds and the sound of something being plopped on the ground as warning, the hands around her began to descend. Lorelai shuddered as her back fell onto a plush surface and the large hands that had previously obscured her view retreated.

She whipped her head around wildly, only to shrink back at the sight of the human man's face way to close for her liking. It unnerved her to no end how she could almost count each hair of his stubble, how she could feel his shallow breath rustle her hair, how she could see her own pale face in his eyes staring back at her. He gave her a puzzled look as she scrambled back, before to her relief rising away from her.

Run. Run now!

Lorelai, unable to stand, turned and began to hurriedly crawl away. The surface beneath her seemed to be doing everything in its power to slow her down, but she just kept clawing back at it to spur her forward.

Before she could get very far though, she heard a loud rustle from behind her and a shadow began to descend upon her. She halted to a stop just as the man's large hand slammed down in front of her.

No! No! keep going!

She spun around to go the other way only to be met with the man's other hand blocking the way.

"Shadowheart, a little help?" Lorelai froze, oh gods. What were they going to do with her now? question her? sedate her? punish her by breaking her legs for running away? all before dragging her back to him?!

Lorelai's mind was brought back to the present when the ground beneath her quivered as Shadowheart kneeled down next to the human.

"Ok, stay still, this will only take a second."

Her eyes widened in horror as her long slender fingers began to reach down for her.

"No!" she screamed, "No! stay back!"

The hand stopped, "It's alright, I'm just trying to-"

"Get away from me!"

"Just stay still!" before Lorelai could react, another hand shot past the other and in an instant was upon her. She tried to get away, to wrestle free, only to have her limbs pinned down one by one.

All she could move now was her head, which she thrashed around desperately, "Stop it!"

"Hang on." The human man came back into vision, reaching out making Lorelai struggle all the more viciously. She tried to move but she couldn't get away from one of his fingers which reached out and touched the top of her head.

"Impero tibi"

All at once, Lorelai's eyelids felt heavy, and her brain began to fill with fog.

No, no, I can't-

The big folk surrounding her began to disappear as darkness took over her vision. She felt as if she was sinking, but it was a nice feeling, a soothing feeling. She wanted to give into it, why shouldn't she? it felt so nice.

Wait, no she couldn't.

Oh, but it would be so much easier to

Shut up!

She strained her mind, returning it to the present and out of the fog. Her vision cleared and big folk over her came back into view. The human man had a look of shock and confusion as she glared back up at him, still very awake.

"What the-"

"Oh, for the love of Shar" The fingers pinning her down were joined by two more that pinched her head, holding it still, "Te curo".

Lorelai winced as a sharp tingling sensation came over her, wave after wave; and then it was gone.

The fingers pinning her down slowly lifted up. The moment they were far enough away she sat bolt right up, ready to try and make an escape once again. Then she realized, her shoulder, she felt no pain coming from it. She moved it, nothing.

Apologies for the short chapters/parts. Hoping in the future to make them longer.

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10 months ago
Because I Cant Draw To Save My Life, I Made My Characters From My Story In The Sims 4 (yes I Am This
Because I Cant Draw To Save My Life, I Made My Characters From My Story In The Sims 4 (yes I Am This
Because I Cant Draw To Save My Life, I Made My Characters From My Story In The Sims 4 (yes I Am This
Because I Cant Draw To Save My Life, I Made My Characters From My Story In The Sims 4 (yes I Am This

Because I can’t draw to save my life, I made my characters from my story in the Sims 4 (yes I am this pathetic) I made all their outfits but here’s just their everyday and work uniforms for anyone interested.

Let me know if you’d like to see their other fits

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1 year ago

Slave to the Light Pt2

A Baldur's Gate Fanfiction

Everything seemed to happen in less than a second. The glass shard broke skin and from above there was a thunderous yell. The pressure around her legs went away as the fingers retreated and she only had a fleeting moment to wrench the glass shard out before she began to plummet towards the forest floor.

Before she could even register her falling, she felt the blunt force of her body colliding with the ground. There was a crack, and a burning hot pain blossomed in her right shoulder. She held back a scream, gritting and breathing through her teeth as it only got worse. All she wanted to do in that moment was curl in on herself, a moment to breath, but she couldn't. If she stayed put, she would most surely perish.

Much to the displeasure of her shoulder, she found her makeshift dagger of glass and clutched it tightly as she stumbled to her feet with a cry of agony. Her shoulder fell on its own accord causing only more pain. She winced and shot out her arm to push it back into place and hold it there.

She stumbled back a few paces, tightening her grip around the glass shard as she looked back up at her attacker. In the darkness, she saw those cold red eyes dart from the bleeding finger it held up, to her down on the ground.

"Why you little-"

But Lorelai had had enough. She had had enough of running, had enough of hiding, had enough of being in constant pain, she had had enough of this plane!

"Try anything like that!" she heaved, "Try anything like that again, and I promise you I will make it the most painful and maybe even last meal you ever had!"

She held the shard up, backing away as she did, seething and trembling. The eyes of the shadowed figure far above her narrowed, a glare forming. It let out a low annoyed growl before to her horror, she saw those long, pale fingers begin to lower back towards her.

"What's going on over 'ere?" She froze, and to her surprise, the fingers descending upon her did as well. The ground once again began to rhythmically tremble. Not far, rustling could be heard of no doubt another large creature moving through the foliage.

No, no, no! not another one. As if one wasn't enough.

"The hells are you talking to?" the figure before her shifted before shooting up to its towering full height. Lorelai, in her hurry to get away, tripped over her own feet and fell onto her back.

"No one" the vampire growled in that ice laced voice.

"Come off it, I heard you" Lorelai winced, this new arrival had a loud and blunt voice and made her have to suppress the urge to over her ears, "Whose there?"

"Like I said, nobody."

Lorelai stiffened as the looming shadow that was the vampire was shoved aside to make way for an even larger figure. She could make out this one much better and what she saw only made her feel worse. It was a large, bulking Tiefling, and a woman by the looks of it. Red skin with what looked like scorch marks was illuminated by a dim and yellow light that was seemingly and impossibly coming from the woman herself, resembling a furnace with the fire within causing the whole thing to glow.

From far above, eyes the same hue of fire darted around. Don't look down, don't look-

The Tieflings eyes darted downwards for a fleeting second, looked back up, and then shot back down to focus on her form.

"Oh my gods! what is that!?" the woman exclaimed loudly. Lorelai yelped as the monstrous woman descended upon her on hands and knees, making the ground tremble and bouncing Lorelai off of it for a fleeting second.

She began to backpedal away until she made the mistake of looking up, the sight making her freeze. The Tiefling's huge grinning face filled her entire vision.

"Hi there! what are you?" Lorelai flinched as the loud voice thundered around her, only made worse by the close proximity.

"It was supposed to be my next meal" grumbled the vampire, "So if you would kindly step aside-"

"What!" Lorelai's hands flew up to her ears, sending another wave of pain through her shoulder. The Tiefling's overpowering gaze had turned to look over at the vampire, her mouth agape.

"What do you mean what? It already looks like it's at death's doorstep so what's the harm in speeding up the process?"

At his words, the Tiefling turned back to gaze down at Lorelai, "You're right, it does look like it's in rough shape." There was a look on her face, something maybe a long time ago she might have mistaken for pity, even worry, but she knew better, "Shadowheart!"

"What is it?" another loud feminine voice responded.

"Get over here!" the Tiefling shouted back, "I found... I found something! you know what, get Gale over here too!"

To her horror, Lorelai felt the vibrations of not just one pair of feet. There was a large amount of rustling before she heard a different voice, this one male, speak "Karlach, if this is another interesting looking bug that you want me to identify I really don't-"

The ground stopped trembling and above, two new towering figures appeared. One was clearly female, and by the looks of it had some elf in her blood, the other seemed to be human and male.

Lorelai shrunk back, wishing more than ever that she could just sink into the ground and disappear.

"Wha-What is that?" said the female figure who the Tiefling had seemingly called Shadowheart.

"I don't know" said the Tiefling, "I was hoping you or Gale might know. Looks like a tiny person."

"Yes, I can see that, but what is it?"

"Let me take a look" Suddenly, the human figure came closer, lowering himself down towards her. Now closer, she could say for sure it was a human, one with long brown hair and the beginnings of a beard to match.

The human stared down at her, looking her form up and down and narrowing his eyes in confusion.

"Well? any idea what it is?" said the Tiefling.

The human backed away, still staring at her, "I'm...I'm not sure. Well, it- I mean she, I think it's a she" he paused to look her up and down again, "Going off her stature and features, she looks most reminiscent of a pixie."

"A pixie?"

"Well, I'm not entirely sure" the Tiefling looked at the human in slight shock, as if this statement was a surprise to her.

"Aren't pixies supposed to have wings?" Asked the Tiefling. Lorelai couldn't help but fix her eyes into a glare at the Tiefling's words, though whatever anger she was feeling was completely dashed when the one they called Shadowheart started getting closer.

"Poor thing looks hurt."

To her horror, she saw a hand descending towards her. Her heart pounded in her ears begging her to do something. Patting around on the ground, her hands closed around her glass shard. Her legs trembled as she sprang to her feet. The shard trembled in her hands as she pointed upwards, waving around to point it directly at each of them.

"Stay back!" she screamed. The hand retreated and all three pairs of eyes widened. "Get away!"

Still pointing her makeshift dagger, she began to back away, trying to keep all three of them in her sights. The ground shifted as the human man to Lorelai's surprise backed off, holding up his hands.

"Easy now" he looked to the others who still seemed shocked about her ability to talk, "We mean you no harm."

"Bullshit" she spat through gritted teeth. The longer she was holding her arms up, the more her shoulder burned, and it was getting to the point that she could no longer hide it.

"You don't look so good" the man gestured to the others, "Shadowheart here, she can help, you're in clear need of it."

Lorelai narrowed her eyes up at all of them, watching and waiting for them to make their next move.

"That's right" said Shadowheart, Lorelai's eyes widened as her hand started to move back towards her "If you would just let-"

"Get away!" she raised the glass shard higher. If these big folk thought she was stupid enough to believe them, they had another thing coming.

Her eyes were watering with the pain she was causing her shoulder, but that didn't matter, if she wanted to live it would have to not matter.

"Oh for the love of- she clearly doesn't want your help so why don't all of you stop trying" She stiffened, having almost forgotten that her attacker, the vampire was still present.

"But she clearly fucking needs it!" cried the Tiefling, looking pleadingly towards the human man who glanced at her and then back at Lorelai.

Suddenly, the ground began to tremble as the man began to come closer. Lorelai began to panic more and more the closer he got until he was kneeling practically right on top of her. She strained her neck to look up into his face only to be met with the horrifying sight of his incoming hand.

"Sorry about this"

Before she could make a move to get away, two of his massive fingers came down and pinched the glass shard in her hands and began to pull. She gasped as her feet left the ground and had no choice but to let go. Landing on her feet, she instantly began to try and run in the opposite direction. She had barely made it far when she felt warm pressure around her middle and was yanked back.

Her heart threatened to beat out of her chest as she watched the ground grow further and further away and fingers as big as her own self begin to close in around her.

No! No! No! No! NO!

The world around her disappeared and was replaced with fleshy walls as the human man's hands surrounded and encased her.

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