I like to write g/t content and sometimes attempt to draw. I got two cats, not much else to say really
92 posts
A Match Beyond Measure Pt 6
A Match Beyond Measure Pt 6
The high pitch beeping rang in Cecilia’s ears. She groaned and rolled over in bed, glaring over at her phone which was admitting the loud alarm. Damn it, forgot to turn that off. Scooping up the device, she quickly turned the alarm off before tossing it to the end of her bed and collapsing back down into her pillowy nest.
She was content to stay there the rest of the day, if it weren’t for her stomach, which churned in hunger. The night before, she had gone straight to bed and she hadn’t eaten anything since lunch that same day.
Moaning with the weight of her limbs, she heaved herself up and slid out of the covers. She slowly waddled away from her bed and blindly made her way to the kitchen. Her apartment was small, even for big city apartment standards. It had three rooms, her bedroom, the mainroom which housed a tiny kitchenette along with a poor excuse for a living space, and a singular bathroom with a shower that barely knew how to be a shower.
Shuffling onto the tiled floor, Cecilia gazed around for something to eat that she could just grab and not have to prepare. Her eyes landed on the far corner of the counter where a plate lay, on it were about half a dozen cookies. Guess they’ll have to do, she walked over and picked one up that she had decorated to look like a duck, one of the leftovers from that batch she made for Maggie for her birthday. Glancing down at her icing job, she understood slightly what her friends meant when they said they felt bad about eating her creations, but that was what they were for.
She leaned herself up against the counter, taking a bite of the cookie and slowly chewing it. It was stupid of her to have not eaten anything last night, though she had made a lot of stupid decisions that night. She had already asked herself a million times the question: what was she thinking? Agreeing to the da- dinner, right dinner, with a giant. There was also the question of if she was even going to tell her friends. She didn’t want to make them feel guilty for putting her in this situation, but they were most definitely going to ask her about it. Though all of those were mere whispers in her head, while one voice shouted above the others: what’s wrong with you?!
It had been a miracle she had been able to sleep at all. From the moment she had arrived home last night, her stomach had begun twisting itself into knots and her heart ached with what she had just done. She had just left him there, alone. Leaving without giving any sort of explanation or even a single word. Why had she done it?! Well, the answer was obvious, she was…. She was scared. But that was no reasonable excuse! That wasn’t his fault! He made it clear he didn’t want to scare her, he had even asked if there was anything he could do to help her! No, this was all entirely her fault.
She hung her head, continuing to berate herself. Now thanks to her, Garret was probably feeling horrible and guilty even though she was the only one who should be feeling that way. He was a nice guy! Human or not and shouldn’t have to go through that. Why couldn’t she have just sucked it up? Kept her cool? Not flown into a panic from just watching him eat?! Seriously, what was wrong with her?
What am I supposed to do now? She wanted to do something, but what the hell could she do? She had thought about maybe texting him to explain herself, but no words she came up with seemed to suffice, and that just seemed so shallow.
Finishing off her cookie, she reached over to grab another one when she stopped. An idea had popped into her head. She stared at the plate of cookies for a second more before she rounded on the fridge and yanked it open.
“Damn it” she muttered, seeing only one egg left in the carton and also that there was hardly any butter left. For a moment, she felt like throwing the whole idea out the window until she slapped a hand to her forehead, just go to the store stupid!
She straightened up and hurried back to her bedroom to get dressed.
An hour later, she was pushing a cart through the dairy section of the grocery store. Usually she picked out one of the smaller carts, but this time she had opted for the full size one which was currently filled with flour, sugar, vanilla extract and a whole array of other items. She had also grabbed some extra food coloring in case she was running low and had found some new piping tips that she just couldn’t resist.
Now all she needed was some eggs. She stopped in front of the many different brands and began looking for the carton with the newest date. When she had finally found one that was brought in yesterday, she paused to think. Would twelve eggs be enough? I mean it only took two eggs for one batch, but then again there was also the matter of the icing…… She ended up grabbing a second carton, just to be safe.
Okay, that’s everything. She sighed before turning her cart around and heading for the checkout, though before she made it halfway, she suddenly remembered something. Box, I need a box. For a moment, she looked around aimlessly until her eyes landed upon the in-store bakery, where an employee was just finishing boxing up a cake for a middle aged woman. She quickly hurried over.
“Excuse me” she called over to the employee moments away from leaving for the back. The young woman, dressed in an apron with her hair pulled back, instantly stopped and turned to greet her.
“Good morning.”
“Uh hi yes, good morning. I was wondering if I could possibly have one of your biggest cake boxes?”
The woman raised a brow, “Do you want a cake or anything?”
Cecilia went slightly red, “Uh no, but could I possibly just purchase a box? The same box that you would use for something like a sheet cake.”
She waited anxiously as the woman thought for a moment before nodding, “Yeah sure, I think I can do that for you” she glanced over at her cart, “And seeing as you’re already buying a good deal of items, I can just give it to you if you want.”
“Really? Oh thank you so much.”
“No problem. Let me go and grab you one.”
Using her foot, Cecilia pushed open her apartment door with two overflowing grocery bags. Setting the two bags down on the countertop, she quickly began to unload them while also grabbing whisks and bowls out of her cupboards.
“Alright” she breathed, looking over her countertop which was now covered in ingredients and cooking utensils. Pulling out and setting her phone down, she turned on some Frank Sinatra and nodded to herself. Let’s get to work.
Adding the last dot of icing, Cecilia stepped back, sighing with relief. It had been a bit difficult, but she had managed it. She stepped back to look at her handiwork. Before her was a single cookie, a cookie the size of a car tire that was taking up much of her counterspace. Cutting out the shape had been harder than usual since she couldn’t use a cookie cutter, but she had managed to cut a decent circle with just her knife and some patience. The hardest part really had been the icing. She had ended up pulling out her stool so she could have a more overhead view and kept having to refill her piping bags as she meticulously iced the top of the cookie. For a base, she had used a very light blue and all around the edge she had done one continuous line of white loops with yellow dots peppered around it. In the center of the cookie, she had used white icing to write in cursive the words I’m Sorry.
She looked up at the clock on the microwave, two thirty. Okay she told herself. Picking up her phone, she logged into the dating app she and Garret had met on and pulled up a conversation from not too long ago.
“Yeah, currently doing some demolition work just across the street from the human mall. Should be off by 3 though, boss has us starting work at 6 in the morning. I tell you, he is crazy”. Cecilia nodded, pocketing her phone and turning to the massive cookie.
The Saturday traffic was awful, even on bike. Cecilia found herself several times swerving to miss cars and opting for alleyway detours. The whole time she was trying to ride as smoothly as possible, hoping to keep the huge cake box strapped to the back of her bike from falling off or the contents being damaged in any way.
After a long ride, she stopped on the sidewalk in front of the mall’s east entrance. She pulled out her phone, it read three o two. She tensed, quickly dismounting her bike and wheeled it over to one of the bike racks to chain it up. Having to use both her hands, she picked up the box and hurried over to the crosswalk to cross the street.
Sure enough, in front of her was a massive tarped barrier with several cones that looked more like stretched out pyramids scattered around it. She tensed as she walked past one of these cones, its orange tinted shadow casting over her. Focus, stay calm, but that was getting harder and harder since as she approached, she could feel the ground vibrating beneath her feet.
After a bit of a walk, an opening in the barrier could be seen. Cecilia, slightly trembling, saw a lone human stone bench up against the street. She hurried over to it and sat down, setting the box down in her lap.
Her leg bounced as she sat there, waiting. Periodically, she checked her phone, watching the minutes tick by. Maybe she had missed him? Maybe he had already left? She didn’t want to admit it, but there was a small sense of relief that came with that thought. That would give her more time to possibly prepare herself, come up with what to say, piece together a better-
She let out a small yelp when her ears were assaulted with several voices admitting the loudest laughs she had ever heard. The trembling of the ground had remained constant ever since she had approached, but now it began to become more violent. Clutching onto the box like a lifeline, Cecilia whipped her head around only for her stomach to drop.
A group of half a dozen giants, all men and all dressed in construction worker attire, had appeared. They all continued to laugh loudly, so loud that even a couple humans across the street shot glances up at them.
Cecilia closed her eyes, breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth. You’re okay, everything is fine.
The group began to walk off, all their combined footsteps literally causing Cecilia to bounce off her seat. She just held onto the box tighter, continuing to breathe. Okay, where’s Garret? Is he with them?
As if to answer her question, one of the giants turned and shouted, “Hey! you coming?” Cecilia tensed as she saw (and felt) a somewhat familiar massive form step out from behind the barrier, confirming his identity when he removed his hard hat and ran a hand through his messy black hair. Garret.
“Nah, you guys go without me. Imma grab a bite to eat.”
Cecilia up to this point managed to do nothing but stare, but suddenly was snapped back to reality by the massive quakes caused by Garret’s footsteps as he turned to leave.
Say something! Now!
Standing up on wobbly legs, she took a big deep breath and shouted as loudly as she could, “Hey!” no reaction, “H-hey Garret!”
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More Posts from Okminer07
A Match Beyond Measure Pt 10
Sean opened the door and stuck his head out. A second or two later, he pulled it back in. Slowly, he turned to stare at Cecilia, gaping.
“W-what….. Who….. that can’t be-”
“Oh for fuck’s sakes, you’re being ridiculous” Maddie got up from behind the counter and marched over to the front door just as Sean had done. She peered through the glass door, “Holy shit” she exclaimed, turning and joined the other two staring at Cecilia, “That looks just like Garret. That’s fucking Garret!”
Cecilia felt like a cornered animal, all three pairs of eyes bearing into her, waiting for her to speak. When she said nothing, Rebecca stepped forward, “Dear god Cecilia, tell us what is going on.”
“Did you know about this? Is that why you wouldn’t tell us anything about last night?”
“Because you never went on a date after you found out?”
“Then what the hell is he doing here?”
Cecilia hung her head, nowhere to run now. She couldn’t talk her way out of this, “That is Garret” she stated slowly, “I found out last night. When he came to meet up” she looked up at Rebecca, “That’s…. Why I called you.”
Sean and Maddie both looked at Rebecca, “She called you about this?”
“All she said was that there was a giant outside the cafe. I thought it was just a late pickup or something, I don’t know. But then she hung up.”
“So you really had no idea until last night?” asked Sean.
Cecilia nodded.
“What did you do after you hung up? How’d you get out of there? And why is he here now?!” Rebecca gestured outside.
“I uh…. Well….. I uh sort of worked things out with him and-”
“Didn’t know you were capable of that” said Maddie, “chatting with a giant. Almost every time one came to the cafe, I remember you always quickly making your way into the back. But why is he here? Was he mad after finding out?”
“N-no, he wasn’t mad. He was…. Surprisingly cool about it.”
“Then why is he here?”
Cecilia fidgeted with her hands, “He….. after he found out, he still wanted to get dinner.”
Everyone once again gaped at her, Rebecca looking the most shocked and even a bit angry, “Why the hell would he want to do that? And so what, he’s salty because you said no?”
Cecilia averted her gaze, “I uh…… I didn't say no.”
The whole cafe fell silent. Maddie’s and Sean’s eyes were so wide, they looked ready to pop out of their skulls. Rebecca stared for a moment, before she clenched her jaw and fists, eyes narrowing.
“You’re telling me, he forced you into agreeing?!”
“What? No! I-”
But Rebecca no longer seemed to be listening, “That son of a bitch, piece of shit.” she quickly turned, and began marching towards the front door. As her hand reached to push open the door, Cecilia realized what she was planning to do.
“Wait! Stop!” she bolted over to her, just as Rebecca had stepped outside.
“Hey you!” she bellowed. Cecilia burst through the front doors. She tensed at the sight of Garret’s column-like legs standing in the very center of the parking lot, but her gaze soon flicked over to the comparatively laughably smaller Rebecca. She strained her neck upwards just as Garret looked down at the approaching human.
“Hey, is my order done al-”
“Listen here, asshole!” Yelled Rebecca. Cecilia’s insides squirmed when Garret recoiled, his eyebrows raised, “I don’t know what your deal is, but I swear, if you-”
“Rebecca stop!” Cecilia had finally got up to her. She stepped out in front of her, holding out her arms and shaking her hands frantically, “Just listen to me.” Rebecca looked at her, raising an eyebrow and still looking murderous, “He didn’t force me into anything.”
“What’s uh…. What’s going on?” Cecilia looked up at Garret, cringing at the perplexed look on his face.
“I-I’m sorry Garret. Uh…. This is my friend Rebecca. She works here as well and …..” she turned to Rebecca, “This is Garret.”
Her friend looked at her like she had lobsters crawling out of her ears. She looked up at Garret, who suddenly bent down. Cecilia couldn’t stop herself from flinching as his hand approached the two of them, “It’s….. Nice to meet you.”
Rebecca looked from his hand to his face, eyes narrowed, “Cecilia,” she jerked her head back towards the cafe.
“Uh, G-Garret, would you give us a minute?” Before he could answer, Rebecca had grabbed her shoulder and was hastily leading her back to the cafe.
As they approached, Cecilia could see both Maddie and Sean pressed up against the glass, staring at them. They retreated as the two girls walked through the front door. Rebecca grabbed both her shoulders and flipped her around to face her.
“What the fuck is going on,” she said it much less as a question, but as a statement. “I must be dreaming, because there is no way you, you of all people, would agree to spend time with a giant.”
“So you actually did willingly agree to dinner?” asked Sean. Cecilia nodded, “Wow uh….. How did it go? And actually tell us this time.”
She shrugged, “It was…. Interesting. Like I said, he took me to a burger-”
“Is no one going to talk about how a giant, a fucking giant, asked her out?” cried Rebecca.
“Wait wait” said Maddie, “it wasn’t just dinner? It was meant to be a date?!”
Cecilia glanced down at the ground, “I-I guess so.”
“What do you mean you guess so?” said Maddie. She pressed a hand to her forehead, “I’m still trying to wrap my head around this.”
“I sort of am too.”
“Is he nice?” piped up Sean.
“Yeah, I guess so. He’s-”
Rebecca rounded on Sean, “How are you being so calm about this?”
“Would you quit interrupting her, and I’m not calm, I’m just trying to actually listen. Besides, none of you acted like this when I began dating Jeffery,”
“Yeah well we all saw that coming,” replied Maddie, “This however, is not only crazy, but completely out of left field.”
“Thank you” exclaimed Rebecca before she turned to Cecilia, “Don’t you find it a little suspicious? That he asked you out? And this is nothing against you. Just…. Why would a giant ask out a human?”
Cecilia sighed, “You think I haven’t already been asking that question myself?” she turned, and sat down at one of the tables against the window, “I barely have any idea of what’s going on. I mean, this is crazy, right?”
All of them fell silent.
“Yes I guess it is” said Sean, “But…. I think that’s just because it’s never really been heard of. A giant and a human.” he sat himself down at the other end of the table, “I mean, none of you have ever heard of such a thing, right?”
“Yeah never,” said Maddie, “How would that even work?”
“I- I really haven’t thought that far ahead at all” said Cecilia. She could hardly even picture such a thing.
“I mean really. How would that work? You know when it comes to-”
Sean quickly held up his hand to stop her, “Do you…. Mind if we meet him?”
Cecilia looked up at him, “What?”
“Well, I get Becky’s concerns. I also am a bit suspicious of his true intentions… you know, since I’ve never heard of anything like this before. But, I’d rather meet the guy first before I jump to conclusions.”
She looked from Sean, to Rebecca. She was glaring out the window, eyes trained on the truck sized sneakers. Cecilia looked down “I….. I don’t know. It seems weird to suddenly introduce all of you. I don’t want to seem overbearing or- or anything.”
Sean frowned, turning to Rebecca, “I heard you outside, you sort of met him. What do you think?”
Rebecca turned away from the window to look at the two of them, her eyes softened as she did, “Look, I’m just worried about you being forced into a situation that clearly makes you uncomfortable. I also don’t want anyone taking advantage of you because you’re….. You.”
Cecilia felt that oh so familiar pang of guilt drop into her stomach, “It’s not your job to worry about me and stepping out of your comfort zone once and a while is said to be a good thing.”
“I guess, but not if you're doing it just because someone else wants you to.”
She thought for a moment. Garret hadn’t ever within her short time knowing him used the ‘It would make me happy if you did’ trick. He also so far had given her the chance to back out of it, but for some reason, there was a strange part of her that didn’t want to. That was…… curious.
“I think I’m….. I’m honestly sort of interested in….. Whatever this is. I mean, I was interested enough to meet him in person in the first place.”
Rebecca glanced out the window, “You sure? Because we’d all understand if-”
The entire building shook. Cecilia yelped, grabbing onto the table along with Sean while Maddie and Rebecca failed their arms out for balance. The light room darkened as the light from the windows was seemingly blocked out. When everything settled, they all simultaneously looked outside.
Garret’s face filled the front entrance windows, looking in on them. Cecilia put her head in her hands, mortified. What is he doing?! She peeked through her fingers. Everyone else had begun to recover from the shock. Rebecca shot a look that read what the hell?
“Sorry, I was just wondering if my drink was finished yet,” he was loud enough that they could hear him from indoors, his booming voice only slightly muffled.
Rebecca crossed her arms, huffing, “Impatient much?”
“He did order at least ten minutes ago,” Sean noted. Rebecca glared at him.
Cecilia went scarlet, quickly getting up from her seat, “I’ll uh- I can help you make it.”
“But it’s your day off,” said Rebecca, but Cecilia was already heading for the back, quickly gesturing to Garret that she’d be right back.

Thank you @pikaglove and everyone who got me to 50 reblogs!
Slave to the Light Pt 7
A Baldur's Gate fanfiction
Lorelai stared up at Gale, shocked and confused, "What do you mean under different circumstances? what possible circumstances are there that would make you travel with a fucking vampire!?"
The vampire, or Astarion as the others seemed to call him, merely scrunched up his nose at her remarks. Gale's eyes fell away from her, clearly pondering something.
"Well, you see" he started, "All of us here happen to be dealing with the same problem that we are all in dire need of rectifying".
She raised a brow, "What kind of problem?"
Gale pursed his lips, as if debating whether he should continue, "All of us.... currently are hosts to illithid parasites".
Lorelai's eyes widened, "What?"
"We basically have these worm-like fuckers swimming around in our brains" chimed in Karlach.
"No- I know what an illithid parasite is, but...." she looked the man before her up and down, "Shouldn't you have.... transformed?"
"Now that, is something we are all wondering about" said Gale, "None of us have shown any real signs of... well, turning into tentacled monsters. So, since we have seemingly been blessed with spare time, we're looking for a cure. Hence the give of us being together."
Lorelai stiffened, "there's more of you?"
"Yes, but you'll meet them later, that is... if you decide to stay." over Gale's shoulder, she saw Karlach grinning down at her.
"You're offering to let me stay? Why?"
Gale chuckled, "Well you're clearly in need of some assistance, and I dare say your presence wouldn't cause much of a hassle" he leaned in closer, lowing his voice, "And to be honest, I don't completely trust Astarion to not.... forget himself."
"I can hear you; you know." grumbled Astarion.
Lorelai looked down. Being with these group seemed to be presenting more risks by the second. First, a vampire, and now illithid parasites. But what about the number of risks if she went it alone? and as dangerous as these big folk might be, they could be of use to her.
She met Gale's eyes again, "Alright, I will take you up on your offer" her gaze hardened, "But if I see any of you begin to sprout tentacles I'm out of here. And if your..... companion tries anything-"
"We'll make sure he doesn't."
"Well, if he does, I won't hesitate to teach him a much harsher lesson than I did last night, perhaps with something much sharper."
Astarion let out a snort of laughter that made her blood boil, "That's cute."
Lorelai's fingers tighten around the needle, wishing she could shove it right through one of those awful red eyes.
Gale straightened, clapping his hands together, "Right, now that's sorted, how abouts we give you some alone time?" the moment he had finished his sentenced, Astarion turned on his heel and quickly made his way out of the tent, shooting Lorelai one last glare.
"That means you too Karlach. I think you may have overstayed your welcome" Gale held the tent flap open and gestured for the Tiefling to follow suit.
"Can't I stay? I know it's your tent and all... but come on" she looked down at Lorelai, "I can stay right?"
Lorelai thought for a moment. She had been deeply looking forward to not being surrounded by towering figures and was about to ask her to leave, but once again Karlach was giving her that hopeful grin.
She sighed, "Yeah sure, you can stay. But just be quiet, alright?"
Karlach beamed at her before smirking at Gale who rolled his eyes before leaving.
To her surprise, the Tiefling was able to stay quiet. She had simply sat herself down and watched Lorelai eagerly as she continued to work. It began to feel a little weird though after twenty minutes went by and Karlach was still staring. Lorelai kept looking up from her work only to be met with the same intense gaze.
After the tenth time of looking over her shoulder to see if there was any change in the Tiefling's behavior, she resigned herself to fully focusing on making something wearable.
Hard to say how much time had gone by when she had finally locked the final stitch and held up her handiwork: A rather small top and a pair of short and baggy pants, both an obnoxious shade of purple.
"Hey, not bad." said Karlach.
Lorelai sighed, "Do you mind staring at something else for a moment?"
"Oh fuck, yeah sorry."
The ground shifted as Karlach spun herself around, so her back was to her.
Lorelai threw the articles of clothing on the ground before going to remove the sorry excuse for a dress she was currently wearing. She had managed to pull it up over her legs before she gasped out, being hit with a stinging pain the moment she tried to pull it up over her back.
"You alright?"
"Fine" she grunted, gritting her teeth. The fabric must have fused itself to her wounds. She groaned before taking hold of her dress again and quickly tossed it over her head. Her back stung with pain that slowly subsided once she had ripped the fabric away from it. Tossing it aside, she reached down and pulled on her newly made shirt and pants.
She poked her head around the pile before stepping out. Karlach peeked over her shoulder before turning back around. She looked Lorelai up and down before an amused smile appeared on her face. The Tiefling let out a snort of laughter, looking away and covering her mouth.
"Nothing" she lied; her eyes still upturned, "Just looks a little big on you."
Lorelai rolled her eyes, walking over and heaving herself up onto the plate to snatch up another grape, glaring at it as if it had been the one to make the remark.
She leapt down, tossing the half-eaten fruit aside and began heading for the exit.
"Where are you headed?"
"What for?"
Lorelai groaned, "Does it matter?"
"Can I come with?"
"I don't care."
She continued forward, stepping out into the open. She couldn't help but tense slightly at the sight before her. Four other massive tents were set up in the distance, all of them different colors and had an assortment of items outside their entrances. They all surrounded a campfire that at the moment was nothing but burnt wood and charcoal. But that wasn't what had bothered her, what bothered her was the towering figures meandering around the tents. She could feel through the ground the slight quiver from their steps from here, all of them, lumbering around like big oafs the lot of them.
Lorelai shook her head, focusing back on the task at hand: arming herself. It only took her a moment of looking around before she spotted a patch of trees to the east. She began to make her way over there, her eyes fliting around to look back at the big folk and know where each one of them was at the given moment. She kept an especially close eye out for that vampire, even though he shouldn't have been able to be out in the sun. Being apparently apart of this little team, he was almost certainly still lurking around somewhere.
She had noticed Karlach had left the tent, though she had reframed from following her and had instead gone over to what Lorelai assumed was her own tent. There didn't seem to be too much of a reason to keep an eye on that one, she seemed docile enough.
The grass began to reach up past her waist as she trudged into the beginnings of a forest. The sun was shining down through the many leaves of the trees, illuminating their shape and color, which was exactly what Lorelai had been hoping for.
Her pace slowed as she scrutinized each tree she passed, looking from its leaves to its branches to its trunk. There was a good deal of oak and dogwood, both much too knotty to work with. There was also some hickory, too fragile to moisture, and some elm, too likely to crack. Then she spotted just what she had been looking for, a yew tree.
She hurried over to it, looking over it once more. Yes, it would do very nicely. Looking up, she pinpointed the lowest branch that was the right thickness before she dug her fingers beneath the crevices of the bark. Her muscles strained but ached with an almost pleasant and familiar burn as she scaled up the trunk.
When she was perpendicular to the branch she wanted, she began to shimmy closer over. Securing her feet in the groves of bark, she reached out and took hold of one of the smaller branches. With some effort, she managed to snap it off the main branch, almost losing her balance as she did so. her hands scrambled to grab back onto the bark, stick in hand that she surveyed with a nod.
The trek down was much easier, only made tad harder, having to tow down a stick nearly as long as she was tall down with her.
She jumped the rest of the way back to the ground. Holding the stick now like a great misshapen staff, she looked along the forest floor. Now... all she needed was- that might do.
She bent down and picked up a jagged rock, turning it over in her hand. It would have to suffice. Heading back over to the yew tree, she sat herself down with both rock and stick in hand. Placing the stick on her lap, she turned it over a few times before finding the sharpest side of the rock and getting right to work.
Great, now I have the urge to write another story. Damn it!
could you imagine a g/t cinderella story? like two characters who meet while they're the same size, but one of them is secretly a giant/tiny? whether it's through a spell or sizeshifting or whatever but for one night they get to go to an event where everyone is normally bigger/smaller than them. and they meet someone there and hit it off but then the clock strikes midnight and they have to run away. but instead of leaving behind a slipper their love interest catches a glimpse of them at their true size just before they get away
imagine a borrower-turned-human shrinking back down to their normal size and slipping back into the palace walls. imagine a giant-turned-human slowly growing back to their normal size and leaving an accidental trail of destruction in their wake? there's so many other possibilities, those are just some off of the top of my head
I have an AU I'm writing that has a few chapters that incorporate some of these ideas, but those characters technically know each other before they meet at the ball. I'd like to see a story where the characters meet for the first time at the ball, so I wanted to share this idea with everyone here. let me know what you think!
Does anyone have any tips on how to get into the writing mood or how to deal with writers block?
Thanks Bestie
I've been OBSESSED with my friend @okminer07 g/t story "A Match Beyond Measure" so I decided to draw some art for it!

This is from when Garrett and Cecelia meet at the resturaunt. It was briefly inspired my this scene:

And another scene from which I cannot disclose to you yet...

Anyways, that's all. Go check out @okminer07 her writing is amazing!